I am not a believer I don’t believe in anything but reading Pathetic coments like QELETE ELAS, & Atse Yohannes I feel like I want to Pee on your Bible. “ Krestos Krestos “ The stupid Krostos you are calling “ GOD “ was slaterd and hanged by a “ Man “ he couldn’t save himself let alon to save you. Trash your stupid Bible cleanse the Krustos dirt in your mind and the hate in your heart and you will leave in Peace and you will begin to respect and love people who has a different believe or opinion than you, YOUR PEOPLE ARE DRAWNING IN THE MEDITREANIAN SEA EVERY DAY WHERE IS YOUR STUPID KRESTOS ???? FUCK YOUR KRESTOS AND SALUT TO THE ITALIAN COST GUARD.
Mohammed Ibrahim there was no a king name called nejashi in the list of axumite kings u guys r fabricating lies . negasi in geez means nigus or negesti but it is not name but it is just like atse
Islam Kab kadam eyo narrow eysus aslmiy eu Nero sleazy qran anbeb ab you Tobe kadki convert to Islam smei eski aslamyt ekl twldki an kflaly iy konkon nkolo ab Islam Kato mswata yfno insallah hsblo hmak zraba ytrf nhna yhwt Ena mflly gzeo halefo eyo slam nkolw
I am not a believer I don’t believe in anything but reading Pathetic coments like QELETE ELAS, & Atse Yohannes I feel like I want to Pee on your Bible. “ Krestos Krestos “ The stupid Krostos you are calling “ GOD “ was slaterd and hanged by a “ Man “ he couldn’t save himself let alon to save you. Trash your stupid Bible cleanse the Krustos dirt in your mind and the hate in your heart and you will leave in Peace and you will begin to respect and love people who has a different believe or opinion than you, YOUR PEOPLE ARE DRAWNING IN THE MEDITREANIAN SEA EVERY DAY WHERE IS YOUR STUPID KRESTOS ???? FUCK YOUR KRESTOS AND SALUT TO THE ITALIAN COST GUARD.
Kobor abo .lebo bexeli zexelmete seb wey ne kexle tememlmilo zeabiye hebreteseb be miknit wey reason nab lebo ketmelso ayekalen eu. Hezbi tigrina be orthodox church na aslem ne kexelo ne zemenat eya amhiratom .
Mohammed Ibrahim ዓዲ ዘይብሉ ዓውዲ ጀበርቲ. I beleive the people whom you call are Tigrigna, arent they? Go and read Nehnan Eelamanan in Jeberti.com and then come to me, anta Lehasi MaAkor Arab
ዓዲ ዘይብሉ ዓውዲ ጀበርቲ.If a filthy ass kissing Jeberti thinks he is a brother with a Yemeni or Saudi, what makes you a Tigrian who shares the same history, religion, language and features is totally different to me? Hatsey yohannes did a marveleous job to chase the jeberti and he cleaned Tigray from the arab wanna be people, i beleive now is our turn. Operation YOhannes the second should follow suit, anta lehasi Maakor Arab
Jazakallah keir habibna
Qexlo sheikna
Jezak Allah kullu kheir
jazakallahu khairan !
جزاك ألله الف خيرا
