Monkeys love yogurt especially if there's tiny chips of fruit in it ❤ thank you for introducing yogurt to the baby🐒. However..... To finish off his yogurt meal please give him his bottle of milk. Normal milk. Not chocolate or strawberry.... Normal milk 🙏❤️ 9:55
Блохи заели малыша или чесотка...Голодный,не доедает,грязный.Ни разу не искупала малыша.Женщина-неряха!!! Больным ребёнка сделали эта мамзель с оператором своим!!! При виде еды аж трясётся весь!!!
You really think they leave this monkey here over night? 😂😂 And it doesn't wander off, get taken by predator, and is in the same exact spot every single day when she returns? Come on, be realistic. I've seen him a few times with fresh, clean fur. She takes it every day when done filming. She keeps minimal contact to maintain the illusion he's a "wild" monkey. He doesn't like her touching him because when she does she picks him up and puts him in a box for transport where he stays until the following day when he is transported back to the rock. She doesn't let him cling to her and doesn't touch him ever (besides to put in the transport box) to avoid him becoming bonded and forming an attachment. H7 I byStarving and severe lack of affection all for the illusion of a "wild" monkey. And this is the reason he pleasures himself constantly. It's the only satisfaction and relief he knows.
What? They take him here to make content. My theory is this. She purposefully maintains minimal contact on camera, off camera, and AT HER HOME when she takes him back after filming. She does this so he doesn't become bonded and attached to her to maintain the ILLUSION that he is a wild monkey WHEN HE IS NOT. And the reason why he doesn't like her touching him is because every time they do THEY PUT HIM IN A CAGE and he doesnt like it obviously but they don't care because it adds to their illusion that he is wild. And she brings him here every day to feed him (BARELY) and build him this BS fort like she stumbled upon the baby and feels compelled to build it a home. She thinks she's doing souch for him but the reality is she's literally doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ON PURPOSE!! That's FUCKED UP!!! You can clearly see it's taking a massive toll on him. He's constantly crying, constantly pleasuring himself because it's the only satisfaction he knows. And he's ravenous with HUNGER because a starving baby eats like he is a WILD MONKEY. There's absolutely no possible way this monkey was abandoned. Even if the mother did abandon him, there's no way the troupe would leave him unless he was dead and they saw his dead body. PERIOD. This woman isn't even decent enough to give him a soft stuffed animal to cuddle and hug to feel at least SOME type of affection. His toys are PLASTIC and COLD!! He's constantly sucking and tugging to pleasure himself. That's a of total emotional neglect and complete lack of affection. It's a "self soothing" habit. So when he is unhappy, frustrated, sad, confused, lonely, or in other words unsatisfied, he sucks and tugs himself as the only way he knows to get any kind of satisfaction. He could suck his thumb, but he likes that way more. He is far too young to be doing that, to have figured out that that is pleasureful. And honestly most of it comes from not clinging or being held, and being left alone to occupy himself. It he had stuff to play with, proper toys like some balls, stuffed animals to wrestle with and play bite and cuddle to feel some kind of affection, he wouldn't have resorted to finding out how to pleasure himself. At such a young age clinging and being held is THE only way they feel safe and secure. Its an absolute necessity and this woman never once has tried to hold him. I've even seen him look at her like he wanted to be held and she just looked at him and walked away. Sure enough he immediately started touching himself. It's that denial at such age that they don't know how to cope with, and really should never have to. So that's the way he figured out how to satisfy his lack of emotional and physical affection. He provides it to himself in the way he likes best. And it quickly becomes a habit for any time he feels a negative emotion. Another example is when he was trying to eat the apples and couldn't do it and got frustrated. Once again, he gave up to pleasure himself out of frustration because he didn't have the bite strength to eat them because the woman wouldn't even cut the apples for him. He has teeth, just not the bite strength. Its so messed up that this witch doesn't hold or let him cling to her. He needs that physical touch and affection from who he sees as his "mother figure". And I don't think he even gets it when he's taken back to the house... Also the camera person stresses him out and I think it's because they take his food out of his pouches and he's the one that picks him up and puts him in the cage at the end of filming. That's why he doesn't like her getting close to his face. And because they wipe him with alcohol wipes which get into his eyes and mouth and he doesn't like it. He literally touches himself every single video multiple times. And now even does it out of boredom and because he thinks that's what the people want him to do. It's a very clear sign of long term emotional neglect. He's the cutest monkey on YT, with his puffy little cheeks. I feel so sad for him...
