There is no Ego in God's Kingdom

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Hugh shows you how Jesus taught us to use our egos to the benefit of God's kingdom. Also, Please donate to The One True Church, either at my PayPal link:
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    Thank you!

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  • @taysirabdallah4398
    @taysirabdallah4398 ปีที่แล้ว

    God bless you brother and fill you with hope and strength the faithful servant Will Inherit everything the Son of man came to serve not to be served narrow the gate which leads to life I believe we are in the middle of the tribulation and the sixth seal soon will be open god bless you brother and bless all who have love in Their Hearts

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  ปีที่แล้ว

      Taysir Abdallah, it's good to hear from you. We are indeed in the tribulation. I can see why you would suggest the sixth seal (Revelation 6:12-17) will soon be opened because Satan has nearly exhausted himself with evil over the last few years. Things can't get much worse on the earth so something has to happen that is more spectacular. For those who don't know the book of Revelation, the first through fourth seals represent Satan's initial destruction of the earth to fight the power of God's saints, the fifth seal represents how we in the church who have been sacrificing so much to glorify God in this evil time are crying out to be saved and raptured, and the sixth seal represents the stage where God begins to be glorified enough to start the end times battle in full against the dark prince of this world. Keep serving the Father and the son will soon be back for us.

    • @taysirabdallah4398
      @taysirabdallah4398 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 amen 🙏

  • @tomnoodles8768
    @tomnoodles8768 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im trying to find out where the phrase "great awakening" comes from because someone said its a freemasonic saying.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  ปีที่แล้ว

      Tom Noodles, I don't know the origin of the term "great awakening." I just know that the term has been used by historians who track times in US history when the church has expanded greatly. If the term is from the Masons it is irrelevant to the point of my presentation. There are many things in society that are of evil origin. If you find proof that the term is of Masonic origin, let me know.

  • @-TheExposition-
    @-TheExposition- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I remember that you said because you're a writer you were able to see that there was no need for Paul to come after Jesus since everything is completed w/ Jesus' story arch. This video is titled no ego in the kingdom and you also have a video on Genesis.
    By using your story arch method and by looking at the specific characteristics of the Spirit of God in Genesis chapter 1 we can see that there is a very stark different between the Spirit of God in Gen 1 and the Lord God in Gen 2. The Spirit of God separates the light he made and called good from the darkness that was there in the beginning. The Spirit also speaks all his creation into existence w/ his voice or audible sound vibration. The Spirit gives specific functions to the male and female who he/or they (Elohim) make at the same time. Spirit gives them dominion over all the earth.
    The Spirit says "Let the waters under heaven be gathered unto one place" meaning all waters on earth eventually form into one larger body of water flowing in one same direction. The Spirit makes "dry land" and the spirit says "Let the plants grow upon the dry land.
    The spirit calls all of it's creation very good and then it blessed all its creation and then it rests thus completing all it made. This means that all creation is perfect just as the Spirit designed it, completed it, blessed it to be.
    Just as Jesus said "it is finished" and it was finished, the spirit said "it is very good" then rested. The story arch ends there. It can be no other way and the text proves this.
    If all things are called very good and blessed then all things are very good and good is the intended state of all things.
    It makes no sense for the Lord God to plant a tree of both good and evil if God said all things are very good, blessed them then rested. Moreso one who plants a tree is planting so physically for the wordage is describing an act physical. The Lord God doesn't speak things into existence w/ the word of his mouth. He plants, makes, and shapes things which are all physical acts and not creating via audible/vocal sound.
    The earth around Eden is not dry land. A mist goes up from it so plants might grow and also the ground needs tilled by a man as the text says "there was not yet a man to til the ground". The waters that come out of Eden run into the oceans and do not gather into one place either.
    Water comes out of Eden, it then spits into four heads, one river surrounds Hivilah, one surrounds Ethiopia, one heads toward Assyria and the four we are told not where it goes.
    The Lord God also demotes Adam from having dominion over all the earth and reduces him to naming animals/tending garden. He also demotes the woman who had dominion of all the earth w/ the male by making her only for a helper to Adam.
    The tree of good and evil represents duality which is two nature's opposing being one side of the same coin. It's very much light and dark mixed unlike light and dark being separated by the spirit of God. Jesus said "A good tree can not bear evil fruit or an evil tree good" therefore we know that this tree of good and evil is not truly a good tree but an evil tree.
    Because the trees of good side is only a side of duality which has two sides it's other being evil. The tree is the law of duality which governs the physical world. As soon as they eat of the tree they break the physical laws of the physical world. Once they break them they become subject to them. This is what they realize when they eat. That the physical world is governed by laws and that they now are subject to them. The Lord God is not telling them the truth when he says they will surely die in the day they eat and the serpent tells Even The Lord is not telling them the truth.
    ''You will not die and the Lord knows this".
    The only thing that happens once they eat is exactly what the serpent said would happen. Eyes open to know good and evil as our eyes are open to know it too. The Spirit of God is showing us how good truly operates. It overcomes evil be being good and not having anything to do w/ evil.
    Evil first comes on the scene while the spirit of God is at rest thus complete and it's the Lord God who introduces the concept of evil into the entire story.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Nice analysis. You defined a couple of things I didn't notice. Thank you. Two things: Regarding being a writer, what I did was approach the bible using the well-known tool of story structure, including following the arc of the story, as you point out. I did this with an open mind to accepting whatever I would find, without being influenced by anything I had ever previously learned. Second, my only question of your excellent analysis is that you state it makes no sense that God would place the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden, but you conclude that God introduced the concept of evil into the story. My position on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is that God could not have put it there because God is love and does not possess evil. God is void of evil. All evil is created by Satan by stealing and converting God's glory into evil.

