Therewolf Media - “Fallen, But Not Forgotten"| Genji VS Yone

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • Therewolf Media VS commission track for StrangeFate. This custom extra long DEATH BATTLE-style score features inspiration from Genji VS Yone (Overwatch VS League of Legends).
    -Music by Aaron Caruthers
    -Art by iuminous_shadow on X
    -Click to SUBSCRIBE:
    -Commission info:

ความคิดเห็น • 27

  • @strangefate9605
    @strangefate9605 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +20

    Guess you guys haven't seen the last of me commissioning tracks, huh? Boy do I have quite the story with this. If you couldn't tell from this being the third time I've commissioned an Overwatch track, I really love Overwatch and its characters. They all really just work for me, but Genji is special. I may not be amazing at him (I do think I'm solid though), but I love Genji from a lore standpoint and his journey of finding who he is and what his place in the world is. Naturally he's been one of my most wanted characters for Death Battle for a while, but while I've flipped through opponents like Gray Fox and Yoshimitsu, it was when a friend suggested Yone that I found what I wanted.
    Both Yone and Genji share a ton in common from their eastern influences, being nearly killed by their brothers but never holding animosity about it and eventually forgiving them, suffering from not knowing what they were or what purpose they served after losing part of their humanity (Genji becoming part cyborg and Yone becoming part demon thanks to his mask) but travelling to find their purpose, and the fun thing of wielding swords powered by supernatural creatures. There's way more than just that, but these are the big ones. My personal favorite of all the similarities though is how it uses Genji being a cyborg without his opponent being one. Playing into his cybernetics as the main theme of a Genji mu since there are two sides to him: the side that initially loathed becoming a cyborg and thought it made him merely a weapon, and the side that eventually found inner peace and realized his cybernetics don't define him. Yone fits that concept perfectly and manages to also have gone through the same journey as Genji, which is why I love this so much.
    There's a ton of potential as well for a unique fight that focuses on story, having it start ideally because currently in lore Yone still is trying to find why he's alive. The idea would be Yone challenging Genji to a duel to see if him surviving was an accident or part of fate. Seeing that Yone is going through the struggles Genji went through, I could easily see him accepting, and both initially holding back by using their more basic swords until both get winding by a powerful clash. During the moment they take to breath, Genji explains his story to Yone, who realizes how similar they are, and he now decides to go all out with both swords as a sign of respect as Genji pulls out the Dragonblade to do the same. Genji does unfortunately lose, but I imagine it could lead to a somber ending where Yone lay's Genji to rest and thanks him for his help as the scene fades to black.
    Now you can probably see why I love the track so much. It has a nice set up of atmosphere and initially a relatively tame fight theme to show they haven't gone all out yet, before really picking up for the fight, and theres a lot to pick up on as well. Going over the reference tracks 1 by 1, first is Genji's Heroes of The Storm theme. This is a must for any Genji track I believe as it has the feel of a powerful japanese track, something that really gives of the idea of what Genji is all about. Between it's chanting and powerful instrumentals, it's perfect. The more interesting Genji track pick is the Cyberdemon skin theme. there's not too much to say, but the high energy and fast paced feel just really felt like it worked for me. On Yone's end, I went with his login screen theme as it sort of acts as the perfect balance to Genji's HoTS theme. It has the say japanese feel, but is more peaceful and serene, perfect for at the beginning and end. This is further complimented by Yone's other theme, his Spirit Blossom theme, which is also very peaceful and serene. They all come together nicely and just... make for a track even words can't describe. It's so perfect for my second most wanted match-up, thank you so much to Therewolf for going above and beyond with this track.

  • @kinjorex101
    @kinjorex101 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

    Man, Genji really has a great matchup spread. And the music potential for nearly all of them is solid across the board, if this isn’t a clear indicator. Amazing work as always, Aaron!

  • @kingcorporeal
    @kingcorporeal 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    genji when yone misses all of his abilities but still does half and gets to escape the trade for free:

  • @gimmeyourrights8292
    @gimmeyourrights8292 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Yone: Is that salt in the wind? Ah, hello brother.
    Genji: Wrong answer, but your's betrayed you too, didn't he?
    Yone: What could you possibly know about that, machine!
    Genji: About as much as you, Demon.

  • @openinginawe5518
    @openinginawe5518 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    I saw the mu and knew who commissioned it.
    I'm excited

    • @openinginawe5518
      @openinginawe5518 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      It is so good
      It feel like the rise of fallen hero's

  • @Bubonic32
    @Bubonic32 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    The track art looks incredible.

