美國中央情報局CIA解密:在三年自然災害期間,中國「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」,反而增加6000萬人口,鐵證如山! 已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」 2004年,美國中情局解密的1961年和1962年相關文件中顯示,我國在三年自然災害期間「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」 這份文件前兩頁是美國中央智庫在說CIA、美國國務院、陸、海、空三軍、聯合參謀、參謀長聯席會、NSA參與了這個文件的編寫、情報收集、整理等工作,以及這文章的各種註意事項什麼的。這文章是1961年4月4日內部發表的,直到2004年6月才被允許公開。 第3頁,正文開始: The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢 The Problem 問題 To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year. 特別參考了食品(供給)狀況,評估現在(1961年)中國的經濟困難,以及預估了他們(指中國)的:(a)往後幾年經濟和政治走向,(b)1961年應該還是個荒年 Conclusions 開頭小結 1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence. 1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。 2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings. 2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。 3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960. 3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。 4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership. 4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY) 5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine. 5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉) 6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow. 6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。 1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@白咲花-d5h中國 1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口,1961年人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。這可是美國中央情報局數據。CIA解密文件: ========= 美國中央情報局CIA解密:在三年自然災害期間,中國「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」,反而增加6000萬人口,鐵證如山! 已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」 2004年,美國中情局解密的1961年和1962年相關文件中顯示,我國在三年自然災害期間「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」 這份文件前兩頁是美國中央智庫在說CIA、美國國務院、陸、海、空三軍、聯合參謀、參謀長聯席會、NSA參與了這個文件的編寫、情報收集、整理等工作,以及這文章的各種註意事項什麼的。這文章是1961年4月4日內部發表的,直到2004年6月才被允許公開。 第3頁,正文開始: The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢 The Problem問題 To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year. 特別參考了食品(供給)狀況,評估現在(1961年)中國的經濟困難,以及預估了他們(指中國)的:(a)往後幾年經濟和政治走向,(b)1961年應該還是個荒年 Conclusions 開頭小結 1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence. 1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。 2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings. 2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。 3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960. 3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。 4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership. 4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY) 5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine. 5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉) 6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow. 6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。 1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@qdmumei4195 美國中央情報局CIA解密『大躍進』造成了人口的流動,中國 1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口,1961年人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。這可是美國中央情報局數據 ========= 美國中央情報局CIA解密:在三年自然災害期間,中國「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」,反而增加6000萬人口,鐵證如山! 已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」 2004年,美國中情局解密的1961年和1962年相關文件中顯示,我國在三年自然災害期間「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」 這份文件前兩頁是美國中央智庫在說CIA、美國國務院、陸、海、空三軍、聯合參謀、參謀長聯席會、NSA參與了這個文件的編寫、情報收集、整理等工作,以及這文章的各種註意事項什麼的。這文章是1961年4月4日內部發表的,直到2004年6月才被允許公開。 第3頁,正文開始: The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢 The Problem問題 To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year. 特別參考了食品(供給)狀況,評估現在(1961年)中國的經濟困難,以及預估了他們(指中國)的:(a)往後幾年經濟和政治走向,(b)1961年應該還是個荒年 Conclusions 開頭小結 1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence. 1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。 2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings. 2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。 3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960. 3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。 4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership. 4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY) 5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine. 5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉) 6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow. 6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。 1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@harudraco 讓美國CIA資料回答你!「美国總統令第12958號」 政府新的机密文件的解密期限为10 年。 超過25年以前的机密文件除了特例外自动解密。美國的解密文件真实存在。 美國中央情報局CIA解密:在三年自然災害期間,中國「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」,反而增加6000萬人口,鐵證如山!見下文: --------------------------- 已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」 2004年,美國中情局解密的1961年和1962年相關文件中顯示,我國在三年自然災害期間「沒有出現全面大饑荒」,也沒有「發生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。」 這份文件前兩頁是美國中央智庫在說CIA、美國國務院、陸、海、空三軍、聯合參謀、參謀長聯席會、NSA參與了這個文件的編寫、情報收集、整理等工作,以及這文章的各種註意事項什麼的。