Olha o papai fazendo tudo que a princesinha dele quer ..❤❤ é sempre assim o pai sempre puxa pro lado de menina❤❤❤ deixa quando horun descobrir a verdade vai encher de mimos...❤❤❤ MEU SONHO
Hira negativna u trecoj sezoni skroz. Cak je i mucno gledati njeno ponasanje. Veruje svakom samo ne Orhunu. Da ga je bolje upoznala ne bi ni pomislila da je Orhun trazio abortus. Uskracuje ljubav oca i čerke svesno i porazavajuce. Odvratno. Cenk ,moj omiljeni glumac i najbolji Turski glumac❤❤😊🎉
Horum não tem nada de coitadinho, eles estão nessa porque ele tem parcela de culpa, sempre fez vista grossa a respeito da mãe não gostar da Hira, presenciou várias vezes a mãe humilhando e torturando Hira e nunca tomou uma atitude de fato.expulsou Hira da sua vida quando estava preso, mesmo assim ela ia vê-lo todos os dias,se ele tivesse recebido ela naquele dia que ela ia contar sobre a gravidez,eles não teriam caído na armadilha do advogado e Afife, a maior vítima da história é Hira que sofre desde a primeira temporada😢ninguém merece 😅
this series is shown in many countries worldwide, people are watching from one day to another and then don‘t know whats happening because they don‘t speak turkish and there are no subtitles!
Pôr amor Deus Hira não sejas assim tão teimosa conta tudo ao Orhun porque vais sofrer se ele souber por outra pessoa bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🇧🇫🤭😘🥰🐍❤️🙏🙏🕊️👍
It's the same thing every episode, Hira remembers the good times and then she remembers about the abortion and she gets angry it's the same thing all the time. They need to get on with this story.
Absolutely I watch three and none had English captions today. I would rather have no captions on shorts and have them on the episodes themselves for continuity and integration. Extremely frustrating. There are many dans and avid viewers supporting your projects K7 but you cannot give us captions. That is why I and probably many others come to K7 because of consistent captions. I had quit the few others entirely because of no caption support. I only watch K7 productions. Nothing else and this is what is now happening. I am discouraged and sad to be treated this way! Please we need captions.
I dont care for Aziz and that household is nutts. From the beginning its just too weird. Zertin pushing her sister to go after Orhun...forget it! His heart is for Hira ONLY
We will only find peace if our minds are at peace. Forgiveness of the past six years is the only thing that can cleanse our minds of all the hurt and betrayal. It's okay to cry your heart out Hira, but little Sahra deserves to know her father; it's her right.
Me enganei quando pensei que o amor de hora e Hurun fossem capazes de confiar tanto um no outro que por mais que tentassem não conseguiriam separá-los, mas me enganei. Hira e Hurun preferem acreditar em pessoas que tentaram separar os dois a todos custo do que um no outro e no que cada um foi capaz de fazer por esse amor. Realmente os roteiristas não conhecem a linguagem do amor verdadeiro e sim no amor sem memória. Ou então acham que nos telespectadores somos sem memória em relação a série. Esared está ficando sem sentido.
Esaret continua em círculo. Orhun parece cego e surdo. Como pode ainda não saber que essa criança é dele? Quando tudo nela diz isso. Tal pai, tal filha. Ambos compartilham muita coisa. Ele vive o momento do primeiro acampamento de Sahra cheio de amor e doçura. Mas ainda não sabe sobre sua paternidade mesmo se sentindo um. ❤ Vamos Hira pare com tanta amargura. Converse com Orhun, não guarde para se aquilo que envenena a sua alma. Abra o coração e deixe tudo vir à tona.
@@Patriciacuriel-f6l Já são mais de 400 episódios e não há progresso. São voltas e voltas no mesmo. E agora, essa raiva toda de Hira, que não passa apesar dos esforços de Orhun para mantê-la ao seu lado, com segurança. Ele cuida dela ainda que não queira, ele se tornou um bom pai ainda que não saiba. Ele continua presente ainda que seja maltrato. Ele errou ao afastá-la claro, mas ela também está errando. E todos estamos cansados de vê-los como estranhos.
Hira, Orhun and Sahra... Night, tent, campfire, two aching people who have lost their common path and their once beautiful memories, and between them a child who is currently experiencing her own adventure... Orhun cares about Sahra very much and knows her better and better, and his feelings towards her involuntarily become fatherly ♥️ He is a hero to her, an object of admiration and smiles that melt his heart🥰 Because this uncle is good, wise and has various skills that delight little Sahra🥰 Although Hira does not want it very much, because bitterness blinds her heart, the bond between these two is becoming stronger and stronger... For Orhun, every moment spent with them has a bittersweet taste, but he appreciates each one, because he remembers well that they are not his, and one day they will simply leave, and longing will overwhelm his heart... 😢 And Affify already knows... The question is what will he do with it...?
Hola 😊..Dos personas que han perdido su camino, ambos necesitan una brújula y esa brújula para Orhun está cada más cerca, aunque Hira ya la tiene sólo su camino necesita estar iluminado para saber la verdad ❤
@@alexaesquibel Hira is more lost... For Orhun there is still only one path and it leads to Hira... Only to her... He knows he may never get her back, but he can't give her up just yet... His compass works well...♥♥
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbitEstá perdida pero según lo que le hicieron creer.. me estoy refiriendo a esa pequeña brujala de Orhun que es su hija❤...tenemos claro que para Orhun su camino siempre será con el de Hira y éso no va a cambiar así ella no esté a su lado 😊
Așa l-au făcut și atunci cu calomnia…surd și orb…numai după răpire, spital, împușcături s-au împăcat…cam 50 de episoade…deci mai avem de asteptat, cred ca nici săptămâna viitoare nu se va afla nimic…urmeaza răpire…ceva și mai rău…și apoi dacă…nu se stie
Even without the subtitles I can follow the storyline by the actions and body language and facial expressions. I have also picked up some of the Turkish language over the cause of the series however the subtitles would be appreciated please 🥺. I'm also enjoying the storyline between Aziz and Elif.