  • @sharifrowe7812
    @sharifrowe7812 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Sees runtime: Damn 7 mins? Hope its pretty good.
    *Not even 30 seconds in: fully invested with a scene playing out*

  • @thesaviourfromheavensunwuk9639
    @thesaviourfromheavensunwuk9639 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    I like that title, its sounds so freaking cool.

  • @WyManiac13
    @WyManiac13 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    This got to be good! Also its been a minute since we got an Overwatch track from either Brandon or Aaron.

  • @matthewbaddams2302
    @matthewbaddams2302 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    An Overwatch matchup, haven't seen any in a while but it's good to see, many potential matchups and great tracks there.

  • @Brenton338
    @Brenton338 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Awesome job as always Aaron😁👏👏 I would love to see a Loud House commission track cause JP vs scores did one and so did Brandon😁

  • @thedino27fr
    @thedino27fr 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Genji may be edgy but one thing's for sure he's got one hell of a musical potential for his matchups.
    Over time my heavy dislike for Overwatch has changed into kind of a pity for its players due to Blizzard's treatment of it, so seeing a track involving one of its characters is actually kinda cool given its OST is one of the few things about OW that I actively quite like.
    This combined with LoL which I heavily dislike but that is highly praised (rightfully so) for its great OST means that I was a bit hyped for the track honestly, something that prompted me to take a look at who Yone actually is lore-wise (because while I'm no expert on Overwatch lore, I know the basics of who Genji is and why he's like that) and I was surprised to see that, at least on a surface level, it seems that this matchup actually works really well: two swordsmen "killed" by their brothers who were "reborn", main difference that their personalities are switched with their brothers for the most part which is quite interesting. Almost makes me care for it.
    But beyond the matchup the main thing to take note of for sure is the track itself. And the track does a really solid job for sure. It manages to catch the speed and combination of modernity and classicism befitting the characters while also having a very melancholic and tragic overarching feeling to it that's "tainted" by traces of hopefulness and heroism that I don't think I need to explain why it fits.
    And this results in quite the solid dynamic throughout the track. I can't go into details because I know only the basics of one character (and given that Overwatch's lore has basically been forfeit some years ago due to Blizzard's insanity I don't have much hope there'll be much more than what there currently is) and straight up don't know anything of the other beyond what's on their biography on the LoL website but even with this I still think the track's written in a way that makes for solid interaction potential between the two. The slow start could easily be one where, similar to the Dragons animated short, both characters don't actually see one another and only start interacting further down the line, at which point they have a standoff at 1:46 before the battle truly begins at 2:35, at which point the track takes on a more "standard" progression but one that still befits the both of them where the track doesn't feel outright antagonistic but also not fully heroic either. It gets across, as said earlier, the tragic and more serious side of both characters while also showcasing their more hopeful and to a certain extent (altho mostly for Genji) heroic sides.
    However the real highlight of the song to me would be its final arc starting at 4:30. In its writing it's relatively standard as it starts with a break that slowly crescendos into a more intense pre-finale that then transitions into its true ending but the way it's done is really appreciable to me. It takes what I described above and just applies it even better with a more impactful and iconic sequence of segments.
    And speaking of said sequence I must say I really appreciate its progression. Starting with its begining where at first it's only percussions and something that seems to be a war horn during the break to represent both characters' pasts as warriors in their family but then at 4:44 you get the entrance of a synth that starts to take the spotlight along with a violin to represent the clash between them and their brothers (the synth representing the younger and more carefree brother while the violin represents the older and more serious one) but also just to represent both characters as a whole (because as it stands in this matchup Yone was the more serious brother of the two while Genji was the carefree one) which makes it doubly fit.
    Then at 5:20 you get the breakdown which features mostly classical instruments which can mean quite a few things but fits more so when accounting for the following segment starting at 5:44 which transitions into more modern instruments with the electric guitar; both segments to me mostly signifying progress and more so the acceptance of both characters of who they are and/or what they did in their past lives which is why the former classical segment feels faster, slightly more chaotic and more sad while the guitar segment feels slower, more composed and most importantly more hopeful and heroic.
    But then this changes again at 6:09 where the melody of the guitar then shifts into a loop of the another, simpler melody. This one sounds much more determined and epic which fits really well in my opinion as it feels a lot like both characters pushing through their limits to continue fighting despite reaching their limits. It doesn't sound desperate or anything like that either tho because they're still seasoned and trained warriors with codes of honor that mean they'll fight until the end but it still manages to get across this determination they both have. However as those segments usually tend to end and as all battles must finish at one point, said guitar melody slowly starts to fade (mostly audible starting from 6:33) as the song takes on a slightly more grim tone for its final seconds to represent the strength leaving the characters as they prepare for they clash for their final moments until one of them fully gives out, falling under an ultimate attack from the other as the war horn is heard one last concluding time, signifying the end of the battle and by extension the end of one warrior's life. It's a really good ending that fits wonderfully within both characters' personalities and that also in general just sounds great. It's got a progression that's clear and understandable while not feeling too disjointed from the rest of the song. Definitely this last third or so of the track would be the highlight of it for me.
    Overall this track is one that follows suit with Therewolf's last ~7mins long track because it utilizes its length really well to tell a story. Of course said story is more so heard in its final arc but it doesn't remove from the quality it presents during the rest of its runtime and that's something really good because I quite hope future tracks of similar durations will continue on this path of using their increased runtime to tell more of a story than a shorter one could (of course at the end of the day it's up to the commissioners and Therewolf himself but that's my personal opinion on it). I can't say it's among my favorite tracks on this channel but I'll be damned if I say it isn't a really good song still; it uses the characters well, tells a story that has a great conclusion and is generally quite standout and appreciable all the while which results in a track that has no real flaw to speak of that I think most people will be able to appreciate. Of course I'm sure I missed a lot and possibly got some things wrong due to my ignorance of the characters (in which case my apologies) but still, it's a nice track either way. Amazing job with this as always.

