what the frickfrack i routed everything for him and even did the runs......... i was kind enough to let him send these with his name since those are trash tier runs
Its one of the best edited bhop compilation Ive seen, I like how music sync with runes, not sure if its intended but gj. And yea, runs are pretty good, wp Matans!
big router and talented bhopper
not as big as you :(
what the frickfrack i routed everything for him and even did the runs......... i was kind enough to let him send these with his name since those are trash tier runs
@@matan3884 tf dont expose me like that...
@@snippsku4619 owned
Its one of the best edited bhop compilation Ive seen, I like how music sync with runes, not sure if its intended but gj. And yea, runs are pretty good, wp Matans!
good comp matans! :^)
thanks :)
personally don't like the music choice but the routes are crazy, nice job!
Underrated video. Great production and great runs. Well done Snippsku :)
Wow, the Puffs run is just insane !
awesome! awesome music awesome runs this comp entices me to play bhop again but my friends think otherwise
0:37 now that's what I call big boi bhop move.
Anyway, bhop_utopia run was amazing. Nice.
first song actually a banger 🔥
Good care in the runs and good care in the editing I love this
Awesome edition and nice runs
Thank You Slope Fix
best block jumper
pretty sure u wil get good someday
just waiting for jon’s comment
bruh moment
I bet this guy games
That monority run holy fuck
that bhop_utopia route!
pogo music omg
damn, nice comp :O
Pog songs
Is this what you see when u bhop or you speed it up for the video?
релакс :)
Bra jubb grabb
gj snippers
it feels so good to just zone out while watching these 10 minute comps
Snip god
Pretty damn neat
i like music
nice exquisite missing texture in utopia
Sexy records, where is _prometheus
Yes very good!
biggest fan
Its csgo or cs source?
nice nice
Very Very cute runs :3
@Yeezus who?
@Yeezus what are you talking about
@Yeezus ok but like who
@Yeezus just saying boss man that this conversation is futile and you got your shoes in the gutter, i may be no one but who are you
@Yeezus ive been made bamboozled. ive been funked. good job sir
nice dimensions run but said cause no ufo skip :(
Ur ufo
what does that even mean
@@Pieplup idk!
@@jigsaw458 stop meming me before i meme u
nice bhop but the first song is really bad
cheater bot
Lemin better