Orhun is heartbroken about “losing” Hira to another man that he is blind and doesn’t consider the possibility that Sahra could be his. Sahra is Orhir’s gem 💎. She asks innocent questions not knowing her parents’ past. It makes me sad their original compass is gone.
But Sahra might be their new compass. Hira will realize Orhun already loved her not knowing she was his daughter, and Orhun will eventually forgive Hira once the truth will come out. And then, like you said, Sahra being their gem, they'll remember how much they loved each other and how worthy their love is to fight and find their way back to each other again ❤
Again? Why no subtitles? It really puzzles me! Is it so difficult to turn that option on? You are always forgetting non Turkish viewers! And there are so many of us from very different countries who need subtitles to minimally understand the interaction between characters! The recurrence is completely unacceptable!!!😢
Esaret transformou o orhum em um homem deprimido , sem ação. Todos vão saber da sara e sua filha menos ele , que não consegui ver o que está diante de Deus olhos .
No episódio, Hira tem boas lembranças com Orhun, e depois a mesma lembrança ruim sobre a ordem do"aborto"envenena sua alma. A justiça, a transparência, a verdade e o perdão precisa ser trabalho na série.
@@AndreaDomingos-c2j Ela tem tanta amargura, mas não se abre. Só alimenta o rancor dentro dela. Isso não é bom. Tomara que ela tenha uma atitude madura e fale abertamente sobre sua maior ferida. Que não seja preciso uma situação extrema para ela tirar essa raiva de dentro.
Me encanta cómo Sahra de alguna forma u otra encuentra la manera de hacer que OrHir convivan y compartan a pesar de sus indirectas constantes 🥰 realmente para mí fué una hermosa escena, la familia acampando en el jardín🔥⛺😍...cuándo los recuerdos del pasado no nos deja olvidar y nos sigue recordando lo que tuvimos y lo que quizás perdimos nos cuesta actuar conscientemente, ambos sufren en silencio y lo más doloroso es que nadie ve todo lo que llevas por de dentro 💔😢...todavía no me la creo 😐 Zerrin resultó ser más astuta que Hira y el hecho de que Afife también se enterara de la existencia de esa niña que en algún momento ella mandó a abortar 😒 Sahra y OrHir sufrirán aún más veremos cuál será su movimiento con está gran verdad 😒
@@AndreaDomingos-c2jAsí es 💔😢 también estoy esperando con paciencia ese momento ❤ aunque viendo el transcurso de los siguientes episodios futuros, todos se enteran de esta verdad menos Orhun 😢... Pero PACIENCIA 🙏 ése día llegará..
Hello🤗OrHir will suffer even more now because tomorrow Yekta will appear and everything will be confused... Sahra will forget about her uncle for a moment because she will be delighted with the presence of her "father", Hira will not know how to behave, and Orhu will suffer a lot...😢
Myślę, że gdyby Hira wyznała prawdę Orhunowi ich pierwszy wspólny biwak z Sahrą zyskałby cudowną i unikalną rodzinną magię..🏕️🥰. A tak oboje cierpią bo wracają do nich bolesne wspomnienia a Sahra nawet nie wie, że jest tak blisko swojego prawdziwego taty..to przykre. A przecież tą dwójkę połączyła niesamowita więź, mała jest Orhunem zafascynowana a on już zdążył ją pokochać..❤️. Hira, spójrz jak Orhun troszczy się o Sahrę, jak dba by niczego jej nie brakowało, żeby się uśmiechała, jak wiele razy uszczęśliwił ją spełniając jej marzenia..🤗. Czy ktoś taki mógłby chcieć skrzywdzić wasze dziecko?. Pomyśl logicznie, posłuchaj serca i podaruj Orhunowi prezent w postaci prawdy o Sahrze, że jest owocem Waszej miłości..On musi ją ochronić przed Afife🙏🙏.
No cóż ten scenariusz oparty jest na kłamstwie oczywiście że powinna powiedzieć całą prawdę od początku Orchun jest niczemu winny tylko matka i reszta żmij to scenariusz powinni zmienić bo naprawdę to jest już bez sensu a wątek drugi to beznadziejne 😂😂😂😂
Witaj🤗 Teraz kiedy Affify juz wie i pojawił się Yekta, to dopiero zrobi się ciekawie...😒😒On Sahre uwielbia i to z wzajemnością, ale nie może nic poradzić na gorycz Hiry... Ona zgubiła się bardziej... Dla Orhuna ścieżka wciąż jest jedna i ona prowadzi do Hiry... Tylko do niej... On wie, ze może jej nigdy nie odzyskać, ale nie potrafii z jeszcze z niej zrezygnować... Jego kompas działa dobrze..♥♥.