Тетка до макашонка не дотрагивается, на руки не берет. Вместо того, чтобы вытереть мордочку малыша, трет камни и деревяшки. Он ее сам по себе не интересует. Совершенно равнодушна к обезьянке. Даже изобразить приязнь не хочет. Только деньги важны. Печальная у макашонка судьба
He has minimal interaction with anything, and absolutely no affection. Left to entertain and keep himself busy with no food, 3 PLASTIC toys, and a piece of fabric.... So of course he's going to figure out he can pleasure himself real quick.. If you believe this monkey lives here and she visits him every day you are an absolute idiot. Same with the other monkey that's shown up. This is physical and emotional NEGLECT. On camera, off camera, when she takes him home at night, neglected so he doesn't form a bond to maintain the image that he is "wild" when he is in fact not (after being stolen). He doesn't like anyone touching him because when they do, they put him in a box and he doesn't leave until the next day when they are ready to film on this rock. They don't feed him barely anything so he is ravenous with hunger. A starving monkey eats like he is "wild". Now all he does is cry, sleep, try to eat bugs or anything he can find, and pleasure himself because it's the only way to get any kind of satisfaction... This woman deserves NOTHING. And whoever believes this witch are all FOOLS. I was on board at first, but I can see the deterioration if this monkeys mental state as clear as day. There is absolutely no way any monkey troupe would leave this baby monkey unless he was dead and they saw his body. PERIOD. No matter what, they won't not leave. And they don't just abandon babies like that. Even if the mother did, another from the troupe would adopt him. They don't leave babies behind, and they especially don't run babies off to fend for themselves. He was stolen or bought from market, and now she's using his suffering for her little "show". She thinks she's doing so much for him, playing with her sticks and boards when really she's doing absolutely NOTHING for him. ON PURPOSE. All she does is barely feed him to maintain the illusion that he's "wild".... Hes the cutest monkey I've ever seen, with his puffy little cheeks... I'm so sorry little monkey... My heart is so broken for this little one... 🥺💔 His cries when he finally sees he's about to get some food absolutely kill me inside 😢
Так она же новую историю придумала. О том, что эту макаку нашла её мама- обезьяна. Тётка разобрала ломик, лежанки и отпустила макаку на всё четыре стороны . Сказочка скорее всего с продолжением.
Глядя на малыша плакать хочется, а эта... улыбается😮он похож на мумию. Мышцы усохли. Он не получает дрстаточно еды чтоб развиваться. То что она приносит много, только чтоб показать на камеру. Отрежет кусочек, а остальное забирает.
Женщина! Принеси малышке мягкие игрушки,эти твёрдые пластиковые и пластмассовые ему даром не нужны,неужели непонятно это тебе-взрослой женщине??? Играл бы малыш мягкими игрушками и обняв,прижав к животику спал бы,как на груди мамы!!!😢😢😢
Please take good care of him. He needs milk, water, and food that he can chew. Please, he needs a mother’s love. He needs a bath. He obviously cares about you but he really needs tender loving care as all babies do.
Понятно зачем она его держит а одиночестве. Добилась своего- обезьяна полностью занялся ананизмом и возбуждается Этого она и добиралась для своих мерзких видео.