    • @-TheExposition-
      @-TheExposition- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I completely agree w/ your position that God is love, that he can do no evil, that he can not even associate himself w/ evil. God the Father is so absolute in holiness that evil and sin are both extreme offenses to him so much so that neither of them can even stand before his presence as you know as well.
      James says "No man should say God (The Father) is tempting him for God does not tempt any man. Men are tempted via being drawn away their own lusts. God the Father can not even be tempted by evil."
      James is bringing further clarity to Jesus' principle teachings on the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. When the Pharisees accuse Jesus of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub he tells them that Satan can't cast out Satan. He says Satan can't cast himself out because if he does he divides himself against his own kingdom (works/will) and that I kingdom that is or becomes divided can't stand. He then says the blasphemy against the holy spirit is the one sin that will not be forgiven. He says this to nail home the point that he is using the power of God to cast out demons and not the power of darkness/Satan.
      This teaching of Jesus tells us the Jesus/his Father do not/ never would employ Satan/demons to do their bidding just as Satan would not ever do anything of their behalf because The Father and Satan each rule over two kingdoms and those kingdoms are diametrically opposed to each other at all times. James brings further clarity to this point by telling us that The Father also does not tempt men and that he himself is so absolute in his holiness that he can't even be tempted by evil.
      While I don't want you to get the impression that I'm trying to bring up a topic that your channel is not about addressing, I nonetheless must clarify so my words aren't construed. I hold the very same stance you do. The Father is unable to do any evil at all because he is holy in absolutes. Nonetheless what I have come to understand over the course of the last few years through in depth study is that there is one in the bible who is called by the name "God" and that one is also called by the name "The Lord God" as well as the name Jehovah/YAWEH, but that one acts, does, commands, orders and proclaims all in a way that the Father simply can not, and can't because He is holy.
      You're a very intelligent man and your level of spiritual discernment ought be able to discern this true for it is true. Not because my words say so but because I'm merely conveying the Bibles words and them holding them to what they say about the Father.
      "I form the light and the darkness I create good and I create evil. I the Lord do all these things" Isa 45
      "Have you considered my servant Job faithful is all his ways?
      He is faithful because you have abundantly blessed him giving him all he wants. Allow me to stretch forth my hand against him and he will curse you to your face.
      You may have the power to do all things you see fit to him only do not kill him. "
      This is a bet Hugh. A gamble between "God" and Satan himself over jobs loyalty. The one the bible calls "God" through translation is quite literally lured into a bet w/ evil itself over Jobs loyalty.
      If the Father can't even tolerate evil in his presence then why is he sending the destroying angel to Egypt? Why is he commanding it to murder innocent children in mass? "It's better a millstone..." why is he putting lying spirits in the mouths of the prophets of Baal? Why is he directly behind and at the very center of evil being done and demons doing his bidding? Can Satan canst our Satan? Then God can't say "Satan go forth and do my bidding" only Satan can while lying and saying he is God.
      Now think about Jesus saying "My father would never give a serpent for bread if a hungry child asks" and YAWEH sending fiery serpent to bite And kill his children the Israelites when they hungered and complained about the light bread he sent them asking for full bread.
      Jesus is saying his Father would never do that and Jesus is alluding to that very account in numbers 21.
