I've been thinking of the life of a child as I listen. My desire is that Every child feel love and warmth and kindness. That every child has clean water to drink and healthy foods to eat. That every child feels that he or she is perfectly created in the image of God. That no child goes to bed hungry. That no child is bullied by another. That no child is hurt or harmed in any way by anyone or anything. May kindness and goodness be instilled in his or her upbringing. We are their protectors. May they walk and skip and run without fear. We need to teach our children of this world. Please do not let others teach your children. Please do not let the net or television be their guide. Please take them for walks and to the parks and enjoy them. If you don't teach them who they are, someone else will tell them who they aren't. Please hug them and show them how to treat animals and how to be responsible. It's not an impossible dream * it's Our responsibility. Please listen to your children. Nothing and Noone is as important as children. Let's put light back in their futures. If you have the ability to help please do. Stand up for children around the world. ♥
Да будет СВЕТ,ЛЮБОВЬ и ГАРМОНИЯ ,МИР , ВЗАИМОПОНИМАНИЕ и УВАЖЕНИЕ во всех странах и народов . Вселенная - Мирозданье , Боги и Богини,Архангелы и Ангелы вразумите каждого человека на Земле , что СЧАСТЬЕ в ЕДИНСТВЕ РАЗУМА и ВЗАИМОПОНИМАНИИ ❤❤❤
@ZelenskyBidenDblClone a voi per domani sera avvocato le do conferma per il corso di inglese a pranzo ho fatto il brodo con i compiti e la festa del quinto secolo di novembre non ho avuto modo che ti fa vedere le foto del tuo cognato di 💖😍 ho avuto modo per te niente da scuola 🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫
Folks, I've lived a life of addictions for over 30 years. I knew God but always felt he couldn't love me. When I listen to Tasha's song, I realize how wrong I was. Almost 2 years clean next month Ill sing forever. He waited patiently for me. Help me to see everything you see in me. Hallelujah!!! Praise God for her ministry. God gets the glory
Que chaque être vivant sur cette planète entre en connexion avec son essence divine pour revitaliser son être, retrouver l'Amour inconditionnel et la joie, pour ensuite apporter la lumière, la consolation, la tendresse , et partager le pain de l'âme et du corps. Force et courage à tous, seul l'Amour est le chemin, la vérité et la vie ❤ Puissent tous les enfants du monde être protégés et aimés, que nos prières les gardent sains, saufs et heureux 🙏
If you ever listen to anything while reading comments, let it be this - go to borlest and read the book whispers of manifestation, then come back and thank me
Ние сме Енегрия и светлини фотони на Вселената ❤Тази планета е наша и ние трябва много осъзнато и с любов да я опазим. Всеки би трябвало да се запита защо сме тук и каква е нашата мисия в това прераждане. Отговора е в 369❤ С любов благодаря на Вселената. Ние всички сме едно цяло ❤❤
@@moonkim7270Ainsi ceux qui planifient la violence,le mal sous tous ses formes se retrouveront avec les 10 fleaux de l'ancienne egypt pour n'avoir voulu et aime que cela.Amen
Благодарю Тебя за моё прошлое настоящее и будущее в одном едином моменте, за то что ВСЁ во время, в меру и на своём месте!!!! 🥰Желаю ВСЕм СЧАСТЬЯ в каждом моменте жизни🙏.
Цифры 3,6,9 -это цифры нашего тела. Цифра 3 так ,же является триединством Отца,Матери и ребенка и цифра душы. Цифра 6 зарождение нового,связь мужчины и женщины. Цифра 9 ,завершение старого цикла и начало нового
Se você viu isso… sua manifestação está próxima, o universo conspira ao seu favor e está te ajudando a ter o que você quer. Este vídeo tem 3horas 6minutos e 9 segundos alinhamento perfeito❤
El amor es la llave que abre la puerta a la luz interior, y está música nos transporta a la raíz de nuestra divina presencia, seamos humildes, seamos bondadosos, y demos gracias a nuestros guías espirituales por la inmensa fortuna de acompañarnos en este camino de crecimiento
Gracias, gracias, graciaaaaas Dios del unievrso, ésta música te transporta a lo más infinito de PAZ, TRANQUILIDAD, Y COMODIDAD.. Gracias por compartir 🌹
Blessed you @virginia: you have a heart of gold. you nice thoughts is already raidiating good karmic energy to the weak, deprived or disoriented children. Continual commiting your well wishes and prayer for them unconditionally. We learn as much from them about ourself sometimes. teach and influence them to adopt good moral, virtue and values. All of us bear the aftershock of our Karmic credit / debit . Good intend of parents and loves ones cannot intevene what Affinity, Fate and destiny has charted a person life journey from cradle to dust., Just continue to do good even if no one is watching.