لماذا لاتحضنيه وتعطيه الحنان فهو محتاج لام حنون وحليب گل صباح وكل مساء فهو محتاج لاكل وفير ثلاث او اربع مرات في اليوم فانت تعطيه مرة واحدة في اليوم ويحتاج الي نظافة جسدية بالماء والشمبوان لكي ينتعش عليك ان تاخذيه الي بيتك
Bạn biết đấy, bạn đã thực hiện kế hoạch của mình rất sai lầm. Giống như bạn nhốt đứa bé lại trong vòng tay mình...khi trời lạnh và mưa ập đến...nó sẽ ốm. Và đứa trẻ mồ côi sẽ chết. Và đó sẽ là lỗi của bạn. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn mang nó về nhà (như nhiều người khác), hoặc chăm sóc nó đúng cách... Bạn sẽ biến nó thành một ngôi nhà lớn. Bạn khoác cho anh ấy một lớp thật dày... và một chiếc áo phông... để anh ấy không bị lạnh... Lấy nước sông pha chút xà phòng rửa sạch...để anh ấy ngủ ngon...Rồi.. Bạn sẽ có nhiều lượt xem.. bạn sẽ nhận được tiền... Chỉ khi đó.. Mang nó xuống trực tiếp từ trên đó. Đầm lầy ở đâu đó được bảo vệ!!! Bạn đã giam cầm nó! . Và đừng quan tâm đến công trình xây dựng của bạn. Chúng tôi chỉ nhìn thấy meme. Không có gì khác. Nếu không có thì sẽ không có kênh của bạn..
Да, в дикой природе она накормлены, напоены , одеты в теплые куртки, комбинезоны, носки шерстяные , а здесь прям с голоду дохнет. Такую порцию йогурта съедает и ребенок школьного возраста , и женщина, и мужчина килограмм так под 100. Обезьянка размером с ладошку жрет без меры по целому арбузу и всё голодная.
Много ты, недоучка, знаешь про дикую природу и про животных? Щеголяешь своей тупизной. Если умеешь читать, прочитай хотя бы немного про приматов. Ты даже не знаешь как называется вид, к которому относится обезьянчик.
Что, как попугай, долдонишь одно и то же в каждом ответе на комментарии. Это ты не моешься. А приматы даже очень хорошо следят за своей шерсткой. Про груминг что-нибудь слышал? И пловцы они прекрасные. Вот так-то, господин НЕУЧ! Не пиши с умным видом о том, чего не знаешь.
Вот это муде разволился, а чего дальше будет, страшно подумать. Стоит только догадываться для чего. Вот тут их место, правду наконец то показали. А то памперсы, кроватка . Лапшу вешали на уши
Если вы никогда не будете мыть свои половые органы, то он грязи и чесотки, интересно, чем займетесь вы? И ещё оператор - извращенец учит макашика черте чему.
Буква а зелёная забери принеси игрушки купи дай молоко может денег нет ,ей противно его на руки вечно три ноги задние волочатся по камням, его она нашла и не обязана его купать и целовать
Смотрю другие каналы с макашатами, почти все адекватные.
Молоко, купание, мягкие игрушки, кроватки.
Здесь же полный ужастик!
He still needs milk four times a day… he needs to have water there… he is probably very dehydrated. He needs to be with his friends.
Brudny, glodny, samotny...i tyle w temacie.😢😢
Monkeys love yogurt especially if there's tiny chips of fruit in it ❤ thank you for introducing yogurt to the baby🐒. However..... To finish off his yogurt meal please give him his bottle of milk. Normal milk. Not chocolate or strawberry.... Normal milk 🙏❤️ 9:55
Вместо того чтобы его лицо и рот салфеткой вытирать,камни вытирает.😮 Слов нет!!!😮
Его видно что желудок болит почти судорги от недоедания и кормит чем попало ..шоколадным молоком напоилк и с тех пор он болеет..
Блохи заели малыша или чесотка...Голодный,не доедает,грязный.Ни разу не искупала малыша.Женщина-неряха!!! Больным ребёнка сделали эта мамзель с оператором своим!!! При виде еды аж трясётся весь!!!
You really think they leave this monkey here over night? 😂😂
And it doesn't wander off, get taken by predator, and is in the same exact spot every single day when she returns? Come on, be realistic. I've seen him a few times with fresh, clean fur. She takes it every day when done filming. She keeps minimal contact to maintain the illusion he's a "wild" monkey. He doesn't like her touching him because when she does she picks him up and puts him in a box for transport where he stays until the following day when he is transported back to the rock. She doesn't let him cling to her and doesn't touch him ever (besides to put in the transport box) to avoid him becoming bonded and forming an attachment. H7 I byStarving and severe lack of affection all for the illusion of a "wild" monkey. And this is the reason he pleasures himself constantly. It's the only satisfaction and relief he knows.