      Who is a liar and a murderer from the beging which is Genesis? The false God of the physical world who is called the Lord God. He lies saying "in the day you eat you'll surely die" while knowing they will not but nonetheless will because he will forbid them from eating from the tree of life. He set it all up and manipulated them the entire time in Eden. That's not God the Fathe the Father of Spirits.
      That's the god of this world. This is why he works counter interests of the spirit of God.
      It's Jesus words that confirm this because he says "No one ever saw my father's face at anytime"
      And "No one has ever given ear to my Father's voice except me" in John ch 5 v. 3
      Moses saw "God" face to face as a friend sees a friend in the tabernacle of meeting and many heard God speak in the OT al through it.
      That wasn't God the Father speaking.
      It was Jehovah who is the God of Israel who is also called Satan who said "I shall be just as The Most High.
      The enemy comes to kill, steal, destroy.
      When Israel enters Canaan they are under orders from Jehovah/Moses to kill every man woman child, repo the land (steal it) and utterly destroy everything.
      This is why all the murders, bloodshed, child killing, animal sacrifice, stonings, harsh death penalty for non violent offenses. Because all those acts no matter how we try and spin it are evil because they return evil for evil.
      I know you must search this out yourself. You'll now see it being confined all throughout the Bible and now every thing will make even more sense.
      "All who came before me are thieves and robbers"
      "You don't put new win in old wins skins
      Jesus said "I am in the Father and the Father in me. All things the Father does he shows me and I see all The Father does. I can do nothing by myself but must do all things the Father does."
      If Jesus saw all things the Father did and the Father showed him all things he did, and if Jesus is quite literally one w/ the Father so much that he must act just as the Father does, then why did Jesus not go around killing his enemies?
      He would have if Jehovah was his Father. He would have done the same for he would have saw his Father kill like Jehovah killed and he would have had to being one w/ him.
      Hugh, I know you want him to come and I don't want to upset you. Hugh the enemy has perpetuated the most diabolical deception of all the ages on most w/ in the church and most will not come out of that deception. It's a deception that has me once too. The Father began to work on me about a year and a half ago about this. They taught this in the early Christian movement. The Catholics stamped this teaching out. The teaching that the OT God was not the real spirit God who made Spirit creation and nothing more. The OT God is called the god of this word because he literally is. He made it.
      Hugh the coming of the son of man when all eyes see him he is seen coming east to west.
      The same way "the wind bloweth where it listeth and you hear the sound thereof and hear where it goes but can't tell from which direction it comes. So it everyone born of the Spirit."
      Every one is born of the spirit for all have a spirit in them that originated from the Father of Spirits.
      What Jesus is saying is that all who have spirits do not know that the wind primarily blows coming from the east and going to the west and that the same way the wind blows is the same direction from which he will come when it's time for all eyes to see him.
      My own personal stance is that when I die and that light appears that light I can know who that light is by knowing it's coming from the direction east which is the same direction the wind comes from.
      At least for now holding that position.
      "If you can accept it this (John the Baptist). is Elijah." Jesus
      We know Elijah killed men w/ the sword and that him who kills w/ the sword must be killed by it. A sword took John the Baptists head off and then in the future Elijah comes again.
      "Marvel not that you must be born again"
      "What did this man do in a former life to be born blind in this one?" Why do the disciples believe the blind man born before? This is not the real world made first. This is the one under it where physical death is the only constant.
