U can see the love Bibi has for his mom and dad. The baby too! It amazes me how smart they r. Bibi is a great big brother. Helps with the baby. God bless u all for sharing their lives with us. Thank u for being good loving parents to them both!
Poor hamster No animal should be a toy for another; neither chicks nor hamsters or puppies. Bibi lacks a feeling for these creatures. He doesn't know how to treat them. By the way: where is Bon?
I've asked this many times, seems like Bon is stuck locked upstairs in a bedroom, you can only faintly hear barking from time to time in other vids. I wonder if Bibi hurt Bon badly and that is why he suddenly vanished. Very sad tbh.
@@samaireoctober5584 Bon was just as rough with BiBi. What was he supposed to do, just sit there and let him rough him up? He acted on instinct and fought back. Bon was always jumping on him. Most times they were just playing.
Please tell me that you really do not believe it is ok for a sweet, innocent hamster is better off being kept by Bibi, an aggressive monkey, than out in a field roaming free to live his life. I'm ready for Nana to go home with her Dad. I want to see Bibi and his Dad live and share their fun adventures together. No more other animals!! Where is the sweet puppy Bon? Did Quan build that outside house for the puppy to be apart from his friend Nana?? That is a very cruel thing to do!! After 2yrs of watching and caring for Bibi I've stopped watching this channel everyday. It is too cruel to innocent animals!!😢😢😢
@@MonkeyBiBi16 You may think Bibi "loves" small animals but he does not understand how rough he is! If you cannot teach Bibi not to be rough he must never be allowed to be around little innocent animals!! It is cruel Quan!!
Why you talked too much about the hamsrter?? Yes, bibi is picking him up a little rough! But why is he biting or eating him? Even bibi is feeding him, giving him rice. The hamsrer is not even on a tight cage, but in a big basin still free to moved around?? Bibi and lala just love watching the hamster for now?? So kind of relax and just enjoy, things are just so fine. That hamster will not be there long!
I can't keep up with the storyline anymore. BiBi disappears with Quan comes back super sick, Quan didn't know and comes back to be super healer Dad, then BiBi is back to 100% healthy in less than one day and the hamster been in the yard for days without moving. Hard to keep up.
@@АнжеликаАндреева-с1дDie moralische Verantwortung liegt bei Herrn Quan und Lan Anh keine Quälerei von Tieren unter ihrer Obhut zuzulassen und schon gar nicht zu filmen. Wer hebt einen Hamster an der Rückenhaut hoch? In freier Wildbahn haben Hamster ausgedehnte Gänge und Verstecke und wuseln nicht konfus bei Tageslicht durch den Garten, da sie nachtaktiv sind. Somit begegnen sich Affen und Hamster bestimmt nicht, weil Affen nachts schlafen und nicht besonders gut sehen in der Nacht. Somit wenig Chance, dass ein Affe einen Hamster fängt in der Natur.
@@leliawinfield8278He is not biting her. That's BiBi's way of showing affection. He has always done Quan and Lan that way. He nibbles their face and arms. He is not hurting her.
@@brendarobinette3786You are not right. He is brutal and rough. Bullying her and considering her like a possession. He brings her in real danger several times. And she tries to be free of him very often.
@@brendarobinette3786 I've watched this channel from its inception and as much as we love Bibi, he is NOT very gentle when handling Lala. Again, I LOVE this channel, however I'm not blind to what I see. Do I want the channel cancelled? NO I DO NOT! but I stand by what I said, Stop him from biting Lala train him to be more gentle with the hamster. 💜
Bibi straight up- Doesn't care.. Remember at all times he counts himself first...everything or anyone else is..'whatever' works for him😢 Pray for the family🙏
How much longer before we see Nana go home with her Dad Kien? This is cruel the way Bibi "controls" this baby monkey!! Bibi should never be allowed any other animals. I don't care if its a puppy, chick, hamster, anything!! Bibi has no feelings or respect for other lives!!
Bibi est un macaque, un animal sauvage. Non il n'aime pas tous les animaux. C'est comme si vous disiez qu'un tigre aime les gazelles. Allez voir les chaînes de The Monkey Sentinel et Monkey Mercy et vous apprendrez et comprendrez beaucoup de choses.
Notre Bibi restera notre petit ange pour toujours, il est tellement intelligent, mais il est comme un enfant, il faut lui apprendre les bons gestes pour le hamster ce n est pas sa faute 💦 je veux continuer à suivre ses aventures chaque jour avec sa petit lala ils s aiment tellement ❤ Je vous en prie mr Quan et Lan continuez à prendre soin de deux comme vous le faites merciii 🙏 Sans vous ils seraient perdus, kisses and hugs lovely family, BIBI LOVE YOU SO MUCH MON PETIT CŒUR ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry but he's not a child he's a monkey and that's how monkeys behave with animals in the wild. This whole channel is abusive. You only need to spend a few minutes of your time to look into it and see the truth.
Yes as I've been saying ALL along,these guys edit like crazy. Bibi doesn't think to do all these things on his own. He is told to do things off camera so it looks like he does all these things himself. Bibi is very smart,but stop making him do things just to make a story THAT U THINK WE WANT TO SEE. WE ARE HAPPY WATCHING BIBI AND LALA BE THEMSELVES AND DO WHAT THEY DO NATURALLY. That's why they always get fed in a video,as a reward for doing what they were told to do. I'm glad other people are noticing what I've been saying all along
Ppl.....please stop!!! It's called " creative content " for a reason. If you don't like it, politely just leave the channel. Anyone w/ common sense can see that most of what we see is edited, but aren't most videos?? Get a life & stop complaining......geesh!!
