The same person saying "the slippery slope is a fallacy, they say 'if gays can get married then where does it end?'". This same person then goes on to explain why if a boy who still believes in Santa Claus thinks he's a girl, then we should give him drugs that will essentially castrate him. He then goes on, the whole time being dressed as a girl, to quote sources that also think pedophiles should be called Minor Attracted Persons to battle stigma.
You’re just making up shit now. If there’s someone in this video defending and deflecting from pedophiles it’s Matt Walsh, which I show very clearly. Cope.
@@deaddomainthe person who wrote the founding documents of queer theory opted for pedophilia to be de-stigmatized. So no. The only one who's making things up is you, which you do by cutting clips out of context to make someone look bad. The EU is no longer letting children chemically transition because of how harmful it is to developing bodies. And how is the obvious fact that you think gender and sex are different, and then advocate for biological men to be placed into female institutions being made up?
Phil, Oz, Oprah, Gayle King, Maxwell, Epstein, the Clinton's and Billy Bush all went to Trump's wedding to Melania. You can find there's a direct link between Scientology, Trump, and the techniques used by the right wing echosphere, who also tie to NXIVM (Elon promoted it) Epstein (Trump's bff for20+ years) and Saville, (who Brand idolised) and the Monarchy who (Shapiro and Piers Morgan defends). Tate dated Peterson's daughter and Elon went to the same Jesuit University as Trump, and Epstein hooked up Elon's brother, just like he did for Trump. Trump's lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein by Lynn de Forrester Rosschild. Scientology is training these people in the tactics of brainwashing, basically what MK Ultra became, and probably run by the CIA, and Opus Dei, which is basically the same thing. Their principle strategy is Gaslighting. Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. It was used in Rwanda, Guatemala, Brazil, and Burma, each having ties to Mossad. Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta. Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler. All Roman Catholic. Special mentions (adjucants): Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Miller, Watters, Greenwad, Blumenthal, Maté, Camp, Brand, Loomer, Shapiro, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Greer, Summers, Silverstein, Adelson. Greenblatt. Wexner. Also Hindu Nationalists Ramaswamy, Tulsi, Haley, Hirsi, DeSouza, Modi etc. Edward Snowden worked for Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA. Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship Cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security" Trump paints himself Orange to represent Apollo. Aleister Crowley inspired NXIvM and Manson, and was a master of mind control, his Protege L Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology, which uses the same mind control tactics displayed in right wing media. They were also instrumental in Trump's conception as the Moon Child, born on a Super Wolf Blood Moon on June 14 700 days before the founding of Israel, who he gave sovereignty over the Golan heights on its 70th anniversary, and was inaugurated aged 70 years 7 months and 7 days old. June 14 is the birthday of Osiris, Known as the Day of the Pharoah. Scientology uses the same tricks as Religion and Freemasonry, including isolation through strange acts (rituals/hazing) Gaslighting and intimadation, these can also be seen in right wing propaganda. Peterson's hero's journey comes from the transit of the moon through the zodiac, which is why they're called months. Blame the victim: The strategy is to make the aggressor's feelings the goalposts, everything is oriented around their needs and approval; a war of attrition using subjective language and logical fallacies such as incredulity, which amounts to disbelief, and acting as if this belief is something the victim is responsible for. "Look what you made me do" *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feelings are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ unamerican etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* by doing so they preemptively assume the role of an authority by virtue of being rude. The shock value is the whole point, it's the politics of Terrorism. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to Populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults, "if many believe it then it must be true" (whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "Moral Majority" Patriotism is a form of Authoritarian Communism. Other than direct contradiction and disbelief other strategies for Gaslighting include Begging the Question, and the use of Strawman arguments; refuting a reframed argument *different from the one actually under discussion* while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. Through the exercise of overwhelming a subject with countless contradicting premises and subjective terms a game of Pigeon Chess is played to deter criticism and break down a person's defences, until they no longer trust their own feelings, and rely solely on an outside source for direction. This is clearly demonstrated in the Maga cult, and is repeated in the convoluted dogma and magical thinking of Evangelism, New Age Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Graham Hancock. Always alluding to a secret to be revealed, but always in vague nebulous terms and undefined benefits of a far away place with no means to verify one way or the other. "Trust me bro" Effectively they all play the same role of an Enlightened Guru with deep understanding of life matters who can solve all your problems. It's likely no coincidence Reagan emptied the mental health services in the US, over half of those in Jail and living on the streets have undiagnosed ADHD. Auyawasca and Psychotropics are also a staple in brainwashing, as is telling the target they've been brainwashed and that the Guru has the cure, right wing propaganda uses this language heavily by flipping the script and arguing they are the victims, that they're the ones being silenced and cancelled, that they oppose child abuse while also defending it, that the deep State is out to get them, when they're the Deep State and always have been. Aleister Crowley was a big advocate of using Psychotropics to brainwash, just like the CIA, Opus Dei and MK Ultra. Brand and Trump both use hand waving and holding them outspread in a "settle" gesture called pacing. They can also stare at an opponent, "asserting dominance" to put the target on the back foot and unsure how to respond. Peterson does this a lot, along with rapid fire speech, and using an insulting or demanding tone. By using these tactics as well as loaded language (Newspeak) and inference (plausible deniability) only to move the goalposts and reframe when challenged. Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of israel, and trained under him alongside Epstein and Roger Stone. Trump's Jesuit mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Master Freemason. He was born June 14 during a Super Wolf Blood Moon to Fred Christ and Mary McKleod, he keeps a book of Hitler's speeches called _My New Order_ and uses it verbatim at his rallies. The Von Drumph family come from the same place as Hitler, Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. He paints himself Orange to represent Apollo; the Dawnbringer of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. Jamal Kashoggi's Mossad brother Adnan sold Trump a Superyacht for Russian Roman Abromavich, who was also paying Boris and Farage for Brexit. Most of israel's govt are non religious Russians.
"If someone says something totally inane but everyone in the crowd applauds them, it's going to sound like they're right" - dude whose entire career is built on saying inane things for crowds to applaud him and make it sound like he's right, 2022
Hahaha it's coming from the dude who got a crowd to cheer for him after calling academic level biologists "idiots" after understanding they disproove his world view. It's like a fake generated situation. "Don't deny science!!" "This is the science" "Scientists are stupid!" *crowd cheers*
It’s interesting how they harp on “what is a woman?” And want an immediate one sentence answer but ask them what makes a man or what is masculine and they’ll write 5 books and start 10 podcasts to opine on it endlessly.
His "what is a woman" thing has unironically helped me teach lots of people about the complexities of gender. Prior to his wet fart of a film, lots of lite transphobes just werent curious enough to ask the question, but now ive been able to talm quite a lot of them into realising that its a complicated topic that a lot of people disagree about, and it would be best if we respect individuals rights to find their own answers.
Yeah, I never understood their definition of manhood because it tends to depend on your political leanings. Donald Trump is supposedly a huge alpha male to them
@@PatrickWDunneI'm a conservative and Donald Trump is pretty feminine. he's narcissistic, vain, has trouble admitting mistakes and exaggerates everything.
@@kirabate it's an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of human characteristics and not something to get so worked up about. For every definition we could come up with there would be edge cases, because reality isn't as simple as our language. You may as well ask "what is an Englishman?", and we could go down the same wild rabbit hole of an argument where it's impossible to land on a solid answer, because the word means different things in different contexts. To sum up my position: Gender is not as simple as Walsh likes to pretend, so why not respect individuals opinions about themselves? I don't have to agree with a trans persons individual perspective on gender to show them the basic respect of letting them live how they want to.
I'm a future preschool teacher from Croatia, and today, a children's literature professor at my college recommended what is a woman and a picture book of his, presenting them as something harmless and worth reading, before going on a monologue essentially making fun of parents that she knew whose child was non-binary and their parenting style. When I suggested that she should research who he is and what he stands for before recommending his books to her students at the end of the lecture, I was met with a monologue about how she's "not recommending" them but simply giving them the spotlight and that she, as a scholar, "knows that true critical thinking comes from acknowledging both sides". I've never had a nastier in-person reality check about how far behind we still are as a society.
If nothing else, given Walsh's professed opinions of academia, you'd think the fact that he would likely hold a good amount of outright contempt for her were they ever to meet might change her stance.
Not everything needs perspectives from both sides. For example, a WW2 historian and a Holocaust denier are on different sides, but only one of them has a perspective worth listening to.
@@AJ-wh1tw Exactly. Especially considering that he has no college education and this is a person with a PhD advocating for his content. That's the fact that messed me up the most.
@@TheOblivionMan Yes. Considering I was very agitated and distraught by it all, I actually failed to dig deeper and present to her his distaste for the education system, the things he stands for and the effects those talking points have on people, and, even worse, children's lives in the moment. This is sort of messing me up now because I feel I didn't do enough and the guilt is kinda hard to bear, but I am fairly early into my active allyship so maybe I should be less hard on myself (but it still hurts).
Matt walsh legit threw a fit about a book that told kids its okay to tell your family you don't want to be touched. Let me repeat. Matt walsh, legit got mad, at a book, that told kids about consent.
I found it funny that the starting points right after reading the book was just him saying he had to do stuff without his consent or else he'd get beat. And then goes on to defend this like wtf
@@alim.9801 It is called: "C is for Consent". The whole book is how kids should be allowed to say no when someone wants to do something physical with them, like give them a hug or shake hands. And Matt Walsh was like: "wow oh my god how to sexualize stuff, wow this never happened in my family, I got beat when I didn't hug grandpa willy and I'll do the same with my kids"
@@Gorehoundula do u genuinely think i only listen to pop because i made a joke about people who loudly criticise pop? I'm not going to argue with you about the quality of pop, but I will recommend you spend your energy finding music you actually like instead of insulting random strangers online.
So telling how at 39:13 he instinctively (and correctly) uses "their" and "themselves" when talking about a singular non-binary person before having to consciously 'correct' himself. Really goes to show that accurate language isn't the goal, cruelty is
@@kathleencastle8631bruh,,, the oxford english dictionary has evidence of written use of the singular “they” since 1375 but reason it was likely used even earlier as written language reflects verbal trends. people have been having this stupid argument about single they since the 1800s and likely before. i think i’m gonna take 600ish years of verbal and written communication over “no it’s wrong cause i don’t get it”.
The reason that Matt Walsh was so frustrated with the nonbinary person is that Matt's one real skill is having a beard and he felt threatened by someone else whose beard game is on his level.
@@LunaBoo12Matt's beard is a choice in the same way Gavin Mcinnes' beard is a choice. It's either have a beard or (and I would normally avoid making derogatory remarks on people's physical appearance) accept they're a chinless freak.
I love how he crys about how trans people will lead to pedos but also said "the problem is not teen pregnancy its unwed pregnancy, 16 is when a woman is most fertile.
The thing I hate the most about him is the fact that he is so smug about not knowing, or rather not wanting to know stuff... his brand is basically "I don't understand it enough that I will ask, but I am smug enough that I'll play music over every expert trying to explain the answer"
After hearing his opinions on Star Wars, I think it's all an act. He's criticizing a movie that is arguably the most popular manifestation of Christianity in science fiction, while being a self-professed evangelical. After all, why do the Jedi succeed in using swords against soldiers with laser guns? Because they're tapping into an un-quantifiable omnipresent power that appears to those who are worthy of it, which also has an evil sibling. Faith triumphs over logic. If he acknowledged that though, he'd lose a huge chunk of his audience.
@@awesometwitchy he hates it because it's cool outer-space wizard-knights and he's the worst type of pedant, the "incorrect pedant"; he is simply incapable of sincerely emotionally engaging with art, thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and is possessed by an insecure need to prove it to everyone sometimes stupid assholes are just stupid assholes
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by all the transphobia being hurled at us, I watch that clip of the college chad making Matt look like a scared little mouse and it usually makes me feel a little better.
He guessed before being told he was wrong. He admitted he could be wrong. 4000 doesn't seem right. It's still too high. Future generations won't be born because these kids have been sterilized.
Also: I believe animals talked, a woman was turned into salt, a man lived in the belly of a fish, a zombie apocalypse happened in Jerusalem, a man flew like Superman up into the air….
@@screamingcactus1753 good question, I’m sure there’s a Catholic stance on that, but each Catholic likely comes to their own conclusions in regards to biblical literalism
They absolutely were. There was a massive scare about black men dating "our" daughters, with all the accusations you can expect. These people are doing nothing new. Its the voice of the screaming idiots who cant deal with their worldviews being challenged. I garuntee there was some caveman going on matt-walsh rants about building houses, and how its unnatural and will make your kids grow up to hate god.
You're right, they did. Joe Biden opposed integrating schools because it would cause his kids to, "grow up a racial jungle." Disgusting. No democrats cared then, and they certainly don't care now. Hell, just last week he called LL Cool J, "boy."