      150,000 people die every minute, week, month year decade. It fuels this place. Goal is to get out. Jesus is the way out of the underworld.
      I know it's a lot. It's a lot for me.
      No room for ego in the kingdom.
      Rest assured I wrestled w/ mine and it hurt. I lost the wrestling match too.
      You 3 parts of power divided make this work too. If Satan opposes God in heaven the same way Paul opposes Jesus on earth then his does Satan oppose God. By acting as if he is him or is him the same as Paul did on earth. As antichrist opposes here on earth Jehovah opposes in the unseen heavens above. The God of the OT is much like a man and less like a true God. He spoke all things to be in Gen 1 and is above all things yet later in Gen 2 he is walking in the garden like a man walks and does not know where Adam and Eve are. How can he not know when he is above all creation? Lesser God called "God" through translation. Bible is divided 3 ways too and tells of three beings Father, Son, Satan only Satan is the Father of lies and he pretends to be God and in a very real way counters the Son and Father. Look at how Sampson acts when the spirit of the Lord overtakes him. He goes out and begins to kill and steal from his enemies in mass. Demonic power.
      What you bind on earth is bound in heaven. What you lose on earth is loaded in heaven. Equal above is it is below.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@-TheExposition-, I've heard this before several times here on my TH-cam channel, that the God of the Old Testament is actually Satan. It's false and I'm sorry you've fallen for it. Each person who has reported this same false notion has been very knowledgeable about the bible, but somehow fell for this trap. God is called many things in the bible, and all refer to the same spiritual entity: God, Elohim, The Living God, Abba, Jehovah, The Most High God, Jealous, and The Lord, for a sample. All of these refer to the same person.
      Just consider some basic questions. Jesus was also called many things, but I haven't yet heard a false story about Jesus possibly being Satan. Paul was also Saul, so was Paul Satan? Jesus changed the names of some of the apostles, so were they actually Satan?
      You agree there is a standard story structure to the bible, but now you are saying that the antagonist is shrouded by something that isn't explained in the story in any manner.
      God was barbaric in the Old Testament because it was a barbaric time. God punished Israel violently because they worshiped Satan, burnt their children in the fire, and refused to obey Him, thereby empowering the real Satan. God tried to civilize Israel over time, but it didn't work, so God sent Jesus with a new set of rules for salvation that were not as brutal. Jesus also describes a brutal, violent future to those who do not obey the Father, so again, is Jesus actually Satan?
      Why would God give Israel hundreds of laws that represent the absence of sin if God were Satan? Satan's control of God's kingdom is maintained by the ritual power of sin and to force Israel to cast out sin would pit Satan against Satan and Jesus spoke specifically to this impossibility in Mark 3:23-24: "“How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."
      Also, in the book of Revelation God calls Israel The Whore of Babylon and singles them out for the worst and most vile punishment of all the sinners in the world. The second alluring part of this false concept is that those who fall for it believe that God's behavior in the old testament was vindictive and evil, whereas His behavior in the New Testament was purely loving. Not so.
      Why would God assist Israel in battles against the Satan-worshipping tribes and have Israel completely wipe them out? Why would God include the death penalty for Hebrews who committed the most egregious sins? Why would God create the ten commandments? Where did this incredibly powerful version of Satan go after the stories of the old testament? It’s a story with too many holes.
      This fake theory is designed to get former believers to break the first commandment. I cover God's evil behavior in my book "The Moment Time Stopped" if that might help you, but frankly, I don't need to hear any further on this topic.

