YOOOO! Okay just for some clarification of what Sardines is, it's hide and seek but one person hides, and everyone else seeks. When one of the seekers finds the hider, they stay with them. Then the last person to find everyone looses and gets a point. JUST FOR YALL WHO WERE CONFUSED
YOOOO! Okay just for some clarification of what Sardines is, it's hide and seek but one person hides, and everyone else seeks. When one of the seekers finds the hider, they stay with them. Then the last person to find everyone looses and gets a point. JUST FOR YALL WHO WERE CONFUSED
Ok that’s kool 👌
(I am MOAI_WARIOR) yes I know warrior is spelt wrong 🗿
I never understood this video, it I still found it funny. Also I have an idea, race cars that deltrac made (aka the golf cart and the cement truck)
3:19 got me dyin
Me too lol
This is actually hilarious
Modeller forgot the normal pills 💀💀💀
we bouta reach 10k subs BOYS!
Modeller in a nutshell 🗿
W vid
Most goofy deltrac video ever
strange is an understatement.
0:05 0:14 Got me dying☠️☠️☠️
Game looks fun lol
Funny 🗿😂
s a r d i n e s
Goofy ahh hide and seek
Modeller coolest i cannot find you. I play car crashes
It’s car cruSHERS 2 bro