Witaj 🤗. Jestem w szoku, że Zerrin jednak udało się zrobić ten test, już dwie osoby znają prawdę, niestety osoby, które nie powinny jeszcze o tym wiedzieć. Orhunowi jest trudno z tym wszystkim, wspomnienia są bardzo bolesne, przywiązał się już do małej i niestety Yekta wróci w jutrzejszym odcinku. Dla Afife oczywiście będzie to na rękę, ona już wie, że Sahra jest jej wnuczką i że doktor pomógł Hirze. Sahra ma wiele cech swojego taty - robią te same gesty, lubią to samo jedzenie, śpią przy otwartym oknie, lubią kolor niebieski. Hira widzi to wszystko, wie, że Sahra jest na swoim pierwszym biwaku ze swoim ojcem, ale wściekłość ją oślepia i ogłusza.
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit witaj 🤗. Nie potrafi z niej zrezygnować, dla niego życie bez niej nie ma sensu. Hira byłą pierwszą osobą o którą zapytał po wyjściu z więzienia i zawsze będzie ją nosił w sercu. Kompas zawsze pokazuje mu jedną drogę, Hira jest dla niego jasnością, bez niej jest pogubiony. Wydaje się, że Hira nie potrzebuje już swojego kompasu, ale ona jest kompletnie pogubiona, zgubiła swoją drogę, jest pełna bólu i goryczy. Musi w końcu coś zrozumieć. Tak, Afife wie o wnuczce, pojawi się Yekta, który zobaczy, że Sahra przywiązała się do "wujka". Może po pojawieniu się Yekty, Hira zrozumie pewne rzeczy.
Sahra warms my heart🥰 The only peace Hira needs is Sahra🤧 Everytime Sahra says Uncle I cry inside. Not OrHir's song as Orhun builds their tent and Hira has fbs of their memories together🤧 I don't understand Orhun that child loves everything that he loves and he still doesn't understand she is his. At this state if Orhun found out that Yekta can't have kids he still won't understand😱😱😱 The OrSah smiles made the entire episode for me😍😍😍😍 I think Hira was melting seeing the two of them eating an olive bun but then she remembered about the abortion and got angry. They both need to do the math and realize they were both caught in a big trap. Wait a minute are you telling me the reason we had they nice OrHirSah scene was for Zerrin to realize that glass wasn't the same and while orhirsah are camping the snake went into their room and found a strain of Sahra's hair🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 We can never have nice scenes without something evil happening. Now both snakes wknow the truth.
Well thaks to this we are having the plot moving! Ahhh Orhun u are super smart u can't connect the little girl even looks like ali! Come on!!! Hira is a nervous wreck! This should have already told you there something u need to look into! What is afife going to do now... she vanished Ali, now what!?!?!?! And she gets away with murder!! Nah! She needs to get her due! Come on Orhun! We need to see ur brain in action again! Where's yavuz! We need him back these se unity guys are worthless! Hahaha
The only person who is subjected to violence in this season is Orhun and the little girl Sahra. The truth is hidden from them 😞 But what made me laugh is that Zerin learned the shape of the bottle piece that she quickly picked up, and Zerin also sneaked into Orhun's house at night and took Sahra's hair without them noticing 😅
Nici nu mă mir ca a aflat Afife…încă trebuie să mai vină ceva și mai rău pentru Sahra și Hira și ultimul care va afla va fi Orhun..încă nu sunt episoadele la număr…dacă va afla săptămâna viitoare este foarte bine
@catalinneagu2608 I'm betting that Orhun already knows that Sarah is his daughter. He's not a stupid guy. He would look into his X wife and her new husband.
Asta da, îmi place să aud și să cred asta…eu m-am gândit așa “ chiar să fie atât de prosti? Dar cu acești scenariști parcă mi-e și teamă să mă gândesc la ceva bun…asta este cam așa….prea se aseamănă la multe…chiar așa…nu pun pariu ca și eu va cred😊❤️
Actually what makes defne think orhun would want her, delusional just like her sister zerrin a lost cause, hurry up n cut to the chase n leave defne, watching deyah on yali capkini, she knew there was no chance for her and ferit, so she left now thats what i call class. The next one i would like to see gone is dedim from hudutsuz. Ahwel we can only hope.
Writer, please this episode is so frustrating. I am very sorry for Ohrun and Hira. Both deserve a better life for them and Sarah. It is about time to be fair with Hira and Ohrum and Sarah as well as de followers. Too much violence and heaters before to be loved. The Evil always prevail!!! It is continued nothing is different even with the e story of Aziz and Alif. 🤦🏻♀️
Bravo Sahara! și-a reunit părinții , deși Hira și Orhun își amintesc de trecut de fiecare cuvânt spus unul altuia vor să le scoată din memorie dar nu pot ori de câte ori nu ar încerca....❤ Totul odată Zerin și-a atins scopul a obținut rezultatul dorit .. Da cel mai grav este că o la transmis lui Afife 😮😮😮😮😮 Esaret ❤ ❤️🩹 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨
If Hira could use her brain correctly, she had known for a long time that the devil Afife was behind her divorce and abortion. Nice to see the OrHirSah scenes. but at the same time heartbreaking. When Orhun looks at the little one, he feels a great attraction. She already has a place in his heart. And he does his best to forget Hira a little. but with the presence of the little one he cannot. and little sahra loves her uncle (father), how could she not be crazy about him. and she has her father's genes. Hira does her best to avoid Orhun, but maybe Defne will use her sister's advice. and she starts a relationship with Orhun. and only then might we see a jealous Hira. and then there is a chance that OrHir could melt in each other's arms.🤩🤩😍😍👌
But I’d Defne and Hira start to think that way I will be devastated. He has NEVER done that to her in any scenario and how bad it got. That would be horrible for the series.