    • @-TheExposition-
      @-TheExposition- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Second Reply. I need to study this more and because I know how bright you are I felt that you would likely opt to study this more out too on your own time naturally. It could be that the enemy came into the camp during the time of Moses because Moses just like Paul is out in the desert and that is when the Lord reveals himself to Moses and does so by using a name that was not know by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
      Also "Moses is educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians" and ancient Egypt factually, historically was synonymously known for teaching Egyptian mystery knowledge.
      Moses is born in the late 1300's BCE
      And Akenaten rules in Egypt in the 1340's BCE and he historically built the mystery school of Akenaten in Egypt during his reign. Students came from as far as Greece and India to study there.
      The text is telling us that all the Egyptians knew "wisdom" wise they taught to Moses. I believe this is why Moses doesn't found an official religion until after he comes out of Egypt.
      All the intricate practices of the tabernacle, it's all practiced the same way today in Freemasonry. Those in the lodge will tell you that Freemasonry truly is just Egyptian mystery knowledge repackaged. It also makes sense because King James was a Scottish rite Freemason and a lodge founder himself.
      I believe this is why Jesus constantly corrected the law of Moses. "The law was given by Moses but grace and truth was given by Jesus" Meaning the truth was not being given by the law of Moses only the command of the law. "Moses gave you not that bread from heaven" Jesus said. "The bread Moses gave your father's are and they are dead. I am the true bread come down from heaven that my Father gives."
      Also Jesus said "My kingdom is not of this world for if it were might followers would fight". Jehovah the God is Israels kingdom is of this world and his servants Moses, Joshua, Kaleb, Saul, David did fight and for an earthly kingdom. In fact the same Faustian type pact that Satan attempts to strike w/ Jesus is the same type of covenant Jehovah has w/ Israel
      "If you worship me and follow all my commands/ordinances I will give you a kingdom upon the earth and that kingdom will rule over all the other kingdoms of earth."
      "They will all pay you tribute and you will pay them none/the law will go forth from that kingdom."
      YAWEH also sits on a throne between the cherub while the Father sits alone w/ none beside him save the Son who is his equal. YAWEH physically rides the cherub too.
      This is the God of Job speaking in Job 40
      “Look at Behemoth,
      which I made along with you
      and which feeds on grass like an ox.
      16 What strength it has in its loins,
      what power in the muscles of its belly!
      17 Its tail sways like a cedar.
      When you go on to read the rest of 40 and 41 especially you will see that the Lord boasts greatly over the power of the dragon Leviathan and the Lord says that Leviathan looks down upon all that are proud the same way the Lord does.
      Yaldaboath, it's the name the gnostic believers ascribed to the OT God believing he was a dragon and an abomination who alone swore he was God. The early christian movement is very fascinating. I looked there because men began to creep in and corrupt what Jesus did almost immediately after he came.
      We must be wise as serpents and serpents are diabolically intelligent. You're 3 part divided power theory is correct I believe because the enemy got three parts of power and then he gave a 3rd portion of that power to men upon the earth. They gave that third portion to the Jews, The Christians and the Muslims by making three distinct belief systems. Each system has a holy book. Each book sits upon the alter in the masonic lodge. Whole I know you dont like knowing this knowing this enables one to see the schemes of the enemy.
      And seeing them allows one to demonstrate how his kingdom works. In war you must know the strategy of your enemy so you might overcome him.
      Jesus said "the traditions (insert religious) of men will make my word of no effect.." the ritual power of religion which is nothing more than a program created by evil to quench the spirit.
      Religion comes from the French word Relegion. It also comes from the word
      Religare which mean "to bind".
      "And they bound him w/ chains and fetters"
      For religion is legion for the "Lord God" is Jehovah Jireh and Shalom and Nissi and Rapha, I Am, I Am that I Am, El Shaddai, Adonnai, El and all the other names he is
      Jesus came because he has to come as a Jew so he might feed those who made a pact w/ evil. He has to do this because that evil has spread over the world factually through religion. The Roman Jewish civil wars were very violent and fought because the OT God is a god of war. Those he came to set fres rejected him because they were of their father the devil just as he said. He then opted to save all the world. He saved it by giving new wine which is new because it never has been given before. We don't have any clue how good he truly is and he is so much more good than we can ever imagine is the good news. For he is completely and wholeheartedly good and nothing less than. There's much to rejoice over.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@-TheExposition- I agree that you should look at it again. You are too valuable of a believer for God to lose.

