Hi everybody I know this is kind of off topic from the video but I need your help I have a level 82 account that I cannot get to because there is a glitch where I cannot go into settings or go I have uninstalled the game I have Force stopped it so if someone wants to help me just give me your discord and you can help me figure this out cuz I am all out of ideas anyways have a nice day
That finger pistol got me good I didn’t even know haha
Same haha
What are those 2 comments bruh 😭
I’m kind of surprised ronin doesn’t get more plug. I would have thought blind on revives would be useful; but I guess not.
Wow. Permakilled cage with 2 charges before anyone even took a turn. 😯
It’s not oh my god nor oh my goodness. It’s old man Logan 😂
Wow! -the video
*insert yogurts voice
Destroyer of words
Hang on... did MG say he was going to special in SMBT and Weaver? Does Kat know?? She does now!
Why his videos 480p 😩
Where the fuck is fronk?!!!! #fronkistehbest
Yes sirrr
Hi everybody I know this is kind of off topic from the video but I need your help I have a level 82 account that I cannot get to because there is a glitch where I cannot go into settings or go I have uninstalled the game I have Force stopped it so if someone wants to help me just give me your discord and you can help me figure this out cuz I am all out of ideas anyways have a nice day