@@johncuba1612 PHOSPHENISM meditation for eyes that explain how to transform dots you see with eyes closed into mental energy; DUNGEON SYNTH music for contemplation DUNGEORE my personal elaboration of this two concepts NO AD, ALL FREE DOWNLOAD
@@johncuba1612 As in the Matrix The study participants had to make their way through 21 different mazes, with two choices, ie whether to move forward or down, based on what they felt through the visual stimulation of a phosphene (ie a visual phenomenon whereby the dots lights are perceived as spots or bars of light). To signal in which direction to move, the researchers generated a phosphene through transcranial magnetic stimulation www.wired.it/scienza/lab/2016/12/13/matrix-cervello-realta-virtuale/ \ www.methode-apprentissage.com/project/cerveau-phosphenes-et-memoire/ \ www.phosphenism.net
Oh my gosh 😮😊❤
The awesome hypnotic ambience behind sounds like Horloge intern from Anarkya ! Good mental ambience !!
hammer hammer.. 20 Jahre habe ich danach gesucht.. genial.. danke
sa fait plus de 12 heures que que je suis sur you tub a écouté toute sorte de teckno! et la jpeu vous dir que la sa méne! sa dechir tout!!
oui impressionnant un régal
Un pur régal de Samourai🙏
the biggest hypnotic trip ever !!
...BIG !!
PHOSPHENISM on this tracks!
so difficult for m'y last neurones .
.. :)
Aquila;The Best Frequency***
23yo and still dope AF
Viajaso a través de las entrañasS
Merci la tribe 🏴☠️
1996 mais ça passe toujours
less is more the best one more time😉👽👍
Love it
dangg this record is nice
23 let a pořád fungujou ti noumo! _🔥
Terrible méchant son hypnotisant 😇🙃😍
i like the track
Very nice bassist 🔥🦉🦔👍🌱💪🆓😎🎶🐧🆓
merci je ne suis pas chez moi..
mowzer great tracks
RaVe One
mythique cte plaque
PHOSPHENISM on this tracks!
@@johncuba1612 PHOSPHENISM meditation for eyes that explain how to transform dots you see with eyes closed into mental energy; DUNGEON SYNTH music for contemplation DUNGEORE my personal elaboration of this two concepts NO AD, ALL FREE DOWNLOAD
As in the Matrix The study participants had to make their way through 21 different mazes, with two choices, ie whether to move forward or down, based on what they felt through the visual stimulation of a phosphene (ie a visual phenomenon whereby the dots lights are perceived as spots or bars of light). To signal in which direction to move, the researchers generated a phosphene through transcranial magnetic stimulation www.wired.it/scienza/lab/2016/12/13/matrix-cervello-realta-virtuale/ \ www.methode-apprentissage.com/project/cerveau-phosphenes-et-memoire/ \ www.phosphenism.net
@@johncuba1612 biohackinfo.com/telepathy/
@@tarantellelectecnmentalcid321 agree/indeed - phosphenism is a part of TELEGONIK ! in german is it a ancient mystery about mental power & so on
quelqu'un connait le materiel utilisé ? pour la creation de ces tracks ?
Wenceslao Futanaki tout a fait....😉😉😉 un connaisseur.....
un sifflet d'arbritre de champions league
Tis derover