- Senhor abençoe os que lêem (ou não) esta mensagem, todos os familiares e entes queridos, com a tua infinita bondade, torne-os plenos de paz, de amor, saúde e harmonia, derrame tuas infinitas Graça, Luz; Sabedoria e Prosperidade, de tudo de melhor nas vidas deles... Abençoados são! - Lord bless those who read this message, family and loved ones, with your infinite goodness, make them full of peace, love, health and harmony, pour out your infinite Grace, Light; Wisdom and Prosperity, all the best in their lives... Blessed are! - Señor, bendiga a los que leen este mensaje, familiares y seres queridos, con tu infinita bondad, hazlos llenos de paz, amor, salud y armonía, derrama tu infinita Gracia, Luz; Sabiduría y Prosperidad, todo lo mejor en sus vidas… Benditos sean!
Moji snovi se ostvaruju. Imam divnu zajednicu sa čovjekom koji me voli i kojeg volim. Izuzetno sr cjenimo, volimo i poštujemo. Gajimo jske emovije jedno prema drugom. Savršeno❤ Novac nam stiže neograničeno tako da pomažemo i drugima. Zdravo smo, veseli , sretni i divno se slažemo. Volimo sve ljude i oni vole nas. Svi moji snovi se ostvaruju❤. Hvala, hvala, hvala
Благодарю вас!!! Вселенную!!! За эту прекрасную космическую музыку, музыку нежности , любви и заботы, очень приятно читать комментарии, в которых можно утонуть, от того света, тепла и уюта!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Благодарю создателя нашего Благодарю изобильную вселённую Благодарю моих ангелов за их заботу обо мне Благодарю ваш прекрасный канал Благодарю и с любовью принимаю исцеление. Всем мира добра здоровья счастья любви и процветания
Zahvaljujem, dozvoljavam, prihvatam i primam. Nakon toliko godina čekanja došlo je i moje vrijeme. Hvala univerzumu na beskrajnoj sreći i ljubavi koja je ušla u moj život. Ostajemo zauvijek zajedno. Hvala Univerzumu❤❤❤
Gracias Padre mío por permitirme escuchar estás frecuencias estoy agradecido desde el fondo de mi corazón Gracias padre mío que me has oído por mis súplicas Amen Universo Amen gracias 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Everything that makes me smile and feel warmth . is how this makes me feel. A very deep calming and tranquility. I'm ready to recieve I'm ready for ready
Prihvatam i zaslužujem Dragana. Univerzum mi ga je poslao jer ga zasluzujem i zna koliko ga volim, cjenim i poštujem. Hvala. Univerzumu. Srećna sam žena❤❤❤
I was born 3/6/1975 and I have always had a deep understanding of frequency and the static of the unending explosion of existence we find ourselves in. 369 is the driving force in this parallel of mine.
Gracias universo por tu atencion y generosidad por escuchar nuestra necesidad y enseñarnos a saciarla !!necesito sanación y transmutación de todo lo que nos dañando !!!!! Gracias gracias gracias . Mi ser saludable a tu ser !!!
Agradeço profundamente ao UNIVERSO por todos pedidos alcançados, nesse momento voo livremente pelo universo e sou toda gratidão, os meus desejos foram alcançados.
Glory Divine = God Everything masterfully inspired with love intelligence. Our knowledge of Glory Divine is returning to the hearts and minds all over this land.