And so, what’s your point? If they do nothing but eat and sleep you’d complain about how boring it is, they do things and you complain about their safety so what’s a happy medium with you? I’m guessing there is none you just see things always in a negative light
Très attentionné Bibi, il a cherché le hamster dans le jardin et l'a ramené près de la maison afin de lui donner de la nourriture. Anh Lan est heureuse avec le hamster elle va l'adopter et s'en occuper avec Bibi et Lala
I love these two Babies so very much ❤❤I can never get enough of watching the both of them BIBI loves his Baby 🍼 Sister so very much he loves taking care of her these two Babies belong together 💕💕 He loves his Momma so very much and he loves helping his Momma with different things like cooking,yard work and taking care of his Baby 🍼 Sister ❤
Hola mi pequeño Bibi a vuelto hacer el mismo,que bueno que estás mejor ya corriendo y jugando en el patio con Lala Dios los bendiga y cuídate mucho.🙉🐵😘😘❤️❤️
Cameraman, Lan and Dad: Bibi shouldn't have live animals for pets -- whether they're dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, hamsters, etc. He's very rough with the animals. It's not fair to the animals to be abused like that. They are living creatures that actually feel pain. Every animal that Bibi has come across, he's mistreated. He doesn't know better. We love animals, including Bibi. As human beings, we should be nature's caretakers. We should be kind to animals and help them to flourish.
Thank you for sharing. Bibi is very kind and always cares about people and creatures around her, it's just that sometimes Bibi doesn't know how to express it properly. I will teach Bibi slowly, you and everyone can rest assured
Bibi, du schläfst bestimmt jetzt. 💤 In Deutschland ist es halb 8 abends. 🌙 Ich wünsche dir wundervolle Träume. 🌈🌈🌈 Nehme Lala in deine kleinen Bibi Ärmchen und träumt etwas Schönes. 💭😴 Bis morgen, mein geliebter Sonnenschein. 🥰 Freue mich schon auf dich. Ich liebe dich, Bibi. ❤️❤️❤️
Que aconteceu com Bibi ele ta doente eu não estava acompanhando por que eu estava fazendo exames não apareceu mais nada do Bibi pode me falar por favor muito obrigado
Vielen Dank für die Liebe, die Sie diesem kleinen Engel entgegenbringen. Von ganzem Herzen wünsche ich Ihnen und Ihren Lieben Gesundheit, Frieden und viel Glück❤️
I think it's pretty cool that BiBi can do all this stuff directed or not. He's obviously very smart and seems to have great discipline. Most monkeys are so chaotic and self centered living with people or with other monkeys. These monkeys here seem to have a great and happy life. Being taught to do these things for the videos showcases how smart they are and their apptitude to learn. I think it's pretty unique as I don't know if I have seen any other monkey on this level.
Completely agree!!! It’s all staged and scripted however he is so immensely clever and has a certain adorable charm! That’s why I watch it and not because I believed the stories for a moment! And also because there is a very genuine bond between Quan and Bibi… those are the best videos, however Lan is also trying hard but something is missing there. Bibi loves her but somehow his love for Quan is another dimension. Probably it would be better for him to live in a forest with his monkey fellows but maybe he would’ve already died from infections or from something else…maybe I’m ignorant but I don’t see him suffering from living with humans..
@@erikasipos159 Yea at this point I don't think he would do well if he was let out to the wild. But just because he lives with people doesn't mean he has a bad life, it's just different from the norm. I know alot of channels would abandon the monkey if it starts to get too old just so they can keep their utube channel about baby's to draw people in. So it's nice to see people to really do care about them as part of the family.
My fellow fan you may believe me or not of what i am about to say god has his divine hands on bibi life is was not by accident quan found him it was the hand of almighty god that he is given a second chance in life god quan he said when he found bibi he was malnourish and weakhis mother was killed poachers quan took care of bibi in the best way he can offering his love andaffection nursing bibi back to health god blessyou
Im happy you found the hamster, you will learn to be more gentle with it. Your so thoughtful and caring wanting to feed the hamster, you feed the ducks , you feed Lala . You are soo good hearted Bibi. Love you's all
Wo ist Bibi wirklich ? Und wie geht's ihm ? Das sind vor produzierte Videos , wenn man die Kleidung vergleicht 🤔 die meisten von uns machen sich Sorgen
Por favor! La bebé Lala hace unos dias cayó desde un árbol en un pozo de cemento. En este video se ve que ese pozo no fue cubierto. Para prevenir nuevos accidentes no sería necesario taparlo?
In any case, the hole should be covered, as there is a potential for injury. Even if it's Quan's production, there are no viewers who would enjoy putting Bibi and Lala in danger.
The undiluted love that Bibi has for Lala can't be equalled. I watched when Bibi was having belly problem, he still stretches his hands to have contact with Lala.❤❤❤❤❤
Agree, but he can be suffocating at times, which she doesn't like, you can sometimes see it in her reaction. If she could speak, you would probably hear her telling him to let her go or leave her alone, just a little human sister would say to an older brother.
@@Laraine3I agree. Bibi acts with animals like toys. It's not Bibis fault The adults need to stop introducing animals into the script. Happy weekend ❤
There is no harm here. Just watching Bibi interact and be interested in the hamster. He and Lala do a lot to exploring. It’s just fun to watch our little nuggets play! Please don’t do to Bibi and Lala tv same fate as the others! Don’t get them yanked away from their only family they know. There are negative consequences that people don’t stop to consider. Love Bibi and support him by watching! He’s our angel and he is happy right there when he is! Let him continue to have his explorations and live his little life happily. ❤️
You are so wrong. It has been scientifically proven that monkeys revert back to their natural behaviour, including walking on all fours, within months of being rescued and put in a more natural environment. Don't believe me? Look it up!
