Melissa Mesic, Both 3 Doors Down and Saving Abel are amazing.. 3 Doors Down and Saving Abel are both from Mississippi.. 3 Doors Down coming from Escatawpa and Saving Abel coming out of Corinth.. I'm from Mississippi as well.. I'm from Magee, but I had never been to Escatawpa but I did enjoy my time in Corinth.. Corinth was amazing and I loved the Civil War Museums and the Slug Burger!!!!
Hey WhiteAngel, Are you from Corinth,Mississippi? I've been to Corinth many times!!!! I had come to Corinth all the way from Magee!!!! I had gotten a Slug Burger!!!! My 7th grade teacher Annette Thomas grew up in Corinth, but also I had found out that the band Saving Abel had formed in the area as well!!!
But that's another 18 days Without you.. Time after time I've been through this You show me what it means to live You give me hope when I was hopeless As my days fade to night I remember that state of mind I'm soaring straight into your heart And I'll fly high
Reminds me of the deployment that I spent with my boyfriend. Every small amount of time felt so long but also so much closer to the end. It still makes me tear up
gosh i love this song. i was dating this guy for 8 months then i moved. i really did love him. and its been 6th months later and i saw him when i came up for break and god i felt electric. there was a medly of feelings flowing throughout my body. so many feelings surfaced. i miss him more than ever. and dude. just tell her. it will feel great and if she doesnt feel it at first she will later. trust me on this one. and its better you try it rather than never know what couldve been...
In September this song will be my life my boyfriend will be leaving for basic training in the USAF we are both going in but since he is a year older we will have to go through this twice....
My cousin left for basic training for the USAF and it sucks not being able to see him. he will be home soon but not as soon as we would like! If you see this David we love you and we are so proud of you!
Still reminds me of my late husband only its been 3 yrs since his suicide. It's been a hard 3 years, especially since our kids don't understand why your gone, ptsd has broken our hearts.
"That's just too many days, without you." My boyfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago. I still love him so much. We're still great friends, half the time its like we never broke up. I just want him to be mine again. He's been there for me when no one else was.
18 days could be the rest of your Life!!! Will you sit around and wonder or will you just follow through.... I couldn't imagine 18 days without you, my heart bleeds your name, 25 years of memories with only you, but somehow it feels different being without you! Your physically here, but really baby where are you??? There seems to be more distance between us in this little long house then there has been ever before... your near, I'm near but, really baby were are we?? The summer breeze, the fallen leaves, the nasty cold winter breeze, all I need now, is to feel your heat...
Oh. My. God... My boyfriend said (?) that he thinks of me when he listens to this song. And we have a basically screwed up relationship now because he did something that hurt me a lot so... This is making me cry. I'm not kidding. It's so beautiful...
I feel for you guys that have had bad things happen to your loved ones, but I think some things are better to keep to yourself. But I really do feel for you. I've had similar things happen.
I love this song. It kinda makes me think about the person i really really like. anyone got any advice? I'm afraid to ask her out because i still wanna be friends but i also wanna be more than friends. I also want to get a chance with her before the school year ends. I go to a school that has several different towns in one school.
@6Screamin6Suicide6 I know how you feel.....this was the song i sung to my fiancee before i left to fight in Iraq she was afraid i wasnt gonna make it back...she died in a car accident 2 days before i got home...
im goona miss my beautiful wife and my amazing little girl and boy there the centers of my life man i hate haveing to think im gonna be away from them for 15months...
@TheUnscriptedTimes Stay strong. I know as a Marine that it's hard to be away from home. Trust me. We are just as lonely, if not more. Over here getting yelled at, spit on, shot at. It's tough all we have is our fellow Marines and more importantly our ones back home. So just stay strong. My buddy found out his wife was cheating on him. DO NOT do that to your sailor. So just stay strong. Remember distance makes the heart grow fonder.
@whirlpool666: If you truly want to change you have to want it for yourself, not because you want to get your girl back. If it never works out than you will likely be right back where you are now. Changing yourself is one of the hardest things to do in life, and your desire to change has to outway all the shit you have to go through in order to become a better person, regardless of what anyone else says or does.
@whirlpool666 no one is ever worth that heartache. You should never have to change for someone. we grow up, we move on, and we set our sights on the next best. In the long run, you gotta do whats best for yourself
@6Screamin6Suicide6 I wish I could say that u will get over it, but i know how u feel, when my cousin died in a car crash 2 years ago I couldnt think or anything for a year... Try to stay strong, Death is the hardest thing to cope w/. U never get to see that person agian, but u will always have memories w/ u, and u should try to keep those memories alive. But for now, u should pray for his family bc tehy are probably goin through a really hard thing... My prayers are with you...
I cry everytime I hear this song. Love this song!