There is no consistency in the narrative he and others like him construct. One minute he's comparing vaccinations to eugenics, the next he's actually endorsing eugenics himself in his anti-immigration screeds.
@@dave2408Gender affirming care isn't mutilation. You can't get bottom surgery until you're at least 18. Also, you ignored the part where Matt advocates from Child brides and labor
@@dave2408m8 the one who showed be listening is you. You make it seem like at 18 they kidnap you and mutilate you. It's a medical procedure m8 go outside and talk to a cute guy.
@@dave2408 Eh, the American Far-Right and the Middle-Eastern Far-Right are pretty similar these days. The only real major difference these days is what religion they *claim* to follow to justify their hateful views and acts of terrorism.
Just wait. It'll probably happen, and when he inevitably gets caught, he and his ilk will commit Olympic level mental gymnastics to blame anyone except him.
He's already said "if God didn't exist then watching child porn would be ok as long as you didn't pay for it" which is the biggest red flag. At this point I'm glad he's a Catholic, cause obviously fear of God is the only thing potentially keeping him from doing some heinous shit. EDIT: I obviously phrased this wrong. I meant more along the lines of "I'm glad that he seems to personally believe that being a p*do will result in eternal punishment from God because that seems to be the only flimsy barrier between him and horrific crimes". If, of course, he's not already committing said crimes & using his yelling about p*dos as a way of trying to hide his guilt.
It’s bad to be trans or gay, everybody. You have to be normal like the guys who spend all day defending reactionary media figures and getting ratioed in the comments of video essays they refuse to watch.
You have to be normal by defending the guy who thinks slavery and colonization were good, thinks a lot about children's genitals and pregnant teens, and thinks Danny Masterson did nothing wrong.
What I find most hilarious is that despite being a professed devout Catholic, his words and actions run counter to basically every single edict from the Church.
@@Henshingod Apparently there have been catholic organizations he was supposed to speak at who gave him the boot for being to hateful and didn't let him speak.
It's called Gaslighting aka Grooming or Accusation in a Mirror, a Hatespeech incitement technique also used by Predators All right wing propaganda is strawmen A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion. A question-begging inference is valid, in the sense that the conclusion is as true as the premise, but it is not a valid argument. Wikipedia Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity, appeal to common sense, or the divine fallacy, is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one's personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine. Wikipedia Because they're Authoritarian Communists Argumentum ad Populum (an appeal to popularity, public opinion or to the majority) is an argument, often emotively laden, for the acceptance of an unproved conclusion by adducing irrelevant evidence based on the feelings, prejudices, or beliefs of a large group of people. No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly This is how Cults work, that's the tactics they adopted. Just look at Scientology, NXIVM, Brand, and Tate They do it on purpose (Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), someone who gains political power by appealing to people's emotion's instincts, & prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative & myopic; someone who incessantly reiterates the same petty complaints, until they are taken seriously. There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bullshivic & his personal gripe of "supreme importance". It ultimately amounts to Gaslighting aka Grooming also called Accusation in a Mirror or Mirror Politics. It's the language of Apartheid perfected in israel
Besides, I’m an introvert and I can say with certainty that it’s no excuse for being an asshole. Hating oneself and others is in no way a part of being introverted, and Matt very much just hates himself and others.
Matt just has a breeding fetish and, like many of his opinions and preferences, tries to leverage "truth" to justify vilifying women that don't cater to his kink.
@@ArnoSchmidt22 are you proud of yourself, picking on some random Swedish woman trying to do some good in the world? Does it make you feel like a big boy?
i love how matt was coping about how having the entire audience/stage set against you is a big optics challenge and is unfair when thats literally the tactic he uses in his "owning college students" compilations. conservatives are hypocrites, never trust them because they're never objective
That's part of why I don't even speak to conservatives as if they're equal humans...they would never treat someone like me as an equal, so I do the same right back.
While I agree with the sentiment, saying "ALL" conservatives is problematic. Call me an i optimist but I've personally brought a few conservatives to the Left. Some are redeemable. Matt Walsh is entirely irredeemable.
@@CaptPeon I am someone who used to be right of center, but now find myself left of center. Sadly I ate up a lot of the daily wire BS before realizing the error of the ways.
@@OlderBudde good on you for critiquing your media and opinions! I was raised in a very conservative and religious household. My grandpa would always listen to Rush Limbaugh and I just ingested it without any real critique... until I started to hear his vitriolic rhetoric I started paying more attention and realized how terribly hateful and evil people can be. Best wishes!
Matt walsh probably has a panic attack every time he leaves his house. He's so mad and scared of everything, even of his fellow coworkers who hate the same things.
Hate to say it, but you kinda hit home for me Literally any change of plan outside how i imagine something should go... i hiss and curse under my breath. Ive come to realize it's because I'm horribly miserable and unsatisfied with life. Im scared of people and what the future holds. Maybe Matt is the same. But he decided to make a career out of his fear and hatred of the world and makes bank off of it
Which again how does this man have a wife and children!? Seriously?! What did his wife see in him to think “I want to spend for the rest of my life with him.” Like girl you can do better.
His critique of "pop music" and suggestion that we should go back to the 1400's and start over tells me he has never heard a medieval folk or working song. It's far from his biggest offense, of course, but it's another piece of evidence showing how embarrassingly underinformed and ignorant he is.
Dude has the luxury of being a time traveller with youtube in this day and age and he wants to go back to the days toilets were only for the rich and they were absolutely crap
@@megaflynn6482 except for all the exploitation of addicts and child abuse he's pretty cool. oh and if you can overlook him not having a license to practice and his propensity to make fun of the mentally ill
Right? "In front of a studio audience that's already against me" Yes, Matt, because you thought Dr. Phil's show was gonna be a bastion of liberal ideology
It's very strange to scream parents' rights when it comes to anti-trans policies, while wanting to take away parents' rights from only parents who actually have trans children.
pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Authoritarian Communism, also known as Reverse Psychology, or Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked in an Inquisitional manner, (Plurium interrogationum) the interrogator preemptively assuming the role of an authority, making their feelings the goalpost: Accuse others of that which you are guilty of; Gaslighting, all Cults and Predators do this. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some _*NECESSARY CONDITION* which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* _"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_ George Orwell, 1984 _"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_ Roger Stone Pure coincidence every right wing rapist cult does this, which is straight out of the MK Ultra/ Scientology/ Jesuit / Scionist play book. Like Trump being born on the date Aleister Crowley gave for his Moon Child, with the help of L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, with the help of his parents, Fred Christ and Mary McKleod. Trump itself means to decieve, as does Jesuit. *_"By deceit we Wage War"_* Pure coincidence Trump's admin are almost all Opus Dei, including Rudy Guiliani, who covered up the Truck Bombers caught on the George Washington Bridge in 2001. Pure coincidence both Bin Laden and Epstein were Wahabbi. All just pure coincidence (Gaslighting)
i hate that "parents' rights" are pretty much always only brought up when children aren't being treated like humans... no, parents don't deserve the right to abuse, "discipline" or deny medical treatment for their child, they aren't your fucking puppet
You quoted Matt Walsh in context, without twisting anything. Your analysis was fair, humanizing, and dispassionate. Both of these are courtesies he has never extended to anyone that he did not agree with.
@@Freshjuices15You're not wrong, but it's not just the demeanor for Matt. It's that him and people like him just hate everyone and everything, and it's hard to be happy when everything around you offends and disgusts you.
@@Freshjuices15 I hear what you're saying, I'm a fairly reserved person myself in the day to day. I think these videos show a very dark and unhappy person driven by misanthropy only sparked to life when berating other people. He's put a lot of himself forward and it's not pretty.
matt walsh caring about whether children can consent but suspiciously only when its trans related medical care. how does he expect that to work in his ideal world in which we dont teach kids about their right to consent, where its viewed as "creepy" to tell a kid they dont have to hug someone if they dont want to?
also god the part documenting his cynical use of mass shooting victims, projecting the glee he felt when the nashville school shooting was a trans person onto everyone else, simply because he knows he encourages his own sides severe violence epidemic and doesnt want to feel responsible (because he's a coward) really encapsulates both his stupidity and his evil.
Him having untreated ADHD just makes so much sense and explains his entire persona. Every one of us ADHD ppl knows the struggle of feeling worthless, of feeling like a disappointment to ourselves and those around us. I too had 1-2 years of sliding into the alt-right terminally online ideology when I was at my lowest with depression and social anxiety. Turns out meds and therapy help a lot: I went from being basically a hikkikomori during uni to now having a nice life, a wonderful partner, a stable and decent job, lots of hobbies, and a lot of solidarity for those who’re struggling. Not for Matt Walsh though.. I wish him all the worst. 😅
Yep. AuDHD guy here, and I've seen and felt a lot of the type of frustration and indignation at things I found to be wrong with the world which oozes out of Matt. However, I've never been conservative and built my values on hating people the way he does. As in, I didn't get upset by the same things he does, but I expressed it in similar ways. Thankfully, I grew up quite a bit after my 30s (which is a sad statement in and of itself, but hey better late than never) so I've stopped obsessing and ruminating which means I've been able to not only be more at peace with things I disagree with, but also to find where I was being blinded by my way of thinking from what was actually going on with these things. Matt's attitude towards his ADHD seems to me to ensure that he will never be able to learn how it makes him who he is. He despises it and thinks it makes him weak, so he denies it and refuses to learn about it from the people who could teach him the most about it - those of us who have accepted it as an indelible part of our identity.
I actually hope he'll one day realises what a shallow, empty nincompoop he really is, and will have to live with the knowledge and regret of the hatefulness he expressed to others - especially to children. The truth of his life.
& I worry that in that universe, someone else just as incompetent (or worse *more* competent) filled the exact niche. There's no end of grifters in a hate movement.
I really appreciate you bringing up his defense of Josh Duggar, I don't think a lot of people know about that especially if they aren't regularly in fundamentalist spaces. This was a incredible work and I'm sure took a lot of labor and it's really appreciated by so many besides me ♥
I like how he said they already demonized THEMSELVES, then quickly corrected to itself. He used it properly then "caught" himself and had to dehumanize NB and trans people again.
Matt's appeal to "common sense" makes me think he's the type of guy who would sacrifice virgins to the volcano gods cause the village did it one time and it rained the next day.
Man, Matt Walsh is really focused on child safety and consent matters. Surely he's a big advocate for age of consent and opposed to child marriage, righ- oh. Oh no. Ooooh nononononononono
Your channel is ruining my algorythm. I just got a suggestion from Turning Point USA about active fires in Texas that the feds are ignoring. We don't have any active wildfires. Must mean your doing something right. Keep up the good work.
“Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers.” ― Socrates Is a quote that I think perfectly encapsulates Matt Walsh
Which is funny because matt is the type of person to say this quote applies to the left while simultaneously say stuff like "my side the correct side" and out right denying someone claim that has backed up sources with "no it isn't and anyone who agrees with you is a moron"
Matt Walsh is like every teenager who watched Pulp Fiction and then acted like they were somehow the modern Jean-Luc Godard for simply having liked the movie
As a teen in this county the thing I heard Matt Walsh say that got me personally the angriest was his saying that liberals don't show any sadness or somber reflection at mass killings, but the key word he leaves out is *anymore*. We've been hit over the head over and over again with mass murders happening in this country, so doesn't it make sense that we've cried all our tears and all we can do is grab whatever we can and keep swinging? And if that happens to be the still-falling bodies of the dead, wouldn't that be what the dead would want? (I'm sorry, this is kind of unhinged, but I wrote right after I felt)
Yep, he said that in the same video I showed, however I didn’t show it because it was already a very long clip. But it is a great point that if anyone has trouble processing mass violence, it might be because it happens so damn much in America.
He reminds me of every small-minded person who chose anger and resentment over broadening his world. His wife is likely going to leave once the kids are grown. At least one of his children will cut all ties with him, if not more. Even the most clingy codependent can only handle so much.
Hate that you compared this real sh*t person to my favourite troop of sh*t people. Yet, they are a parody of people like Matt. The difference is that the gang, except for Frank, try to cover up their misogyny, racism, ignorance, etc., while Matt is proud in his shittiness. Also, the gang is not homophobic, like at all - one of their saving graces.
Matt talks about how Native tribes killed each other, so conquering them apparently wasn't a big deal. But he's worried about "white extinction" even though white people have been killing each other for years. The white Catholics had a lot of conflict with white pagans.
Fun Fact: In 1934, the Nazi Walter Frank Institute's "Jewish Question Department" published a propaganda pamphlet to scare people into supporting the party. It's title, roughly translated, was "Is the white race dying? The future of white and the colored people according to biological statistics".