❤beautiful bibi ❤ is back feeling good looking after everyone "super kind bibi ' lala so sweet❤ Lala eats so cute while bibi doesn't waste a second eating 😂😊.....hope bibi tummy problem is under control
Бибиша, что такой беспокойный, потерял кого то, кто сидел в тазике в саду убежал так уж нежно с. Лалой обращается разговаривает, целует учит быть хорошим ребёнком 😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤😊😊
Esa es una forma de expresarle cariño y protección, igualmente cuando juegan utilizan mucho la boca como si se mordieran, se jalonean y se corretean es normal para ellos asi se divierten, son toscos pero no se hacen daño. Aunque no lo creas Bibi es muy dulce, el siempre esta atento a las necesidades de Lala.
That could be the thing. Something is not right. Also remember that it is illegal and they can get found out and then the show stops right there. They at that house because they are kinda hiding the monkeys there to film them. That house is actually a hideaway place for them.
Неважно когда снято видео, мне все нравится, не надо в этом копаться,если любите Биби, смотрите и наслаждайтесь, я так и делаю. Малыш, хорошо, что ты нашел хомячка, теперь не надо волноваться. Люблю вас малявочки и целую. Москва❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Bibi é lala❤❤ q duplinha engraçados , eu procuro não perder nenhum lance. Kkke vc Lan há com muito carinho e atenção. ❤ parabéns p vc e papai. Bjs aqui do Brasil.❤❤❤❤
Bibi sigue preocupado por el hamster, no deja de buscar al hamster y después del desayuno continúa en ello, hasta que su empeño da resultado : el hamster aparece 😮 y Bibi se queda más tranquilo después de que intenta alimentarlo, con lo primero que escuentra en el frigorífico. Bibi tiene buenas intenciones con los animales, no quiere que pasen hambre 😊. Deseo un buen descanso para todos 🥰 ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️
Our precious Bibi,your hamster is home and now you don't have to worry about it. Just be nice and take good care of him with the help from mom. Thank you mom❤❤❤
They are showing older videos because they probably did something to bibi to make him calmer as he's starting to mature. If bibi is too sick they will just get another bibi and pass them off as him. There's been a couple of different bibi's over the past 2 years
Looks like Bibi’s looking for some medicine in the drawer for his itch. He & Lala both got bit by something in the previous video, perhaps fire ants or something. And in this video at minute 17:18 Bibi did get bit by something. I’m very concerned that there might be poisonous snakes or scorpions or something sharp in the bushes. It’s great that they’re out there playing but please ensure that the surrounding yard is safe for them. And that poor rat, to no fault of Bibi’s, he doesn’t understand what being gentle is. Rats do carry rabies disease, make sure that Bibi & Lala don’t get bit by it. Bibi boo - love you my adventurous little peanut! ❤❤❤
Watch from 17:13 it looks like he was bitten by something super fast like a snake! I rewinded it and checked on numerous replays and he was definitely bitten by something extremely fast. It almost looks like a mouth open but at high speed. Then Bibi bites his leg where the bite happened. Take a look for yourselves.
Def saw it. They have to know critters live in all that brush. Even that well hole is still open! Bibi should not have animals. They have never shown him how to be kind or carry a smaller animal. And how would a hamster get in that yard? Planted for filming I’m sure.
You are right, and whatever bite him made him grab his leg, I think these are old videos and bibi is really sick, I have never seen his little body shake like it did when he was sick. I hope he is going to be OK.😞
Bibi ficou tão feliz a hora q ele viu o hamster . O jeito q ele pega o hamster eu ri muito kkkkkkk Foi buscar a Lala tb para ver o hamster . Fico muito feliz de ver o Bibi feliz e saudável . Deus abençoe família ❤
@@StewartMiddlemas-gp3hlTutti gli animali sono importanti ovvio in quanto creature di Dio da amare e rispettare ,dico solo che ci sia o no il criceto spero che bibi stia bene ,naturalmente mi auguro che anche il criceto ,lala sta bene lo sappiamo ,io gli amo tutti
I read Comments before viewing this video. Now I don’t have the courage to watch. I don’t want to see my Precious Bibi hurting another animal, intentionally or not. Good grief, take Bibi camping again!!!!
U can see the love Bibi has for his mom and dad. The baby too! It amazes me how smart they r. Bibi is a great big brother. Helps with the baby. God bless u all for sharing their lives with us. Thank u for being good loving parents to them both!
Poor hamster No animal should be a toy for another; neither chicks nor hamsters or puppies. Bibi lacks a feeling for these creatures. He doesn't know how to treat them. By the way: where is Bon?
I've asked this many times, seems like Bon is stuck locked upstairs in a bedroom, you can only faintly hear barking from time to time in other vids. I wonder if Bibi hurt Bon badly and that is why he suddenly vanished. Very sad tbh.
@@samaireoctober5584 Bon was just as rough with BiBi. What was he supposed to do, just sit there and let him rough him up? He acted on instinct and fought back. Bon was always jumping on him. Most times they were just playing.
That would not surprise me at all!! They do not care about these animals whatsoever!! It’s all about the 💰
I don't know enough to say your right or wrong@@samaireoctober5584
Need to be with it real owner
Bibi loves this hamster very much, and Bibi just wants to show his love. Thank you and everyone for your love.