oh my good why the box of translation box is cloced i dont understand any think wallah🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🤔🤔i lam like that all episode .hira❤❤❤❤❤❤ orhun❤❤❤❤❤❤ zahra ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dacă Afife afla ca este nepoata ei…ar trebui să știe și Hira și atunci nu ar mai avea de ce să-i fie frică…din contră ea trebuie să-i spună lui Orhun să-și apere fiica de Afife cea diavolească…este în stare de orice…Orhun trebuie să știe, dar sigur se va întâmpla ceva și mai rău și apoi dacă va fi și ‘ soare “❤️🇷🇴
Era de esperarce primero los malos se enteran de los secretos y quieren tapar el sol con un dedo. Pero bueno vanos haver que pasa ahora que las 🐍🐍🐍 saven que Sahra es hija bilogica de Sahra. Y tenia que ser que Afife llamara a Yaktar para que regrese y se lleve a su supuestamente hija supuestamente esposa. Pero Ohrun no va a dejarlas ir, porque el save la verdadera cara de Yaktar y que nadamas pienza en el y su seguridad. Vamos haver ahora para donde nos lleva la historia
Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais ✨ vai começar mais um capítulo emocionante da minha série favorita Esaret ❤🇧🇷👏 muitas emoções e lembranças nós espera ❤❤❤
Les cenarista nous brise le ❤ orhun hira s'aiment tellement maintenant il luit reste des souvenirs ,hira le déteste orhun la laisser tomber, elle avait besoin de lui 😢😢😢il ne reste que de la aine dans son ❤
WHERE'S THE ENGLISH SUBTITLES PLEASE? ALL THREE TURKISH DRAMAS I WATCHED IN A ROW HAVE NO ENGLISH SUBTITLES 🤬 Thank goodness for watching the shorts coz they had english sub titles🤷♀️
A pequena Sahra está feliz,mas Hira sempre na defensiva,ela não quer apegos,tarde demais A 🐍 mãe foi mais esperta e descobriu a paternidade coisa que Orhun teria que saber primeiro ai vem problemas
Please turn on the subtitles for episode 414. Today's episode is very important to fans. We love watching Esaret.
Olha o papai fazendo tudo que a princesinha dele quer ..❤❤ é sempre assim o pai sempre puxa pro lado de menina❤❤❤ deixa quando horun descobrir a verdade vai encher de mimos...❤❤❤ MEU SONHO
Hira negativna u trecoj sezoni skroz. Cak je i mucno gledati njeno ponasanje.
Veruje svakom samo ne Orhunu. Da ga je bolje upoznala ne bi ni pomislila da je Orhun trazio abortus. Uskracuje ljubav oca i čerke svesno i porazavajuce. Odvratno. Cenk ,moj omiljeni glumac i najbolji Turski glumac❤❤😊🎉
I agree, this is sickening...I don't like her behavior
Horum não tem nada de coitadinho, eles estão nessa porque ele tem parcela de culpa, sempre fez vista grossa a respeito da mãe não gostar da Hira, presenciou várias vezes a mãe humilhando e torturando Hira e nunca tomou uma atitude de fato.expulsou Hira da sua vida quando estava preso, mesmo assim ela ia vê-lo todos os dias,se ele tivesse recebido ela naquele dia que ela ia contar sobre a gravidez,eles não teriam caído na armadilha do advogado e Afife, a maior vítima da história é Hira que sofre desde a primeira temporada😢ninguém merece 😅
this series is shown in many countries worldwide, people are watching from one day to another and then don‘t know whats happening because they don‘t speak turkish and there are no subtitles!
yes !! dramatic .
Pôr amor Deus Hira não sejas assim tão teimosa conta tudo ao Orhun porque vais sofrer se ele souber por outra pessoa bjs da Ana Castro de Portugal 🇧🇫🤭😘🥰🐍❤️🙏🙏🕊️👍
Misericórdia, a série pegando fogo e sm legenda, pra que fazer isso com os telespectadores, pelo amor de Deus, ajuda nos!!!!
Господа админы мы просим включить субтитры, пожалуйста
Também digo o mesmo, por favor ativem todas as legendas... 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🇧🇷💚💙💛🇧🇷
It's the same thing every episode, Hira remembers the good times and then she remembers about the abortion and she gets angry it's the same thing all the time. They need to get on with this story.
Well I supposed that’s 3 out of 3 for kanel not giving us subtitles 😭😭 your international fans need subtitles pleaseeee
Absolutely I watch three and none had English captions today. I would rather have no captions on shorts and have them on the episodes themselves for continuity and integration. Extremely frustrating. There are many dans and avid viewers supporting your projects K7 but you cannot give us captions. That is why I and probably many others come to K7 because of consistent captions. I had quit the few others entirely because of no caption support. I only watch K7 productions. Nothing else and this is what is now happening. I am discouraged and sad to be treated this way! Please we need captions.
Which is the third one?
It's getting harder every day, without subtitles it's impossible to understand the soap opera!
How do you have a show around the world with no subtitles
Ninguem sabe...
En france Oui
@@sladjanamonney5891 vous avez des sous titres vous? Moi pas
هكذا وبهذه التماطلات لازلنا بعيدين عن الحقيقة الصبر هو الحل❤❤❤
I dont care for Aziz and that household is nutts. From the beginning its just too weird.
Zertin pushing her sister to go after Orhun...forget it! His heart is for Hira ONLY
É de cortar o coração ver a Sahra olhar para Orhun com tanta admiração
finally someone knew that Sahrah is Orhun's daughter. الحمد لله
Someone, please tell us in English what they are saying. Why do you leave off the English subtitles!!??