  • @KingdomTheologyTV
    @KingdomTheologyTV ปีที่แล้ว

    Title of video: "There is no ego in God's kingodm".
    Opening statement: "Welcome to the ONE TRUE CHURCH!"
    I could not help but notice the irony.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Kingdom Theology, that's a good dig, if you don't know anything about what I teach or anything about the people who follow me. It's easy to insult someone anonymously, so if you are not interested in engaging in a discussion, then you should move on because you have done no good for God so far.

    • @KingdomTheologyTV
      @KingdomTheologyTV ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 I have found your videos & am watching them. Was just pointing out an obvious aspect of your theology you seem to be missing. I was pointing out the boldness of your position. Self-doubt is not a thread I have found in your teaching yet. But, maybe I will find a sincere humility as I continue to watch your videos. Thus far, I only find a person with unhistorical ideas weaving out of context verses together without a hint of self-awareness, or a healthy sense of self doubt. So, I pointed that out. If you take that as a dig instead of valid criticism, I will let you take it as you will.
      But at least I watch your videos & give input. You have boldly said I have done nothing for God from 3 short sentences of input which others might find helpful, even if you don't. But that is the self-centered bold stance my comment was referring to.
      And my input was not anonymous. My name is available on the description of my channel. So the anonymous"dig" is inaccurate. But to be clear, my name is Chris Chapman. I am married with 3 children.. I was born in Missouri but grew up in Oklahoma.i was converted to Christ in my Junior year of high school from atheism. I moved to China to preach the Gospel soon after finishing college. I currently live in Indonesia as a minister of the Gospel . I'm 47 years old.

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@KingdomTheologyTV, that's much better! Thanks for asserting yourself intelligently. The comment about having done nothing for God was meant about taking a shot at me without entering a dialogue here on my TH-cam channel. It had nothing to do with whatever good you have done for God in your life, a subject I know nothing about. Regarding self-doubt, it is correct that I am completely certain that my thematic view of the bible is correct because no matter where you test my theory of the bible, it works. However, as with most people who seriously study the bible, I become aware of new sub-themes in the bible from time to time, either by my own study or because some Godly person alerts me to a new theme here, so in fact I am regularly humbled by the awesome nature of God's revealed word. Thanks and I hope to hear from you again.

    • @KingdomTheologyTV
      @KingdomTheologyTV ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hughwhitmore-author2031 Yes, many theories can be consistently defended from the "whole Bible". It simply needs some interpretive ingenuity to make a system fit. There are endless examples presently & in history.
      As for your system:
      For example if I say that
      Paul was welcomed by the Apostles in Jerusalem according to Galatians, one merely needs to say, "Aha, but Paul's writings cannot be trusted!" Thus the "whole Bible" is no longer the whole Bible.
      If I then say, "Ok, but Paul was welcomed by the Apostles according to Luke in Acts 15 & they agreed with his message." One merely needs to explain away the passage or throw out Luke as Paul's companion. Against the "whole Bible" is not consulted honestly.
      If that objection is accepted, then I say, "Ok, then, but Peter commended Paul's writings in his epistle".
      One needs merely to interpret Peter to mean something different.
      Then at the end such a person can self-confidently assert "You see, though my system completely ignores the writings of the Pre-Nicene church (replacing it with a pseudo history made up by men on the internet) ignoring the testimony they bore with their blood, I know my meta-narrative of the Bible is true because it lines up with the 'whole bible" after I take out parts & reinterpret other parts to fit my theory"
      This is why I say you are a bold man. You can ignore the testimony of the early church martyrs & make up a brand new history. Then, what is more bold still, you remove parts of Scripture & twist other points to suit your fancy. And all the while doing it sincerely, without imagining that you are deceiving yourself with your own "wisdom" & leading others into apostasy.
      I have no doubt of your sincerity sir. No doubt at all. Your self-confidence has blinded you to your deception. This is why Paul warned men would be both deceived & deceiving. Yes, I quoted brother Paul!
      May God grant you repentance & the knowledge of the truth. And may he deliver others from the snare you are laying for them in broad daylight.
      God, in your wrath on the pride of men, remember mercy!

    • @hughwhitmore-author2031
      @hughwhitmore-author2031  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You said you were going to watch my videos, but that was a lie, because if you did, you would understand how my theory of the bible includes Paul, it does not omit him. The fact that Paul is a false apostle and false prophet fits the theory. You would have to start with my video on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to get a start on the theory, but you won't because you would rather choose the words of the serial killer, Saul of Tarsus, than accept the words of the son of God.
      You are the type of liar that the current culture refers to as a troll. You exude a false sincerity to engage a sincere man, which is me, to then later waste my time by putting forth a theory you didn't even come up with because you are not that knowledgeable or learned to do so. This Anti-God, Anti-Jesus trolling effort of yours places you on the Satanic side of the theory. Nice try, but you are not going to trip me up. I have the integrity to test my own theories and to debate them. I have done both for over seven years here with hundreds of people.