Somos hijos de la eternidad, esencia pura del universo, nuestros pensamientos fluyen y pueden curar el alma herida.Mandemos desde lo mas profundo de nuestros corazones una oracion para que acabe el sufrimiento innecesario y otra oracion para curar a los enfermos.El poder de la musica y la palabra cuando es verdadera lo puede todo. Que asi sea
Il y a certe des problemes sur terre mais beaucoup sont crees inutilement par cupidite,soif de domination- orgueil...sensualisme ...tous des besoins futiles dont on peut bien se passer et qui entrainent pourtant un gachis incommensurable..
Cheguei até este video pela graça de Deus, pois sou filho dele e merecedor de suas bençãos. gratidão ao Deus de todo universo. Jeová Jire Deus provedor
Благодарю☀️❤️ волшебная музыка, нереально красивая☀️❤️ всем счастья, любви, взаимопонимания, успеха. Пусть ваш путь будет светлым, пусть ваш путь освещает доброта и любовь☀️❤️
Un grand bonheur d'écouter cette sublime musique qui augmente les vibrations du corps, j'aimerais beaucoup en savoir plus sur la numérologie et les ondes bienfaitrice 🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜
Preciso da cura para Maria Alves Almeida. Rio Pardo de Minas. Está com um câncer, muito fraca. Mandem suas boa energias. Que o o Sr Deus em sua misericórdia, possa cura-la. Eu creio Senhor. Não vou desistir um segundo.
Welcome annettechaw3203! Thank you for listening to our music. We wish you all the best for your health, and that our music may help you. Blessings. Namaste
Comme on dit très souvent le mot merci ne suffira pas. ❤️ que, dieu vous éclaire d'aventage les anges soit toujours avec vos proches, toutes l'équipes et vous. Merci on vous aimes. ❤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cette video est un MAGNIFICA . Cet après midi j' ai compri. en faisant mes courses. .La leçon .qu' elle essaime . Je voulais une barquett de glace beurre salé , noix de pecan posee sur le plus haut.rayon ,a2 m environ. Un monsieur passait je lui ai demande de l'aide et en le remerciant j' ai ajouté : quelle chance d'être grand ! . Il m' arepondu : oh non c'est un inconvénient pour se baisser. Une idée a germé .j' ai dit. : vu sous cet angle , en cas de danger il est préférable d'être petit pour . s' esquiver par un trou de souris . Il a rit en pointant le 👍. J'ai ' reçu le. Message. au 3 degré .. Conclusion : dans ces temps apocalyptiques . Savoir etre rien est la clef ,le passe- partout.qui ouvre la voie pour etre. le tout . Merci. de diffuser cette vidéo . 💡🤔🗝️💓👏🎆.....
Timbres agradáveis, relaxam mas não entorpecem... te deixam atento... belo... e vivam os sintetizadores que através da tecnologia acessam os sons do Universo!
I've been thinking of the life of a child as I listen. My desire is that Every child feel love and warmth and kindness. That every child has clean water to drink and healthy foods to eat. That every child feels that he or she is perfectly created in the image of God. That no child goes to bed hungry. That no child is bullied by another. That no child is hurt or harmed in any way by anyone or anything. May kindness and goodness be instilled in his or her upbringing. We are their protectors. May they walk and skip and run without fear. We need to teach our children of this world. Please do not let others teach your children. Please do not let the net or television be their guide. Please take them for walks and to the parks and enjoy them. If you don't teach them who they are, someone else will tell them who they aren't.
Please hug them and show them how to treat animals and how to be responsible. It's not an impossible dream * it's Our responsibility. Please listen to your children. Nothing and Noone is as important as children. Let's put light back in their futures. If you have the ability to help please do. Stand up for children around the world. ♥
Да будет СВЕТ,ЛЮБОВЬ и ГАРМОНИЯ ,МИР , ВЗАИМОПОНИМАНИЕ и УВАЖЕНИЕ во всех странах и народов . Вселенная - Мирозданье , Боги и Богини,Архангелы и Ангелы вразумите каждого человека на Земле , что СЧАСТЬЕ в ЕДИНСТВЕ РАЗУМА и ВЗАИМОПОНИМАНИИ ❤❤❤
Amén 💜❤️💜🙏🏽
Way to work that text-to-speech function. Lol jk
No but really, very kind, inspirational words there . I sincerely mean that
Votre texte est magnifique.