This channel always brings great content! 😍
Please tell me that you really do not believe it is ok for a sweet, innocent hamster is better off being kept by Bibi, an aggressive monkey, than out in a field roaming free to live his life. I'm ready for Nana to go home with her Dad. I want to see Bibi and his Dad live and share their fun adventures together. No more other animals!! Where is the sweet puppy Bon? Did Quan build that outside house for the puppy to be apart from his friend Nana?? That is a very cruel thing to do!! After 2yrs of watching and caring for Bibi I've stopped watching this channel everyday. It is too cruel to innocent animals!!😢😢😢
Don't let Bibi play with little animals!!!! He is rough and hurts them!
That's not true, Bibi loves and cares about the small creatures around her. You and everyone can rest assured. I wish you and everyone good health.
нормальное общение животных друг с другом. Это же животные.
@@MonkeyBiBi16 You may think Bibi "loves" small animals but he does not understand how rough he is! If you cannot teach Bibi not to be rough he must never be allowed to be around little innocent animals!! It is cruel Quan!!
Бибишка, как мы тебя сильно любим. Хочется обнять тебя. Умница, добрая душа. Самый лучший! ❤❤❤❤❤😊
Биби благодарит тебя и очень тебя любит. Надеюсь, что все самое лучшее придет к вам и вашей семье.
@@JoseBermudez-x2q What in the world are you talking about ??? …..you don’t make any sense !!!
Guys the hamster is not a toy! Free him please! 😡
So sorry for the hamster 😔
The Hamster does'nt look too worried.
This is an old video, the hamster isn't here any more 😢😢😢
Why you talked too much about the hamsrter?? Yes, bibi is picking him up a little rough! But why is he biting or eating him? Even bibi is feeding him, giving him rice. The hamsrer is not even on a tight cage, but in a big basin still free to moved around?? Bibi and lala just love watching the hamster for now?? So kind of relax and just enjoy, things are just so fine. That hamster will not be there long!
Биби ты чудо❤❤❤будь здоровеньким малыш❤❤❤
I can't keep up with the storyline anymore. BiBi disappears with Quan comes back super sick, Quan didn't know and comes back to be super healer Dad, then BiBi is back to 100% healthy in less than one day and the hamster been in the yard for days without moving. Hard to keep up.
The videos are old. No new video with Bibi since he was “sick”. The apparently dont want us to se Bibis actually condition for some reason. !!!!
@@karinborup1162If that's the case people should be worried about BiBi.
@ Yes , I agree. 🌻
Может я и не прав, мне кажется эти видео до того как Биби заболел
Мне тоже так кажется(((
Нет не прав!
@@Юлия-к2ш6з С чего у вас такая уверенность
@@Вадим-г2к6ф а у вас?
Правильная ты наша🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Wie Bibi den Hamster behandelt ist einfach nur grausam. Nicht Bibis Schuld, sondern die Schuld derjenigen, die diese Situationen inszenieren.
Биби не может обидеть или сильно прижать хомячка, посмотрите, как в дикой природе ведут себя обезьянки, может не очень красиво, но ему не больно!
@@АнжеликаАндреева-с1дDie moralische Verantwortung liegt bei Herrn Quan und Lan Anh keine Quälerei von Tieren unter ihrer Obhut zuzulassen und schon gar nicht zu filmen. Wer hebt einen Hamster an der Rückenhaut hoch? In freier Wildbahn haben Hamster ausgedehnte Gänge und Verstecke und wuseln nicht konfus bei Tageslicht durch den Garten, da sie nachtaktiv sind. Somit begegnen sich Affen und Hamster bestimmt nicht, weil Affen nachts schlafen und nicht besonders gut sehen in der Nacht. Somit wenig Chance, dass ein Affe einen Hamster fängt in der Natur.
@@АнжеликаАндреева-с1д You obviously have no idea. In the wild no monkey will play with hamsters.
Also, in the wild, that is how animals treat each other, sadly. That is just nature. 🤷♀️😳🌿☘️🐿🐒
@@tinalinton2253 2 коммента по одной подсказке )))))))
Bibi é sensacional, não desiste enquanto não consegue algo!! 👏👏👏👏💝💝😘😍💋🇧🇷
Sim, o Bibi é sempre assim, sempre tem ótimas ideias e sempre tenta completar tudo com perfeição. Obrigada por sempre acompanhar e amar esses anjinhos
Bibi is so special!! He’s definitely one in a million.. All Love 🤩❤️
Так прекрасно, что Виви нашел хомяка! Такой хомяк красивый! Будет новым другом для обезьянок! Я рада, что у Вас появился новый член семьи!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Такой хорошенький хомяк, красивый!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Просто милашка, красавиц !❤❤❤❤
Спасибо за ваш комплимент. Желаю вам и всем здоровья и радости каждый день❤
Dobro veče svima naš Bibi se osjeća dobro i jako sam sretna zbog toga 🤗🥰😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Zdravo. Vama i Vašim najmilijima želimo dobro zdravlje, mir i sreću❤
權先生,請問BIBI 現在到底怎麼樣了?
So sweet.Bibi was giving Lala hugs and kisses ❤
If you look very carefully, he's biting her while hugging her! I love Bibi but he must stop! I do believe he loves her though...
@@leliawinfield8278He is not biting her. That's BiBi's way of showing affection. He has always done Quan and Lan that way. He nibbles their face and arms. He is not hurting her.
@@brendarobinette3786You are not right. He is brutal and rough. Bullying her and considering her like a possession. He brings her in real danger several times. And she tries to be free of him very often.
