Rolling resistance & hysteresis costs you thousands (Part I) | Auto Expert John Cadogan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • It’s time to get our full propeller-head hats on. What do cruise control and tyres have in common, in the domain of beer-garden engineering?
    At the risk of sounding like friggin’ Morpheus, there’s a physical property that’s all around us. When we sleep, when we pay our taxes, when we help our landlady carry out her garbage… It saps the energy from you with every step you take - literally.
    This property aids and abets the second law of thermodynamics - bastard - and if you ever wanted evidence that God does not exist … exhibit A: Second law of thermodynamics. Harbinger of the heat death of the universe.
    If a God designed that in, like it was a carefully taken decision: He’s a Muppet. Or totally malicious - like a Volkswagen powertrain engineer. If it’s just random chance: OK - let’s all just play the hand the universe dealt us, without making up some crack-smoker in the sky.
    Do you know the property I’m talking about? You should. It sucks money, indirectly, out of your wallet every time you drive. It prevents your cruise control and your climate control air conditioning from remaining bang-on accurate in the time domain.
    Anyone? Right. It’s time to get our balls out. Cover me. It’s called ‘hysteresis’. And it's a major cause of parasitic energy loss.

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