Hymne et Gloire aux enfants, l’avenir de l’humanité.
This video is 3 hours, 6 minutes and 9 seconds long. It's 369. What a perfection.
Cool!! Good Spotting!! Thanks!! 😊
Uau 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
beautiful indeed
@ZelenskyBidenDblClone a voi per domani sera avvocato le do conferma per il corso di inglese a pranzo ho fatto il brodo con i compiti e la festa del quinto secolo di novembre non ho avuto modo che ti fa vedere le foto del tuo cognato di 💖😍 ho avuto modo per te niente da scuola 🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫🏫
Folks, I've lived a life of addictions for over 30 years. I knew God but always felt he couldn't love me. When I listen to Tasha's song, I realize how wrong I was. Almost 2 years clean next month Ill sing forever. He waited patiently for me. Help me to see everything you see in me. Hallelujah!!! Praise God for her ministry. God gets the glory
Took me a long time also
God gave me a daughter and she was my power.
Te felicito
Bravissimo DIO ti benedica sempre,un abbraccio forte da una nonna ❤
Hai scritto delle parole meravigliose ❤
Que chaque être vivant sur cette planète entre en connexion avec son essence divine pour revitaliser son être, retrouver l'Amour inconditionnel et la joie, pour ensuite apporter la lumière, la consolation, la tendresse , et partager le pain de l'âme et du corps. Force et courage à tous, seul l'Amour est le chemin, la vérité et la vie ❤ Puissent tous les enfants du monde être protégés et aimés, que nos prières les gardent sains, saufs et heureux 🙏
Ecoutez a Prem Rawat pour cela.
If you ever listen to anything while reading comments, let it be this - go to borlest and read the book whispers of manifestation, then come back and thank me
Ние сме Енегрия и светлини фотони на Вселената ❤Тази планета е наша и ние трябва много осъзнато и с любов да я опазим. Всеки би трябвало да се запита защо сме тук и каква е нашата мисия в това прераждане. Отговора е в 369❤
С любов благодаря на Вселената. Ние всички сме едно цяло ❤❤
Я благодарю вселенную с любовью. Мы едины. Я также благодарю вас за этот комментарий. Мы едины и едины все !
우리는 빛이며 광자입니다. 만물은 관찰하는 순간에 정해집니다.
@@moonkim7270Ainsi ceux qui planifient la violence,le mal sous tous ses formes se retrouveront avec les 10 fleaux de l'ancienne egypt pour n'avoir voulu et aime que cela.Amen
Благодарю Тебя за моё прошлое настоящее и будущее в одном едином моменте, за то что ВСЁ во время, в меру и на своём месте!!!! 🥰Желаю ВСЕм СЧАСТЬЯ в каждом моменте жизни🙏.
Hoje, estou tão feliz e agradecida, pois eu conquistei a realização do maior sonho da minha vida!!!!!!!!! Gratidão!!!!!!!!!
Que felicidade!!
Peace on earth 🙏 no division anymore 🙏 let us grow and love 🙏
Щира вдячність за вібрації ,які ви даруєте людству!
Welcome Liudmyla Makarchuk! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
Цифры 3,6,9 -это цифры нашего тела.
Цифра 3 так ,же является триединством Отца,Матери и ребенка и цифра душы.
Цифра 6 зарождение нового,связь мужчины и женщины.
Цифра 9 ,завершение старого цикла и начало нового
Muchas gracias por compartir esta melodía tan hermosa cuyo sonido invade todo mi Ser .
У меня по рождению наоборот 9. 6. 3. И ничего такого сверх особого даже по имени отчеству и фамилии тоже3 6 ,9. Каждому своё возраст уже за 45
Benim Doğum tarihim 06 03 1989
Se você viu isso… sua manifestação está próxima, o universo conspira ao seu favor e está te ajudando a ter o que você quer. Este vídeo tem 3horas 6minutos e 9 segundos alinhamento perfeito❤
Tão óbvio, foi pensado!