"They're nationalising the monasteries, but if they offer you one don't buy it, because if Bloody Mary gets in they'll be DEnationalised pretty fast." - Flanders & Swann
That woman who said she had a lazy day without kids he was so angry yet said she hasn't had kids "yet". She might still have kids. He is just upset a white woman wasn't a breeding teenager
He really is just a ball of negativity. He can't simply dislike something - he has to justify it. He doesn't like ice hockey, for example, but rather than just step back and say he doesn't like it because it doesn't interest him, he has to argue that it's because it's not masculine enough. For some reason he has to justify why he doesn't like what he dislikes and then, ironically, has to impose that on everyone else.
He's the living embodiment of Plato's Parable of the Cave: he prefers his shadows on the wall rather than reality. It's really quite horrifying. I hope you're okay after putting yourself through all this.
I love that parable! Yes, he indeed sees the world as black and white. I think the complexity of the universe genuinely scares him. But I would be too if I was raised with a cut and dry view of everything.
When the reality is filled which a bunch of freaks and alien people who refuse to act human it’s understandable to not want to deal with that all the time. Men cannot become women. You live in a fantasy world.
@@lilskyguy7 While his own upbringing is certainly to blame for a lot of his messed up views, I think we need to be careful of how forgiving we are to ppl like him. He isn't just "scared of" or "confused by" transppl, he actively and knowingly spreads lies and encourages hate. He refuses to have *any* conversation in good faith and when he loses debates he reframes the loss as a win and spreads *that* lie too! I'm autistic and ADHD and while I pity him for his self-hatred and his clearly nuero-divergent black and white thinking, but I recognize that he's still responsible for his shitty behavior. The difference between me and him is that I've evolved my thinking and I've worked hard to relate to others better. He's decided that it's not okay to live and let live. He thinks he has the right to not only belittle ppl he disagrees with, but to become a political talking head trying to influence policy change. His behavior is causing tangible harm and it's soooo not okay.
A while ago I saw a bunch of tweets from MAP walsh about UFOs and how exciting it is to find out about space and shit. I still don't know what to make of that. Just fucking weird, given everything else. @@lilskyguy7
I get it, Walsh - everything needs to be Correct, and Ordered, and in its proper place, based on a list of things that Just Make Sense to you. I'm autistic too 🙄
I actually had that thought while I was watching this -- what if he's just really autistic and severely misguided? And I don't mean that in like, a derogatory sense.
oh good, i was thinking that his debate/argumentative style just, straight up matches my friends (and sadly me when i'm not trying to be self aware about my bullshit) who have the adhd/autism wombo combo. Sadly however, this particular potential egg is a bag of shit who'd probably support autism speaks on a GOOD day..
I appreciate your empathy. I grew up in what was basically a family-sized cult and have been in some really dark, unhealthy head spaces in my life, so I'm keenly aware that the only reasons I'm not as pathetic as Matt Walsh is an openness to new experiences and a willingness to accept when I'm wrong. So as you've demonstrate in these videos, the main thing making people like this so pathetic isn't some intrinsic evil, it's just that they're more fearful than they are curious and have more insecurity than they have integrity. I can despise them, I can pity them, I can wish they're deplatformed and face legal repercussions for their actions, but I just can't hate them. In a better world, they wouldn't be in the news, they'd be in rehab.
Also hi you're one of the people who inspired me to come out to my doctor. He immediately changed my gender to NB/Male, and he was absolutely excited for me. He got that being referred to as a female would make me feel uncomfortable and immediately sent a request in for me to a gender clinic in my area. And he started to talk about other ways to treat my pcos in a way that would also completely prevent me from having a cycle without the intense pain of having an irregular untreated period. My man is the best, love living in Canada.
Good to hear it went so well! And if you have any plans laid out for the future relating to such I wish 'ye the best of luck with that too. I know it might sound a bit odd coming from a random stranger on the internet, but, still. Hope none of this sounds rude or anything like that
The Dr. Phil segment is a perfect example of why the best thing you can do is ignore anyone crying “debate me!” It doesn’t matter what you say to people like Matt Walsh, they will not change. All debating them does is allow them to legitimize their terrible beliefs
I thought the idea was to prove your point on a stage to an audience, why would their beliefs be legitimized if you present a decent response that refutes them
As an Introvert myself, I get the Impression that Walsh uses his own Introversion as a Shield for his lack of empathy and overall dickishness, so he can just say "that's what I am" and avoid any sort of self-improvement. Like he seems to think that being an Introvert automatically means that one never opens up to others or is never friendly.
No it's a tactic used in Psychological warfare, MK Ultra type stuff, like they use in Scientology, which ties to Trump and the MAGA movement Maga means Witch in Latin, and all these right wing clowns are Jesuit Agents Provocateur
I know, right? Being an introvert generally means you don't like large groups of people, not that large groups of people don't like you. There's a difference, Matt.
@@LunaBoo12being an introvert means that social interaction drains your energy while an extrovert is typically energized by social interaction. Either way Matt is misusing the term to justify his own narcissism and lack of empathy.
Friendly reminder that Map Walsh will, without a hint of irony in his voice, tell his viewers to grow up while a doll of himself wearing a diaper is on camera. Anyone that calls themselves Sweet Daddy of the Sweet Baby gang has whole other issues to deal with outside of bemoaning the existence of Third Person reference.
@@Wulfspyder you telling me you think the "sweet baby gang" is in any way serious? Are you telling me you think there is any Human on earth who would unironically refer to themselve as "sweet daddy walsh" if so i actually understand why you hate him. If i thought it was unitonic i would hate him aswel
another thing he's got wrong. Star Wars blasters don't shoot lasers, they shoot out a condensed blast of hot plasma. as in, blast of extremely hot gas, so there's no damn reason they should behave like a laser.
@@deaddomain It's truly the height of dishonesty from these idiots. Everything that squicks them out is automatically conflated with PDF-iles. So gross
Every single expert in their field: All research points to this. Every single Matt Walsh response: Nuh-uh! For fuck's sake, he's barely equipped to argue with kindergarteners.
this man is so full of fear. he is so terrified by the idea that he might be wrong. ...and I hate to admit, when I heard his stance on ADHD in part 1, I heard myself. I've often fallen into the same mental trap of "I'm not sick, I don't need medicine" but at least I'm willing to admit that I don't know everything.
You know you're fucked when Dr. Phil is the reasonable person in the conversation, oh my god hahaha Edit: I’m later in the video now, Matt is such a sad person. Man is hurting. 53:05 does the man just not have any friends? God damn
"A person who denies a male or female gender is already demonising themselves- or, itself" is such a funny statement. He accidentally used them as a pronoun while saying it was incorrect.
Male gender is tied to the sex same with female lol. These are just words made up by society. No matter what you say there is a human specie, with 2 categories, one has a penis, can produce sperm and naturally produce more testosterone leading to things such as getting beard, bigger muscles, bone density and has xy chromosomes the other is a one with vagina, with ovaries and can produce egg and the ones capable of giving birth. Gender man and woman are tied to these sex, it’s that simple. There’s no in between, there’s a reason you have people who call themselves as “trans” or identifying themselves as a woman or man and mimicking them lmao.
@@King-2077 There quite literally isn't just 2 categories lmao. Intersex people biologically exist, and aren't too rare. What gender are intersex people 'supposed' to be?
@@King-2077 Trans people don't claim to have anatomy that they don't have. Even going to (incorrect) binary definitions of anatomy or gametes is missing the point.
@@BlueCyann you’re the one missing the point. Yes they dont claim they claim they have the anatomy they dont have however, they are claiming they are of the opposite gender because of how they think and feel. Just because you feel/think something doesn’t mean it is our universal reality. What they think and feel only exists in their mind, it is a problem that occured to their brain, definitely a mental problem of different kind, not necessarily a bad a thing but something that went wrong. We have biological boundaries, a man is an adult male, different words but same meaning. There’s no such thing as “im a man but biologically born as a female or vice versa” what we do as men and women are social contruct that was created because of our nature, such as men being the protector because we are naturally stronger physically than women because we produce more testosterone than women and while women are more emotional, and they are the ones giving birth, their femininity and stuff.
@@King-2077 What about person born with female organs, naturally developing hormones within normal female range and body shape, with ovaries that work, and XY chromosomes? It is a woman? or would you classify them as a man? Or what about a man, with a penis, with XY chromosomes who is naturally petite and produces little testosterone? That IS a man, right? or do you think they are more of a woman because it doesn't tick all checkboxes? or are they something in middle as long not all boxes are marked correctly? How do you feel about tall and muscular woman with high bone density?
"if all your entertainment is turning your brain off then when do you turn it back on?" PEOPLE HAVE JOBS MATT NOT EVERYONE JUST SPILLS THEIR ANGER ONTO A PAPER FOR A LIVING
Yeah, plus also, not everything you do has to be to make yourself more thoughtful and intellectual. Sometimes, you can just do something to relax (I.e. watching a movie), and that itself helps your brain decompress so that you can tackle your responsibilities fresh when you’re finished
His dismissal of running studies on things he personally sees as “common sense” is mindblowing. If we operated on common sense observations, we’d be stuck with the miasma theory of disease. You’re telling me there are millions of squishy animals living inside me and some of them are bad…? That’s what’s causing disease? Bro, we cleaned up the poop and corpses laying around the city and disease decreased dramatically. It’s obvious that it’s smelly things making us sick! 🙄
Just wanted to say thank you for your work and I hope you remember to find time to do something silly, fun and joyfully stupid later. I recommend buying a slice of red velvet and plopping a slice of strawberry cheesecake on it. Not healthy physically but oh so worth it!
When Matt Walsh passes away no one will miss him. Not a single person will miss him. His “fans” only listen to him for what he says not because of who he is. Just like so many people instantly forgot about Tucker Carlson when he left Fox News. No, his death will be celebrated by the very people he needlessly hates. The only people who will remember him are the people he hurt most as we urge our fellow trans people who to be on the lookout for. The monster. That’s what he will be. A monster. And for all the nonsense he goes on about “progeny and leaving your mark.” There is no more shame you can bring on yourself than to be remembered as someone who was a monster. Who people hate. And who is forgotten. And he deserves nothing less. And nothing more. I sincerely hope you read this, Matt. I hope this comment is in the next video so you see it with your own two eyes. I want it to live in the back of your mind, consuming your every waking thought because deep down in whatever husk of a soul you have left inside of you, we both know I’m right. We both know you’re doomed no matter what you do unless you try to be a better person. To make some kind of attempt to apologize and fix it. Just remember…. We all die, Matt. The only thing that truly matters is how you are remembered. It’s not too late. Until it is.
He won't just be forgotten, he'll be replaced without notice. The next closed minded bigot will just slide into his chair and, for all intents and purposes, be regarded as just always being there. Matt is irrelevant, and it should scare him to the bottom of his empty, sad soul.
This video has helped me understand my dad a bit more. He’s not AS bad as Mr Walsh, but so much of what you talked about and showed with Matt is so reminiscent of how my dad behaves towards what he doesn’t understand or like. From the high likelihood of neurodivergence and narrow fields of interest, to the idea that they believe in facts over feelings when it’s so clear that they derive their world view from their feelings. It’s sad. The world around them is moving and changing. It scares them. So they cling to what they know. Animals cornered by time lash out in a last ditch effort to defend themselves from an ever shifting world. I want so much for them to open their ears for one second. I want to reach a hand out to them. I want to hold them close and tell them I get it, I’m scared too, everything is changing so much. But I know they’ll bite. They’ll think I’m trying to hurt them. They’ll scratch and bite and maim until the threat is gone. So for my own safety I can’t. I sit at a distance and feel pity. Someday I hope they’ll let us sit with them. For now though, we stay kind and keep our distance.
Dude same here I always knew about Matt Walsh but never payed much attention to him until recently, but after watching all these videos it just shows me how much my own dad parrots these talking points Anything new is scary to people like Matt, they can’t just move on from it either they latch on to it and bring themselves down with it
Matt Walsh just seems like an angry, lonely, miserable man, and the saddest part is if anyone suggested therapy he would view it as dismissal, rather than compassion.
I feel like Matt Walsh is one breakthrough away from "getting it", but he's so scared of "getting it" that he fights whatever could be that breakthrough at every turn. A person who fights that hard is usually only hanging on by a thread. A person born, raised, and conditioned to be afraid of what understanding brings because understanding is too great of an unknown. It's honestly quite sad... I sincerely hope that breakthrough swoops in and piledrives him one of these days.
@@Uncanny_MountainThat could very well be, but I have trouble in thinking he's that good at gaslighting... I could be wrong though, and if it is just an act, I still pity him and his ignorance.
