Some may agree but others might not, but I think you should always have a hand cam on during tourneys. That way the opposing team can have people check to make sure you don’t have your Johnson out.
whenever I watch r6 console tourneys the teammates are always talking shit to their own teammates does anyone know why? if you do could you please reply and let me know why, thanks
Yk mingo is the best controller player i’ve ever seen but such a selfish teammate. not caring about rotates and head holes is wild. No hate tho just the truth. love watching you play man it’s amazing watching the gun skill man! 🫶🏻
You need to 1v1 junko again your soooooooo much better tbh, last time was definitely a fluke, also idk why these guys downplaying you while you’re literally the best on the team 💀💀💀 like what
the passion in the skyte + mingo stack never fails to be entertaining. good stuff
Stopping + Minho stack skyte is a cry baby
Skyte a full time yapper
first 5 min and skyte already bitchin
this is a different level of passion right here 😭😭😭
skyte the biggest yapper lmfao
Some may agree but others might not, but I think you should always have a hand cam on during tourneys. That way the opposing team can have people check to make sure you don’t have your Johnson out.
keep doing these ong
bet twin
Man I just love watching Mingo play siege good shi brotha
Skyte’s defintley passionate lol
we gonna ignore the facact mingo stopped moving while a lion is going off and hes on attack? 24:02
How do they hear anything in game with the constant yelling?
Yo bro I’m honored to have you on PlayStation with us 🙏 you’ve gotta be the most underrated player and make 10/10 content, hoping you grow bro
What is your stick sensitivity
Need a option to mute skyte on the vid fr
whenever I watch r6 console tourneys the teammates are always talking shit to their own teammates does anyone know why? if you do could you please reply and let me know why, thanks
we need the meat cam😔
@@MingoJceyour comments are going to get really weird soon it’s like a disease that spreads from Junkyards comment section
@@riyoszuOng like these kids be cringe sometimes
How’d you get your aim so good mingoat?
Nothing but head shots! Gooooodddd aimmmmmmm!!!!
thanks for filling me up with passion😫
Yk mingo is the best controller player i’ve ever seen but such a selfish teammate. not caring about rotates and head holes is wild. No hate tho just the truth. love watching you play man it’s amazing watching the gun skill man! 🫶🏻
he does. they were jus arguing
STOMPN better than Mingo
this is such a braindead take
@@kitsumiiiThese controller champs are as good as Pc plats, dont say I didnt say it😂
@@CUSOCOOLthat’s a stereotype bud, watch oozie vs ST0MPN. Controller champs have better game sense.
24:02 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Does Skyte ever stfu 😂 damn he talks too much for it not to be comms
I would’ve been muted bruh
@@tinyissmall on god
How it started: fuck these guys are annoying
How it's going: fuck these guys are annoying but I can't stop watching
The yapping is crazy
entire lobby has negative game sense
did u guys win Saturdays tourny
nah lost saturday won sunday
Was Skyte on the yerks?
Idk but he’s annoying sadly
he’s just a full time yapper when his mouth isn’t full with burgers
Fat people always so damn angry
First to watch the goat play
Funny how these are tournaments and there is no vertical game play
The amount of arguing they do about the round before baffles me like cool u fucked up but the round is literally over stop crying
Sometimes you can hear callouts thru all the whining and complaining.. holy shit..
Did y’all win the tourney?
yeah this is the last game of the tourney
is jynxzi getting dropped lmaoo
Damnnn idk it seems like he is lowkey
No this is when he was on a date with kassie
No this is sundays tourney jynxzi only does saturdays
@@oscar-zy7is oh
Bro, this team is toxic 🤣 funny to watch but idk how you delt in game
Ngl first time here , bro yapping to much to be dying 🤷♂️
You need to 1v1 junko again your soooooooo much better tbh, last time was definitely a fluke, also idk why these guys downplaying you while you’re literally the best on the team 💀💀💀 like what
1v1s mean nothing in a 5v5 game
@@MingoJce yeah true but he still holds it over your head like it does
@@michaelevans483bro doesn’t have friends 😂😂
kick skyte out the stack he's so annoying, little cry baby
is he xim
Solary is 110% the worst player to ever touch a controller
Yo skytes voice is so annoying Holly, swap him with literally anyone
Need a option to mute skyte on the vid fr