@leliawinfield8278 oh my goodness.i hope he's not biting her
@@brendarobinette3786 I've watched this channel from its inception and as much as we love Bibi, he is NOT very gentle when handling Lala. Again, I LOVE this channel, however I'm not blind to what I see. Do I want the channel cancelled? NO I DO NOT! but I stand by what I said, Stop him from biting Lala train him to be more gentle with the hamster. 💜
Биби всех так сильно любит.Как он обрадовался когда нашёл хомяка.Какой он умница.❤❤❤❤❤
What's love got to do with it? He treats the poor little animals like toys.
Right!! These people are disgraceful!!
Я очень счастлива и благодарна за большую и сладкую любовь от тебя и всех. От всей души желаю вам и всем крепкого здоровья, мира и удачи.❤
Bibi straight up-
Doesn't care..
Remember at all times he counts himself first...everything or anyone else is..'whatever' works for him😢
Pray for the family🙏
Look at that Lala go. Growing and climbing. Doing much for herself. Still counts on Bibi too.
How much longer before we see Nana go home with her Dad Kien? This is cruel the way Bibi "controls" this baby monkey!! Bibi should never be allowed any other animals. I don't care if its a puppy, chick, hamster, anything!! Bibi has no feelings or respect for other lives!!
Lala is growing up day by day, she has become more active and learned a lot from her brother Bibi
Me encanta que coman mucha fruta❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Notre idole adore tous les animaux, il est chanceux Bibi❤😍🐒😘💖
Bibi est un macaque, un animal sauvage. Non il n'aime pas tous les animaux. C'est comme si vous disiez qu'un tigre aime les gazelles. Allez voir les chaînes de The Monkey Sentinel et Monkey Mercy et vous apprendrez et comprendrez beaucoup de choses.
Merci pour votre grand et doux amour. Je te souhaite beaucoup de santé et de bonheur
LaLa is super cute with her little grumpy face! I just love bher 😊
I personally think some one should be watching Bibi and Lala because you just don't know what they would do with hamster.
Notre Bibi restera notre petit ange pour toujours, il est tellement intelligent, mais il est comme un enfant, il faut lui apprendre les bons gestes pour le hamster ce n est pas sa faute 💦 je veux continuer à suivre ses aventures chaque jour avec sa petit lala ils s aiment tellement ❤
Je vous en prie mr Quan et Lan continuez à prendre soin de deux comme vous le faites merciii 🙏
Sans vous ils seraient perdus, kisses and hugs lovely family, BIBI LOVE YOU SO MUCH MON PETIT CŒUR ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'm sorry but he's not a child he's a monkey and that's how monkeys behave with animals in the wild. This whole channel is abusive. You only need to spend a few minutes of your time to look into it and see the truth.
Yes as I've been saying ALL along,these guys edit like crazy. Bibi doesn't think to do all these things on his own. He is told to do things off camera so it looks like he does all these things himself.
Bibi is very smart,but stop making him do things just to make a story THAT U THINK WE WANT TO SEE. WE ARE HAPPY WATCHING BIBI AND LALA BE THEMSELVES AND DO WHAT THEY DO NATURALLY.
That's why they always get fed in a video,as a reward for doing what they were told to do.
I'm glad other people are noticing what I've been saying all along
But sad not many believe it... but my hope, more and more will understand
Ppl.....please stop!!! It's called " creative content " for a reason. If you don't like it, politely just leave the channel. Anyone w/ common sense can see that most of what we see is edited, but aren't most videos?? Get a life & stop complaining......geesh!!
Monkey are very very intelligent they only need to talk to be compare to human
And so, what’s your point? If they do nothing but eat and sleep you’d complain about how boring it is, they do things and you complain about their safety so what’s a happy medium with you? I’m guessing there is none you just see things always in a negative light
@@anacepeda6083 These are wild animals, made for a FREE life, they are not like dogs and cats....
Très attentionné Bibi, il a cherché le hamster dans le jardin et l'a ramené près de la maison afin de lui donner de la nourriture. Anh Lan est heureuse avec le hamster elle va l'adopter et s'en occuper avec Bibi et Lala
No. He picked it up roughly by it's loose skin and manhandled it to the house, then threw it in a tub. Awful. Why do they encourage this?
@StewartMiddlemas-gp3hl dsl mais je ne comprends pas l'anglais !
You can't escape fate. Have fun, dear hamster. :)
What has to happen…..it will happen 😂😂😂😂😂
this isn't funny
I love these two Babies so very much ❤❤I can never get enough of watching the both of them BIBI loves his Baby 🍼 Sister so very much he loves taking care of her these two Babies belong together 💕💕 He loves his Momma so very much and he loves helping his Momma with different things like cooking,yard work and taking care of his Baby 🍼 Sister ❤
Hola mi pequeño Bibi a vuelto hacer el mismo,que bueno que estás mejor ya corriendo y jugando en el patio con Lala Dios los bendiga y cuídate mucho.🙉🐵😘😘❤️❤️
Hola. Gracias por el amor que le das a estos angelitos. De todo corazón les deseo a ustedes y a todos buena salud, paz y buena suerte.
Cameraman, Lan and Dad: Bibi shouldn't have live animals for pets -- whether they're dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, hamsters, etc. He's very rough with the animals. It's not fair to the animals to be abused like that. They are living creatures that actually feel pain. Every animal that Bibi has come across, he's mistreated. He doesn't know better. We love animals, including Bibi. As human beings, we should be nature's caretakers. We should be kind to animals and help them to flourish.
Very intelligent ! Thank you ! 👍 Unfortunately there is only interest on dollars . In front of the camera its all hypocrisy.
