Hey Russell - what mount have you been using to attach your camera (GoPro?) to the headband of your EarPro? Great POV and something I'd like to try running at my upcoming match.
Captain Sinistral Blasterman, please advise: I hear there's a point where barrel length stops helping velocity. For 9mm, what do you consider the 'sweet spot'? Im hoping it's not 16 inches, coz PCCs look silly sprouting straws that long. Great shooting and commentary by the way, cheers. Gus.
You’ve been using that red dot a lot lately. Is that because you like it, because you’re testing it, or because it’s the one you’ve got that floats from gun to gun?
Hey Russell - what mount have you been using to attach your camera (GoPro?) to the headband of your EarPro? Great POV and something I'd like to try running at my upcoming match.
@@chedlundtx it’s just some $20.00 thing I found on Amazon searching
@@SinistralRifleman Thanks, I'll see if I can find one
Fun! I don't own one, but good data for those that do.
I was at rio salado recently. The ASU clay shooting team practices there.
Enjoyed that . Thanks 👍🏼
Do you think using an sbr gave you an advantage? I have a Colt-mag PCC sbr.
What makes for Limited? Mag capacity?
No it’s a disadvantage. Especially with a 4.5” barrel like this; less velocity and less accurate
Limited = single optic
Open = multiple optics
Captain Sinistral Blasterman, please advise:
I hear there's a point where barrel length stops helping velocity. For 9mm, what do you consider the 'sweet spot'?
Im hoping it's not 16 inches, coz PCCs look silly sprouting straws that long.
Great shooting and commentary by the way, cheers. Gus.
@@gussie88bunny probably 9-11”
Longer handguards just make it easier to control and drive the gun though
@@SinistralRifleman I was thinking in terms pf manuverability around barricades. The sbr should be easier and quicker to move, no?
You’ve been using that red dot a lot lately. Is that because you like it, because you’re testing it, or because it’s the one you’ve got that floats from gun to gun?
I have a bunch of them
Lead & Steel are good dudes with good products, and support our Brutality Matches
Pray tell, deadly Sinistral Gunman, what is the red dot model please?
@@gussie88bunny Lead and Steel Pandora
Im gonna ask a dumb question: Do you shoot left handed?
Sinistral = of the left, left handed as opposed to dextral of the right, right handed.
Dude! You just unlocked Sinistral Rifleman's origin story! Epic.
@@SinistralRifleman Sweet.! I knew I liked you for more than one reason :)