I saw them open for 3 Doors Down in concert and they were amazing.
Melissa Mesic, Both 3 Doors Down and Saving Abel are amazing.. 3 Doors Down and Saving Abel are both from Mississippi.. 3 Doors Down coming from Escatawpa and Saving Abel coming out of Corinth.. I'm from Mississippi as well.. I'm from Magee, but I had never been to Escatawpa but I did enjoy my time in Corinth.. Corinth was amazing and I loved the Civil War Museums and the Slug Burger!!!!
@@kevinmagee8955 I'm from Magee as well!! Simpson county baby
:). They're from my hometown in NB... It's the first time a local band like them gets out and makes it big!! :D
Love it!
Hey WhiteAngel, Are you from Corinth,Mississippi? I've been to Corinth many times!!!! I had come to Corinth all the way from Magee!!!! I had gotten a Slug Burger!!!! My 7th grade teacher Annette Thomas grew up in Corinth, but also I had found out that the band Saving Abel had formed in the area as well!!!
I love this song. I've seen it live twice, Abel FTW. =D
my husband proposed to me while this song was playing! been married 6 years going to be 7 here in a couple of months but been together for 11 years!
I hope life has been wonderful since
Gotta love this awesome song!
Since my husband left for the Marines, I listen to this song everyday. Makes me tear up thinking about it.
But that's another 18 days
Without you..
Time after time
I've been through this
You show me what it means to live
You give me hope when I was hopeless
As my days fade to night
I remember that state of mind
I'm soaring straight into your heart
And I'll fly high
when i seen them perform this in concert it literally got me to tear up. i love this song. its so powerful.
nice song..i hear it every morning at my car us i'm going to my school...great song...nice lyrics...!!!
Tap Tap Revenge has opened my eyes to so many good songs!!
i love it :)
Reminds me of the deployment that I spent with my boyfriend. Every small amount of time felt so long but also so much closer to the end. It still makes me tear up
i love this song .. it's sooo beautiful ...
He left 3 1/2 months ago...I'm seeing him again in 5 months!I wish it was just 18 days.I miss him sooo much!!!
Yall still together?
Definitely something to be proud of! My cousin was killed in Iraq 8 years ago...I miss him :(
used to sing this in the marines
Same here 👍
Thank you both for your service
Good song. Respect all soldiers fighting for our country!
this is a beautiful song
Would've been a bigger hit if it was released circa 2003/2004
Hey James Michael Harding, 2004 was when Saving Abel first started out.. That was the year they formed in Corinth,Mississippi
gosh i love this song.
i was dating this guy for 8 months then i moved. i really did love him. and its been 6th months later and i saw him when i came up for break and god i felt electric. there was a medly of feelings flowing throughout my body. so many feelings surfaced. i miss him more than ever.
and dude. just tell her. it will feel great and if she doesnt feel it at first she will later. trust me on this one. and its better you try it rather than never know what couldve been...
i dont know how i got here but i was listening to TDG and i found mt way here and realised i loved these songs along time ago and rediscovered them
You're in for a show it was amazing, i just saw them last night and i was blown away.
i love this song!!!!
In September this song will be my life my boyfriend will be leaving for basic training in the USAF we are both going in but since he is a year older we will have to go through this twice....
BEAST MODE!!!!!! :)
love this song!!! keith I love you!!!!
one of the best lyrics for a first time
My cousin left for basic training for the USAF and it sucks not being able to see him. he will be home soon but not as soon as we would like! If you see this David we love you and we are so proud of you!
I love her soooo much. No matter what happens. Shes always in my heart.
This song makes me soo happy
I luv this song!!! I first heard it while playing Tap Tap Revenge 2 on my ipod touch =)
oooh my god I love it ... strange way getting 2 know it but it´s still sooo great 5 *****
Still reminds me of my late husband only its been 3 yrs since his suicide. It's been a hard 3 years, especially since our kids don't understand why your gone, ptsd has broken our hearts.
mary chamblee ptsd is driving me crazy too. I know my son will be ok without me
mary chamblee i lost my wife a year ago tonight.. Im so sorry for your loss. I know what its like. Unimaginable pain. Yourenotalone
Love this song.!!
omg i luv this song so much!!!!!!!!
Me too girl. This reminds me of him so much.
"That's just too many days, without you."
My boyfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago. I still love him so much. We're still great friends, half the time its like we never broke up. I just want him to be mine again. He's been there for me when no one else was.
then tell him
I've started to get over him. And i've been with another guy for 2 weeks now.
Abigail Kisner good for you they say if u love the next one u never really loved the last
Batsonic Abie awwww, im sorry
18 days could be the rest of your Life!!! Will you sit around and wonder or will you just follow through.... I couldn't imagine 18 days without you, my heart bleeds your name, 25 years of memories with only you, but somehow it feels different being without you! Your physically here, but really baby where are you??? There seems to be more distance between us in this little long house then there has been ever before... your near, I'm near but, really baby were are we?? The summer breeze, the fallen leaves, the nasty cold winter breeze, all I need now, is to feel your heat...
