Tinashe too many unnecessary questions Remember these people have a life after your program… kana vanhu varambana zvinenge Zvaramba remember this is someone’s wife
I believe murume anodya bota, asi mukadzi anopakura bota 🤣🤣🤣 Kudhonza nzeve is a term which means a lot Tinashe 🤣🤣🤣 I believe child’s mum had issues against the father’s child’s family but is being discreet not to mention the issues in the public.
Kuva stubborn kunobva nemunhu wauri kudealer naye. I think this guy is good. Let's hope sister kwavakainda vanonogara zvakanakai otherwise ini ndoona vakaluza muchinda chaiye
Well done baby girl wadadisa. Continue with the good behaviour. Wakaita zvakanaka we pray you get a good husband and settle well. The gentleman now sees what he has lost when he let it go.
Baba munhu akadzikama chaizvo is a gentleman ,but Mai Ava pa 17 years anga atove ne experience ,ndozvavakarambira murume inyaya yebota iyi , because vatadza kutsanangura nyaya yakavadzosera kumusha kwavo ,vakatadza kushinga futi kutanga imba vachitya nhamo but ndotoona vakapfeka ma sandles kuratidza kuti kwavakaenda vachacheuka futi voona Baba avo vavakaramba vabudirira munhu haarambirwi nhamo moshinga mese kushandira nhamo , better wawana mwana Ari wake
Noo! Mr man Never ever you support someone's wife. Hapana iyoyo. Do not unsettle the new husband. Keep the money for your child youngman. Do Not support someone's wife. DONT!
Dai mama vasina nhumbu ndaisonanidza relationship yenyu kuita marriage, thank you so much
How 😮
Well done Sisi. Kungoti makati mhanyei zvenyu manga mune good murume and nice Tete unenge uchadei
Amai vanenge vakashora hurombo hwababa pavakaenda kumusha.
Asi vachamufunga murume uyu. He is a good man
I think vakaita mistake. The guy sounds like a good man
This man is a gentleman, l appreciate that
Thank you for maturity baba.
Yaa baba ava vanoratidza kufunga zvine njere mukati
Baba vari cool asi vanonetsa
Haaaa inyaya yemari, the guy was not financially stable
Financial stability was her reason for leaving you
It looks like akashoora mararamire avanhu vekwaakaroorwa
Achimbobva kumba kwavo asina mari sei
Sisi ndi gold digger
Very calm man. Deserved an answer from mother, but relationships are not black 'n white. I wish both of them well.
😂😂😂 bb vakati mwana haangotambirwa kunge change yakawandisa. Ko mai vakatomover kare nhai apa vanga vazviwanira havo murume zvokwadi 👏👏👏
Tete good munhu...mainini makamhanyawo imi zvaizonakidza manje apa😂
Titende mwanasikana🎉...Tete vafara zvakanyanya...titende Nyasha nemashoko Ako kunamai vemwana🎉
Tinashe too many unnecessary questions
Remember these people have a life after your program… kana vanhu varambana zvinenge Zvaramba remember this is someone’s wife
Dzoita kunge dziri retarded dzamunoti DNA man idzi
Nyaya ngaitaurwe, move on kuitasei
DNA yemari shoma ndopayakashata unobvunzwa some embarrasing and degrading questions.
The lady anga asingade mkomana uuum sad😊
Nyasha dai zvaibvira azoita hake mukwasha wangu, ukarongeka mukwasha❤
I believe murume anodya bota, asi mukadzi anopakura bota 🤣🤣🤣
Kudhonza nzeve is a term which means a lot Tinashe 🤣🤣🤣
I believe child’s mum had issues against the father’s child’s family but is being discreet not to mention the issues in the public.
Mmmm kababa ako mashoko akawandisa kainetsa ako trust me even tete vati kanodziya musoro says it all well done bby girl
Kuva stubborn kunobva nemunhu wauri kudealer naye. I think this guy is good. Let's hope sister kwavakainda vanonogara zvakanakai otherwise ini ndoona vakaluza muchinda chaiye
Mwana komana munhu kwaye ,urambe uine hunhu wako ,
This man has respect amai muchamufunga murume uyu.
I wanted to say mama is black beauty but pavazoti mwana haana kufanana neni kunze kwekutsvuka ndabva ndapera hangu power😂
😂 lol
Hanzi mwana haatambirwe kunge change yakawandisa inongoiswa muhomwe isina kuverengwa 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think girlie akaita post natal depression of which us as Africans, we don't tate it seriously & attend to it
Post natal depression inonzi chii neShona? Kana isina zita, then it doesn't exist 😅😅
@@ROGUE406 hauna kumbonzwa kuchinzi nhumbu haidi baba? It doesn't go away immediately after birth
😮va Mugabe vanoda nyaya Veduwee
😂😂😂😂😂hanzi zviri pana bb here
Kuchemma uko akuda kudzokera kumba 😊
Well done baby girl wadadisa.
Continue with the good behaviour.
Wakaita zvakanaka we pray you get a good husband and settle well.
The gentleman now sees what he has lost when he let it go.