We will only find peace if our minds are at peace. Forgiveness of the past six years is the only thing that can cleanse our minds of all the hurt and betrayal. It's okay to cry your heart out Hira, but little Sahra deserves to know her father; it's her right.
Me enganei quando pensei que o amor de hora e Hurun fossem capazes de confiar tanto um no outro que por mais que tentassem não conseguiriam separá-los, mas me enganei. Hira e Hurun preferem acreditar em pessoas que tentaram separar os dois a todos custo do que um no outro e no que cada um foi capaz de fazer por esse amor. Realmente os roteiristas não conhecem a linguagem do amor verdadeiro e sim no amor sem memória. Ou então acham que nos telespectadores somos sem memória em relação a série. Esared está ficando sem sentido.
Fazendo a gente de bobo.
No true love is like this NEVER! YOUhave his child, you still love Jim.
Hira you Afife is evil
Where are the English subtitles please turn them on .
Bitte auch deutsche Untertitel
why again no SUBTITLES???
who is responsible?
Please can we have subtitles
Oh nooo
Esaret continua em círculo. Orhun parece cego e surdo. Como pode ainda não saber que essa criança é dele? Quando tudo nela diz isso. Tal pai, tal filha. Ambos compartilham muita coisa.
Ele vive o momento do primeiro acampamento de Sahra cheio de amor e doçura. Mas ainda não sabe sobre sua paternidade mesmo se sentindo um. ❤ Vamos Hira pare com tanta amargura. Converse com Orhun, não guarde para se aquilo que envenena a sua alma. Abra o coração e deixe tudo vir à tona.
Eso no pasar hasta el capítulo 600,le quitaron la astucia a Orhun y a Hira cada vez más ciega e ingenua,din crecer nada el personaje
Sau poate nu se va mai întâmpla niciodată…ei au zis ca va veni și soare…dar când? Două trei episoade la sfârșitul sezonului…atât de obositor…
@@Patriciacuriel-f6l Já são mais de 400 episódios e não há progresso. São voltas e voltas no mesmo. E agora, essa raiva toda de Hira, que não passa apesar dos esforços de Orhun para mantê-la ao seu lado, com segurança. Ele cuida dela ainda que não queira, ele se tornou um bom pai ainda que não saiba. Ele continua presente ainda que seja maltrato. Ele errou ao afastá-la claro, mas ela também está errando. E todos estamos cansados de vê-los como estranhos.
Казаха в интервюто до 50епизод. След тъмнината иде светлината ..Афифе уби една голяма любов. @@catalinneagu2608
Hira, Orhun and Sahra... Night, tent, campfire, two aching people who have lost their common path and their once beautiful memories, and between them a child who is currently experiencing her own adventure... Orhun cares about Sahra very much and knows her better and better, and his feelings towards her involuntarily become fatherly ♥️ He is a hero to her, an object of admiration and smiles that melt his heart🥰 Because this uncle is good, wise and has various skills that delight little Sahra🥰 Although Hira does not want it very much, because bitterness blinds her heart, the bond between these two is becoming stronger and stronger... For Orhun, every moment spent with them has a bittersweet taste, but he appreciates each one, because he remembers well that they are not his, and one day they will simply leave, and longing will overwhelm his heart... 😢 And Affify already knows... The question is what will he do with it...?
Hola 😊..Dos personas que han perdido su camino, ambos necesitan una brújula y esa brújula para Orhun está cada más cerca, aunque Hira ya la tiene sólo su camino necesita estar iluminado para saber la verdad ❤
@@alexaesquibel Hira is more lost... For Orhun there is still only one path and it leads to Hira... Only to her... He knows he may never get her back, but he can't give her up just yet... His compass works well...♥♥
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbitEstá perdida pero según lo que le hicieron creer.. me estoy refiriendo a esa pequeña brujala de Orhun que es su hija❤...tenemos claro que para Orhun su camino siempre será con el de Hira y éso no va a cambiar así ella no esté a su lado 😊
@@alexaesquibel That's why we love Orhun so much 😏🥰🥰Because he's always there for Hira, and now also for Sahra♥
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit Definitivamente 👌😍🤭
Afife is smart, Zerrin is smarter, Hira thinks she's smart... and only Orhun is such stupid and blind? 🤔😒😔
Așa l-au făcut și atunci cu calomnia…surd și orb…numai după răpire, spital, împușcături s-au împăcat…cam 50 de episoade…deci mai avem de asteptat, cred ca nici săptămâna viitoare nu se va afla nimic…urmeaza răpire…ceva și mai rău…și apoi dacă…nu se stie
Even without the subtitles I can follow the storyline by the actions and body language and facial expressions. I have also picked up some of the Turkish language over the cause of the series however the subtitles would be appreciated please 🥺. I'm also enjoying the storyline between Aziz and Elif.
Aziz está amando pela primeira vez na sua vida uma pessoa especial como elif 👏🙏❤🇧🇷
Melhor parte da série
Nu este la nivelul Orhir…a fost mult mai captivantă și povestea a fost diferită și de actori nu mai vorbesc…
A mesma coisa do núcleo 1, só maldades
Esaret dizisi hiç bitmesin diyen kaç kişiyiz?🤗👍👏
Com certeza o amor sempre vai vencer o ódio 🙏❤🇧🇷
I pay to be a member, but yet once again; no subtitles. 🤯🤯🤯
You guys are not getting them either.
Nem os membros tem legendas? Lamentável 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Where are the ENGLISH subtitles.. this not fair to us loyal viewers
They don't care, they had people subscribe and pay and still no subtitles... such a mockery!