Jazaaka ALLAAH kheir حبيييييييبييي wabaarakä fiik nafacana ALLAAH min cilmik waasil
ታሪክ ምፍላጥ ጽቡቅ ዩ፡ እዚ ክሉ ትብልዎ ዝጸናሕኩም፡ ሰናይ ድሌትኩም ዘበገሶ ዩ፡ ግን ኣብዛ ዕላልኩም፡ ኣስላም ዝረከቡዎ መከራ ነጉርኩክ፡ክርስቲያን ብ በዓል መሓመድ ግራይ ዝረከቡዎ፡ ብ ቱርካውያን፡ ግብጻውያን ክዋረዱ ከለዉ፡ ኣስላም ኢዶምን እግሮምን ሒዞም ኣሕዋትና ኣይበልይን፡ እምነት ኮይናቶም፡ ትም ኢሎም። ዓቅሎም ዝጸበቦም ክርስቲያን ድማ ፈትዮም ጸሊኦም ፡ ዝገብርዎ ምርጫ ስከ ዘይ ነበረ፡ በይኖም ይምክቱ ነሮም፡ ድሓር ካኣ ሃይለስላሲ መጺኡ ካኣ ነዞም ኩሉም ኣስላም ካኣ ኣጥፊኡዎም ፡ ሕጂ ክርስቲያን ካኣ ሱቅ ኢሉ፡ ስለዚ ብመሰረቱ እቲ ሕቶ፡ ሕቶ ሕውነት ዘይ ኮነ፡ ሕቶ እምነት ዩ፡ ንህዝባና ዝከፋፍሎ ዘሎ፡ ሕቶ እምነት፡ ድማ ክርስቲያ, ብሰላም ክነብር ያ ፡ መልእክቱ መልሽጅቲ ቁረእን ግን፡ ንከፈር ኣጥፋኣዮ፡ ሕረዶ፡ ሴፍ ዕጠቅ ያ፡ እዚ ፈሪሀ ዓለም ድማ፡ ሞስሉም ዝባሃላ ሃገራት፡ ሓፍ ከይ ብላ፡ እንዳ ጸቀጣ ይከዳ ኣለዋ፡ ምክንያቱ እቲ እምነት፡ ካብ መሰረቱ፡ ንዘይ ናይካ፡ ክሳብ ዝጥዕመካ ቅረቦ፡ ዝብል፡ ቅረጽ ዝብል ፡ ኣዝዩ ሓደገኛ እምነት ዩ፡
መሬት ሰጊድካ ኢሉ ዝቃወምካ የለን፡ ኣላህ ወኣክባር፡ እንዳ በልካ፡ ረቢ ዝሃበኒ ሂወት፡ ኣሕልፍ ዝብል ጽሑፍ ዘለዎ፡ መጽሓፍ ካብ ሓዝካ፡ ክሳብ ዝጥመካ፡ ሓንክስ፡ ምስ ተዓመካ ቅተሎ፡ ዝብል ጽሑፍን እምነትን ኣብ ውሽጥካ ሒዝካ ከለካ፡ ብከመይ ይኣምነካ?
ኤርትራዊ ሓወይ d
جزاك الله خيرآ
Kkkkkkk it is so funny
ስለምንይ ኢና ናብ ጸርፊ ንጓየ ዝብሎ ዘሎ ሓሶት ኣይኮነን ሓቂ"ዩ ውግእን ሞትን ሽግርን መከራን ካብ ኣቦሓጎታትና ኣባና በጺሑስ ይቅጽል ኣሎ ብሰንኪ ምትእትታው ግዳማውያን ኢዩ ኣይኮነን ድዩ ኢዩምበር ስለዚ ንሱ ዝብል ዘሎ ተረዳዲእና ነቲ ነዊሕ ገመድ ሽግረ መከራ በቲኽና ራህዋ ነምጽእ"ዪ: ጸርፍስ እንታይ ፍታሕ የምጽእ በጃኹም ጌጋ እንተሃልዩ ብሃናጺ ሓሳብ ምእራም ይሓይሽ።
ጽቡቕ መልሲ ዝሓወይ ተባረኽ
eway eziy sebay biabu kehusu ate ayte qeney duhuel
ግራይ መሓመድ በተክርስትያና ኣፍሪሱ መጽሓፍትና ኣቃጺሉ እታ ብደም ክርስቶስ ዝተመስረተት ግ መሊሳ ጥጢዓ ባህዛብ ኣይትናወጽን እያ ክብሪ ንክርስቶስ እየሱስ! ተናሳህ ይቅረ ክብለልካ እዩ ክርስቶስ
I am not a believer I don’t believe in anything but reading Pathetic coments like QELETE ELAS, & Atse Yohannes I feel like I want to Pee on your Bible. “ Krestos Krestos “ The stupid Krostos you are calling “ GOD “ was slaterd and hanged by a “ Man “ he couldn’t save himself let alon to save you. Trash your stupid Bible cleanse the Krustos dirt in your mind and the hate in your heart and you will leave in Peace and you will begin to respect and love people who has a different believe or opinion than you,
Hasawi kabey eka rekibkayo eba
እስላምን ክርስትያንን ተፍቂሬም ይነብሩ አለው ሰላምን ፍቅርን የውርደልና እምላክ አሜን
amen the best
Timnit Leakemariam
+tmnit Leakemariam etay ybil simyo emo kdimi krisitan si aslam hizomo nerom ybil alo ::kalay ka eti fkiri tbilyo zeleki mis aslam nisiki ka komu ete hasebki 99% mis yerab eyom zbilu nebsina nhalu mis tokla zareka abagi key nikewin zhaftey
Timnit Leakemariam hasoti islami kale helmi alwom nsu ka neflto ena nski demu
Kezzab meret habesha zibehal yelon .jeberti hasawi nay negashi eyu ezi
Kkkkkm hasot mexhafna Niska aytimhirenan Eka
መጀመርታ ምድሪ ወይ ህዝቢ ሓበሻ ዝብሃል የሎን እዚ ናይ ነጋሺ ታሪኽ ቦታ ድለየሉ።ካልኣይ ደውለት ኢስላም ኣብ ኢራቅ ወይ ሶርያ ድለያ ኣብ ምድሪ ኣግኣዚ እዚ ሕልሚ ጥራይ ኢዩ፡፡
ጽላል ኣስመራ ታሪኽ ተመሃር ምንም እፍልጦ ዘይብልካ መዋእልካ ኣብ መግዛእቲ ኣሕሊፍካዮ ሕጂ ተመሃር ታሪኽ፡
Mohammed Ibrahim ኣንታ ሃሳዊ ንስኩም ስደተናታት ኢኩም ኣብ መሬትና ምሃመድ ድማ ነብይ ኣይኮነን ኣይትሃስዉ
Mohammed Ibrahim there was no a king name called nejashi in the list of axumite kings u guys r fabricating lies .