Thank you for sharing. Bibi is very kind and always cares about people and creatures around her, it's just that sometimes Bibi doesn't know how to express it properly. I will teach Bibi slowly, you and everyone can rest assured
Bibi is so smart he look every possible place where a hamster 🐹 would be just AMAZING 😊❤😊
Bibi is cute and sweet, he always cares about people and small creatures around him.
Il ne faut pas oublier que Bibi n'est pas un être humain. C'est à ses maîtres à lui apprendre à être moins brusque avec ce petit hamster.
Bibi, du schläfst bestimmt jetzt. 💤 In Deutschland ist es halb 8 abends. 🌙 Ich wünsche dir wundervolle Träume. 🌈🌈🌈 Nehme Lala in deine kleinen Bibi Ärmchen und träumt etwas Schönes. 💭😴 Bis morgen, mein geliebter Sonnenschein. 🥰 Freue mich schon auf dich. Ich liebe dich, Bibi. ❤️❤️❤️
Que aconteceu com Bibi ele ta doente eu não estava acompanhando por que eu estava fazendo exames não apareceu mais nada do Bibi pode me falar por favor muito obrigado
Vielen Dank für die Liebe, die Sie diesem kleinen Engel entgegenbringen. Von ganzem Herzen wünsche ich Ihnen und Ihren Lieben Gesundheit, Frieden und viel Glück❤️
@@vandamartins6867Bibi war etwas kränklich. Quan sagte, es könnte der Magen gewesen sein. Es geht ihm aber jetzt wieder gut. 😊
I think it's pretty cool that BiBi can do all this stuff directed or not. He's obviously very smart and seems to have great discipline. Most monkeys are so chaotic and self centered living with people or with other monkeys. These monkeys here seem to have a great and happy life. Being taught to do these things for the videos showcases how smart they are and their apptitude to learn. I think it's pretty unique as I don't know if I have seen any other monkey on this level.
Completely agree!!! It’s all staged and scripted however he is so immensely clever and has a certain adorable charm! That’s why I watch it and not because I believed the stories for a moment! And also because there is a very genuine bond between Quan and Bibi… those are the best videos, however Lan is also trying hard but something is missing there. Bibi loves her but somehow his love for Quan is another dimension. Probably it would be better for him to live in a forest with his monkey fellows but maybe he would’ve already died from infections or from something else…maybe I’m ignorant but I don’t see him suffering from living with humans..
@@erikasipos159 Yea at this point I don't think he would do well if he was let out to the wild. But just because he lives with people doesn't mean he has a bad life, it's just different from the norm. I know alot of channels would abandon the monkey if it starts to get too old just so they can keep their utube channel about baby's to draw people in. So it's nice to see people to really do care about them as part of the family.
Работают за еду. Вы где нибудь на других каналах видели, чтобы обезьяны так набрасывались на еду? Я не видела. Спокойно едят... В отличие от наших...
My fellow fan you may believe me or not of what i am about to say god has his divine hands on bibi life is was not by accident quan found him it was the hand of almighty god that he is given a second chance in life god quan he said when he found bibi he was malnourish and weakhis mother was killed poachers quan took care of bibi in the best way he can offering his love andaffection nursing bibi back to health god blessyou
Im happy you found the hamster, you will learn to be more gentle with it. Your so thoughtful and caring wanting to feed the hamster, you feed the ducks , you feed Lala . You are soo good hearted Bibi. Love you's all
Wo ist Bibi wirklich ? Und wie geht's ihm ? Das sind vor produzierte Videos , wenn man die Kleidung vergleicht 🤔 die meisten von uns machen sich Sorgen
Και λοιπόν .....στατικοππγος είσαι .Πολύ ωραία είναι . Η περιέργεια σκοτώνει ....... τους περίεργους .
Es gibt Klarheit und verhindert Spekulationen. @@Roula-Tr
Wenn die Ungewissheit beantwortet wird , höhren die Spekulationen auf. @@Roula-Tr
Por favor no dejeis que Bibi trate asi al hamster el no entiende de delicadezas y puede lastimar sin querer al pobre animalito😢
Por favor! La bebé Lala hace unos dias cayó desde un árbol en un pozo de cemento. En este video se ve que ese pozo no fue cubierto. Para prevenir nuevos accidentes no sería necesario taparlo?
@@Savemonkey-w2i que razón tienes y la gente sin enterarse
@@mariaisabelquintas2720 No fue un accidente, fue un guión cruel.
Yes, I totally agree with you, it should have been covered straight away.
In any case, the hole should be covered, as there is a potential for injury.
Even if it's Quan's production, there are no viewers who would enjoy putting Bibi and Lala in danger.
С какой любовью и нежностью Биби относится к Лале❤
The undiluted love that Bibi has for Lala can't be equalled.
I watched when Bibi was having belly problem, he still stretches his hands to have contact with Lala.❤❤❤❤❤
Agree, but he can be suffocating at times, which she doesn't like, you can sometimes see it in her reaction. If she could speak, you would probably hear her telling him to let her go or leave her alone, just a little human sister would say to an older brother.
It’s BiBi, not ViVi. And BiBi is a boy, not a girl.
No Bibi, dont take it, no
😂😂😂😂😂 Bibi don’t!!!!! People will immediately forget that in fact they love you!!!
Bibi is a kind monkey who always cares about people and creatures around him. I will slowly remind Bibi. Thank you and everyone for loving Bibi.