Orhun is heartbroken about “losing” Hira to another man that he is blind and doesn’t consider the possibility that Sahra could be his. Sahra is Orhir’s gem 💎. She asks innocent questions not knowing her parents’ past. It makes me sad their original compass is gone.
But Sahra might be their new compass. Hira will realize Orhun already loved her not knowing she was his daughter, and Orhun will eventually forgive Hira once the truth will come out. And then, like you said, Sahra being their gem, they'll remember how much they loved each other and how worthy their love is to fight and find their way back to each other again ❤
@@colibribleu6747это верно😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
A consciência de Hira junto com às lembranças do passado ruim tão martirizando ela affs ninguém merece 😤😡
I would appreciate if you could turn on the English SUBTITLES for your Non-Turkish fans. 😢
Again? Why no subtitles? It really puzzles me! Is it so difficult to turn that option on? You are always forgetting non Turkish viewers! And there are so many of us from very different countries who need subtitles to minimally understand the interaction between characters! The recurrence is completely unacceptable!!!😢
Esaret transformou o orhum em um homem deprimido , sem ação. Todos vão saber da sara e sua filha menos ele , que não consegui ver o que está diante de Deus olhos .
No episódio, Hira tem boas lembranças com Orhun, e depois a mesma lembrança ruim sobre a ordem do"aborto"envenena sua alma. A justiça, a transparência, a verdade e o perdão precisa ser trabalho na série.
Amiga vai ser como no sequestro de orhun e hira aí vem o de sahra 🩷 aí que hira vai fica louca e vai conta tudo que sofreu com Afife ❤️🩹💔😢
@@AndreaDomingos-c2j Ela tem tanta amargura, mas não se abre. Só alimenta o rancor dentro dela. Isso não é bom. Tomara que ela tenha uma atitude madura e fale abertamente sobre sua maior ferida. Que não seja preciso uma situação extrema para ela tirar essa raiva de dentro.
Adm por favor ative a legenda em portugues Brasil nos proximos capitulos .
Muitas pessoas acompanham a serie pelo celular , como eu .
Me encanta cómo Sahra de alguna forma u otra encuentra la manera de hacer que OrHir convivan y compartan a pesar de sus indirectas constantes 🥰 realmente para mí fué una hermosa escena, la familia acampando en el jardín🔥⛺😍...cuándo los recuerdos del pasado no nos deja olvidar y nos sigue recordando lo que tuvimos y lo que quizás perdimos nos cuesta actuar conscientemente, ambos sufren en silencio y lo más doloroso es que nadie ve todo lo que llevas por de dentro 💔😢...todavía no me la creo 😐 Zerrin resultó ser más astuta que Hira y el hecho de que Afife también se enterara de la existencia de esa niña que en algún momento ella mandó a abortar 😒 Sahra y OrHir sufrirán aún más veremos cuál será su movimiento con está gran verdad 😒
Muitas lembranças e sofrimento ainda nós espera amigos 😢 só esperando que orhun descubra a verdade 🙏🇧🇷👏
@@AndreaDomingos-c2jAsí es 💔😢 también estoy esperando con paciencia ese momento ❤ aunque viendo el transcurso de los siguientes episodios futuros, todos se enteran de esta verdad menos Orhun 😢... Pero PACIENCIA 🙏 ése día llegará..
Hello🤗OrHir will suffer even more now because tomorrow Yekta will appear and everything will be confused... Sahra will forget about her uncle for a moment because she will be delighted with the presence of her "father", Hira will not know how to behave, and Orhu will suffer a lot...😢
Myślę, że gdyby Hira wyznała prawdę Orhunowi ich pierwszy wspólny biwak z Sahrą zyskałby cudowną i unikalną rodzinną magię..🏕️🥰. A tak oboje cierpią bo wracają do nich bolesne wspomnienia a Sahra nawet nie wie, że jest tak blisko swojego prawdziwego taty..to przykre. A przecież tą dwójkę połączyła niesamowita więź, mała jest Orhunem zafascynowana a on już zdążył ją pokochać..❤️. Hira, spójrz jak Orhun troszczy się o Sahrę, jak dba by niczego jej nie brakowało, żeby się uśmiechała, jak wiele razy uszczęśliwił ją spełniając jej marzenia..🤗. Czy ktoś taki mógłby chcieć skrzywdzić wasze dziecko?. Pomyśl logicznie, posłuchaj serca i podaruj Orhunowi prezent w postaci prawdy o Sahrze, że jest owocem Waszej miłości..On musi ją ochronić przed Afife🙏🙏.
No cóż ten scenariusz oparty jest na kłamstwie oczywiście że powinna powiedzieć całą prawdę od początku Orchun jest niczemu winny tylko matka i reszta żmij to scenariusz powinni zmienić bo naprawdę to jest już bez sensu a wątek drugi to beznadziejne 😂😂😂😂
Witaj🤗 Teraz kiedy Affify juz wie i pojawił się Yekta, to dopiero zrobi się ciekawie...😒😒On Sahre uwielbia i to z wzajemnością, ale nie może nic poradzić na gorycz Hiry... Ona zgubiła się bardziej... Dla Orhuna ścieżka wciąż jest jedna i ona prowadzi do Hiry... Tylko do niej... On wie, ze może jej nigdy nie odzyskać, ale nie potrafii z jeszcze z niej zrezygnować... Jego kompas działa dobrze..♥♥.