negasi in geez means nigus or negesti but it is not name but it is just like atse
Ewae men dia beleka kabey ke ziboqolika eka Habesh zneberen zelon zinebirn eu Habesha nizelialem kinebir EU
እህ የኢትዮጵያ። ንስላም ተቀቢላ እምበር ድማ እስላማዊ ምምሕዳር ነይሩ እንዴ ፅንሕልኩምስ ገለ ከተስምዑና እኩም። ተሰዲዳም መፅኦም ተቀብልና እምበር ድማ አቦይ አይትጋገዩ የኢትዮጵያ መቸምም ብታራክ እስላማዊ አይተገዝእትን ንወለዶ ሕማቅ አይተምህሩ ሐራም
Islam Kab kadam eyo narrow eysus aslmiy eu Nero sleazy qran anbeb ab you Tobe kadki convert to Islam smei eski aslamyt ekl twldki an kflaly iy konkon nkolo ab Islam Kato mswata yfno insallah hsblo hmak zraba ytrf nhna yhwt Ena mflly gzeo halefo eyo slam nkolw
Abubaker Abubaker መን አይነበረን ኢሉ ግን እስላም ናብ ኢትዬቡያ ዝአተው እብ መጨረሻ 6.ይን 7 ክፍለዘመን እዩ ከምእወን መጅመርያ አነ ዝበሉኩ እስላማዊ መንግስቲ በጭራሽ አይነበረን። ሰላም
እሲኪ ማን ይሙት እውነት ንምንታይ ትመረና ምድረ ከበሻ ዝብሐል አሎ ብዓል ኡጋንዳ ከንያ ምናም መቸምም ሐበሻ ኮይኔም አይፍልጡን ንጉስ አርማ ማለት ነጃሲ ተባሂሉ ዝፅዋዕ ዘሎ አበይ ድዩ ነይሩ ነብይ መሐመድ ኪዱ ናብ ሐበሻ ክብልዎም ከለው ናበይ ድዮም ከይዶም ናብ ትግራይ ውቅሮ 2ተ አውላዕሎ አይኮንን ደዩ ንምንታይ ሐቃ ትመረና አነ ከአ መቸምም ክውለድ ከለኩም አበይን አደይን ክርስትያን እዮም በስመአም ኢሎም ይሐቁፍኒ በስመአም ኢሌም ይሐፅቡኒ ኮታስ ኩሉ በስመአም ነይሩ ስለዚ ከምዚዝብል ቤተስብ ዝለዝሃለውኒ ካሊእ አካል ክከውን አይግደደን። ሰላምን ፍቅርን ይሀበና አምላክ እትሐቂ በኢትዬጵያ ብኦርትም ኦሪት ተቀቡላ ትነብርር ነይራ ብሐድሽ ከአ ብዘመን አኩሱም ብአፅይ ኢዛና ክርስትና በአባ ሰላማ ክሳቴብርሃን ተቀቢላ እስልምና ናብ የኢትዮጵያ ዝአተወ ግን 6። 7 ክፍለዘመን ምካኑ እየ ሰላም ሐበሻ መፅውዒ ግን ንኢትዮጵያ ዝገልፅ እምበር ንካልኦት አፍሪቃ አይገልፅን በጭራሽ ድሕሪ ናይ ጣልያን ወራር ከአ ማለትም ኤርትራ ከብ ኢትዮጵያ ምስተፍለየት ንዓዓውን ይገልፃ ሰላም
Timnit Leakemariam mejemerya ab batsi Eritrea iyom leikom ab batsi allo iti nay mejemerya nebi zleakuwom sahaba
እዋይ ትምኒት ሓብተይ አዚኦም ደኣ ሕልሚ ቁርኣን ኢዩ ሕማሞም ዜሮም ዜሮም ምፍላዮም ኣይተርፍን ኢዩሞ ኣጋዚያን ምሕባሩ ዘይተርፍ ኢዩ ስለዚ ኣብ መትከልኪ ጽንዒ ባጽዕ ድማ ክፈርስ ኢዩ ወጃባት ኒዮው በልዮም
ኣብ ሲናን ሊብያን ዝተሓርዱ ሰባት ኣይኮኑን ግን ሰላም ስበኽ ምፍልላይ ከንቱ'ዩ
nihina jeberti 100% tigrina ena .aytedanagrena.geberti we are from tigrina
ቆራጽ ተሳኢኑ entay tebel aleka ata
hasawi ab adi eslam selam yelen