@@Tigo33 حق
I need this.!!!
Gracias Suerte Éxito y Armonía en tu vida ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
El amor es la llave que abre la puerta a la luz interior, y está música nos transporta a la raíz de nuestra divina presencia, seamos humildes, seamos bondadosos, y demos gracias a nuestros guías espirituales por la inmensa fortuna de acompañarnos en este camino de crecimiento
Welcome JuanjoMata-bg7qu! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
Visualize and feel as if it is and it will be! Power of belief
Yes 🙌
Gracias, gracias, graciaaaaas Dios del unievrso, ésta música te transporta a lo más infinito de PAZ, TRANQUILIDAD, Y COMODIDAD..
Gracias por compartir 🌹
Blessed you @virginia: you have a heart of gold. you nice thoughts is already raidiating good karmic energy to the weak, deprived or disoriented children. Continual commiting your well wishes and prayer for them unconditionally. We learn as much from them about ourself sometimes. teach and influence them to adopt good moral, virtue and values. All of us bear the aftershock of our Karmic credit / debit . Good intend of parents and loves ones cannot intevene what Affinity, Fate and destiny has charted a person life journey from cradle to dust., Just continue to do good even if no one is watching.
- Senhor abençoe os que lêem (ou não) esta mensagem, todos os familiares e entes queridos, com a tua infinita bondade, torne-os plenos de paz, de amor, saúde e harmonia, derrame tuas infinitas Graça, Luz; Sabedoria e Prosperidade, de tudo de melhor nas vidas deles... Abençoados são!
- Lord bless those who read this message, family and loved ones, with your infinite goodness, make them full of peace, love, health and harmony, pour out your infinite Grace, Light; Wisdom and Prosperity, all the best in their lives... Blessed are!
- Señor, bendiga a los que leen este mensaje, familiares y seres queridos, con tu infinita bondad, hazlos llenos de paz, amor, salud y armonía, derrama tu infinita Gracia, Luz; Sabiduría y Prosperidad, todo lo mejor en sus vidas… Benditos sean!
Gracias Gracias Gracias
Igualmente 😊
Ame.🙏🏼 gratidão! A ti também é sua família!!!
ce qui importe ce n est pas une frequence fixe, mais un accord ou nue echelle.
Merci de tout coeur ❤
Moji snovi se ostvaruju. Imam divnu zajednicu sa čovjekom koji me voli i kojeg volim. Izuzetno sr cjenimo, volimo i poštujemo. Gajimo jske emovije jedno prema drugom. Savršeno❤ Novac nam stiže neograničeno tako da pomažemo i drugima. Zdravo smo, veseli , sretni i divno se slažemo. Volimo sve ljude i oni vole nas. Svi moji snovi se ostvaruju❤. Hvala, hvala, hvala
Благодарю вас!!! Вселенную!!! За эту прекрасную космическую музыку, музыку нежности , любви и заботы, очень приятно читать комментарии, в которых можно утонуть, от того света, тепла и уюта!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Это Дворец для уставших от ругани и ссор людей🕊️🕊️🕊️
O único propósito de nossas vidas é amar o próximo e todos os seres vivos da natureza ❤❤❤amém
Eleva alma, consciência, paz e equilíbrio. Sou grata!💎 ✨✨✨
Благодарю создателя нашего Благодарю изобильную вселённую Благодарю моих ангелов за их заботу обо мне Благодарю ваш прекрасный канал Благодарю и с любовью принимаю исцеление. Всем мира добра здоровья счастья любви и процветания
Zahvaljujem, dozvoljavam, prihvatam i primam. Nakon toliko godina čekanja došlo je i moje vrijeme. Hvala univerzumu na beskrajnoj sreći i ljubavi koja je ušla u moj život. Ostajemo zauvijek zajedno. Hvala Univerzumu❤❤❤
Gracias Padre mío por permitirme escuchar estás frecuencias estoy agradecido desde el fondo de mi corazón Gracias padre mío que me has oído por mis súplicas Amen Universo Amen gracias 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Благодарю за видео 🙏 желаю обрести 26 миллионов рублей на реализацию своих желаний ❤ да будет так! Так и есть!