"Deeply incurious" seems to be the common descriptor between a lot of the right-to-far-right demagogues. "I don't know, and I don't want to learn" feels like such a miserable way to live
How I know for a fact Matt Walsh has never even seen or read Shakespeare is that he views it as 'real art', even though they are full of raunchy humor.
random bit to focus on but Matt getting annoyed at Lightsabers feels like a perfect encapsulation of how media illiterate he is. Obi-wan says it himself, the Lightsaber is "A more civilized weapon from a more civilized age." The Lightsaber is out of place and seems oddly archaic in a world of blaster pistols because the Jedi ideals of balance a care have been left behind by the Empire and the Galaxy. Their surprising effectiveness shows that the goodness lost in the past can still come back. Matt fails to grasp any of the magic of the Lightsaber and focuses purely on realism and refuses to have any fun.
I think the funny part is that "It" and "Itself" can't exactly be used in a plural context anyways, it's pretty much exclusively singular lmao... unlike THEY/THEM.
I've never even seen the part of the Dr. Phil thing involving the professor before now, and that's a real damn shame because she really just dismantles any arguments he has.
I was telling my husband about watching you cover Matt Walsh and he asked “who’s Matt Walsh?” My husband is a working-class truck driver and has never even heard this guy’s name before. That’s the kind of reach he has.
i love the part where he says that "it" is the proper gender neutral term for people and then slips up like "but a person who rejects male or female identity, has already dehumanized themselves- oR ITSELF" reminds me of the time ben shapiro accidentally called caitlyn jenner '"she" and then IMMEDIATELY going "I MEAN HE" lol
I want someone to ask Matt to define a chair. >"Something that you can sit on" So is a table a chair? >"No it also has to have a backrest" So is a beanbag a chair? ... Even a chair is hard to legally define with 100% accuracy. Gender is even more convoluted.
@@Iwantpoptarts96420I believe the chair question woukd hurt him more as you're using his own logic against him. Think about how much you'll hurt what he cares more about, his ego.
@@Iwantpoptarts96420Matt would probably love if you punched him. Don't fall for it. Guys like him would play the victim card. The best way to infuriate them, is to keep calm and rational. That's what drives them crazy. 😉
@@VitorMonteiroPT The best way to hurt them is to make them the irrational ones in the room. Can't apply the facts don't care about your feelings when they're the ones being questioned.
I've known he does the "what is a woman thing" but the way he uses it to put down *any* conversation about trans people is unnerving. What is the image of a woman he's attempting to conjure in the minds of his audience? Honestly terrifying
That's cos pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Authoritarian Communism, also known as Reverse Psychology, or Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. *>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making. *In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil* *>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc) *>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._* *>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked in an Inquisitional manner, (Plurium interrogationum) the interrogator preemptively assuming the role of an authority, making their feelings the goalpost: Accuse others of that which you are guilty of; Gaslighting, all Cults and Predators do this. *>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.* *>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly. This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology. *"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)* The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults. "if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other". All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false* A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some _*NECESSARY CONDITION* which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all* _"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_ George Orwell, 1984 _"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_ Roger Stone Pure coincidence every right wing rapist cult does this, which is straight out of the MK Ultra/ Scientology/ Jesuit / Scionist play book. Like Trump being born on the date Aleister Crowley gave for his Moon Child, with the help of L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, with the help of his parents, Fred Christ and Mary McKleod. Trump itself means to decieve, as does Jesuit. *_"By deceit we Wage War"_* Pure coincidence Trump's admin are almost all Opus Dei, including Rudy Guiliani, who covered up the Truck Bombers caught on the George Washington Bridge in 2001. Pure coincidence both Bin Laden and Epstein were Wahabbi. All just pure coincidence (Gaslighting)
@@Uncanny_Mountainok so I think I get what you’re saying. The misunderstanding here seems to be that what you’ve written is very close in style to the incoherent ramblings of right-wingers you occasionally see in replies so at a first glance it’d be very easy to assume you’re just one of those and not read further.
He's so cringe he almost made me hide my face during his interview on doctor Phil. I genuinly felt ridiculous just watching him make his stupid unrelated points. You were right when you pointed out in the previous part that he looks like he feels miserable about himself. How do you not feel miserable when this is the way you exchange with others?
Exactly. Building positive connections with others is what gives our lives meaning, and the way he treats and talks about people make that impossible for him. Super fun way to live, great choice, Matt! 🎉
The same person saying "the slippery slope is a fallacy, they say 'if gays can get married then where does it end?'". This same person then goes on to explain why if a boy who still believes in Santa Claus thinks he's a girl, then we should give him drugs that will essentially castrate him. He then goes on, the whole time being dressed as a girl, to quote sources that also think pedophiles should be called Minor Attracted Persons to battle stigma.
You’re just making up shit now. If there’s someone in this video defending and deflecting from pedophiles it’s Matt Walsh, which I show very clearly. Cope.
You GOTTA love the demonstrably false rhetoric that the LGBT+ community is """protecting""" MAPs that Rightoids keep trying to bring up.
Catholic detected, opinion discarded. Clean up your house or stay irrelevant.
@@fatmcgee509Disregarding someone because of their religion is the definition of bigotry. If you had any brain cells left you would understand that.
@@deaddomainthe person who wrote the founding documents of queer theory opted for pedophilia to be de-stigmatized. So no. The only one who's making things up is you, which you do by cutting clips out of context to make someone look bad. The EU is no longer letting children chemically transition because of how harmful it is to developing bodies. And how is the obvious fact that you think gender and sex are different, and then advocate for biological men to be placed into female institutions being made up?
Dr. Phil trying to moderate the debate by implying it would be extremely unpleasant to hang out with Matt Walsh is peak accidental comedy.
The way Matt has to just sit there and take it tho
@@deaddomainalmost Dave Ruben-esque
Phil, Oz, Oprah, Gayle King, Maxwell, Epstein, the Clinton's and Billy Bush all went to Trump's wedding to Melania. You can find there's a direct link between Scientology, Trump, and the techniques used by the right wing echosphere, who also tie to NXIVM (Elon promoted it) Epstein (Trump's bff for20+ years) and Saville, (who Brand idolised) and the Monarchy who (Shapiro and Piers Morgan defends). Tate dated Peterson's daughter and Elon went to the same Jesuit University as Trump, and Epstein hooked up Elon's brother, just like he did for Trump.
Trump's lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein by Lynn de Forrester Rosschild.
Scientology is training these people in the tactics of brainwashing, basically what MK Ultra became, and probably run by the CIA, and Opus Dei, which is basically the same thing. Their principle strategy is Gaslighting.
Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. It was used in Rwanda, Guatemala, Brazil, and Burma, each having ties to Mossad.
Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta.
Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler.
All Roman Catholic.
Special mentions (adjucants): Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Miller, Watters, Greenwad, Blumenthal, Maté, Camp, Brand, Loomer, Shapiro, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Greer, Summers, Silverstein, Adelson. Greenblatt. Wexner. Also Hindu Nationalists Ramaswamy, Tulsi, Haley, Hirsi, DeSouza, Modi etc.
Edward Snowden worked for Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA.
Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship Cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security" Trump paints himself Orange to represent Apollo.
Aleister Crowley inspired NXIvM and Manson, and was a master of mind control, his Protege L Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology, which uses the same mind control tactics displayed in right wing media.
They were also instrumental in Trump's conception as the Moon Child, born on a Super Wolf Blood Moon on June 14 700 days before the founding of Israel, who he gave sovereignty over the Golan heights on its 70th anniversary, and was inaugurated aged 70 years 7 months and 7 days old. June 14 is the birthday of Osiris, Known as the Day of the Pharoah.
Scientology uses the same tricks as Religion and Freemasonry, including isolation through strange acts (rituals/hazing) Gaslighting and intimadation, these can also be seen in right wing propaganda. Peterson's hero's journey comes from the transit of the moon through the zodiac, which is why they're called months.
Blame the victim:
The strategy is to make the aggressor's feelings the goalposts, everything is oriented around their needs and approval; a war of attrition using subjective language and logical fallacies such as incredulity, which amounts to disbelief, and acting as if this belief is something the victim is responsible for.
"Look what you made me do"
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feelings are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ unamerican etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* by doing so they preemptively assume the role of an authority by virtue of being rude. The shock value is the whole point, it's the politics of Terrorism.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to Populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults, "if many believe it then it must be true" (whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "Moral Majority" Patriotism is a form of Authoritarian Communism.
Other than direct contradiction and disbelief other strategies for Gaslighting include Begging the Question, and the use of Strawman arguments; refuting a reframed argument *different from the one actually under discussion* while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.
Through the exercise of overwhelming a subject with countless contradicting premises and subjective terms a game of Pigeon Chess is played to deter criticism and break down a person's defences, until they no longer trust their own feelings, and rely solely on an outside source for direction. This is clearly demonstrated in the Maga cult, and is repeated in the convoluted dogma and magical thinking of Evangelism, New Age Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Graham Hancock. Always alluding to a secret to be revealed, but always in vague nebulous terms and undefined benefits of a far away place with no means to verify one way or the other.
"Trust me bro"
Effectively they all play the same role of an Enlightened Guru with deep understanding of life matters who can solve all your problems. It's likely no coincidence Reagan emptied the mental health services in the US, over half of those in Jail and living on the streets have undiagnosed ADHD.
Auyawasca and Psychotropics are also a staple in brainwashing, as is telling the target they've been brainwashed and that the Guru has the cure, right wing propaganda uses this language heavily by flipping the script and arguing they are the victims, that they're the ones being silenced and cancelled, that they oppose child abuse while also defending it, that the deep State is out to get them, when they're the Deep State and always have been.
Aleister Crowley was a big advocate of using Psychotropics to brainwash, just like the CIA, Opus Dei and MK Ultra.
Brand and Trump both use hand waving and holding them outspread in a "settle" gesture called pacing. They can also stare at an opponent, "asserting dominance" to put the target on the back foot and unsure how to respond. Peterson does this a lot, along with rapid fire speech, and using an insulting or demanding tone. By using these tactics as well as loaded language (Newspeak) and inference (plausible deniability) only to move the goalposts and reframe when challenged.
Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of israel, and trained under him alongside Epstein and Roger Stone. Trump's Jesuit mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Master Freemason. He was born June 14 during a Super Wolf Blood Moon to Fred Christ and Mary McKleod, he keeps a book of Hitler's speeches called _My New Order_ and uses it verbatim at his rallies. The Von Drumph family come from the same place as Hitler, Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. He paints himself Orange to represent Apollo; the Dawnbringer of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. Jamal Kashoggi's Mossad brother Adnan sold Trump a Superyacht for Russian Roman Abromavich, who was also paying Boris and Farage for Brexit. Most of israel's govt are non religious Russians.
quite possibly one of the most reasonable things dr phil has ever said.
If he understood the insult he would be very upset
"If someone says something totally inane but everyone in the crowd applauds them, it's going to sound like they're right" - dude whose entire career is built on saying inane things for crowds to applaud him and make it sound like he's right, 2022
He is top tier scum royalty
Hahaha it's coming from the dude who got a crowd to cheer for him after calling academic level biologists "idiots" after understanding they disproove his world view. It's like a fake generated situation.
"Don't deny science!!"
"This is the science"
"Scientists are stupid!"
*crowd cheers*
It’s interesting how they harp on “what is a woman?” And want an immediate one sentence answer but ask them what makes a man or what is masculine and they’ll write 5 books and start 10 podcasts to opine on it endlessly.
His "what is a woman" thing has unironically helped me teach lots of people about the complexities of gender.
Prior to his wet fart of a film, lots of lite transphobes just werent curious enough to ask the question, but now ive been able to talm quite a lot of them into realising that its a complicated topic that a lot of people disagree about, and it would be best if we respect individuals rights to find their own answers.
Yeah, I never understood their definition of manhood because it tends to depend on your political leanings. Donald Trump is supposedly a huge alpha male to them
@@PatrickWDunneI'm a conservative and Donald Trump is pretty feminine. he's narcissistic, vain, has trouble admitting mistakes and exaggerates everything.
@@DisgruntledPeasantSo, what is a woman?
@@kirabate it's an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of human characteristics and not something to get so worked up about.
For every definition we could come up with there would be edge cases, because reality isn't as simple as our language.
You may as well ask "what is an Englishman?", and we could go down the same wild rabbit hole of an argument where it's impossible to land on a solid answer, because the word means different things in different contexts.
To sum up my position: Gender is not as simple as Walsh likes to pretend, so why not respect individuals opinions about themselves? I don't have to agree with a trans persons individual perspective on gender to show them the basic respect of letting them live how they want to.
Matt Walsh is one of the most "Source? I made it up" people to ever live
Learning is hard for Walsh fans. “Man on teevee say things. Him on teevee so him is smrt.”
No Zero, know that a man cannot become a woman isn't an "made up source". Actually, say "im a woman because i wan to" is a made up 🤷♂️.
“What’s your source president?”
“My source is that I made it the fuck up.”
