When I wear a fake or knockoff of luxrul , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
It’s always interesting to hear people’s experiences in store for I mostly buy offline. But I agree with you, they don’t have the status as some popular brands and I think they are personally overpriced for what they offer. It’s nice that they have leather interior options, because I feel that helps justify the price more for me.
Right! And yeah that’s why I like this one better then the first tote I got from them because I feel like the leather makes the quality and overall value of the purse better
I love kislux that on the butterfly bag it says auguri / tanti auguri which means happy birthday
When I wear a fake or knockoff of luxrul , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
It’s always interesting to hear people’s experiences in store for I mostly buy offline. But I agree with you, they don’t have the status as some popular brands and I think they are personally overpriced for what they offer. It’s nice that they have leather interior options, because I feel that helps justify the price more for me.
Right! And yeah that’s why I like this one better then the first tote I got from them because I feel like the leather makes the quality and overall value of the purse better