Merciiiiiiiiiiiiii infiniment 💜 que Dieu nous guérisse tous abondamment et qu'il nous enveloppe de sa lumière 💜💜💜🙏☀️
Toi je te connais pas mais je t'aime déjà ❤️🤪
Everything that makes me smile and feel warmth . is how this makes me feel.
A very deep calming and tranquility.
I'm ready to recieve I'm ready for ready
Wdzięczność za te wibracje, niech Ojciec ma nas wszystkich pod swoją opieką ❤❤❤
Trataré de soñar con un mejor mundo de paz y tranquilidad.
Никола Тесла пришел из другого мира улучшить наш мир, но ему не позволили сделать это, но многое все-таки дошло до нас. 🕊🕊🕊
Nicolás Tesla....!!! magnífica melodía frecuencial 💚🙏🙏
Everyone needs peace, should be worry free forever.
Nikola.Tesla.hvalla mnogu za meditatija univers
Rain mzikk for sleep
Tesla es lo mejor. Gracias gracias gracias
Prihvatam i zaslužujem Dragana. Univerzum mi ga je poslao jer ga zasluzujem i zna koliko ga volim, cjenim i poštujem. Hvala. Univerzumu. Srećna sam žena❤❤❤
Que Deus abençoe a todos que passarem por aqui
Salud Paz y Amor para todas las personas
....prosperidad y bienestar por s
БлагоДарю🤗💕🕊Мира нам Всем,Мудрости и Любви💎🌏🌞💕🕊💎Слава Творцу💎💕🕊💎💕🕊💎💕🕊
Gracias Gracias Gracias Bendiciones Infinitas para Todos Luz Paz Amor Infinito
Принимаю с благодарностью 🙏❤️
I was born 3/6/1975 and I have always had a deep understanding of frequency and the static of the unending explosion of existence we find ourselves in.
369 is the driving force in this parallel of mine.
Welcome danwelsh6706! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
Staniecxo za dlugie@@MusicforBodyandSpirit
I was born the same date. And my id has 369 in it’s number
Gratidão Universo por tudo isso!! Preciso de cura e transmutação de tudo o que me está prejudicando a mim e aos outros. Paz e Luzzz!!
Welcome Thelma Barbosa! Thanks for listening. We hope our music may help you. Blessings. Namaste
Gracias universo por tu atencion y generosidad por escuchar nuestra necesidad y enseñarnos a saciarla !!necesito sanación y transmutación de todo lo que nos dañando !!!!!
Gracias gracias gracias .
Mi ser saludable a tu ser !!!
Receive your heart's desire as you listen to this perfect music!
Спасибо за Все!!!
Agradeço profundamente ao UNIVERSO por todos pedidos alcançados, nesse momento voo livremente pelo universo e sou toda gratidão, os meus desejos foram alcançados.
Glory Divine = God
Everything masterfully inspired with love intelligence. Our knowledge of Glory Divine is returning to the hearts and minds all over this land.
Welcome virginia7890! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
@@MusicforBodyandSpiritmany hours of peace listening to your music 🎶
Thank you my friend ♥
ฉันฟังมาหลายคลิปมากๆ แล้ว แต่คลิปนี้ทำให้ฉันรู้สึกตั้งใจฟัง แสวงหา ค้นพบความแปลกใหม่ ทำนองหนัก เบา รายล้อม บินรอบตัวมาก ขอบคุณสำหรับเพลงที่งดงามเช่นนี้ ฉันมีความสุขมากที่ได้ฟัง
Welcome Anantaya Apisawetkarn! Thank you for listening to our music. We are pleased you enjoy this track. Blessings. Namaste
@@MusicforBodyandSpirit чиквар дыпердур марихтур акасанман
Somos hijos de la eternidad, esencia pura del universo, nuestros pensamientos fluyen y pueden curar el alma herida.Mandemos desde lo mas profundo de nuestros corazones una oracion para que acabe el sufrimiento innecesario y otra oracion para curar a los enfermos.El poder de la musica y la palabra cuando es verdadera lo puede todo. Que asi sea
Thankyou so much protect our offspring for our future nobody else's ❤ love to you ♥
3 6 9 quando si uniscono l'Universo crea, la perfezione, grande Tesla❤️❤️❤️ e grazie a Voi per questa meravigliosa musica, 🙏❤️
Umarım tüm insanlık, psikiyatri ve zehirli ilaçlarından kurtulup sağlıklı, huzurlu, paylaşımcı bir gezegen inşaa edebilir.