Witaj 🤗. Jestem w szoku, że Zerrin jednak udało się zrobić ten test, już dwie osoby znają prawdę, niestety osoby, które nie powinny jeszcze o tym wiedzieć. Orhunowi jest trudno z tym wszystkim, wspomnienia są bardzo bolesne, przywiązał się już do małej i niestety Yekta wróci w jutrzejszym odcinku. Dla Afife oczywiście będzie to na rękę, ona już wie, że Sahra jest jej wnuczką i że doktor pomógł Hirze. Sahra ma wiele cech swojego taty - robią te same gesty, lubią to samo jedzenie, śpią przy otwartym oknie, lubią kolor niebieski. Hira widzi to wszystko, wie, że Sahra jest na swoim pierwszym biwaku ze swoim ojcem, ale wściekłość ją oślepia i ogłusza.
@@user-wi6ru2lm9f-marbit witaj 🤗. Nie potrafi z niej zrezygnować, dla niego życie bez niej nie ma sensu. Hira byłą pierwszą osobą o którą zapytał po wyjściu z więzienia i zawsze będzie ją nosił w sercu. Kompas zawsze pokazuje mu jedną drogę, Hira jest dla niego jasnością, bez niej jest pogubiony. Wydaje się, że Hira nie potrzebuje już swojego kompasu, ale ona jest kompletnie pogubiona, zgubiła swoją drogę, jest pełna bólu i goryczy. Musi w końcu coś zrozumieć. Tak, Afife wie o wnuczce, pojawi się Yekta, który zobaczy, że Sahra przywiązała się do "wujka". Może po pojawieniu się Yekty, Hira zrozumie pewne rzeczy.
Toujours des femmes pour torturé les autres pauvre Elif 😢😢😢😢, que des souffrances 😢😢😢
Elif tb é uma escrava deles nossa sofre tanto misericórdia
Why when a episode is so beautiful is without subtitles
Sahra warms my heart🥰 The only peace Hira needs is Sahra🤧 Everytime Sahra says Uncle I cry inside. Not OrHir's song as Orhun builds their tent and Hira has fbs of their memories together🤧 I don't understand Orhun that child loves everything that he loves and he still doesn't understand she is his. At this state if Orhun found out that Yekta can't have kids he still won't understand😱😱😱 The OrSah smiles made the entire episode for me😍😍😍😍 I think Hira was melting seeing the two of them eating an olive bun but then she remembered about the abortion and got angry. They both need to do the math and realize they were both caught in a big trap. Wait a minute are you telling me the reason we had they nice OrHirSah scene was for Zerrin to realize that glass wasn't the same and while orhirsah are camping the snake went into their room and found a strain of Sahra's hair🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 We can never have nice scenes without something evil happening. Now both snakes wknow the truth.
What impress me is the snake wandering around the mansion at night, and nobody notice, come on this is a joke 😂
Well thaks to this we are having the plot moving! Ahhh Orhun u are super smart u can't connect the little girl even looks like ali! Come on!!! Hira is a nervous wreck! This should have already told you there something u need to look into! What is afife going to do now... she vanished Ali, now what!?!?!?! And she gets away with murder!! Nah! She needs to get her due! Come on Orhun! We need to see ur brain in action again! Where's yavuz! We need him back these se unity guys are worthless! Hahaha
The only person who is subjected to violence in this season is Orhun and the little girl Sahra. The truth is hidden from them 😞 But what made me laugh is that Zerin learned the shape of the bottle piece that she quickly picked up, and Zerin also sneaked into Orhun's house at night and took Sahra's hair without them noticing 😅
A única coisa que está salvando a série é Orhun e sahra
Verdade ❤❤
Fica nessa chatice a hira com odio do orhun ao invez de falar pra ele toda a verdade
Realmente a culpa não e de orhun ele vai descobrir eu creio ai vai se pesado 🪨
The cantankerous lady of the house just found out she has a granddaughter!!
Nici nu mă mir ca a aflat Afife…încă trebuie să mai vină ceva și mai rău pentru Sahra și Hira și ultimul care va afla va fi Orhun..încă nu sunt episoadele la număr…dacă va afla săptămâna viitoare este foarte bine
Como sempre, Horum tá tapado 🙈
@catalinneagu2608 I'm betting that Orhun already knows that Sarah is his daughter. He's not a stupid guy. He would look into his X wife and her new husband.
Asta da, îmi place să aud și să cred asta…eu m-am gândit așa “ chiar să fie atât de prosti? Dar cu acești scenariști parcă mi-e și teamă să mă gândesc la ceva bun…asta este cam așa….prea se aseamănă la multe…chiar așa…nu pun pariu ca și eu va cred😊❤️
Actually what makes defne think orhun would want her, delusional just like her sister zerrin a lost cause, hurry up n cut to the chase n leave defne, watching deyah on yali capkini, she knew there was no chance for her and ferit, so she left now thats what i call class. The next one i would like to see gone is dedim from hudutsuz. Ahwel we can only hope.
Obrigada escritora por deixar a legenda indisponível para nós, com coisa que todos nós entendemos a língua turca👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Writer, please this episode is so frustrating. I am very sorry for Ohrun and Hira. Both deserve a better life for them and Sarah.
It is about time to be fair with Hira and Ohrum and Sarah as well as de followers.
Too much violence and heaters before to be loved.
The Evil always prevail!!! It is continued nothing is different even with the e story of Aziz and Alif. 🤦🏻♀️
La verdad es que Orhun y Hira no aprenden, con todo lo que an pasado pareciera que no se conocen.
Please turn on the closed caption button. Thank you
Cadê a legenda em inglês? E nos outros idiomas também 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
A advogada ja está dando conselhos pr Orhum desistir da Hira e seguir outro rumo. E com certeza ela quer que seja com ela.