ata beyen yom mexiomuna ezom gahafat jeberti abta hager kelewu selah elom temesasilom leminom gbri tewahibom mesgid serihom abza dege mswexu anxar ti zihagezom hizbi tiray zikedu esayas tekeydu mis rihinga kithwesu ekum deki mennet albo adi albo wrdetegnatat hizbi tigrigna bsenki bsenki zi resah haymanot mslmna ndhrit kemzitemelse afeletkumn delekum nfalet mo nmalet dyu zibehal tefalitna wala esayas qebitskn u wrdetegnatat
ምስልምና ኣብ ምድሪ ሓበሻ ብሴፍ ኣይኮነንን መጺኡ ትብልስ፣ መሓመድ ግራኝ እንታይ ድዩ ጌሩ ሓሊፉ? ክርስትና ከጥፍእ ዘይኮነን ዝዋጋእ ዝነበረ?
I am not a believer I don’t believe in anything but reading Pathetic coments like QELETE ELAS, & Atse Yohannes I feel like I want to Pee on your Bible. “ Krestos Krestos “ The stupid Krostos you are calling “ GOD “ was slaterd and hanged by a “ Man “ he couldn’t save himself let alon to save you. Trash your stupid Bible cleanse the Krustos dirt in your mind and the hate in your heart and you will leave in Peace and you will begin to respect and love people who has a different believe or opinion than you,
Hasawi eritrea mi american europian mihznet tezhlwa neru sanction aymkonetn nera, jeberti hasewti ketemslu tuyat timeslu
ጀዛክ ኣላሁ ኼረን
Ewae abeyenay metshaf eka rekibkayo eway hateftef zey akmka msrah kkefie
ኣይ ትጋገ ኣቦ ኒሕና ተገዚእና እንበር ተጸጊዕና ኣይ ኮናን ንነብር ኔርና ምስ ሕልፋት ባዕዳውያን ገዛእትና፡ኮሞኡ ተዘይ ከ ዎን ክንቓለሶም ክንብዶሆም ኣይ ምሃቐናን፡ንሰላም ግን ስበኽ ፡ብ ሃይማኖት ምትፍናን ከቢድ እዮ ሳዕቤኑ።
Guhaf wedi shormuta eleka aleku adi habesha adi Islam eyou neru tibl wediza guhaf aregit konkan. entadekum ekum bihaymanot tiray tizarebu??? Kitfelit Islam zibehal haymanot kab ziflet 1340 Amet tiray eyou edm akutsiru zelo guhaf.
Kobor abo .lebo bexeli zexelmete seb wey ne kexle tememlmilo zeabiye hebreteseb be miknit wey reason nab lebo ketmelso ayekalen eu. Hezbi tigrina be orthodox church na aslem ne kexelo ne zemenat eya amhiratom .