Il y a certe des problemes sur terre mais beaucoup sont crees inutilement par cupidite,soif de domination- orgueil...sensualisme ...tous des besoins futiles dont on peut bien se passer et qui entrainent pourtant un gachis incommensurable..
Gracias Gracias Gracias eterna gratitud por todo....El Universo nos escucha siempre
Cheguei até este video pela graça de Deus, pois sou filho dele e merecedor de suas bençãos. gratidão ao Deus de todo universo. Jeová Jire Deus provedor
Благодарю☀️❤️ волшебная музыка, нереально красивая☀️❤️ всем счастья, любви, взаимопонимания, успеха. Пусть ваш путь будет светлым, пусть ваш путь освещает доброта и любовь☀️❤️
Blessings to you Ирина Федотова. Namaste
Спасибо 😊
Gratidão sempre
Спасибо и взаимно.
Grata caríssimos amigos do Caminho.Paz,Saúde Luz,Amor....a todos nós.Gratidao ao nosso Criador.
Это просто волшебство какое-то эти числа, слушаю и в жизни происходят чудеса
Thank you❤
Magnífico excelente muchas gracias
Eu aceito, eu mereço , eu permito, todos os presentes que o Universo deseja me enviar!!!
Gratidão... eu permito, eu aceito, eu recebo, eu agradeço! determino minha vitória depois de anos sonhando com isso, chegou minha hora!
Ça c'est la méthode coué que vous pratiquez.
❤que así sea❤❤❤❤❤
Puissent ces merveilleuses sonorités envelopper notre planète et soigner, guérir toutes ses plaies 🙏
Je te connais pas mais je t'aime déjà ❤️
Graça e paz!
Tüm dünya insanlarını huzur ve sağlık sarsın çocuklar ölmesin
Thank you ..just so peaceful.. resettling.healing merci les anges et les archanges d’être près de nous et nous garder.. ❤
Дуже гарно! Всім світла❤️😊
Bella musica que te transporta a lugares de paz, amor, comprensión, bienestar!🙏😇🧡♥️💜💥💥💥
Yo buscando comentarios en español🤭👍
Maravillosa musica 369 numeros del universo y sanidad gracias gracias gracias
Un grand bonheur d'écouter cette sublime musique qui augmente les vibrations du corps, j'aimerais beaucoup en savoir plus sur la numérologie et les ondes bienfaitrice 🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜
Welcome eligio Dinoia! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
I hope my current job is more favorable, I receive all the signals from the universe, all the energy that the universe brings 🙏🙏🍀🍀
Preciso da cura para Maria Alves Almeida. Rio Pardo de Minas. Está com um câncer, muito fraca. Mandem suas boa energias. Que o o Sr Deus em sua misericórdia, possa cura-la. Eu creio Senhor. Não vou desistir um segundo.
Que así sea❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
No sickness in body...i want to walk,run and dance again. I want to be young, healthy, happy and beautiful again ❤❤❤
Welcome annettechaw3203! Thank you for listening to our music. We wish you all the best for your health, and that our music may help you. Blessings. Namaste
♥♥♥ Nikola Tesla
merci pour cette vidéo magnifique jacques bis a tous
Welcome JACQUES VIERIN! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
Comme on dit très souvent le mot merci ne suffira pas. ❤️ que, dieu vous éclaire d'aventage les anges soit toujours avec vos proches, toutes l'équipes et vous. Merci on vous aimes. ❤❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Muchas Gracias! Hermosa melodía!🙏😇💜💥💥💥
Quel Bonheur que d'écouter ces sons🙏
Welcome corinnedentinger84! Thank you for listening to our music. Namaste
Peace on Earth and the Universe.