"Just trust me, bro! My dad works for Rockstar, he knows!"
I'm a future preschool teacher from Croatia, and today, a children's literature professor at my college recommended what is a woman and a picture book of his, presenting them as something harmless and worth reading, before going on a monologue essentially making fun of parents that she knew whose child was non-binary and their parenting style. When I suggested that she should research who he is and what he stands for before recommending his books to her students at the end of the lecture, I was met with a monologue about how she's "not recommending" them but simply giving them the spotlight and that she, as a scholar, "knows that true critical thinking comes from acknowledging both sides". I've never had a nastier in-person reality check about how far behind we still are as a society.
That is depressing and I’m sorry. Also, “real critical thinking” should also include being able to judge that not all viewpoints are equal.
If nothing else, given Walsh's professed opinions of academia, you'd think the fact that he would likely hold a good amount of outright contempt for her were they ever to meet might change her stance.
Not everything needs perspectives from both sides. For example, a WW2 historian and a Holocaust denier are on different sides, but only one of them has a perspective worth listening to.
@@AJ-wh1tw Exactly. Especially considering that he has no college education and this is a person with a PhD advocating for his content. That's the fact that messed me up the most.
@@TheOblivionMan Yes. Considering I was very agitated and distraught by it all, I actually failed to dig deeper and present to her his distaste for the education system, the things he stands for and the effects those talking points have on people, and, even worse, children's lives in the moment. This is sort of messing me up now because I feel I didn't do enough and the guilt is kinda hard to bear, but I am fairly early into my active allyship so maybe I should be less hard on myself (but it still hurts).
Matt walsh legit threw a fit about a book that told kids its okay to tell your family you don't want to be touched.
Let me repeat. Matt walsh, legit got mad, at a book, that told kids about consent.
I remember that 😂
I found it funny that the starting points right after reading the book was just him saying he had to do stuff without his consent or else he'd get beat. And then goes on to defend this like wtf
Damn which book?? That sounds so bad dude
@@alim.9801 It is called: "C is for Consent". The whole book is how kids should be allowed to say no when someone wants to do something physical with them, like give them a hug or shake hands.
And Matt Walsh was like: "wow oh my god how to sexualize stuff, wow this never happened in my family, I got beat when I didn't hug grandpa willy and I'll do the same with my kids"
@@thatbachus My heart goes out to Matt's kids. They are being groomed into a lifetime of fascism and they don't even know it.
I remember when I thought I was smarter than people for not liking pop music, but you know, I turned fifteen.
Generally it’s something people grow out of.
Tbf you’re not smarter for it, but pop music does get pretty, repetitive I guess. It’s just too commercialized.
@@BlueTyphoon2017 y'all i found the 14 year old
To be fair, a lot of it sounds like garbage, but I can think you have garbage taste and acknowledge your intelligence. In a good mood, at least.
@@Gorehoundula do u genuinely think i only listen to pop because i made a joke about people who loudly criticise pop? I'm not going to argue with you about the quality of pop, but I will recommend you spend your energy finding music you actually like instead of insulting random strangers online.
So telling how at 39:13 he instinctively (and correctly) uses "their" and "themselves" when talking about a singular non-binary person before having to consciously 'correct' himself. Really goes to show that accurate language isn't the goal, cruelty is
No. That's a normal way to talk. People and their wanted pronouns are lame af
@@kathleencastle8631bruh,,, the oxford english dictionary has evidence of written use of the singular “they” since 1375 but reason it was likely used even earlier as written language reflects verbal trends. people have been having this stupid argument about single they since the 1800s and likely before. i think i’m gonna take 600ish years of verbal and written communication over “no it’s wrong cause i don’t get it”.
The reason that Matt Walsh was so frustrated with the nonbinary person is that Matt's one real skill is having a beard and he felt threatened by someone else whose beard game is on his level.
Not too mention that they are definitely rocking their beard, while Matt's is definitely...a choice.
@@LunaBoo12Matt's beard is a choice in the same way Gavin Mcinnes' beard is a choice. It's either have a beard or (and I would normally avoid making derogatory remarks on people's physical appearance) accept they're a chinless freak.
My god, I know it's morally acceptable to punch a nazi, but you didn't have to straight-up *murder* the guy.
@@LunaBoo12right?? So sculpted. Just as carefully as their eyebrows. They looked fantastic
It's very hypocritical of Matt to diss gender affirming medical procedures because that's the most charitable way I can describe his beard lmao
I love how he crys about how trans people will lead to pedos but also said "the problem is not teen pregnancy its unwed pregnancy, 16 is when a woman is most fertile.
Right it's like TH-cam allows pedo talking points because the channel makes money
@@KingAntDaProphet yeah
Honestly, whenever he talks about underage girls I feel so creeped out :/
@@boneappletee6416 same
he's right.
The thing I hate the most about him is the fact that he is so smug about not knowing, or rather not wanting to know stuff... his brand is basically "I don't understand it enough that I will ask, but I am smug enough that I'll play music over every expert trying to explain the answer"
"it's just common sense" a.k.a I'm making it up
After hearing his opinions on Star Wars, I think it's all an act. He's criticizing a movie that is arguably the most popular manifestation of Christianity in science fiction, while being a self-professed evangelical. After all, why do the Jedi succeed in using swords against soldiers with laser guns? Because they're tapping into an un-quantifiable omnipresent power that appears to those who are worthy of it, which also has an evil sibling. Faith triumphs over logic. If he acknowledged that though, he'd lose a huge chunk of his audience.
@@awesometwitchy he hates it because it's cool outer-space wizard-knights and he's the worst type of pedant, the "incorrect pedant"; he is simply incapable of sincerely emotionally engaging with art, thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and is possessed by an insecure need to prove it to everyone
sometimes stupid assholes are just stupid assholes
@@awesometwitchy Because then he'd become "woke", which to these people means witch.
@@awesometwitchy He’s Catholic, but I get what you’re saying.
My conclusion from this series is that if time travel is ever invented, someone needs to go back in time and give young Matt Walsh ritalin and a hug.
Love this comment
Agreed. Guy could’ve been so much more but channels his clear pain and low self esteem into hatred.
ugh. bags not me.
You would be a hero to all of us
Not it (unless absolutley no one else will, in which case I will take one for humanity)!!!
His whole counter argument is always basically just "ur a poopyhead so won't listen to u"
Kinda yeah
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by all the transphobia being hurled at us, I watch that clip of the college chad making Matt look like a scared little mouse and it usually makes me feel a little better.
There are a few clips like that throughout this vid ☺️
Well I’m sorry you had to watch through Matt Walsh
I'd love a link to that, if possible!
@@MaddyRaddy917:03 🥰
55:00 - Matt Walsh sneers at people trying to measure "happiness", but thinks "woman" needs to be charted on a graph. Wow so logic.
Matt: I stand for the truth
also Matt: I would guess millions of kids are on puberty blockers despite the fact that i was just told I was wrong
He guessed before being told he was wrong. He admitted he could be wrong. 4000 doesn't seem right. It's still too high. Future generations won't be born because these kids have been sterilized.
Also: I believe animals talked, a woman was turned into salt, a man lived in the belly of a fish, a zombie apocalypse happened in Jerusalem, a man flew like Superman up into the air….
@@MrMattSax Not that it really matters, but are Catholics Bible literalists? I thought that was more of an evangelical thing
@@screamingcactus1753 good question, I’m sure there’s a Catholic stance on that, but each Catholic likely comes to their own conclusions in regards to biblical literalism
He’s the worst kind of person, in my opinion. Someone willfully against the truth when presented with it.
I’m pretty sure in prior generations, racists said they were “just concerned about the kids” as a way to oppose interracial relationships.
They absolutely were. There was a massive scare about black men dating "our" daughters, with all the accusations you can expect.
These people are doing nothing new. Its the voice of the screaming idiots who cant deal with their worldviews being challenged.
I garuntee there was some caveman going on matt-walsh rants about building houses, and how its unnatural and will make your kids grow up to hate god.
Oh 100% they did
You're right, they did. Joe Biden opposed integrating schools because it would cause his kids to, "grow up a racial jungle." Disgusting. No democrats cared then, and they certainly don't care now. Hell, just last week he called LL Cool J, "boy."
@@DisgruntledPeasantI’m just imagining a caveman Matt Walsh throwing a fit about houses and I can’t stop laughing
wait so the guy who said a teenager can’t consent to medical care is the same guy who defended child brides and pedophiles multiple times?
There is no consistency in the narrative he and others like him construct. One minute he's comparing vaccinations to eugenics, the next he's actually endorsing eugenics himself in his anti-immigration screeds.
@@dave2408Gender affirming care isn't mutilation. You can't get bottom surgery until you're at least 18. Also, you ignored the part where Matt advocates from Child brides and labor
@@dave2408m8 the one who showed be listening is you. You make it seem like at 18 they kidnap you and mutilate you. It's a medical procedure m8 go outside and talk to a cute guy.
@@dave2408But minors can consent to marriage? Weird how you focused on everything else but that. Maybe seek therapy before you get sent to prison.
Eh, the American Far-Right and the Middle-Eastern Far-Right are pretty similar these days.
The only real major difference these days is what religion they *claim* to follow to justify their hateful views and acts of terrorism.
If Matt Walsh was revealed to be a predator, i wouldn’t even be remotely surprised tbh
At this point I’d be surprised if he isn’t.
He already said that 16 year old girls are 'the most fertile' so really, kinda close
Just wait. It'll probably happen, and when he inevitably gets caught, he and his ilk will commit Olympic level mental gymnastics to blame anyone except him.
He's already said "if God didn't exist then watching child porn would be ok as long as you didn't pay for it" which is the biggest red flag. At this point I'm glad he's a Catholic, cause obviously fear of God is the only thing potentially keeping him from doing some heinous shit.
EDIT: I obviously phrased this wrong. I meant more along the lines of "I'm glad that he seems to personally believe that being a p*do will result in eternal punishment from God because that seems to be the only flimsy barrier between him and horrific crimes". If, of course, he's not already committing said crimes & using his yelling about p*dos as a way of trying to hide his guilt.
@@jaynestrange I don't think Catholicism is a good protection from that.
It’s bad to be trans or gay, everybody. You have to be normal like the guys who spend all day defending reactionary media figures and getting ratioed in the comments of video essays they refuse to watch.
You have to be normal by defending the guy who thinks slavery and colonization were good, thinks a lot about children's genitals and pregnant teens, and thinks Danny Masterson did nothing wrong.
Just hate everyone, including yourself, then you'll be happy like the rest of us. /S
I appreciate this series. People who spread as much hate as Matt Walsh deserve no quarter
Thank you 🙏🥰
What I find most hilarious is that despite being a professed devout Catholic, his words and actions run counter to basically every single edict from the Church.
and no nickels either
@@Liliputian07dammit i thought i was gonna be original 😂
@@Henshingod Apparently there have been catholic organizations he was supposed to speak at who gave him the boot for being to hateful and didn't let him speak.
Matt is an introvert and doesn’t need to change, but childless women are the arbiter of the apocalypse, ok got it 📝
Funny how that works huh
It's called Gaslighting aka Grooming or Accusation in a Mirror, a Hatespeech incitement technique also used by Predators
All right wing propaganda is strawmen
A straw man fallacy is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man".
In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion. A question-begging inference is valid, in the sense that the conclusion is as true as the premise, but it is not a valid argument. Wikipedia
Argument from incredulity, also known as argument from personal incredulity, appeal to common sense, or the divine fallacy, is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition must be false because it contradicts one's personal expectations or beliefs, or is difficult to imagine. Wikipedia
Because they're Authoritarian Communists
Argumentum ad Populum (an appeal to popularity, public opinion or to the majority) is an argument, often emotively laden, for the acceptance of an unproved conclusion by adducing irrelevant evidence based on the feelings, prejudices, or beliefs of a large group of people.
No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity, is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by excluding the counterexample improperly
This is how Cults work, that's the tactics they adopted. Just look at Scientology, NXIVM, Brand, and Tate
They do it on purpose
(Bolshevik, bull, civic-minded, demagogue), someone who gains political power by appealing to people's emotion's instincts, & prejudices in a way that is considered manipulative & myopic; someone who incessantly reiterates the same petty complaints, until they are taken seriously.
There are citizens with valid complaints & issues, but invariably the meeting will have to deal with some Bullshivic & his personal gripe of "supreme importance".
It ultimately amounts to Gaslighting aka Grooming also called Accusation in a Mirror or Mirror Politics. It's the language of Apartheid perfected in israel
Besides, I’m an introvert and I can say with certainty that it’s no excuse for being an asshole. Hating oneself and others is in no way a part of being introverted, and Matt very much just hates himself and others.
Matt just has a breeding fetish and, like many of his opinions and preferences, tries to leverage "truth" to justify vilifying women that don't cater to his kink.