Так зачем его из своей среды Вообще Забрали??)@@GrammaToad
What? They take him here to make content.
My theory is this.
She purposefully maintains minimal contact on camera, off camera, and AT HER HOME when she takes him back after filming. She does this so he doesn't become bonded and attached to her to maintain the ILLUSION that he is a wild monkey WHEN HE IS NOT. And the reason why he doesn't like her touching him is because every time they do THEY PUT HIM IN A CAGE and he doesnt like it obviously but they don't care because it adds to their illusion that he is wild. And she brings him here every day to feed him (BARELY) and build him this BS fort like she stumbled upon the baby and feels compelled to build it a home. She thinks she's doing souch for him but the reality is she's literally doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. ON PURPOSE!! That's FUCKED UP!!! You can clearly see it's taking a massive toll on him. He's constantly crying, constantly pleasuring himself because it's the only satisfaction he knows. And he's ravenous with HUNGER because a starving baby eats like he is a WILD MONKEY.
There's absolutely no possible way this monkey was abandoned. Even if the mother did abandon him, there's no way the troupe would leave him unless he was dead and they saw his dead body. PERIOD.
This woman isn't even decent enough to give him a soft stuffed animal to cuddle and hug to feel at least SOME type of affection. His toys are PLASTIC and COLD!! He's constantly sucking and tugging to pleasure himself. That's a of total emotional neglect and complete lack of affection. It's a "self soothing" habit. So when he is unhappy, frustrated, sad, confused, lonely, or in other words unsatisfied, he sucks and tugs himself as the only way he knows to get any kind of satisfaction. He could suck his thumb, but he likes that way more. He is far too young to be doing that, to have figured out that that is pleasureful. And honestly most of it comes from not clinging or being held, and being left alone to occupy himself. It he had stuff to play with, proper toys like some balls, stuffed animals to wrestle with and play bite and cuddle to feel some kind of affection, he wouldn't have resorted to finding out how to pleasure himself. At such a young age clinging and being held is THE only way they feel safe and secure. Its an absolute necessity and this woman never once has tried to hold him. I've even seen him look at her like he wanted to be held and she just looked at him and walked away. Sure enough he immediately started touching himself. It's that denial at such age that they don't know how to cope with, and really should never have to. So that's the way he figured out how to satisfy his lack of emotional and physical affection. He provides it to himself in the way he likes best. And it quickly becomes a habit for any time he feels a negative emotion. Another example is when he was trying to eat the apples and couldn't do it and got frustrated. Once again, he gave up to pleasure himself out of frustration because he didn't have the bite strength to eat them because the woman wouldn't even cut the apples for him. He has teeth, just not the bite strength. Its so messed up that this witch doesn't hold or let him cling to her. He needs that physical touch and affection from who he sees as his "mother figure". And I don't think he even gets it when he's taken back to the house...
Also the camera person stresses him out and I think it's because they take his food out of his pouches and he's the one that picks him up and puts him in the cage at the end of filming. That's why he doesn't like her getting close to his face. And because they wipe him with alcohol wipes which get into his eyes and mouth and he doesn't like it.
He literally touches himself every single video multiple times. And now even does it out of boredom and because he thinks that's what the people want him to do. It's a very clear sign of long term emotional neglect. He's the cutest monkey on YT, with his puffy little cheeks. I feel so sad for him...
Тетка до макашонка не дотрагивается, на руки не берет. Вместо того, чтобы вытереть мордочку малыша, трет камни и деревяшки. Он ее сам по себе не интересует. Совершенно равнодушна к обезьянке. Даже изобразить приязнь не хочет. Только деньги важны. Печальная у макашонка судьба
На руки такую погань, такую вонь. Подумала чего пишешь. Их в памперсах противно брать погань вонючую
Этот фильм о том, как гора стала тюрьмой для малыша. Узнику не дают умереть, выжитьон не сможет
He has minimal interaction with anything, and absolutely no affection. Left to entertain and keep himself busy with no food, 3 PLASTIC toys, and a piece of fabric.... So of course he's going to figure out he can pleasure himself real quick..
If you believe this monkey lives here and she visits him every day you are an absolute idiot. Same with the other monkey that's shown up.
