Lmao that's not fair to Leth tbh. I love arsenal too but he hasn't actually made much content yet. Compared to Leth who has probably made more high quality content than every other creator combined. But honestly yeah put those two guys together and I will watch everything they ever make.
It's hilarious man. I mean at least with Leth you can tell he's kind of doing it as a joke, but all the other pros literally started using his mannerisms even when he's not around.
Leth you are actually amazing, I think you are the best TH-camr in the world; unique rocket league content, daily uploads, hilarious videos, contributes so much to the community, don’t nag about subscribers and a banging intro, you are a true GOAT
@@pedroperdigao0 eh, yeah I would say I agree, on the other hand some people like him so I guess it just comes down to personal preference🤷🏻♂️. For example I prefer sunless of all the rl youtubers
@@spyv6603 same happens with Jon SandMan. How was he the most subbed in the early days of the rl community, dude doesn't have a brain. Big up to Sunless, he's awesome
Leth I literally never comment a video and I've been following your amazing content for a while now, you've been my favorite RL youtuber since I started in RL and then Arsenal appeared in TH-cam and he became my second favorite RL player on TH-cam, he is so damn funny!!! Having you two playing like this together has been my dream and it came true! This is just too good now!!! Thank you both for making RL even better!
Leth: "If is in is just in" That was the best phrase in this video and no jokes around this is the best video of rocket in a pretty long time I've ever watched
Simple Shark has started a tutorial series: th-cam.com/video/CfelMbPLF6U/w-d-xo.html There is also a website with some info and resources: rocketleaguemapmaking.com/ And there is a discord linked to that website where you can chat with other map makers. Hope that helps!
unreal engine is how you would mod and design levels for rocket league. you'll need a decent PC though. you can also learn "blueprinting" since sone companies don't allow hardcoding mods. the language is C++ and simple to learn. once you get the hang if it you'll actually be able to mod any game (that allows mods and uses unreal engine such as ARK survival evolved) there aren't many limitations when it comes to modding by the way 👌 have fun! and most importantly have patience!
Leth, I love you and your content. You sir, are a legend 💪😎 my #1 player in the game. Top pick for the best all around player. Much love. Keep up the good work! You're an inspiration.
I would love to hear their comms in a normal 1v1. Leth has that dirty old veteran energy that plays so well with Arsenal's 100% no chill big fun vibes.
Bruh this mans play this game mode 25/8
Bro get a checkmark already Arsey
I have deleted the comment saying it may be fake
@@thegamingjoker8364 it's really him
just get gooder
The arsenal own goal 🤣🤣🤣
What was leths laugh😂😂🤦♂️
Dont forget leths own goal
Leth: *too busy dying of laughter*
The same laugh as before lol.
i thought he was choking! ;D
Lol yes
Man, Leth could easily play professionally again
Why did he even stop?
@@filipharvancik7052 I'm pretty sure he said he wanted to focus more on making maps and uploading videos on youtube!
@@filipharvancik7052 to become a full time content creator
He has joined a team again, and is playing professionally now
@@mclecko No, he hasn't, he's a content creator for SSG. He's said he doesn't want to go pro again, which is understandable.
Arsenal brought out Leth's very rare laugh!😂
In 2 minutes also
@cheeky chor what?
@@frst.4633 2:46
Alternate title name: Arsenal screaming while playing 1v1 in rumble
That sounds like a dead title ngl
Arsenals commentary: U so cringe dudeeeeeee
Leths commentary: *Violent wheezing*
This is one of the funniest videos I've seen in ages, actually perfect
69th like 😏😏
Yo 666 likes
Leth + Arsenal = Best content ever
@@devinliu9219 ikr
i love how arsenal’s mic cuts off every time he yells
@cheeky chor no... he has his mic set to a range it’ll pick up
@@gabrieljr5410 nah just mistimed
discord has noise and volume filters, he is very loud (and funny rofl that last scream) so it just cuts sometimes
@@gabrieljr5410 hos that racist
@@noflex8451 he put shadow of the n****
Holy shit Leth is an actual genius with this game.
@Saqlain Hussain what do you mean
2:41 Leth makes Arsenal freak out
@LUKE HILL bruhhhh, I literally said that when I saw the comment
@LUKE HILL so alike in fact, your pfp is bacon and my pfp is a boar
@@thegodv_ shut up
Bro that was laughter was even weirder than yomama
@@amrhejazi2225 huh?
Damn, arsenal in rumble just gives him more weapons in his... never mind
*Cease these activities*
@@madmonkey432 lmao
Gives him more weapons in his arsenal 😂
19:29 The difference in the reactions tho. Got one dying of laughter and one screaming their head off.
Arsenals screeching always kills me LOL
@@opliko same xD
Arsenal and Leth. The 2 best pro content creators. Keep up the good work boys.
And Garett G
And musty
And sunless
Lmao that's not fair to Leth tbh. I love arsenal too but he hasn't actually made much content yet. Compared to Leth who has probably made more high quality content than every other creator combined. But honestly yeah put those two guys together and I will watch everything they ever make.
@Speedy Plat exactly, and he hasn't even been making content that long. He's definitely got a ton of potential.