@@ThreeFortyThree agreed, and self acceptance is “woke” after all so he has to hate it :/
Matts the type of fella who would call a 10 year old mentally ill and say he has the moral high ground
I wouldn’t be surprised
if the 10-year-old believes he's something he's not, he has a mental illness.
I mean, Michael Knowles did that on live TV.
@@EddieM1994 and everything he said was true.
@@ArnoSchmidt22 are you proud of yourself, picking on some random Swedish woman trying to do some good in the world? Does it make you feel like a big boy?
I love how Matt claim there are no animal that could be considered as nonbinary when snails during mating can impregnate each other at the same time.
There are so many animals that completely eradicate his simple conception of sex and gender.
Clownfish can literally switch genders entirely. A male clownfish can become female AND reproduce perfectly fine afterwards
i love how matt was coping about how having the entire audience/stage set against you is a big optics challenge and is unfair when thats literally the tactic he uses in his "owning college students" compilations.
conservatives are hypocrites, never trust them because they're never objective
That's part of why I don't even speak to conservatives as if they're equal humans...they would never treat someone like me as an equal, so I do the same right back.
While I agree with the sentiment, saying "ALL" conservatives is problematic. Call me an i optimist but I've personally brought a few conservatives to the Left.
Some are redeemable. Matt Walsh is entirely irredeemable.
@@CaptPeon I am someone who used to be right of center, but now find myself left of center. Sadly I ate up a lot of the daily wire BS before realizing the error of the ways.
@@OlderBudde good on you for critiquing your media and opinions! I was raised in a very conservative and religious household. My grandpa would always listen to Rush Limbaugh and I just ingested it without any real critique... until I started to hear his vitriolic rhetoric I started paying more attention and realized how terribly hateful and evil people can be.
Best wishes!
Matt walsh probably has a panic attack every time he leaves his house. He's so mad and scared of everything, even of his fellow coworkers who hate the same things.
Including each other 😂
Hate to say it, but you kinda hit home for me
Literally any change of plan outside how i imagine something should go... i hiss and curse under my breath.
Ive come to realize it's because I'm horribly miserable and unsatisfied with life. Im scared of people and what the future holds.
Maybe Matt is the same. But he decided to make a career out of his fear and hatred of the world and makes bank off of it
Which again how does this man have a wife and children!? Seriously?! What did his wife see in him to think “I want to spend for the rest of my life with him.” Like girl you can do better.
Lovecraft 2.0
He going to cause himself a heart attack with that much stress,but I guess a dumb ass a dumb ass 😂
His critique of "pop music" and suggestion that we should go back to the 1400's and start over tells me he has never heard a medieval folk or working song. It's far from his biggest offense, of course, but it's another piece of evidence showing how embarrassingly underinformed and ignorant he is.
Dude has the luxury of being a time traveller with youtube in this day and age and he wants to go back to the days toilets were only for the rich and they were absolutely crap
To the '40s, he said, not the 1400s.
He’s also never heard ‘Leck Mine Arsch’, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
@@Phoennix3ehem its "leck mich im arsch" which translats to " lick me IN my ass"
You know Walsh is bad when he makes dr Phil look good by comparison
Phil is honestly a pretty reasonable man who talks ships on both sides of the party.
@@megaflynn6482 except for all the exploitation of addicts and child abuse he's pretty cool. oh and if you can overlook him not having a license to practice and his propensity to make fun of the mentally ill
Right? "In front of a studio audience that's already against me" Yes, Matt, because you thought Dr. Phil's show was gonna be a bastion of liberal ideology
It's very strange to scream parents' rights when it comes to anti-trans policies, while wanting to take away parents' rights from only parents who actually have trans children.
Parents rights as long as he's the parent and it's about him getting everything he wants because he's secretly a child who must always get his way.
pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Authoritarian Communism, also known as Reverse Psychology, or Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked in an Inquisitional manner, (Plurium interrogationum) the interrogator preemptively assuming the role of an authority, making their feelings the goalpost: Accuse others of that which you are guilty of; Gaslighting, all Cults and Predators do this.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some _*NECESSARY CONDITION* which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
_"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_
George Orwell, 1984
_"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_
Roger Stone
Pure coincidence every right wing rapist cult does this, which is straight out of the MK Ultra/ Scientology/ Jesuit / Scionist play book. Like Trump being born on the date Aleister Crowley gave for his Moon Child, with the help of L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, with the help of his parents, Fred Christ and Mary McKleod. Trump itself means to decieve, as does Jesuit.
*_"By deceit we Wage War"_*
Pure coincidence Trump's admin are almost all Opus Dei, including Rudy Guiliani, who covered up the Truck Bombers caught on the George Washington Bridge in 2001. Pure coincidence both Bin Laden and Epstein were Wahabbi.
All just pure coincidence
i hate that "parents' rights" are pretty much always only brought up when children aren't being treated like humans... no, parents don't deserve the right to abuse, "discipline" or deny medical treatment for their child, they aren't your fucking puppet
@@kai_maceration 1,000%
mutilation is not "medical treatment".@@kai_maceration
It's worth pointing out that Matt Walsh recently defended rapist Danny Masterson. Make of that what you will.
Birds of a feather I suppose.
Oh yeah. I didn’t mention that because this had been recorded previously, but this video does cover his defense of Josh Duggar.
Surprised Pikachu 😮
@krinkov7.62 uh... whut
And Russell Brand!
Matt is an anti-elitist elitist. He tells us to partake in serious Art, but hates nuance. Craps on education, and claims to educate people.
This. This is the perfect description of Matt Walsh. Down to the marrow. Thank you for this.
I feel like art would be boring, flat and without nuance if people like him would decide what art is...
He wants to replace who he perceives as “the elite” (educated leftists) with who he think ought to be the elite (religious capitalists).
You quoted Matt Walsh in context, without twisting anything. Your analysis was fair, humanizing, and dispassionate.
Both of these are courtesies he has never extended to anyone that he did not agree with.
Yeah this is definitely the best analysis on Matt Walsh
It's the epitome of 'show, don't tell.' letting Matt speak for himself demonstrates how terrible of a person he is.
Imagine Matt Walsh, possibly the dreariest individual in the history of the species, lecturing people about how to live a satisfying life.
Imagine a world where everyone lives like Matt Walsh :/
"Dreariest"! So funny.
@@Freshjuices15You're not wrong, but it's not just the demeanor for Matt. It's that him and people like him just hate everyone and everything, and it's hard to be happy when everything around you offends and disgusts you.
@@Freshjuices15 I hear what you're saying, I'm a fairly reserved person myself in the day to day. I think these videos show a very dark and unhappy person driven by misanthropy only sparked to life when berating other people. He's put a lot of himself forward and it's not pretty.
I just know his way of "spicing" up the bedroom is finally taking his crew socks off during lights-out missionary
matt walsh caring about whether children can consent but suspiciously only when its trans related medical care. how does he expect that to work in his ideal world in which we dont teach kids about their right to consent, where its viewed as "creepy" to tell a kid they dont have to hug someone if they dont want to?
also god the part documenting his cynical use of mass shooting victims, projecting the glee he felt when the nashville school shooting was a trans person onto everyone else, simply because he knows he encourages his own sides severe violence epidemic and doesnt want to feel responsible (because he's a coward) really encapsulates both his stupidity and his evil.
Mutt wulsh is the personification of that single panel comic with the guy saying, “I had fun once and it was awful.” Another great vid!
Thank you ☺️
I call him Wett Mulch
He doesn’t even know what fun is
Him having untreated ADHD just makes so much sense and explains his entire persona. Every one of us ADHD ppl knows the struggle of feeling worthless, of feeling like a disappointment to ourselves and those around us. I too had 1-2 years of sliding into the alt-right terminally online ideology when I was at my lowest with depression and social anxiety. Turns out meds and therapy help a lot: I went from being basically a hikkikomori during uni to now having a nice life, a wonderful partner, a stable and decent job, lots of hobbies, and a lot of solidarity for those who’re struggling. Not for Matt Walsh though.. I wish him all the worst. 😅
Yep. Reading his early works and identifying slightly with some of what he says is what got me started on this project.
Yep. AuDHD guy here, and I've seen and felt a lot of the type of frustration and indignation at things I found to be wrong with the world which oozes out of Matt. However, I've never been conservative and built my values on hating people the way he does. As in, I didn't get upset by the same things he does, but I expressed it in similar ways. Thankfully, I grew up quite a bit after my 30s (which is a sad statement in and of itself, but hey better late than never) so I've stopped obsessing and ruminating which means I've been able to not only be more at peace with things I disagree with, but also to find where I was being blinded by my way of thinking from what was actually going on with these things. Matt's attitude towards his ADHD seems to me to ensure that he will never be able to learn how it makes him who he is. He despises it and thinks it makes him weak, so he denies it and refuses to learn about it from the people who could teach him the most about it - those of us who have accepted it as an indelible part of our identity.
I actually hope he'll one day realises what a shallow, empty nincompoop he really is, and will have to live with the knowledge and regret of the hatefulness he expressed to others - especially to children. The truth of his life.
33:50 “you can’t just choose your own name and pronouns” *calls Marion Morrison “John Wayne”*
Matt Walsh could watch John Wayne in The Searchers and think "that's literally me"
It's an art name waaa
Does matt know who Cassius clay is?
@@Sarisjackoviak1815 he may well be one of those that still call him by his former name.
Dozens of straight white boy shooters: crickets.
1 trans shooter: "WE HAVE A GUN PROBLEM"
Where have we seen that before... oh right the Black Panther Party, the last time the NRA publicly supported gun control.
And the reason why Reagan (fuck him), started CA’s hyper strict gun control policies.
Nah, that white boy shooter was just expressing his first amendment right. Them other people don't have that right.
No one says that. You have a gun problem regardless of who does it.
@@sandersson2813 But they only seem to speak up when it comes from a minority...
In an alternate universe, Matt got therapy instead.
I wanna live in that universe
& I worry that in that universe, someone else just as incompetent (or worse *more* competent) filled the exact niche. There's no end of grifters in a hate movement.
I really appreciate you bringing up his defense of Josh Duggar, I don't think a lot of people know about that especially if they aren't regularly in fundamentalist spaces. This was a incredible work and I'm sure took a lot of labor and it's really appreciated by so many besides me ♥
Thank you so very much for saying so.
I hate the Duggars. They live in the neighboring town to mine.
I like how he said they already demonized THEMSELVES, then quickly corrected to itself. He used it properly then "caught" himself and had to dehumanize NB and trans people again.
He even admits in that same rant that “they” is not solely plural. Man can’t be consistent for a full sentence
Matt Walsh give off “I’m on pause you can’t get me” during tag energy
I died at the "Trans people dont have hobbies" As i watch a video from a trans creator who has a second channel about classic toys...
It might be one of the most batshit things I've seen someone say about trans people.
If that were true, Wizards of the Coast would be out of business :P
@@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicosExactly. If trans folks didn't have hobbies, who the heck am I playing D&D with?
@@deaddomainthe most batshit thing i have ever heard someone say about trans people is that they exist
@@Theguineachannel it’s literally an unavoidable fact. There’s no opinion involved. Denying trans people exist is like denying there’s a color red.
the fact that matt walsh unironically believes in the outdated "noble savage" trope makes me truly see his high school education. My brain hurts
Matt's appeal to "common sense" makes me think he's the type of guy who would sacrifice virgins to the volcano gods cause the village did it one time and it rained the next day.
And he would say “it’s just facts! It’s just logic! This is how it’s always been done!”
@@deaddomainconsidering his view on marriage and age of consent I think there wouldn't be any virgins left to sacrafice (edit grammar)
@@w.d.gaster9696There will always be women to sacrifice for guys like Walsh until the masses look at his wife and want to sacrifice her
That actually happened?
@@LeaveMeAlone3-c5bYes, Pompeii 468 BCE.
Man, Matt Walsh is really focused on child safety and consent matters. Surely he's a big advocate for age of consent and opposed to child marriage, righ- oh. Oh no. Ooooh nononononononono
that 'biologists are full of sh*t" line is such a self own moment. As if that is any sort of argument.
Truly embarrassing.
Well they are
By having advocated for a position that is full of shit.
Better argument than calling someone a neo-nazi or bigot, if that's any argument at all.
MW: I believe in cold hard science facts
Scientist: Actually science says you're wrong
MW: No way bro, you're stupid 😭
At this point “common sense” is code for “I did no research” lol
Or a way to try to cop out of providing evidence for wild assertions and serious accusations.
No kidding
Your channel is ruining my algorythm. I just got a suggestion from Turning Point USA about active fires in Texas that the feds are ignoring. We don't have any active wildfires.
Must mean your doing something right. Keep up the good work.