This is physical and emotional NEGLECT. On camera, off camera, when she takes him home at night, neglected so he doesn't form a bond to maintain the image that he is "wild" when he is in fact not (after being stolen). He doesn't like anyone touching him because when they do, they put him in a box and he doesn't leave until the next day when they are ready to film on this rock. They don't feed him barely anything so he is ravenous with hunger. A starving monkey eats like he is "wild". Now all he does is cry, sleep, try to eat bugs or anything he can find, and pleasure himself because it's the only way to get any kind of satisfaction...
This woman deserves NOTHING. And whoever believes this witch are all FOOLS. I was on board at first, but I can see the deterioration if this monkeys mental state as clear as day.
There is absolutely no way any monkey troupe would leave this baby monkey unless he was dead and they saw his body. PERIOD. No matter what, they won't not leave. And they don't just abandon babies like that. Even if the mother did, another from the troupe would adopt him. They don't leave babies behind, and they especially don't run babies off to fend for themselves.
He was stolen or bought from market, and now she's using his suffering for her little "show". She thinks she's doing so much for him, playing with her sticks and boards when really she's doing absolutely NOTHING for him. ON PURPOSE. All she does is barely feed him to maintain the illusion that he's "wild"....
Hes the cutest monkey I've ever seen, with his puffy little cheeks... I'm so sorry little monkey... My heart is so broken for this little one... 🥺💔
His cries when he finally sees he's about to get some food absolutely kill me inside 😢
Так она же новую историю придумала. О том, что эту макаку нашла её мама- обезьяна. Тётка разобрала ломик, лежанки и отпустила макаку на всё четыре стороны . Сказочка скорее всего с продолжением.
Обезьянка маленькая, у неё сосательный рефлекс работает, в Вы с ложкой у ней лезете.
Они видимо не читают комментарии этот ужас продолжается жалко малыша от такой опеки.😂
Чем эти игрушки твёрдые вытирать,заберите малыша домой да помойте в тёплой воде мылом и шампунем!!! Хотя бы в реке выкупайте,река рядом!!!
У него сил нет уже ползать везде он больше лежит.
Ползать везде ему муде мешают, по земле чертит 😅😅
@@НатальяГромова-ф3ъ Голодной куме один хрен на уме. Вы только на перчик и смотрите, сексуально озабоченный вы человек.
Глядя на малыша плакать хочется, а эта... улыбается😮он похож на мумию. Мышцы усохли. Он не получает дрстаточно еды чтоб развиваться. То что она приносит много, только чтоб показать на камеру. Отрежет кусочек, а остальное забирает.
Женщина! Принеси малышке мягкие игрушки,эти твёрдые пластиковые и пластмассовые ему даром не нужны,неужели непонятно это тебе-взрослой женщине??? Играл бы малыш мягкими игрушками и обняв,прижав к животику спал бы,как на груди мамы!!!😢😢😢
Ella ni lo carga
Parece q le tiene asco
Игрушки это последнее что ему надо😮 ему нужна еда, молоко и лечение. А самое нужное, чтоб его забрали в парк, пока он не сдох.
@@АндрейПасынков-в1ъСдохнет, закопают
Please take good care of him. He needs milk, water, and food that he can chew. Please, he needs a mother’s love. He needs a bath. He obviously cares about you but he really needs tender loving care as all babies do.
Макашонок у нее сдохнет скоро от такого ухода. Он истощен и обезвожен. Выглядит плохо.
Такой погань пруд пруд, возьмёт другого😅
Понятно зачем она его держит а одиночестве. Добилась своего- обезьяна полностью занялся ананизмом и возбуждается Этого она и добиралась для своих мерзких видео.
Воспитатель мерзавка
Судить таких надо.
@@НатальяГромова-ф3ъ Сколько яда. 🐍
У вас не сложилась жизнь?
Que ideia é essa de criar esse macaco nas pedras.
Macaco é criado em casa ou no mato.onde tem árvores p ele subir e brincar a vontade.que doideira
He is starving 😢
Ea nici nu citeste comentariile, ca dovada ca nu face nimic din ceea ce i se indica.
Чего он не растет на худеет от такой еды и чешется весь😢
Что она постоянно ему говорит, ещё шопотом.Как будто он понимает ему пожрать да поспать.