The return of Leth's laughter
Edit: Thank you for the like and OMG LETH GAVE ME HEART
69th like
@@McDonaldTrump wdym why?
@@McDonaldTrump yeah its annoying when people do that. he paid for it tho, the heart got removed because he edited the comment lol
@@McDonaldTrump how is it annoying i'm confused
2:46 The laugh is back!
Stealing my comment much??????
Jk idc
@@DannyBoyTheThird you commented same minute
@@DannyBoyTheThird wow 2 people had the same idea that’s obviously impossible he totally stole your comment
@@DannyBoyTheThird stfu and stop being petty
You may not be in the SSG esports “cool club”, but if it were possible to sub you in, you could easily play with the pros still.
Agreed. Leth has consistently been elite level
@@sqvrexy7571 he has mechanics he just doesn’t show them off all the time
@@sqvrexy7571 he has the mechanics but his playstyle really shows that they’re not necessarily needed to thrive, he’s big brain
@@ndkidwell yeah thats the thing about Leth
So true
Idk what is weirder Leth’s laugh or my bronze rumble games
HAHAHAHAHAHA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂U GOT ME DEAD🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@carlinpotter6243 shut up
@@theguyfromwalneystreet9756 fax like stfu holy shit
No way bronze exits in rumble, bronze players in rumble can be like diamond.
wdym i like leths laugh
Arsenal in a nutshell: *ÁĄÅÂÄÅÆĖĒÈÉ*
And sheeeshh
I would like but it’s 69
Leth perfects his plays like every position. It is not human.
I swear this man has like 157 iq
@@derandi5078 so specific
I play poki
From leth
Leth’s custom rumble maps finally payed off
@cheeky chor do you even know what cringe means?
@@HoesLoveCoCo cringe
@@HoesLoveCoCo I was thinking that the entire video...
Rapid is like: Now you know how it feels? 😂
At 19:30 I could not stop laughing 🤣😭 that sound Arsenal made was lowkey HILARIOUS
You and Arsenal have such insane chemistry. Hardest I've laughed in a while.
Leth's game IQ is insane. Would love to see him in the pro setup again.
Just in ones occasionally would be dope I mean he's proved in the past to be one of the best there is
Who else just loves arsenal lmao, great guy.
Yes sir
Alternative titel: proving arsenal wrong with every rumble item possible
Magnet and tornado didn’t do anything
Only backfired for Arsenal.
That zero second goal is an all-time highlight.
Ikr! That was low-key insane!
Arsenal's demonic screaming lmao
Hearing u guys have fun together is awesome.
I love when Leth is like Noooo!! :) So funny
6:38 is the best xD that snicker
I'm a simple man: I see Lethamyr, I click.
It ain't much, but it's honest work.
Arsenals personality is infectious, Lethamyr be talking different in this video lol
It's hilarious man. I mean at least with Leth you can tell he's kind of doing it as a joke, but all the other pros literally started using his mannerisms even when he's not around.
no, the thing is it's really the other way around. Some people you're reserved with and people like Arsenal make people be themselves.
For some reason, this might be the most intertaining rl video i've ever seen
I don’t know what’s funnier Arsenals reaction
Or that Leth is in the content creator team and that arsenal is in the pro team for ssg
Leth before the game: imma end this mans whole career
I know isnt a road 2 ssl but
Name: Petals
Picture: retals' face in the middle of a flower, as a petal or hiding behind a petal
We NEED more Leth and Arsenal content.
2:45 is Leths maniac laughter that only a few people on the world can create, and Arsenal is one of them
2:47 Leth’s special laugh strikes again 😂
Love watching the high level gameplay and still being humble about everything
Leth is making everyone’s lockdowns better. What a legend he already deserves a mil
Omg this was amazing to see Leth doing so well. This man had creativity and skill on another level
Bro, having seen the entire road to ssl series so far, this video just reminded me just how absolutely insane leth is at this game
Leth is so humble, in every videos he plays chill, doesn't flex his skills but when he need to slap, he slaps hard !!
Leth sounds like a asthmatic pelican when he laughs like that.
Leth you are actually amazing, I think you are the best TH-camr in the world; unique rocket league content, daily uploads, hilarious videos, contributes so much to the community, don’t nag about subscribers and a banging intro, you are a true GOAT
I love how it feels like leth is always smiling in his videos
this video collab actually brought me a lot of joy. it was so funny and i’m glad leth is apart of ssg now. please give us more vids wit arsenal
This video was one of the best and funniest vids leth has ever made
you guys just make like best friends, its so perfect
The way Arsenal was screaming at the end LMAO
I swear these two are my favourite 2 personalities in RL. I wanna see more Arsenal on Leth's channel! :D
Excited to see more SSG vids ;)
This was one of the funniest series I've watched in a long time
Meh. I mean he is funny but I think he is exaggerating a bit. But maybe it's just his personality🤷🏻♂️
@@spyv6603 and it's annoying af
Na its leth
@@pedroperdigao0 eh, yeah I would say I agree, on the other hand some people like him so I guess it just comes down to personal preference🤷🏻♂️. For example I prefer sunless of all the rl youtubers
@@spyv6603 same happens with Jon SandMan. How was he the most subbed in the early days of the rl community, dude doesn't have a brain. Big up to Sunless, he's awesome
10:30 Leth singing like a bird. The woodpecker part of him showed its true self. Also helped him save it
I didn't want this episode to end! My sides hurt so bad now xD
the two most entertaining players play fun gamemode together i love this so much
Leth's big brain was built for this game mode.