A truely massive piece of work. So sorry you had to delve into so much of Matt's inane ramblings to produce this fine essay. Well done.
Thank you ☺️
I would give serious consideration to taking a swan dive of my roof if I had to listen to this much Matt Walsh.
“Intelligent individuals learn from every thing and every one; average people, from their experiences. The stupid already have all the answers.”
― Socrates
Is a quote that I think perfectly encapsulates Matt Walsh
Which is funny because matt is the type of person to say this quote applies to the left while simultaneously say stuff like "my side the correct side" and out right denying someone claim that has backed up sources with "no it isn't and anyone who agrees with you is a moron"
Matt Walsh is like every teenager who watched Pulp Fiction and then acted like they were somehow the modern Jean-Luc Godard for simply having liked the movie
As a teen in this county the thing I heard Matt Walsh say that got me personally the angriest was his saying that liberals don't show any sadness or somber reflection at mass killings, but the key word he leaves out is *anymore*. We've been hit over the head over and over again with mass murders happening in this country, so doesn't it make sense that we've cried all our tears and all we can do is grab whatever we can and keep swinging? And if that happens to be the still-falling bodies of the dead, wouldn't that be what the dead would want?
(I'm sorry, this is kind of unhinged, but I wrote right after I felt)
Yep, he said that in the same video I showed, however I didn’t show it because it was already a very long clip. But it is a great point that if anyone has trouble processing mass violence, it might be because it happens so damn much in America.
He reminds me of every small-minded person who chose anger and resentment over broadening his world.
His wife is likely going to leave once the kids are grown. At least one of his children will cut all ties with him, if not more. Even the most clingy codependent can only handle so much.
I’m not going to be the least bit surprised when his children cut off contact with him
Yikes. After finishing this part, I'm now fearing Matt Walsh's own Josh Duggar reveal moment.
Matt is like every It's Always Sunny protagonist rolled into one, without the benefit of being a TV character
The narcissism of Dennis, the religiosity of Mac, and the intelligence of Charlie
@PatrickWDunne plus Dee's massive insecurities, and Frank's casual disregard for human life in pursuit of profit
Nor the benefit of being funny
Hate that you compared this real sh*t person to my favourite troop of sh*t people. Yet, they are a parody of people like Matt. The difference is that the gang, except for Frank, try to cover up their misogyny, racism, ignorance, etc., while Matt is proud in his shittiness. Also, the gang is not homophobic, like at all - one of their saving graces.
@@MrSouthside1316 you’re right, my apologies for tarnishing IASIP for associating it with the grossest beard on the planet
Matt talks about how Native tribes killed each other, so conquering them apparently wasn't a big deal.
But he's worried about "white extinction" even though white people have been killing each other for years. The white Catholics had a lot of conflict with white pagans.
Fun Fact: In 1934, the Nazi Walter Frank Institute's "Jewish Question Department" published a propaganda pamphlet to scare people into supporting the party. It's title, roughly translated, was "Is the white race dying? The future of white and the colored people according to biological statistics".
"They're nationalising the monasteries, but if they offer you one don't buy it, because if Bloody Mary gets in they'll be DEnationalised pretty fast." - Flanders & Swann
"College Students he can bait with an audience already on his side"
Oh, he's pulling a Steven Crowder, I see
That woman who said she had a lazy day without kids he was so angry yet said she hasn't had kids "yet". She might still have kids. He is just upset a white woman wasn't a breeding teenager
He really is just a ball of negativity. He can't simply dislike something - he has to justify it. He doesn't like ice hockey, for example, but rather than just step back and say he doesn't like it because it doesn't interest him, he has to argue that it's because it's not masculine enough. For some reason he has to justify why he doesn't like what he dislikes and then, ironically, has to impose that on everyone else.
He's convinced himself that feelings are "weakness" so he has to pretend that every opinion he has is an objective fact in order to feel "strong".
wait- did he really say fucking *ice hockey* wasn’t masculine enough?? matt not,,, not everything on ice is figure skating,,,
@@candyzombiee if he said that then he must have never seen a hockey game, bc I stg each team gets in at least one fist fight per game 😂
He's the living embodiment of Plato's Parable of the Cave: he prefers his shadows on the wall rather than reality. It's really quite horrifying. I hope you're okay after putting yourself through all this.
I love that parable! Yes, he indeed sees the world as black and white. I think the complexity of the universe genuinely scares him. But I would be too if I was raised with a cut and dry view of everything.
When the reality is filled which a bunch of freaks and alien people who refuse to act human it’s understandable to not want to deal with that all the time. Men cannot become women. You live in a fantasy world.
@@lilskyguy7 While his own upbringing is certainly to blame for a lot of his messed up views, I think we need to be careful of how forgiving we are to ppl like him. He isn't just "scared of" or "confused by" transppl, he actively and knowingly spreads lies and encourages hate. He refuses to have *any* conversation in good faith and when he loses debates he reframes the loss as a win and spreads *that* lie too! I'm autistic and ADHD and while I pity him for his self-hatred and his clearly nuero-divergent black and white thinking, but I recognize that he's still responsible for his shitty behavior. The difference between me and him is that I've evolved my thinking and I've worked hard to relate to others better. He's decided that it's not okay to live and let live. He thinks he has the right to not only belittle ppl he disagrees with, but to become a political talking head trying to influence policy change. His behavior is causing tangible harm and it's soooo not okay.
Oh good grief, how utterly inane and ignorant
A while ago I saw a bunch of tweets from MAP walsh about UFOs and how exciting it is to find out about space and shit. I still don't know what to make of that. Just fucking weird, given everything else. @@lilskyguy7
I get it, Walsh - everything needs to be Correct, and Ordered, and in its proper place, based on a list of things that Just Make Sense to you.
I'm autistic too 🙄
I couldn't like this comment fast enough💀💀💀💀
Edit: I am also Autistic
lmao, true real
I actually had that thought while I was watching this -- what if he's just really autistic and severely misguided? And I don't mean that in like, a derogatory sense.
I don't think he's autistic. I think he is as he says, a Fascist.
Fascism likes things orderly, sterile, and uniform.
oh good, i was thinking that his debate/argumentative style just, straight up matches my friends (and sadly me when i'm not trying to be self aware about my bullshit) who have the adhd/autism wombo combo. Sadly however, this particular potential egg is a bag of shit who'd probably support autism speaks on a GOOD day..
I appreciate your empathy. I grew up in what was basically a family-sized cult and have been in some really dark, unhealthy head spaces in my life, so I'm keenly aware that the only reasons I'm not as pathetic as Matt Walsh is an openness to new experiences and a willingness to accept when I'm wrong. So as you've demonstrate in these videos, the main thing making people like this so pathetic isn't some intrinsic evil, it's just that they're more fearful than they are curious and have more insecurity than they have integrity. I can despise them, I can pity them, I can wish they're deplatformed and face legal repercussions for their actions, but I just can't hate them. In a better world, they wouldn't be in the news, they'd be in rehab.
Also hi you're one of the people who inspired me to come out to my doctor. He immediately changed my gender to NB/Male, and he was absolutely excited for me. He got that being referred to as a female would make me feel uncomfortable and immediately sent a request in for me to a gender clinic in my area. And he started to talk about other ways to treat my pcos in a way that would also completely prevent me from having a cycle without the intense pain of having an irregular untreated period. My man is the best, love living in Canada.
Good to hear it went so well! And if you have any plans laid out for the future relating to such I wish 'ye the best of luck with that too.
I know it might sound a bit odd coming from a random stranger on the internet, but, still. Hope none of this sounds rude or anything like that
That's love man
Congratulations!!! it's so scary but SO worth it
Pitching in to congratulate on taking such a big step.
Also I am currently in awe by the sheer maaculinity that your avatar irradiates for some reason
Immediately? No psychoanalysis?.
The Dr. Phil segment is a perfect example of why the best thing you can do is ignore anyone crying “debate me!” It doesn’t matter what you say to people like Matt Walsh, they will not change. All debating them does is allow them to legitimize their terrible beliefs
That's why you shouldn't bother to "debate" anyone. People, once they've made up their mind, can't be convinced of anything that they disagree with.
I thought the idea was to prove your point on a stage to an audience, why would their beliefs be legitimized if you present a decent response that refutes them
Lmao he won the debate. If you watch the whole thing it's obvious that the man in a dress is the biggest idiot to have been on that show.
@@BigMikeTheGuycope and seethe as the world leaves you behind
Like the belief that chemically castrating children is wrong? That kind of belief?
As an Introvert myself, I get the Impression that Walsh uses his own Introversion as a Shield for his lack of empathy and overall dickishness, so he can just say "that's what I am" and avoid any sort of self-improvement.
Like he seems to think that being an Introvert automatically means that one never opens up to others or is never friendly.
No it's a tactic used in Psychological warfare, MK Ultra type stuff, like they use in Scientology, which ties to Trump and the MAGA movement
Maga means Witch in Latin, and all these right wing clowns are Jesuit Agents Provocateur
I know, right? Being an introvert generally means you don't like large groups of people, not that large groups of people don't like you. There's a difference, Matt.
@@LunaBoo12being an introvert means that social interaction drains your energy while an extrovert is typically energized by social interaction. Either way Matt is misusing the term to justify his own narcissism and lack of empathy.
I'm convinced Matt isn't an introvert. He's a misanthrope. Walsh just hates people.
The fact that he ADMITS that they is "usually" a plural pronoun with no irony whatsoever makes me tired.
Friendly reminder that Map Walsh will, without a hint of irony in his voice, tell his viewers to grow up while a doll of himself wearing a diaper is on camera. Anyone that calls themselves Sweet Daddy of the Sweet Baby gang has whole other issues to deal with outside of bemoaning the existence of Third Person reference.
Wait until you hear about this crazy thing called irony. Im guessing it hasnt reached the left yet
@@TheguineachannelWhat irony are you referring to?
@@Wulfspyder you telling me you think the "sweet baby gang" is in any way serious? Are you telling me you think there is any Human on earth who would unironically refer to themselve as "sweet daddy walsh" if so i actually understand why you hate him. If i thought it was unitonic i would hate him aswel
@@Theguineachannel It's an actual group. It's where his diaper plushie came from.
@Theguineachannel do you understand what irony is? genuine question
another thing he's got wrong.
Star Wars blasters don't shoot lasers, they shoot out a condensed blast of hot plasma.
as in, blast of extremely hot gas, so there's no damn reason they should behave like a laser.
I mean that lore was just written ex post facto to explain why they moved so slow lol
@@darthteej1 true, but that happened so damn long ago that it might as well have been in the first movie.
Either way, he's still wrong about it.
That sure does sound unpleasant to be hit by.
If there are so many gay priests in the church, can Matt explain why they're not having gay sex with each other?
Great question tbh
@@deaddomain It's truly the height of dishonesty from these idiots. Everything that squicks them out is automatically conflated with PDF-iles. So gross
Every single expert in their field: All research points to this.
Every single Matt Walsh response: Nuh-uh!
For fuck's sake, he's barely equipped to argue with kindergarteners.
Yup, a complete rejection of the scientific method by him and his followers.
matt walsh: they want to obscure the main point
matt walsh: did not make a single point
Well that just shows how well they obscured his point!/s
this man is so full of fear. he is so terrified by the idea that he might be wrong.
...and I hate to admit, when I heard his stance on ADHD in part 1, I heard myself. I've often fallen into the same mental trap of "I'm not sick, I don't need medicine" but at least I'm willing to admit that I don't know everything.
You know you're fucked when Dr. Phil is the reasonable person in the conversation, oh my god hahaha
Edit: I’m later in the video now, Matt is such a sad person. Man is hurting. 53:05 does the man just not have any friends? God damn
"A person who denies a male or female gender is already demonising themselves- or, itself" is such a funny statement. He accidentally used them as a pronoun while saying it was incorrect.
Male gender is tied to the sex same with female lol. These are just words made up by society. No matter what you say there is a human specie, with 2 categories, one has a penis, can produce sperm and naturally produce more testosterone leading to things such as getting beard, bigger muscles, bone density and has xy chromosomes the other is a one with vagina, with ovaries and can produce egg and the ones capable of giving birth. Gender man and woman are tied to these sex, it’s that simple. There’s no in between, there’s a reason you have people who call themselves as “trans” or identifying themselves as a woman or man and mimicking them lmao.
@@King-2077 There quite literally isn't just 2 categories lmao. Intersex people biologically exist, and aren't too rare. What gender are intersex people 'supposed' to be?
@@King-2077 Trans people don't claim to have anatomy that they don't have. Even going to (incorrect) binary definitions of anatomy or gametes is missing the point.