Je te connais pas mais je t'aime déjà ❣️😜
Przyjmuje akceptujac i przeslanie na wszystkie dary Jakie wszwchswiat ma ni dac ❤
Grazie universo mi sento vibrare di piacere grazie per la sapienza,per la ricchezza ,grazie per farmi sentire questo bel sentire❤
Welcome nicolamauroveracini1487! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
3 é catalisador
6 harmonia
9 fechando de ciclos (estamos prontos para o próximo)
Gratidão por esse presente 🎁
My Univers family , i am sending my blessing to all .Health,wealth,wisdom , Peace,love joy .To all.🖤❤💛💚🙏🏽
Salud, paz, amor y prosperidad para todos los seres del universo! !AMEN!🙌🙌🙌
Mi querido Nikola Tesla, amo a Nikola Tesla
Cette video est un MAGNIFICA .
Cet après midi j' ai compri. en faisant mes courses. .La leçon
.qu' elle essaime .
Je voulais une barquett de glace
beurre salé , noix de pecan posee sur le plus haut.rayon ,a2 m environ.
Un monsieur passait je lui ai demande de l'aide et en le remerciant j' ai ajouté : quelle chance d'être grand ! .
Il m' arepondu : oh non c'est un inconvénient pour se baisser.
Une idée a germé .j' ai dit. : vu sous cet angle , en cas de danger il est préférable d'être petit pour .
s' esquiver par un trou de souris .
Il a rit en pointant le 👍. J'ai ' reçu
le. Message. au 3 degré ..
Conclusion : dans ces temps apocalyptiques . Savoir etre rien est la clef ,le passe- partout.qui ouvre la voie pour etre. le tout .
Merci. de diffuser cette vidéo .
Welcome albertearnaud6222! Thank you for listening to our music. Thanks for sharing. Blessings. Namaste
Gracias Gracias Gracias
Bellissima 3,6,9....grazie del video.
Gracias Gracias Gracias por todos los milagros y bendiciones 🙏❤
Gracias a Dios y al universo por darnos tantas maravillas para ser y vivir 🙏🇨🇴🙏♥️🙏🙏🙏
Gratidão, Deus abençôe sempre!!
මම 2024/4/3 දින සිට දවස් 21 ක් මා JLPT exam N 4 සමත් වීම පිලිබදව විශ්වයට ස්තුතියි කියා 369 method එක ලිව්වා ....2024/8/26 අද දින මා එම exam එක සමත් උනා . මම කනාශෝට් ගැහුවේ. විශ්වයට හැමවෙලේම ස්තුතියි වන්න.
Очень важно сберечь любовь к жизни и свет из нутри !!!🤗
Mil vezes obrigada por este vídeo! Quem o compôs seja abençoado . Amém.
Czemu służy ta muzyka?
الحمدلله والامتنان والشكر علي نعمه علينا...الرب يبارك حياتنا وحياة كل الناس بالخير والعطاء والسخاء والوفرة والغني ومزيد من الصحة والسعادة والأمل
سپاسگزارم خیلیعالی
Gratidao gratidao gratidao namastè EU AMEI.... Paz e MUITA Luz ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Always love your posts, got attracted to this by the symbol used on this video,
Marko Rodin’s vortex mathematics.
The symbol of life~
Timbres agradáveis, relaxam mas não entorpecem... te deixam atento... belo... e vivam os sintetizadores que através da tecnologia acessam os sons do Universo!
Welcome Pedro Rosa! Thank you for listening to our music. Blessings. Namaste
All praises Honor and Glory to The Lord Our God!!
Eu agradeço por todos que ouviram esta música e a todos que vão ouvir Deus abençoe a todos gratidão gratidão gratidão sempre 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much and blessings ❤️✨🤍
Thank you for listening to our music Pepi Contreras. Blessings to you. Namaste
Grateful for Nicholas Tesla
Gratidão Universo de Nosso Pai Celeste!!!
Все будет хорошо, я верю! 🌞💖🎶✨