BiBi , needs to be careful. .😊🙉🙉Two Sweethearts . Lan ,,a giving person .💕
Lindos 😂❤❤❤
Bibi 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Почему нет новых видео, надеюсь с Биби всё в порядке???
Сколько выпила,, мелкаьтешит в глазах🤣🤣
@@anzhelaslivkina1004 Судя по комментарию, выпили вы.
@@ТамараКозлова-ъ3тЕсли посмотреть ранние видео, каждый раз шло повторение предыдущих серий. Сейчас этого нет. Я тоже думаю, что это до болезни Биби.
Moc krásné video.Bibi je úžasný miláček.Se směji jak tam lítá neposedně na té chodbě.🤣🤣🤣
Love you Bibi!!🥰😍😘😘😘😘
Be gentle little Bibi ❤
I do have to agree on how Bibi handles the hamster. I am not sure he could be “gentle “ if told to be.
I agree with you. I think they should stop buying him small pets. Bibi does enough other interesting things to not need pets for script material.
What a pity to the small creature @@Laraine3
@@nemesiajumao-as5215 yes, absolutely. It’s horrible.
@@Laraine3I agree. Bibi acts with animals like toys. It's not Bibis fault
The adults need to stop introducing animals into the script. Happy weekend ❤
BiBi algo se trae entre manos ,😂😂y LaLa ta preciosa 💖 Gracias x estos vídeos ❤
Cuiden muy bien a ese hámster y quieran lo mucho. Me gustas mucho Bibi cuando le das. Besitos a Lala y la abrazas.
There is no harm here. Just watching Bibi interact and be interested in the hamster. He and Lala do a lot to exploring. It’s just fun to watch our little nuggets play! Please don’t do to Bibi and Lala tv same fate as the others! Don’t get them yanked away from their only family they know. There are negative consequences that people don’t stop to consider. Love Bibi and support him by watching! He’s our angel and he is happy right there when he is! Let him continue to have his explorations and live his little life happily. ❤️
You are so wrong. It has been scientifically proven that monkeys revert back to their natural behaviour, including walking on all fours, within months of being rescued and put in a more natural environment. Don't believe me? Look it up!
Это старое видео . Почему аы повторяете ? Как Би би ?
No lo es.
I really do love the whole family they are so amazing and loving and Caring for there two Babies ❤❤
❤beautiful bibi ❤ is back feeling good looking after everyone "super kind bibi ' lala so sweet❤
Lala eats so cute while bibi doesn't waste a second eating 😂😊.....hope bibi tummy problem is under control
Бибиша, что такой беспокойный, потерял кого то, кто сидел в тазике в саду убежал так уж нежно с. Лалой обращается разговаривает, целует учит быть хорошим ребёнком 😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤😊😊
I can not wait for Lala to give Bibi a bite since he bites her all the dam time
Look properly, he isn’t even closing his teeth down on her, never leaves a mark and she never shrieks in pain. Sheesh
@@CookingonabudgetinAustralia Agree.Over reaction by Nunya.
That's how monkey greet each other they show other monkey open mouth,
Esa es una forma de expresarle cariño y protección, igualmente cuando juegan utilizan mucho la boca como si se mordieran, se jalonean y se corretean es normal para ellos asi se divierten, son toscos pero no se hacen daño. Aunque no lo creas Bibi es muy dulce, el siempre esta atento a las necesidades de Lala.
Lala is brave, look how high she is going!, Glad they found the hamster!
I hope Bibi is not gone forever and Quan is just trying to string us along for as long as they can.
That could be the thing. Something is not right. Also remember that it is illegal and they can get found out and then the show stops right there. They at that house because they are kinda hiding the monkeys there to film them. That house is actually a hideaway place for them.
Poor hamster! You dont do that to an animal. Set it free! Shame on you recording something like this. So not enjoyable seeing that part. Too bad!
Tudo isso, está ficando, muito estranho e esquisito acreditar em q me engana q eu gosto
Te amo pequeno milagre, você é o meu docinho ❤️😍 espero que você tenha ficado bom, te amo 🐒🐾🐾💋
bibi you really amazes me,your so kind and caring and looks after your family.i love you all so much🥰😍🤩🤪😜
Неважно когда снято видео, мне все нравится, не надо в этом копаться,если любите Биби, смотрите и наслаждайтесь, я так и делаю. Малыш, хорошо, что ты нашел хомячка, теперь не надо волноваться. Люблю вас малявочки и целую. Москва❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Natalia si té gusta Bibi preocupate más por el como está y lo que le hacen no mires los vídeos solo para divertirte tu
@@rosagallemi1215 Bibi is a boy for all your caring about him.
@@rosagallemi1215 👍
@@rosagallemi1215💯 процентов Вы правы! Спасибо Вам за поддержку БиБи!
Bibi é lala❤❤ q duplinha engraçados , eu procuro não perder nenhum lance. Kkke vc Lan há com muito carinho e atenção. ❤ parabéns p vc e papai. Bjs aqui do Brasil.❤❤❤❤
No se confunda, bibi es bibi, y la 🙊 es la 🙊
Bibi sigue preocupado por el hamster, no deja de buscar al hamster y después del desayuno continúa en ello, hasta que su empeño da resultado : el hamster aparece 😮 y Bibi se queda más tranquilo después de que intenta alimentarlo, con lo primero que escuentra en el frigorífico.
Bibi tiene buenas intenciones con los animales, no quiere que pasen hambre 😊.