@@BlueCyann you’re the one missing the point. Yes they dont claim they claim they have the anatomy they dont have however, they are claiming they are of the opposite gender because of how they think and feel. Just because you feel/think something doesn’t mean it is our universal reality. What they think and feel only exists in their mind, it is a problem that occured to their brain, definitely a mental problem of different kind, not necessarily a bad a thing but something that went wrong. We have biological boundaries, a man is an adult male, different words but same meaning. There’s no such thing as “im a man but biologically born as a female or vice versa” what we do as men and women are social contruct that was created because of our nature, such as men being the protector because we are naturally stronger physically than women because we produce more testosterone than women and while women are more emotional, and they are the ones giving birth, their femininity and stuff.
@@King-2077 What about person born with female organs, naturally developing hormones within normal female range and body shape, with ovaries that work, and XY chromosomes? It is a woman? or would you classify them as a man? Or what about a man, with a penis, with XY chromosomes who is naturally petite and produces little testosterone? That IS a man, right? or do you think they are more of a woman because it doesn't tick all checkboxes? or are they something in middle as long not all boxes are marked correctly?
How do you feel about tall and muscular woman with high bone density?
"if all your entertainment is turning your brain off then when do you turn it back on?" PEOPLE HAVE JOBS MATT
MAP Walsh has never turned on his sorry excuse for a brain cell.
Yeah, plus also, not everything you do has to be to make yourself more thoughtful and intellectual. Sometimes, you can just do something to relax (I.e. watching a movie), and that itself helps your brain decompress so that you can tackle your responsibilities fresh when you’re finished
His dismissal of running studies on things he personally sees as “common sense” is mindblowing. If we operated on common sense observations, we’d be stuck with the miasma theory of disease.
You’re telling me there are millions of squishy animals living inside me and some of them are bad…? That’s what’s causing disease? Bro, we cleaned up the poop and corpses laying around the city and disease decreased dramatically. It’s obvious that it’s smelly things making us sick! 🙄
It's just common sense that we have ghosts in our blood. Duh
It's common sense to heal people with blood loss.
@@somik-i3xOf course, that's how you get the ghosts out 👻
Just wanted to say thank you for your work and I hope you remember to find time to do something silly, fun and joyfully stupid later. I recommend buying a slice of red velvet and plopping a slice of strawberry cheesecake on it. Not healthy physically but oh so worth it!
I’ve been relaxing by doin content for my toy channel! Occult Classic Toys. It’s a nice way to unwind :3
that sounds like a wonderful treat, though I may not be able to handle it
"What is a woman?" uh, someone whose minecraft skin has winged eyeliner obviously
When Matt Walsh passes away no one will miss him. Not a single person will miss him.
His “fans” only listen to him for what he says not because of who he is. Just like so many people instantly forgot about Tucker Carlson when he left Fox News.
No, his death will be celebrated by the very people he needlessly hates. The only people who will remember him are the people he hurt most as we urge our fellow trans people who to be on the lookout for. The monster.
That’s what he will be. A monster.
And for all the nonsense he goes on about “progeny and leaving your mark.”
There is no more shame you can bring on yourself than to be remembered as someone who was a monster. Who people hate. And who is forgotten.
And he deserves nothing less. And nothing more.
I sincerely hope you read this, Matt. I hope this comment is in the next video so you see it with your own two eyes. I want it to live in the back of your mind, consuming your every waking thought because deep down in whatever husk of a soul you have left inside of you, we both know I’m right. We both know you’re doomed no matter what you do unless you try to be a better person. To make some kind of attempt to apologize and fix it.
Just remember….
We all die, Matt.
The only thing that truly matters is how you are remembered. It’s not too late. Until it is.
I'll celebrate
This comment has a dark, eldritch tone that I really vibe with.
He won't just be forgotten, he'll be replaced without notice. The next closed minded bigot will just slide into his chair and, for all intents and purposes, be regarded as just always being there. Matt is irrelevant, and it should scare him to the bottom of his empty, sad soul.
So will he be hated or forgotten? Pick one
@@bradfordmitchell3135 Why not both?
This video has helped me understand my dad a bit more. He’s not AS bad as Mr Walsh, but so much of what you talked about and showed with Matt is so reminiscent of how my dad behaves towards what he doesn’t understand or like. From the high likelihood of neurodivergence and narrow fields of interest, to the idea that they believe in facts over feelings when it’s so clear that they derive their world view from their feelings. It’s sad. The world around them is moving and changing. It scares them. So they cling to what they know. Animals cornered by time lash out in a last ditch effort to defend themselves from an ever shifting world. I want so much for them to open their ears for one second. I want to reach a hand out to them. I want to hold them close and tell them I get it, I’m scared too, everything is changing so much. But I know they’ll bite. They’ll think I’m trying to hurt them. They’ll scratch and bite and maim until the threat is gone. So for my own safety I can’t. I sit at a distance and feel pity. Someday I hope they’ll let us sit with them. For now though, we stay kind and keep our distance.
You're a lot kinder to those things than I this point, I wouldn't allow a conservative of any kind to live on my street.
Dude same here
I always knew about Matt Walsh but never payed much attention to him until recently, but after watching all these videos it just shows me how much my own dad parrots these talking points
Anything new is scary to people like Matt, they can’t just move on from it either they latch on to it and bring themselves down with it
39:16 “singular they is not grammatically correct” *proceeds to use singular they*
Matt Walsh just seems like an angry, lonely, miserable man, and the saddest part is if anyone suggested therapy he would view it as dismissal, rather than compassion.
I feel like Matt Walsh is one breakthrough away from "getting it", but he's so scared of "getting it" that he fights whatever could be that breakthrough at every turn.
A person who fights that hard is usually only hanging on by a thread.
A person born, raised, and conditioned to be afraid of what understanding brings because understanding is too great of an unknown.
It's honestly quite sad...
I sincerely hope that breakthrough swoops in and piledrives him one of these days.
He's so scared. He's so scared that he's trying to stop people who vote against him from voting.
That's an act to imply he's open to the evidence.
@@Uncanny_MountainThat could very well be, but I have trouble in thinking he's that good at gaslighting...
I could be wrong though, and if it is just an act, I still pity him and his ignorance.
"Deeply incurious" seems to be the common descriptor between a lot of the right-to-far-right demagogues. "I don't know, and I don't want to learn" feels like such a miserable way to live
"It's depressing to go on vacation by yourself." is peak inadvetent confession of self-loathing.
How I know for a fact Matt Walsh has never even seen or read Shakespeare is that he views it as 'real art', even though they are full of raunchy humor.
random bit to focus on but Matt getting annoyed at Lightsabers feels like a perfect encapsulation of how media illiterate he is. Obi-wan says it himself, the Lightsaber is "A more civilized weapon from a more civilized age." The Lightsaber is out of place and seems oddly archaic in a world of blaster pistols because the Jedi ideals of balance a care have been left behind by the Empire and the Galaxy. Their surprising effectiveness shows that the goodness lost in the past can still come back. Matt fails to grasp any of the magic of the Lightsaber and focuses purely on realism and refuses to have any fun.
He doesn’t understand anything
There's also his misunderstanding of why Jedi can block blasters with lightsabers. Totally doesn't get how they use the Force.
@@missZoey5387 showing how media illiterate he is
Absolutely love how he uses the correct "themselves" pronoun and then immediately correncts himself to the more offensive term 😅
I think the funny part is that "It" and "Itself" can't exactly be used in a plural context anyways, it's pretty much exclusively singular lmao... unlike THEY/THEM.
@@princesspupcake1269right? As a linguist, whenever someone like him starts talking about pronouns, I can just feel a part of me wither and die lol
I've never even seen the part of the Dr. Phil thing involving the professor before now, and that's a real damn shame because she really just dismantles any arguments he has.
That "Yeah, you're a real champion for women" comment fucking killed me.
I was telling my husband about watching you cover Matt Walsh and he asked “who’s Matt Walsh?”
My husband is a working-class truck driver and has never even heard this guy’s name before. That’s the kind of reach he has.
I love that 💕
how small and dull and miserable matts world must be
i find it so sad that he can't conceive of anything an adult woman could find joy or meaning in other than childcare
Yep, just a daily reminder that he has a wife and six children.
The first part was great yet I kept rolling my eyes at the things Walsh said throughout. Excited to see what this part goes over!
Definitely buckle up because this ride is much bumpier 😬
i love the part where he says that "it" is the proper gender neutral term for people and then slips up like "but a person who rejects male or female identity, has already dehumanized themselves- oR ITSELF"
reminds me of the time ben shapiro accidentally called caitlyn jenner '"she" and then IMMEDIATELY going "I MEAN HE" lol
I want someone to ask Matt to define a chair.
>"Something that you can sit on"
So is a table a chair?
>"No it also has to have a backrest"
So is a beanbag a chair?
Even a chair is hard to legally define with 100% accuracy. Gender is even more convoluted.
Uhhh... everyone knows that 'chairness' is innate and granted by white Jesus.
@@Iwantpoptarts96420I believe the chair question woukd hurt him more as you're using his own logic against him. Think about how much you'll hurt what he cares more about, his ego.
@@Iwantpoptarts96420Matt would probably love if you punched him. Don't fall for it. Guys like him would play the victim card. The best way to infuriate them, is to keep calm and rational. That's what drives them crazy. 😉
A chair is notoriously impossible to define because philosophers are always stuck in studies or classrooms thinking about whether or not they exist.
@@VitorMonteiroPT The best way to hurt them is to make them the irrational ones in the room. Can't apply the facts don't care about your feelings when they're the ones being questioned.
I've known he does the "what is a woman thing" but the way he uses it to put down *any* conversation about trans people is unnerving.
What is the image of a woman he's attempting to conjure in the minds of his audience? Honestly terrifying
That's cos pretending your opinion is the goalpost is Authoritarian Communism, also known as Reverse Psychology, or Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or mirror argument is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting.
*>>Gaslighting is a psychological term used to describe* the process of *grooming* someone into believing that they are losing it or going crazy. *Gaslighting a child is perhaps the most egregious form of child abuse, sometimes called Crazy Making.
*In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the **_gaslighting_** is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other **_grooming_** tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil*
*>>Trivializing:* *The victim’s feels are made to feel like they don’t matter, are **_unfounded_** or they are weak for thinking so.* (woke/ lib/ groomer/ infidel etc)
*>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting.* *They **_directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim._*
*>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times.* Questions are asked in an Inquisitional manner, (Plurium interrogationum) the interrogator preemptively assuming the role of an authority, making their feelings the goalpost: Accuse others of that which you are guilty of; Gaslighting, all Cults and Predators do this.
*>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.*
*>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity* is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to *protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample* by trying to _exclude the counterexample_ improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.
*"What Others Say" (Appeal to populism)*
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults.
"if many believe it then it must be true" (regardless whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "moral majority" when in truth they account for a mere 13% of the population. Mocking is also an appeal to populism, that's why Comedy can be a form of Propaganda, by establishing a collective baseline that targets an "other".
All these tactics are employed to make a False Claim Fallacy: the *reliance of a premise on prior unsupported or unstated assumptions that turn out to be false*
A false assumption occurs whenever the truth of a premise depends on some _*NECESSARY CONDITION* which is merely stipulated or *assumed to be present when it is not in fact present at all*
_"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."_
George Orwell, 1984
_"Deny, Deflect, Disinform"_
Roger Stone
Pure coincidence every right wing rapist cult does this, which is straight out of the MK Ultra/ Scientology/ Jesuit / Scionist play book. Like Trump being born on the date Aleister Crowley gave for his Moon Child, with the help of L Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, with the help of his parents, Fred Christ and Mary McKleod. Trump itself means to decieve, as does Jesuit.
*_"By deceit we Wage War"_*
Pure coincidence Trump's admin are almost all Opus Dei, including Rudy Guiliani, who covered up the Truck Bombers caught on the George Washington Bridge in 2001. Pure coincidence both Bin Laden and Epstein were Wahabbi.
All just pure coincidence
@@Uncanny_Mountain okay grandpa, free time is over, back to your room
@@HotClown are you a Magat?
Cos my post explained how Magats operate
So you either didn't read it, or???
@@Uncanny_Mountainok so I think I get what you’re saying. The misunderstanding here seems to be that what you’ve written is very close in style to the incoherent ramblings of right-wingers you occasionally see in replies so at a first glance it’d be very easy to assume you’re just one of those and not read further.
@@SorowFame because that way by the time they learn what's up it's too late.
Pisses them off immensely
He's so cringe he almost made me hide my face during his interview on doctor Phil. I genuinly felt ridiculous just watching him make his stupid unrelated points. You were right when you pointed out in the previous part that he looks like he feels miserable about himself. How do you not feel miserable when this is the way you exchange with others?
He's Roman Catholic
A Jesuit Agent Provocateur
*They all are*
Exactly. Building positive connections with others is what gives our lives meaning, and the way he treats and talks about people make that impossible for him.
Super fun way to live, great choice, Matt! 🎉