Oh. My. God...
My boyfriend said (?) that he thinks of me when he listens to this song. And we have a basically screwed up relationship now because he did something that hurt me a lot so...
This is making me cry. I'm not kidding. It's so beautiful...
Jared Weeks is my teachers brother! I put my tight hand on the bible! He brought him into class one day too!
epically awesome
Seen them last night!!
Rebecca great birthday you had 🤘
awesome song!!
luv it!!♥♥♥♥
18days 😍
i got so far on the snake game when i was listening to this XD love the song
This song is special to me because my dad use to put me to sleep while this song was on n
Like it :]
The lyrics are nice *-*
i love this song
I love this song
This song is awsome I feel it happened 2 me a bit back he just left and i have loved the song since..
this song is so awesome.
great song first heard it on siruis radio
I feel for you guys that have had bad things happen to your loved ones, but I think some things are better to keep to yourself. But I really do feel for you. I've had similar things happen.
I sent this to the girl I love. I found out how she felt, turns out that was a good idea. :)
I love him so much... I wish I could just tell him!
this songs always reminds me that how much i love her..v..
awsome song
love this song
Not bad ,AT ALL for your 1st !!
this song is so awesome
I Might see them in concert with Nickelback and Seether. My mom's trying to get tickets becuase she loves Saving Abel. They're awesome :)
18 days tomorrow since I said farewell to the one who means the world to me. Will we meet again one day? Time will only tell.
thanks to tap tap revenge i have found the song of all songs i love this song to tears..its amazing in i couldnt live without it lol :)
this is me and my ex ex ex's song...but i still listen to it...not becuz of him...but becuz i love this song. :)
i really love this song
i love this song it rocks
i saw them live on Monday and they dedicated this song to the US military. =)
It feels like a lifetime baby
this song is great and so is everyone commenting on it :P
this song sounds great live, i was at the dark horse concert last night and it was just amazing.
OMG after 27 stitches. this is my second fave tap tap song
I love this song. It kinda makes me think about the person i really really like. anyone got any advice? I'm afraid to ask her out because i still wanna be friends but i also wanna be more than friends. I also want to get a chance with her before the school year ends. I go to a school that has several different towns in one school.
these guys work
i love this song
Hearing this makes me want to drop to the floor crying. I miss him.
good song =D
Omg that is so sad. I hope you get better.
platypus pie
@6Screamin6Suicide6 I know how you feel.....this was the song i sung to my fiancee before i left to fight in Iraq she was afraid i wasnt gonna make it back...she died in a car accident 2 days before i got home...
I miss you so much Kowalski 😢 💔
im goona miss my beautiful wife and my amazing little girl and boy there the centers of my life man i hate haveing to think im gonna be away from them for 15months...
@TheUnscriptedTimes Stay strong. I know as a Marine that it's hard to be away from home. Trust me. We are just as lonely, if not more. Over here getting yelled at, spit on, shot at. It's tough all we have is our fellow Marines and more importantly our ones back home. So just stay strong. My buddy found out his wife was cheating on him. DO NOT do that to your sailor. So just stay strong. Remember distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Good heartfelt rock.......lasts forever
My bf dumped me 7 years ago I still love him and hoping he’ll come back one day💔❤️
it started as 18 days its now a year and im still waiting :(
huh... my madison! ;)
It's another eternity without you
@whirlpool666: If you truly want to change you have to want it for yourself, not because you want to get your girl back. If it never works out than you will likely be right back where you are now. Changing yourself is one of the hardest things to do in life, and your desire to change has to outway all the shit you have to go through in order to become a better person, regardless of what anyone else says or does.
Long distance relationships aren't always bad. I got to know my gf over the internet 2years ago and we're still together and happier than ever. ^_^
this song's on tap tap revenge right? Its on ipod touch ive played it before hehe
@whirlpool666 no one is ever worth that heartache. You should never have to change for someone. we grow up, we move on, and we set our sights on the next best. In the long run, you gotta do whats best for yourself
gosh I swear I heard them on a TV show once... does anyone have any idea which one?
(great song anyway :D )
I love you Jackie, forever and always!
All i think about is how much i love her...
I wish I could say that u will get over it, but i know how u feel, when my cousin died in a car crash 2 years ago I couldnt think or anything for a year... Try to stay strong, Death is the hardest thing to cope w/. U never get to see that person agian, but u will always have memories w/ u, and u should try to keep those memories alive. But for now, u should pray for his family bc tehy are probably goin through a really hard thing... My prayers are with you...