Deseo un buen descanso para todos 🥰
☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️ ☮️ 🕊️
Watching Bibi and LaLa eating i feel so happy❤❤❤❤❤❤... I like Hamster ❤ it so cute❤ Bibi is a loving monkey❤ he want hamster to eat❤😅
Bibi supper❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Baby is such a good big brother to the baby
Ну Лала просто невозможная! Где вы ее откопали только😂😂😂
Crown prince your heart is too humble, l love you sweetheart
J'adore Bibi et Lala..... Mais un hamster, ou qui que ce soit d'autres, n'est pas un jouet et risque d'être blessé... Svp, faites attention
Bibi's doing much better with the hamster!!! Just like a human toddler he has to be taught "gentle". Great job mom!!!! ❤❤❤🪽🪽🪽🌹
So now in Bibis life he has had 2 dogs and a kitten, that we now no longer see, and now a Hamster?? Where is Bon??
Happy you noticed that all, thank you 🤗💕🤗
ЛаЛа милашка❤ Я просто тебя обожаю❤ Аристократка❤
Good morning Bibi,Lala so beautiful outfit love you both,be happy and enjoy your life.God bless always🐒💕🥦🌽🥬🥔🥭🍇🍅🧅🥕
Precious Lala would look cute in a dress. ❤😊
El hamster no es un juguete. Basta ya. Bibi no tiene la culpa
Our precious Bibi,your hamster is home and now you don't have to worry about it. Just be nice and take good care of him with the help from mom. Thank you mom❤❤❤
They are showing older videos because they probably did something to bibi to make him calmer as he's starting to mature. If bibi is too sick they will just get another bibi and pass them off as him. There's been a couple of different bibi's over the past 2 years
Is that true or you just making that up
That's the normal way in this videos, sorry that I must tell you 😢😢😢
@@birgit4773 Yes, unfortunately true. 😢
@@JackieGardinerIt is the facts.
Looks like Bibi’s looking for some medicine in the drawer for his itch. He & Lala both got bit by something in the previous video, perhaps fire ants or something. And in this video at minute 17:18 Bibi did get bit by something. I’m very concerned that there might be poisonous snakes or scorpions or something sharp in the bushes. It’s great that they’re out there playing but please ensure that the surrounding yard is safe for them. And that poor rat, to no fault of Bibi’s, he doesn’t understand what being gentle is. Rats do carry rabies disease, make sure that Bibi & Lala don’t get bit by it. Bibi boo - love you my adventurous little peanut! ❤❤❤
Watch from 17:13 it looks like he was bitten by something super fast like a snake! I rewinded it and checked on numerous replays and he was definitely bitten by something extremely fast. It almost looks like a mouth open but at high speed. Then Bibi bites his leg where the bite happened. Take a look for yourselves.
Def saw it. They have to know critters live in all that brush. Even that well hole is still open! Bibi should not have animals. They have never shown him how to be kind or carry a smaller animal. And how would a hamster get in that yard? Planted for filming I’m sure.
Sembra di sì
You are right, and whatever bite him made him grab his leg, I think these are old videos and bibi is really sick, I have never seen his little body shake like it did when he was sick. I hope he is going to be OK.😞
Bibi ficou tão feliz a hora q ele viu o hamster . O jeito q ele pega o hamster eu ri muito kkkkkkk
Foi buscar a Lala tb para ver o hamster .
Fico muito feliz de ver o Bibi feliz e saudável .
Deus abençoe família ❤
You are happy that he was hurting the poor creature? Shame.
There was nothing funny about the way he picked up the hamster, it was cruel. What is the matter with you?
Geez, I wonder how you’d feel if someone picked up Bibi so badly. I bet you wouldn’t find that funny.
Было бы не плохо,чтобы жестоко обошлись с папой и мамой,может быть и мозги справились 🤦
Wow!!they found already .❤❤❤
Привет золотые малыши Бибиша 🙉💋 и Лала🙉💋обожаю вас.Привет всем✋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😂😂
Hay como los smo 🥰 don tan dulces y tiernos 💕y el pekeño bini ke no deja de quidar a ka pekeña lala con tanto amor 🥰los amooo
Bi ngoan hiền lành và dễ thương
Lala you look beautiful in your new outfit❤❤and Bibi you are handsome boy❤🩹❤🩹
Riappare il criceto ? Spero solo bibi stia bene il resto non conta 💕Y love you bibi lala❤
I hope bibi is well too Perla. I pray every day for him, love him very much.🙏❤🐒 a hug 🫂
@@teresamaynard3774lo spero anche io cara Teresa❤️guarisci presto 💕un abbraccio 🫂 e una buona serata 😘❤️
The hamster matters. Lala matters. Bibi is just one animal and should not be with smaller animals.
@@StewartMiddlemas-gp3hlTutti gli animali sono importanti ovvio in quanto creature di Dio da amare e rispettare ,dico solo che ci sia o no il criceto spero che bibi stia bene ,naturalmente mi auguro che anche il criceto ,lala sta bene lo sappiamo ,io gli amo tutti
Thank you dear Perla for thinking of me.❤ Have a lovely evening too. A hug .🥰💞♥️😘
J'adore lala😂😂❤❤❤❤
Stop hurt animal 😢
Bibi has gotten real bad at listening to Quan and Lan!
Bibi is gentle and kind ❤
Lala is so sweet. She’s really growing fast. She’s adorable. What’s happened to Bon, we don’t see him anymore. BIBI has chased him away. ❤😂
Наверху слышен периодически лай Бона. Его миска стоит внизу.
(15:07+) "NICE MOVES, B!!"👍👍😄
I read Comments before viewing this video. Now I don’t have the courage to watch. I don’t want to see my Precious Bibi hurting another animal, intentionally or not. Good grief, take Bibi camping again!!!!