አሳላማይ ቅለታይ
Tim bel hasawi aslamay ke entay haki tezareb
Gefena Mushmush AaKar
Ezana እንታ ቆንዳፍ ዓጋመ ተመሃር፡ ታሪክ ዘይብልካ መዋእልካ ኣብ ድሕረት ተገዚእካ ዝነበርካ ድሑር ዓጋመ፡ ካብ ሊስትሮ ሕጂ ክሓልፈልካ ጀሚሩ፡
አዛና ኣንታ ዓባቕ ዓጋመ፡ 3000 ዓመት ኣብ ልመና ዝርሕለፍካዮ ሳላ ኡአርትራውያን ሻዕብያ ሎሚ ሰብ ኮይንኩም፡ ምስ ጎይተትካ ጀበርቲ ክትዛረብ ዓጋመ፡ ሰብ ጸውዕ እንተበልኩካስ ዓጋመ፡
Mohammed Ibrahim
ዓዲ ዘይብሉ ዓውዲ ጀበርቲ. I beleive the people whom you call are Tigrigna, arent they? Go and read Nehnan Eelamanan in Jeberti.com and then come to me, anta Lehasi MaAkor Arab
ዓዲ ዘይብሉ ዓውዲ ጀበርቲ.If a filthy ass kissing Jeberti thinks he is a brother with a Yemeni or Saudi, what makes you a Tigrian who shares the same history, religion, language and features is totally different to me? Hatsey yohannes did a marveleous job to chase the jeberti and he cleaned Tigray from the arab wanna be people, i beleive now is our turn. Operation YOhannes the second should follow suit, anta lehasi Maakor Arab
Ezana Adonai
ዓረብ ዝብልዎም ህዝቢ ካብዛ ዓለም ከጠፍኡ ሰላም የለን ደናቑር ዝኾኑ ናይ ሰብ ኣተሓሳስባ የብሎምን ምድጉዳግ ትራይ እዮም ዝፈልጡ ይእዱግ ፍጥረት ሰብ ዘይብሎም ኣህዛብ እዮም
Akar hasawi, Mohammad nebi zbl yelen ab bible don't lies.
አሳላማይ ደንቆሮ
ጀዛኣከላህ ኽይር
Ata entay ena ngebro tesdidkum mexikumunas kendzi thsewu eway xenh ilkumes Aksum nay Muslim eya ketblu ikum kkkkk
ኣስላም ኣይትድከሙ? No Sharia in the Habeshan land!!!
walkume salame kubure Abo jegna
kela hasawi entay tarik alekum aslam fesewti
grmeso mai resah
Kkkkkkkkkkk haqi isika aykonkan iti chegwar menfess aboka ayteqebelen ! weriduka
kkkkk you know what islam mean it is a free ticket to die. always blabla beleti seb do aykenkumn
eyሱስ aስላማy eyo eስካ eንታy ey ሃyማነትካ aዲ ሀበሳ ናy aስላሞ aዲ eyo
Abubeker I
donkoro nay men dea kitwesd nay aboka Mohammed enber mermr kitfelit
Aregit keleka thsu ata jehad jeberti
Abey zolo barya eyou kabey eka nemukanu?
There is no habesha identity exept the afro-asiatic color and geographical intity this is simply rubish!
Tawet anbasa jegna nay behake zarabaka 100 / 100 ezome zexarafu Cirhstanen ka aytgadasalu nay abome eu Christian nay Alame endome ne rabi way namlake zamanu nesabe kamnu kesamamu aykelune eum maxhafe rukuse ketalu zekona feture ketalu eu zeblom bejaka mexfxafe mektale kale ayfaltune eum raseste endome
kkkkkk ata bzaba sudan zeytzareb kkkkkk fara
Ane christian eye .ab mechersta gen hizbi christian be senki etom donakor nay haimanoten politican merahtu ketefe mokano ayeterateren eye
Youeil hans kid hasawi kemaka zibele christian yelon, hamli
nice speech
zerayohannes ghebreyesus aslam ahmlti edil enterekibkum n skum, zidenager seb yelon
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ታሪኽ ትንተና፡ ህዝብና ካብዚ ተማሂሩ አንተዘይወጽዩ መዋእሉ ኣብ ጽልእን ህውከትን ኩናትን ክነብርዩ፡ መሳርሒ ጸዓዱ ኮይኑ ነንሕድሕዱ ክዋዳእ ክነብርዩ፡ ህዝቢ ነቒሑ ናይ ሰላምን ደሞክራስን መንገዲ ሒዙ እንተዘይከይዱ 3000 ዓመት ታሪኽ ሓሊፉ ሕጂውን ክንዳኡ ግዜ ኪከዪድዩ ብዘይ ለውጢ፡ ግን ሕማቕ ዝገብር መቕጻዕቲ ብጎይታ ስለዘለዎ ኢዱ ይረክብ፡
thx you are the teacher we learne same thing realy but same people they just talk with out knolege or proif this the big problem we face.
ኣብሽር ኣብ ጎንካ ኣለና
Abel Abel wiyyyy Aslam yehmlti