if RLCS had rumble it would be n u t t y and all the big brain players would pop off
Leth I literally never comment a video and I've been following your amazing content for a while now, you've been my favorite RL youtuber since I started in RL and then Arsenal appeared in TH-cam and he became my second favorite RL player on TH-cam, he is so damn funny!!! Having you two playing like this together has been my dream and it came true! This is just too good now!!! Thank you both for making RL even better!
Him yelling, "you're too weak" Gave me an idea Leth. Ready? Tug of war? Can you make it? Or maybe you did already idk...
I mean he kinda did with the 7 rooms and a goal on each end. A tug of war with the ball.... hmm maybe play that map with only plungers active
My two favorite content creators right now !
I like how Leth is probably the only content creator that can actually beat a pro.
Imo I'd consider leth a pro
@@rs1z95 he is now considered a rocket league content creator.
@@infamoushx9869 I said in my opinion
in rumble :v
@@leanjesmaggot not just in rumble. Also, have you seen any other TH-camr beat a pro?
Leth: "If is in is just in"
That was the best phrase in this video and no jokes around this is the best video of rocket in a pretty long time I've ever watched
I can't wait to see you in one of the pro tournaments with space station
That freeze at 4:20 made me laugh sooo hard lol. Arsenal’s reaction was so good
Silver players when they score an aerial: 18:01
10:26 that is one of the best saves I've ever seen and this is a casual 1v1 against a friend, crazy
Alternate title: Leth beating the shit out of Arsenal for 20 minutes straight
The duo I've been waiting for
Hey lethamyr. I wanna start rl map making, but I don’t know what programs to use! Any tutorials you recommend?
Simple Shark has started a tutorial series:
There is also a website with some info and resources:
And there is a discord linked to that website where you can chat with other map makers. Hope that helps!
He does it on stream on twitch, maybe you can learn by watching him
unreal engine is how you would mod and design levels for rocket league. you'll need a decent PC though.
you can also learn "blueprinting" since sone companies don't allow hardcoding mods. the language is C++ and simple to learn. once you get the hang if it you'll actually be able to mod any game (that allows mods and uses unreal engine such as ARK survival evolved)
there aren't many limitations when it comes to modding by the way 👌 have fun! and most importantly have patience!
Reddit r/rocketleaguemods
Thanks for the replies guys :)
2:44 your laugh made my day, keep up the good work 😂💪🏻💪🏻
I have to keep remembering that Leth is a 1s legend so for once Arsenal can't meme and flex.
This was one of Leths best videos, petition for him to do another one
arsenal: its not guardable im sorry
leth: what did he sayyy
Leth, I love you and your content. You sir, are a legend 💪😎 my #1 player in the game. Top pick for the best all around player. Much love. Keep up the good work! You're an inspiration.
Arsenal and lethamyr are such a mood, they should do more stuff together ( just a suggestion )
My prayers have been met. I asked for more videos with arsenal and leth delivered
Oh no the disabled oven sounds are back ...
Arsenal: calling lethamyr in the offside club
Also arsenal : own goals
A giraffe has 7 neck vertebrae, interestingly people have the same amount
Thank you bro, didn't know that
@@enricosquasi4229 lmao
Pls make it a series with other Players. It Is so funny
Leth’s laugh literally makes every vid 10x funnier
3:56 that was actually funny
when you realize that Leth can still stand up to pros at their skill level
Leth back at it with the best intro out of every content creater
Do what you gotta do
Leth “ok”
This was amazing. Thank you.
11:07 has to be lethamyr's most savage comeback line ever lmaoooooo
He said it because arsenal always says it
@@aidanoreilly138 ik lol he was making fun of him for pretending like he did it on purpose
This shows how much of a god Lethamyr is. Even if we do not see it in his typical videos, he is a BEAST!!
Arsenal is playing in his own arsenal lol!
8:05 "I don't have to worry....." Leth snipes top corner with a floater LOLLOLOLOL
Aresenal is the funniest damn kid. 😂
6:38 WOW... I didn't know Lethie was a friggin rumble MASTER... he's by far the best rumble player I've ever seen O.O
Bumping with the boot and faking with the freeze is such a savage move
This is defiantly one of my favorite videos, I didn't know Leth was that smart and good at rocket league
Whoever sees this i hope you have a great day!!
I would love to hear their comms in a normal 1v1. Leth has that dirty old veteran energy that plays so well with Arsenal's 100% no chill big fun vibes.
Get your really early because of discord tickets here!
Actually, OperaGX made a popup on my computer about it within the first 5 views.
I wasnt
Discord notifies me 5 minutes after he uploads
@@silvershock5492 sad
Real talk, is there anyone who's better than leth? This guys mind is one step ahead of even the pros