Devia de ter vergonha de fazer vídeo com ele nessas condições
Йогурт не очень-то обезьянка хочет.Молока хочется ему!!! Основная пища в этом возрасте молоко,соки, фруктовые пюре,бананы.
He looks smelly….even he thinks he is smelly
Столько негативных коментариев тетке и оператору, а воз и ныне там.Непрошибаемые и злые людишки.
How fun̈y. She cleans the rocks, boards, bedding
But she won't clean off yogurt from monkey's face and hands. Nor wash his body. Strange lady.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
لماذا لاتحضنيه وتعطيه الحنان فهو محتاج لام حنون وحليب گل صباح وكل مساء فهو محتاج لاكل وفير ثلاث او اربع مرات في اليوم فانت تعطيه مرة واحدة في اليوم ويحتاج الي نظافة جسدية بالماء والشمبوان لكي ينتعش عليك ان تاخذيه الي بيتك
А ты хотел бы такую вонючую погань обнимать😅😅
Руки ноги худые,один живот торчит.в рахита превратился😢жалко мелкого
Are you a doctor or vet....can you really diagnose that it is rickets
No se puede ver canales donde maltratan y abusan de los bebes monkeys. Fuera!!!!
Waking up from a drug induce sleep, you people actually believe they leave the monkey there they don't
Bạn biết đấy, bạn đã thực hiện kế hoạch của mình rất sai lầm. Giống như bạn nhốt đứa bé lại trong vòng tay mình...khi trời lạnh và mưa ập đến...nó sẽ ốm. Và đứa trẻ mồ côi sẽ chết. Và đó sẽ là lỗi của bạn.
Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn mang nó về nhà (như nhiều người khác), hoặc chăm sóc nó đúng cách... Bạn sẽ biến nó thành một ngôi nhà lớn. Bạn khoác cho anh ấy một lớp thật dày... và một chiếc áo phông... để anh ấy không bị lạnh...
Lấy nước sông pha chút xà phòng rửa sạch...để anh ấy ngủ ngon...Rồi..
Bạn sẽ có nhiều lượt xem.. bạn sẽ nhận được tiền... Chỉ khi đó..
Mang nó xuống trực tiếp từ trên đó. Đầm lầy ở đâu đó được bảo vệ!!! Bạn đã giam cầm nó!
. Và đừng quan tâm đến công trình xây dựng của bạn. Chúng tôi chỉ nhìn thấy meme. Không có gì khác. Nếu không có thì sẽ không có kênh của bạn..
Да, в дикой природе она накормлены, напоены , одеты в теплые куртки, комбинезоны, носки шерстяные , а здесь прям с голоду дохнет. Такую порцию йогурта съедает и ребенок школьного возраста , и женщина, и мужчина килограмм так под 100. Обезьянка размером с ладошку жрет без меры по целому арбузу и всё голодная.
Они прямо в лесу все ходят в тёплых футболках. Обхохочешься. 😂😂😂
Bonjour Svp si sa vous dérange pas il faut luis donner de l'eau dans le biberon, le corps à besoin beaucoup d'eau 👍👍❤️❤️
Много воды, чтобы ссался?
Tá morrendo de FOME coitado.
morto de fome e sujo😮 deve tá um cheiro ruim
Monkeys don't bath in the wild...
Много ты, недоучка, знаешь про дикую природу и про животных? Щеголяешь своей тупизной. Если умеешь читать, прочитай хотя бы немного про приматов. Ты даже не знаешь как называется вид, к которому относится обезьянчик.
Bạn quét sạch mọi thứ... đồ chơi, gỗ, thậm chí cả đá. Miệng của bé nằm trong sữa chua... ai sẽ lau?
Và hãy nhớ...nó không cắn!!!❤❤🐒🐒❤❤
He is shaking because he is so hungry
Pecho undido síntomas de raquitismo
Are you a doctor or vet,?,,, can you really diagnose that it is rickets...
LEVÁ ELE NÓ zoológico
Baby so starved!!!!😢😢😢😢
Хоть раз его искупала бы,малыш наверно скоро умрет,ему там скучно.
