Because it is an event related to "Kasugataisha shrine", "Kohfukuji Temple" and "Todaiji", It seems to be Ceremony where Shinto and Buddhism fused. (Shinto Ceremonies for the most part)
As you can see the procession of monks of Todaiji and Kohfukuji which are buddhist temples and priests from Kasuga Taisha shrine which enshrines Shinto deity, this ceremony is a mixture of shintoism and buddhism. However this is a touristy ceremony for sightseeing not a formal ritual.
Is this a Shinto ceremony or a buddhism ceremony?
Because it is an event related to "Kasugataisha shrine", "Kohfukuji Temple" and "Todaiji", It seems to be Ceremony where Shinto and Buddhism fused. (Shinto Ceremonies for the most part)
Thank you very much :) Interesting
As you can see the procession of monks of Todaiji and Kohfukuji which are buddhist temples and priests from Kasuga Taisha shrine which enshrines Shinto deity, this ceremony is a mixture of shintoism and buddhism. However this is a touristy ceremony for sightseeing not a formal ritual.
Neither. Apparently, the Zoroaster’s’.
is it snowing?
A little bit