It won't happen
Bravo Sahara! și-a reunit părinții , deși Hira și Orhun își amintesc de trecut de fiecare cuvânt spus unul altuia vor să le scoată din memorie dar nu pot ori de câte ori nu ar încerca....❤
Totul odată Zerin și-a atins scopul a obținut rezultatul dorit ..
Da cel mai grav este că o la transmis lui Afife 😮😮😮😮😮
Esaret ❤ ❤️🩹 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨
If Hira could use her brain correctly, she had known for a long time that the devil Afife was behind her divorce and abortion. Nice to see the OrHirSah scenes. but at the same time heartbreaking. When Orhun looks at the little one, he feels a great attraction. She already has a place in his heart. And he does his best to forget Hira a little. but with the presence of the little one he cannot. and little sahra loves her uncle (father), how could she not be crazy about him. and she has her father's genes. Hira does her best to avoid Orhun, but maybe Defne will use her sister's advice. and she starts a relationship with Orhun. and only then might we see a jealous Hira. and then there is a chance that OrHir could melt in each other's arms.🤩🤩😍😍👌
But I’d Defne and Hira start to think that way I will be devastated. He has NEVER done that to her in any scenario and how bad it got. That would be horrible for the series.
No captions again please turn them on
Oh my God!!! Even to ask for water in this novel, it is under pressure and violence!!!🤦🏻♀️
Now Afifi knows sara is orhuns daughter!!!!!
Ah!!!Aziz you are madly in love boy!!!!!
Vc está acampado com sua filha sahra 🩷 orhun ❤
I watch now for Aziz and Elif 😍
oh my good why the box of translation box is cloced i dont understand any think wallah🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🤔🤔i lam like that all episode .hira❤❤❤❤❤❤ orhun❤❤❤❤❤❤ zahra ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dacă Afife afla ca este nepoata ei…ar trebui să știe și Hira și atunci nu ar mai avea de ce să-i fie frică…din contră ea trebuie să-i spună lui Orhun să-și apere fiica de Afife cea diavolească…este în stare de orice…Orhun trebuie să știe, dar sigur se va întâmpla ceva și mai rău și apoi dacă va fi și ‘ soare “❤️🇷🇴
There is no option to have the english translation 😞
Era de esperarce primero los malos se enteran de los secretos y quieren tapar el sol con un dedo. Pero bueno vanos haver que pasa ahora que las 🐍🐍🐍 saven que Sahra es hija bilogica de Sahra.
Y tenia que ser que Afife llamara a Yaktar para que regrese y se lleve a su supuestamente hija supuestamente esposa. Pero Ohrun no va a dejarlas ir, porque el save la verdadera cara de Yaktar y que nadamas pienza en el y su seguridad. Vamos haver ahora para donde nos lleva la historia
C’est un des episodes le plus interressant d’Esaret et ils ne nous mettent pas de traduction
الغراب الاسود سلطانة تقوم بالواجب كما سنبغي 😂😂😂😂
Tá sem legenda e eu gostaria muito de saber o que a advogada falou para o Orhun.
Vai começa mais uma maldade de afifi. Escritores por farvo estamos na 3 temporada ja. Deixe de ta fazendo a gente de besta😢😢😢😢
Хира что ты делаешь😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Por favor cadê as legendas
No English subtitles
Vocês acreditam mesmo que Orhun não sabe que Sahra é sua filha?
Turn captions on. No English subtitles 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Boa tarde meus amigos virtuais ✨ vai começar mais um capítulo emocionante da minha série favorita Esaret ❤🇧🇷👏 muitas emoções e lembranças nós espera ❤❤❤
Ihhh! Hoje não tem close captions!!! Sem legenda, então... não dá para assistir. Que pena!
Les cenarista nous brise le ❤ orhun hira s'aiment tellement maintenant il luit reste des souvenirs ,hira le déteste orhun la laisser tomber, elle avait besoin de lui 😢😢😢il ne reste que de la aine dans son ❤
But he thought he would be in prison 4 ever. But he didn't know she was pregnant..the lawyer lied, Per Afife
What happened to the english subtitles you left them in america
Aziz ❤️ elif
What is happening to night😮😮. My 3rd series No caption. 😢😢😢
❤❤Sahra Orhun Hira ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😢Afife Sultan Zerrin 😢😢🐍🐍🐍
Se bien lamentable que afife sais pour Sarah elle va vouloir faire disparaitre la mère et la fille 😢😢😢
Thank goodness for watching the shorts coz they had english sub titles🤷♀️
No subtitles!!!! 😮
Infelizmente 😢
Lost in translation. Lol
Where are the English subtitles???
Why do you do this? You have us hooked on this series, then you leave us out???
We need the ENGLISH SUBTITLES!!!!!
Que no vuelva Yekta 🙄
Why again no english subtitles please turn them on
Warum gibt es heute keine deutschen Untertitel, das könnt ihr doch nicht machen. Bitte
جينك محاسن اريا❤❤❤❤
Il devient obsede par Elif le pauvre Aziz
Add the subtitles and we can look at this episode again
Can someone translate. Please. Thank you.
Dommage qu'une fois encore nous n'ayons pas accés aux sous-titres... 😢😢
حلقه رائعه لتقارب الاب وابنته
We need subtitles please
please add the CC so I can watch.
اين الترجمه للعربيه لو سمحتم
Bring back English subtitles please.
A pequena Sahra está feliz,mas Hira sempre na defensiva,ela não quer apegos,tarde demais A 🐍 mãe foi mais esperta e descobriu a paternidade coisa que Orhun teria que saber primeiro ai vem problemas
No Translation 😢 why???????