BobBlast 354 - "Horizontal Composition - Land or Sky?"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • BobBlast Issue 354
    Horizontal Composition - Land or Sky?
    Welcome back to Another BobBlast!
    This BobBlast is about one of the four graphic compositions I use when painting the ethereal landscape, whether I am on-location or in my studio. The next three BobBlasts will explore my other go-to landscape compositions.
    The first of these four compositions is today's subject - Horizontal Composition!
    It reads mainly left to right, or close-up to far away. The eye goes toward the point of the most contrast - the horizon line. Every color and shape leads the viewer to the horizon line, because that's where it all happens! The horizon line is where I place the focal point color and the two spice colors.
    Having said all that... the final point to consider when using the horizontal composition is the placement of the horizon line:
    • If the horizon is high above the center line, it's a painting of the LAND.
    • If the horizon is low - below the center line, it's a painting of the SKY.
    • In the middle - it is neither/nor. Make a decision!
    Watch the demo! In this BobBlast, I paint two horizontal compositions: Land and Sky!
    It's a simple approach with a strong graphic design.
    Stay tuned for the next BobBlast Landscape Composition: Tunnel Vision!
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    “Painting the Illusion of Glass Vessels”
    •May 24, 2021 9am-10:30am PT
    "Painting the Wow!"
    •June 23, 2021 9am-10:30am PT
    "Diptychs and Other Multiples"
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    We are thrilled to announce a Special Date Night series, for Thursdays in April and May.
    We will be painting the model Pash - costumed and undraped.
    Short 5 minute poses, working up to 20 minute poses. No need to worry about your drawing skills - it’s your love of painting.
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