I think he still loves her
Mam vakamhanya kuita movè on vanga vakuchemera murume wàwo 😂😂😂😂
Congratulations ❤❤❤❤ hanzi vakaudziwa kunzi mwana ndewavo asi madoubts kkkk😂😂😂 aiwa zvinofadza makorokoto 99,9%😂😂😂😂❤❤ mhuruluuuuuu
Thank you auntie wise words
Blaze vanema statement ava ndatenda hangu kkkkk but vanenge vanorova moga
Congratulations 99,99% chigonyera pauri ipapo, baba vane hunhu but vane kaku kutaurisa sooo kanorwarisa musoro😅😅
Vanhu vakafitana ava mukadzi akamhanya kuita move on uyo
Bota ranhasi shuga ishoma😢😢😢😢😢
Kkkkk ndewako boi mwana ,dankie girl hauna kunyadzisa❤
Hi Bota family .wadisa mwanasikana chero yauinayo iyo haichamboendeswa ku DNA vazviona❤
Thank you guys you were abeautiful couple
Wadadisa mwanasikana❤
Hurombo ndiwo wakarambirwa baba avo bt mfesi munhu ane kakuvaka nekurwadziwa nekusiwa
And Manga makafitana marebero enyu ne huslender
The time we were waiting for, yasvika⌚🤞🙄
Ska kwaari kwacho now kune Mari er akaita dzungu
Pane inwe yaingonzi coming soon till now nhaimi
😂😂😂 soon haisati yasvika
We are here forever
Gudnyt family
Hi the Bota family
The guy talks too much😅 ane tumatraits twenrushusho kungoti varume hamungazvinzwisise…
Baba vari cool zvawo ava
Ummm cool papi
Ummm Murume uyu anotaurisa kudarika Tinashe Mugabe.itype ino shusha vanoda hubaba
Inhumbu hr iyo
It's abt tt time wakhe take to the couple's 😂😂🇸🇿
Now we enjoy🎉
Camera man wachoo gumbo marida
Kuzowona mwana manheru panodyiwa BOTA apo lol
Chitipaiwo maresults😊
Dai vakadzokerana ❤
Baba munhu akadzikama chaizvo is a gentleman ,but Mai Ava pa 17 years anga atove ne experience ,ndozvavakarambira murume inyaya yebota iyi , because vatadza kutsanangura nyaya yakavadzosera kumusha kwavo ,vakatadza kushinga futi kutanga imba vachitya nhamo but ndotoona vakapfeka ma sandles kuratidza kuti kwavakaenda vachacheuka futi voona Baba avo vavakaramba vabudirira munhu haarambirwi nhamo moshinga mese kushandira nhamo , better wawana mwana Ari wake
Tinashe ,maiguta here bota , kana kuti maisaguta chikafu chemupoto kkkkkkkkk
Kutsvuka kwataurwa namai avo ndekupi nhai?
Kuri mukati ...konzeve yataurwa na Tinashe ndeipi
Zvanzi vanogona kuuya pakati pehusiku kuzoona mwana ivo vatove mukadziwemunhu kkkkk
But mamature mese dai mamma musina kufufutirwa makafitana
He was supposed to apologize
Hanzii mwana haatambirwe kunge change yakawanda kkkkk
Nyasha surname yko ndakufananidza
Hanzi mai vobva vangodonha mumuti vachiti mwana ngaende kwakati kkkkkk
Chitipai ma result taabhooo😅😅
Mkomana wainge asina bag
Jah man ava coolaz yavo ahisi yembanje here😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂😅kut vanga vakatorohwa nemogo hre apa😂😂naiko kahovorosi ako haaa ma1 but he sounds like a kind person tho🎉
Ndazvionao kkk
We here🎉🎉
Noo! Mr man Never ever you support someone's wife. Hapana iyoyo. Do not unsettle the new husband. Keep the money for your child youngman. Do Not support someone's wife. DONT!
Kushaya mari.kwakangowoma
😢anenge asingade. Anenge asingade
Sure yakwana
Kamwe kakubvunzurura kaTinashe kanenge kotobhowa iiii
Amai vobva vangodona mumuti kikik😅
Chero uka driver mota usina license haugone kuzotaura pamberi pevanhu kuti uri driver. 😅
Haaaaaaa maya pari kudiwa bepa apa😂😂😂😂😂😂
22yrs xua here
99,99 percent
Face yekukadzi uyo kunge munhu arikudakuhotsira
Chibaba ichi chakadzinga mkadzi ne stubbornness
Ndichangosvikawo, hanziiko
Is his sister married.... Asking for a friend
Guy waka bvisa pfuma here ye mwana?
Semunhu akamutsa i was expecting an apology since you accused her of infidelity 🤔
Hello guys
Musarebesa chirongwa zvisiri necessary. Zivayi kuti munhu anemumwe murume. Tinabvunza tichiziva kuti tinofanira kuchengetedza new marriage. DNA yekachipa yePublic, maResults acho unomawana nemuseredzero. It's like torture. Tete ndanga ndakutyira kuti vanogona kutyora chair. Musoro wemupfana uyu unepisa thats why mayi vakatiza. Arrogance mupfana costed you a good wife. Kudhara mainzi maBooora ngoma.
Hello hello guys
Tamirira bepa
Hello family
Bhoooo ere
99.99 yanga iri pachena zvayo
This November pane ma0 mangani ma99 mangani
Murisei sei pano pa bota family
College love
Vari kuti murume uyu akapfava hamusi kuona kushusha herekkkk dzinoshusha idzi
Baba ava imboko
Sorry zvako mwanasikana ,chokwadi chavapo ,
Asi tete vakatsvuka vakura kani 😂
Tiripo pabota family ipapo
Anopisa musoro zvataurwa nasisi vake