This has to be as good as Freeze Man’s song, and cover! Ignoring the cover for a second, the way it builds up to it’s secondary melody and busts into it like it’s a superhero cartoon, then silently keeps it going, jovially egging you one to trek through the rain and snow is just as memorable as Freeze Man’s theme. Then when the song repeats, it seamlessly ends with a suddenly different, and more unknowing tone while still clearly staying joyful and upbeat to reiterate the underlying possibility of falling and failing is just too good. Then the new sound-font comes in and really helps tie everything together! This is officially ozzy approved 👍.
Heat Man might be pathetic being beaten by Bubble Lead, but nothing's more pathetic than watching Cloud Man be absolutely defenseless to Danger Wrap's BUBBLE, of all things. It's so freaking sad, guys.
@@flameslinger8820 Yeah, and it's mine placer can allow for an easier kill, but it's just a little more sad that he doesn't even put up a fight when being hit by it.
Shortened rendering/processing/upload time. Itonically this is one of the few songs in the game that actually has a loop longer than 1 minute so its one of the longer ones. People can always hit the replay button if they want more :D
This lowered my depression for the day
I've heard the original, and it's always cute when you change the scale from the original.
Sky Sanctuary Zone? No? Well, it was worth a shot.
It's never _partly cloudy_ with a remix like this!
This has to be as good as Freeze Man’s song, and cover! Ignoring the cover for a second, the way it builds up to it’s secondary melody and busts into it like it’s a superhero cartoon, then silently keeps it going, jovially egging you one to trek through the rain and snow is just as memorable as Freeze Man’s theme. Then when the song repeats, it seamlessly ends with a suddenly different, and more unknowing tone while still clearly staying joyful and upbeat to reiterate the underlying possibility of falling and failing is just too good. Then the new sound-font comes in and really helps tie everything together! This is officially ozzy approved 👍.
Heat Man might be pathetic being beaten by Bubble Lead, but nothing's more pathetic than watching Cloud Man be absolutely defenseless to Danger Wrap's BUBBLE, of all things. It's so freaking sad, guys.
In cloud man's defense:
Danger wrap actually has a bomb in it, so it's more dangerous than bubble lead in one aspect.
@@flameslinger8820 Yeah, and it's mine placer can allow for an easier kill, but it's just a little more sad that he doesn't even put up a fight when being hit by it.
@@alextheshyguy6513 yeah true. Though he gets caught and damaged by it so fast, I don't know if he's even able to react.
Lead poisoning is no joke!
@@Hotlog69 you are one hundred percent right, but in the context of robots it's just a normal bubble to them. They can't get lead poisoned.
Roobuts wearing sunglasses
PoV: Protoman tells you to burn down a forest while inside a cloud fortress
Always thought that was strange XD
And then you just fucking do it, all just to save a downgraded bird! LOL
Don't worry, if it makes you feel any better, it's full of snakes and bees.
You'd find NO better place for being a daydreamer. I mean, your head could be in the clouds all day!
Cloud Weather Zone act 1
Get my phone taken away for a week and look at all of the absolute masterpieces this guy releases... holy crap my guy! Great work!
I have a playlist saved for mega man 1 through six, 9, and 10 saved of the genesis remixes. Thats how much i like them
wild weather zone
Nice and relaxing
Happy holidays everyone!
This is WAYYYY THE FUCK better then the first version. The first version did not sound right at all. This one though you nailed it perfectly.
Can you do Mega Man 11's Stage Select theme and Fuse Man theme?
cloud climate zone
Playthrough link doesn't work properly
Look, it's Thundurus
I’ve noticed the music loops have been trimmed from 5 total to 4.
Why’s that?
Shortened rendering/processing/upload time. Itonically this is one of the few songs in the game that actually has a loop longer than 1 minute so its one of the longer ones.
People can always hit the replay button if they want more :D
@@TheLegendofRenegade well, i always liked having the 1st loop repeated after the 3rd... but alright!
A whole lot better than V1
Hey do you have any original tracks? I'd love to listen
do i hear rocket knight's soundfont?
Konami and Sega? What kind of sorcery is this?