Woman one şit 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Будешь хорошо смотреть за ним полечишь..сври ему овощи свари картошку рис...я подпишусь и лайки ставить буду тебе не плохо будет..
Одни кости, да кожа, высох как скелетик стал за таким уходом и опекунством
Ele esta dependendo somente de vc ,ensine ele se virar ,leve onde tem sementes e frutos ai por perto
Ваши сериалы не для слабонервных, она не спасает обезьяну, а мучает ее голодом и наблюдает как она медленно чахнет и вот это они с оператором снимают
Такой славненький малышок, его обнять хочеться
Малыш уже давно не радуется жизни. Он сидит, лежит просит еду. Глаза грустные, безнадежды.
Этот фильм о том, как гора стала тюрьмой. Узнику не дают умереть. Вконцлагерях тоже умирали медленно
Nó không phải là con người, bạn hãy trả nó về với tự nhiên thì tốt hơn.
Она, вроде бы разобрала этот дом. Старые вилер региои показать.
Pobre bebe ,este animaizinhos comem toda hora .
Sei que dificil pra vc ,da jeito de ensinar ele buscar alimento
He eats everything few hours.. he has another page..
So skinny 😢 😡😡😡😡Why don't it have a diaper on. It is starving. Animal abuse
Ponle un pañal por favor
На кой черт ему это подгузник на улице, где хочет, там и серит и сыт. А памперсы денег стоят,. Правильно и по честному держит и показывает😅😅
@@НатальяГромова-ф3ъ no se que me contestas, no está traducido al español
That baby is starving
Безобразие! Ужасные условия для животного!!!!!!!
You never touch him never give shaver please 5:12
A sua sorte é que gostamos dele senão vc Nao ia ter nem um like
Забери пластмасові іграшки додому і будеш там ними гратись А малюку принеси одну мʼяку іграшку!!!! Будь ласка. Дякую!!!!
Не все и😊огурты одинаково полезны.😢
E troppo affamato poverino vergognatevi ignoranti
Месяц назад у меня была надежда на благополучный исход. Женщинахотела забрать малыша домой. Онмог расти рядом с кошкой и котятами.
realy ? Did he tell you that, ir sre you making it up ? Hummm?
Porqe limpies los jugetes i nisqierá te dicnás alinpiar el monito el nesesita banño estar limpio
То что она протерает все,это хорошо.меньше муравев будет.хоть это не плохо
He is growing so his expression
Он был полнея когда она его сюда принесла а сейчас он худой она жлет когда умрет специально голодом морит
Зачем ты кормишь этой лопатой?
Ложку не нашла?
And u know Dan well ur doing this for TH-cam money
Nope... Onlyfans
Бесит это хозяйка медной горы, протирает игрушечки смех,а он как поросенок грязный😮
Monkeys don't bath in the wild
Что, как попугай, долдонишь одно и то же в каждом ответе на комментарии. Это ты не моешься. А приматы даже очень хорошо следят за своей шерсткой. Про груминг что-нибудь слышал? И пловцы они прекрасные.
Вот так-то, господин НЕУЧ! Не пиши с умным видом о том, чего не знаешь.
В доме уже истерик бы, требовал внимания. А здесь ори не ори никто внимания не обращает. Зато тишина. Так продолжай, тётка, подростет выкинешь
Вот это муде разволился, а чего дальше будет, страшно подумать. Стоит только догадываться для чего. Вот тут их место, правду наконец то показали. А то памперсы, кроватка . Лапшу вешали на уши
Ананизмом занимается,а ещё маленький😢
А чем ему там заниматься еще.как ни пипирку дергать😂
Пимпирку он не только дёргает, но и ещё посасывает, ему нужна соска или мамина сиська😂
Если вы никогда не будете мыть свои половые органы, то он грязи и чесотки, интересно, чем займетесь вы?
И ещё оператор - извращенец учит макашика черте чему.
Это не онанизм, ему нужно сосать молоко, а ему не дают, вот он и сосет собственную мочу.
Что-то пипирка больше его @@АлександрАнципович
Буква а зелёная забери принеси игрушки купи дай молоко может денег нет ,ей противно его на руки вечно три ноги задние волочатся по камням, его она нашла и не обязана его купать и целовать