這文章是1961年4月4日內部發表的,直到2004年6月才被允許公開。 第3頁,正文開始: The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢 The Problem 問題 To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year. 特別參考了食品(供給)狀況,評估現在(1961年)中國的經濟困難,以及預估了他們(指中國)的:(a)往後幾年經濟和政治走向,(b)1961年應該還是個荒年 Conclusions 開頭小結 1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence. 1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。 2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings. 2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。 3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960. 3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。 4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership. 4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY) 5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine. 5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉) 6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow. 6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。 1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
Planck Zhang 我母亲说很多人得浮肿病饿死了…
@@bragbounce9179 我相信饿死是有的,这明明白白写在国内小学的歌颂袁隆平的课文上,但我认为饥荒和苏联逼债和卷走财富的国民党以及过于理想的共产党都有锅
@@planckzhang3423 苏联逼债:这个虽有很多专家反驳,我不置评;卷走财富:国民党都卷走财富10年了,开始闹饥荒?过于理想的共产党:过于理想那就说明你的治理能力不行,结果可是饿殍千里,茅舍无烟,一句过于理想就过去了?
超越了 一戰二戰人數都沒有 毛的上億人民還多
三你麻痹天灾啊。真是恶心。59-62 都是风调雨顺
@@魔人扎克 「三分天災七分人禍」固非實情,此乃當年賊黨作為官腔耳。
@@CannibaLouiST 被天灾了
我是搜尋:「大吃飽」之後出了這個 🤣
59年中国人口是多少?还三年非正常死亡400万 放屁。去查一查 你见过大国人口负增长?
@@洛杉矶彩虹 小粉红,你接着信中汞瞎掰吧,真是太暖心啦!🥰
你这个数值是统计上的技术问题。就如新冠的统计一样,之前没有办法进行详细统计,一旦详细统计起来,会有数值上的巨大变化。然后就有人造谣说那一天中国疫情爆炸了。 简单来说,你随便问一个老人,问问看他们认识的人有当年饿死的吗?他们最多会说,听说当时邻村。。。。有饿死人的。 然后你如果有脑子,大致统计一下民调结果,就知道这个所谓的3600就是一个笑话。
已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」
The Economic Situation in Communist China
The Problem
To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year.
1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence.
1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。
2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings.
2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。
3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960.
3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。
4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership.
4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY)
5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine.
5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉)
6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow.
6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。
1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@GM-qg7hf 随便找个有网地方一查就有
@@GM-qg7hf 人口年鉴
@@白咲花-d5h中國 1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口,1961年人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。這可是美國中央情報局數據。CIA解密文件:
已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」
The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢
The Problem問題
To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year.
Conclusions 開頭小結
1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence.
1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。
2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings.
2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。
3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960.
3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。
4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership.
4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY)
5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine.
5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉)
6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow.
6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。
1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@qdmumei4195 美國中央情報局CIA解密『大躍進』造成了人口的流動,中國 1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口,1961年人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。這可是美國中央情報局數據
已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」
The Economic Situation in Communist China 共產中國的經濟形勢
The Problem問題
To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year.
Conclusions 開頭小結
1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence.
1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。
2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings.
2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。
3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960.
3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。
4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership.
4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY)
5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine.
5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉)
6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow.
6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。
1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@一杯涼水 死的好广东狗
“自 然 灾 害”
你有病呀? 毛蜡那图是民国的?
