You did a great job and think it’s a good simple design for the kids. Don’t be surprised if they finish quickly and want to do another one. I did this with a 211-year-old several years back and they were really funny because they like wanted to go through 15 sheets, watercolor paper and canvas, but it was.
@becmerci22 thank you. Ava wanted an art birthday party and I was honored to be asked. I'm about to head over soon, so we'll find out shortly if they enjoy it. 😊
You did a great job and think it’s a good simple design for the kids. Don’t be surprised if they finish quickly and want to do another one. I did this with a 211-year-old several years back and they were really funny because they like wanted to go through 15 sheets, watercolor paper and canvas, but it was.
@mariondavis3444 thank you. We have one painting and one drawing to do. Hopefully that will keep them busy enough. I'll find out soon
What a great activity for the girls
@becmerci22 thank you. Ava wanted an art birthday party and I was honored to be asked. I'm about to head over soon, so we'll find out shortly if they enjoy it. 😊