    • @gimmeyourrights8292
      @gimmeyourrights8292 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Great analysis like always, I picture the synth parts as the Genji parts since he's a cyborg which clashes with the traditional instruments representing Yone. At least in my mind.

  • @blackblood1646
    @blackblood1646 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I really want to know the ref tracks used here, It’s so good!!

    • @strangefate9605
      @strangefate9605 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      On Genji's end I went with his Heroes of The Storm theme and Cyberdemon theme
      For Yone I went with his login screen and Spirit Blossom Yone

    • @blackblood1646
      @blackblood1646 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@strangefate9605 thank you!

  • @jaydenidas1067
    @jaydenidas1067 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    "Super Rainboom" | Splendid VS Rainbow Dash

  • @michaelsimpson208
    @michaelsimpson208 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Joe Musashi (Shinobi)
    Johnny (In a Violent Nature)

  • @lissanderaitanlopezflores1555
    @lissanderaitanlopezflores1555 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Magic Apprentices (Harry Potter 🆚 Edward elric)

  • @joaquincarloshernandez9651
    @joaquincarloshernandez9651 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    AMV Plan
    Kenshi And Mileena & Zenitsu Agatsuma & Nezuko Kamado - Fallen, But Not Forgotten (Therewolf Media) (Full Version)
    Tagline: "Prime Examples, Brave VS Scared Swordsman Accompany With A Pink Cursed Person With Genji VS Yone's Commission Track."
    Kenshi & Mileena VS Zenitsu & Nezuko (Mortal Kombat VS Demon Slayer) | Fallen, But Not Forgotten AMV
    Kenshi Takahashi: Vic Chao
    Mileena: Kari Wahlgren
    Zenitsu Agatsuma: Aleks Le/Hirō Shimōnō
    Nezuko Kamado: Abby Trot/Akari Kitō
    Pink Demons & Two Swordsmen (Kenshi & Mileena VS Zenitsu & Nezuko) [Mortal Kombat VS Demon Slayer]
    Warner Bros. Discovery VS Hitotsubashi Group
    Video Game VS Anime/Manga
    Rivals VS Lovers
    Kenshi Takahashi, Mileena & Mortal Kombat Was Owned By Netherrealm Studios
    Zenitsu Agatsuma, Nezuko Kamado & Demon Slayer Was Owned By Koyoharu Gotouge

  • @silvanacasse390
    @silvanacasse390 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    who win

    • @gimmeyourrights8292
      @gimmeyourrights8292 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Probably Yone, he has more supernatural powers given the half demon stuff.

    • @chroniclesofgamedom4002
      @chroniclesofgamedom4002 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I wouldn't underestimate genji. He actually has a lot going for him in this matchup.

  • @guerenameydan
    @guerenameydan 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Robinson Sarah Williams Susan Jones Mark

  • @domkayu9768
    @domkayu9768 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hey can you do garou (opm) vs godspeed

  • @marcusyates3044
    @marcusyates3044 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    "Fairly OddPotter" | Harry Potter VS Timmy Turner
    "Blossomed" | Princess Peach VS Amy Rose