@@wwandxuongvi 你有毛病吗?一堆饥荒照片里面加个主席就是那时候的了?智障!!!民国时湖南,西安,河南等大饥荒都有大量外国记者拍摄的视频和照片,里面全部都是选取的那些内容。建国后,尤其是59年期间,服装和民国有了很大的区别,哪怕是农村,人们都流行带解放帽。这是最明显能判断建国前还是建国后的标志。还有很多区别。你找找老照片,有没有建国后全村不带帽子的。呵呵,智障
@@wwandxuongvi 而且建国后迅速进行了爱国卫生运动,农村也不是那种破衣烂衫跑跳蚤的状态了大家也洗脸。当时还有扫盲运动,整个国民状态和民国完全不一样。60年人们是饿,而不是破衣烂衫,衣不遮体。大部分人是营养不良,而不是那种完全马上要饿死的状态。智障,你这种人别人随便一骗就上当,智障
@@wwandxuongvi 哈哈哈,人家三年之后都能喷你。带点脑子。
@@wwandxuongvi 哈哈哈,人家三年之后都能喷你。带点脑子。
@@蟈蟈八卦雜談조선족朝, 孤陋寡聞的你聽過沒?「美国總統令第12958號由美國總統柯林頓於1995年4月簽署,屬於機密文件解密法,命令主要表述: 政府新的机密文件的解密期限为10 年。 超過25年以前的机密文件除了特例外自动解密。」
@@harudraco 讓美國CIA資料回答你!「美国總統令第12958號」 政府新的机密文件的解密期限为10 年。 超過25年以前的机密文件除了特例外自动解密。美國的解密文件真实存在。
已解密的美國中情局(CIA)1961年4月4日的絕密文件:「結論 ...... 因為經濟上的管理不善,尤其因為兩年以來的惡劣天氣,造成60年的糧食產量不比57年更多,但是卻要餵養多出來的5千萬人口。大規模的饑荒現在沒有發生, 但是在某些省區很多人正遭受著營養不良......『大躍進』造成了人口的流動...... 」
The Economic Situation in Communist China
The Problem
To assess current Chinese Communist economic difficulties, with special reference to the food situation, and to estimate their economic and political consequences: (a) over the next few years, and (b) in the event 1961 should prove a poor crop year.
1. The Chinese Communist regime is now facing the most serious economic difficulties it has confronted since it consolidated its power over mainland China. As a result of economic mismanagement, and, especially, of two years of unfavorable weather, food production in 1960 was little if any larger than in 1957 -- at which time there were about 50 million fewer Chinese to feed. Widespread famine does not appear to be at hand, but in some provinces many people are now on a bare subsistence diet and the bitterest suffering lies immediately ahead in the period before the June harvests. The dislocations caused by the "Leap Forward" and the removal of Soviet technicians have disrupted China's industrialization program. These difficulties have sharply reduced the rate of economic growth during 1960 and have created a serious balance of payments problem. Public morale, especially in rural areas, is almost certainly at its lowest point since the Communists assumed power, and there have been some instances of open dissidence.
1. 中國GCD政權正在面對掌握中國大陸大權以來最嚴峻的經濟困難。在經濟管理錯誤的結果之後,尤其是經歷了2年的自然災害,1960年的相對(人均)農業產 量少於1957年 - (因為)這年(指1957年)的人口(比1960年)少5千萬(意思是1960年比1957年多了5千萬人口)。但是,(中國)並沒有出現全面大饑荒,只 有在部分省區很多人只有僅供生存的食物來熬過6月收獲之前的艱苦時期。這個(經濟上的)混亂是「大躍進」和「蘇聯召回在華技術人員中斷了中/國的工業化計 劃」造成的。這些問題大幅降低了1960年(中/國)的經濟增長率,而且導致了嚴重的收支平衡問題。公眾的幹勁,尤其是農村,降到了GCD執政以來的最低 點,而且出現了一些公開(發表)不同政見的情況。
2. The Chinese Communist regime has responded by giving agriculture a higher priority, dropping the 「Leap Forward」 approach in industry, and relaxing somewhat the economic demands on the people. Perhaps the best indicator of the severity of the food shortage has been Peiping』s action in scheduling the importation of nearly three million tons of food-grains during 1961, at a cost of about $200 million of Communist China』s limited foreign currency holdings.
2. GCD政權的反應是優先解決農業問題,停止工業「大躍進」,以及放緩人民的經濟內需。或許最好的顯示食物短缺問題嚴重性(的事件)是1961年北平在僅有的一點外匯中撥出大約2億美元進口了近3百萬噸食用谷物。
3. While normal crop weather in 1961 would significantly improve farm output over the levels of 1959 and 1960, at least two years of average or better harvests will be required to overcome the crisis and permit a restoration of the diet to tolerable levels, some rebuilding of domestic stocks, and the resumption of net food exports. If Soviet technicians in large numbers do not return to China, industrial production is likely to increase about 12 percent annually, as compared with about 33 percent in 1959 and 16 percent in 1960.
3. 雖然1961年的正常氣候會使農作物產量較1959和1960年有顯著增加,但是度過這個難關、飲食恢復到正常標準、恢復國庫(糧食)儲備和之前的糧食凈 出口量預計至少需要兩個平年或豐年。如果沒有大量蘇聯技術人員回到中國(註:之前蘇聯撤走了大量在華技術人員),(中國1961)年工業總產值可能會增加 12%,而1959年的工業總產值增幅為33%,1960年為16%。
4. If 1961 is another poor crop year the economic and political effects for Communist China are likely to be grave. There probably would be no increase in gross national product (GNP) in 1961, and growth prospects for later years would also be affected. Unless there were substantial food imports, malnutrition and disease would become widespread, and a considerable amount of starvation probably would occur. Public disaffection probably would become a major problem for the regime, perhaps forcing it to undertake a massive campaign of threats and terror. It is unlikely even in these circumstances, however, that public disaffection could threaten continued control of China by its present leadership.
4. 如果1961年又是一個荒年,這會對共產中國的經濟和政治產生極其嚴重的影響。1961年的中國國民生產總值(GNP)估計不會有增加,往後幾年的經濟增 長前景也會受到影響。除非(GCD)大量的進口食品,否則可能會出現普遍的營養不良、疾病和饑荒。民眾的不滿將會成為這個政權的主要問題,或許會迫使它采 取大規模的威脅和恐怖活動。雖然以上狀況(指TG威嚇群眾)甚至在這些情況下(指民眾極端不滿)都不太可能會發生,但是民眾的不滿情緒可能會危及到中國現 在(指1961年)的統治政權。(吐槽:美國的中央智庫居然開始YY)
5. We do not believe that Peiping would accept food offers from the US even under conditions of widespread famine.
5. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為北平不會接受美國提供的任何食品,包括在大規模饑荒的情況下(吐槽:根本是你們絕對不會提供,真特麼不要臉)
6. We do not believe that even famine conditions would, in themselves, cause Peiping to engage in direct military aggression. Such difficulties probably would, however, prompt Peiping to avoid actions which would exacerbate its relations with Moscow.
6. 我們(指美國中央智庫)認為甚至是在大規模饑荒的情況下,也不會導致北平直接搞軍事進攻。但是,這種大困難會使北京避免做出惡化中蘇關系的舉動。
1962年,CIA再次做出結論:中國1961年的糧食產量仍低於1957年,但是人口繼續增加,多了6000萬。一減一增,生活困難是難免的。不過, 由於以毛澤東為首的黨中央領導全國人民建設新中國在過去十年取得了巨大進步,交通設施的改善加上有效的協調,雖然一些地區的群眾正遭受饑荒,但是,並未發 生像舊中國那樣司空見慣的大規模餓死人的現象。
@@GM-qg7hf 饿死人,中共都承认的事实,难道你反共?暂且不说你的信息是不是真的,你告诉我到底信美国的还是中国的?
1930~1940年,增加 896万人;
李艾薇 簡直是亂講話 。
@@TJ-oq8zg 認真嗎?
李艾薇 你小时候被家里的毛驴踢了的脑子到现在都还没好吗?
zz z 真不要脸
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Shut up