Exposing Dina "The Ex-Muslim"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Another one exposed.

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  • @sjefshuda4034
    @sjefshuda4034 8 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    I am Muslim, was born and grew up until finishing my university in Indonesia. I am now living in Europe. I had never been taught to hate any religions . Hatred to the others religion is NOT Islam. "Lakum diinukum wa liya diin" if I can translate freely, your belief is yours, and my belief is mine, don't bother about it. I think Dina is typically Indonesian who says that she is a Muslim but she never learns about Islam/doesn't practise Islam/doesn't know Islam very well (We call it Abangan). This group becomes a target for converting. The second target group is poor people in Indonesia. The third group is , the combination of both. Dutch coloniser had tried to convert Indonesians for 350 years, it did not work as Indonesian elites understood Islam as a peaceful religion. And the second reason colonisers were racist and nasty, so their tools (evangelist and misionarist) targeted/is targeting 3 groups as I explain above.

    • @martymar5555
      @martymar5555 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +S Huda Taqiyaaaa!!

    • @aishagreenapple5364
      @aishagreenapple5364 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      yep!! u r correct!!

    • @MrMetalWarlock
      @MrMetalWarlock 7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I'm Indonesian muslim. Raised and born in muslim family. At 1:01 she said "taught to hate people who didn't have the same belief and christians is disgusting". Believe me no muslim-parents in indonesia taught that kind of teaching. Every indonesian muslim understand what i'm talking about. Yup she's lying

    • @nmwijayanto
      @nmwijayanto 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      True Bro. Islam has clearly teach Lakum Diinukum waaliyadiin.
      But haters or closed minded people deny that.

    • @andreguntur6554
      @andreguntur6554 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hahaha I am christian indonesia. When i grow up, near my house in jakarta I will hear preacher in Musholla to teach to hate christian and jew. Nasrani and yahudi. They teach with loud speaker. Why are you lying..? Are you embarassed? Hahaha.. Please everyone google Saifuddin ibrahim or abraham bin moses.

  • @naufal2069
    @naufal2069 10 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I'm indonesian and i know she is clearly an indonesian christian.

  • @naruto04
    @naruto04 14 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    That made me laugh!! I am a convert muslim who came from Christianity. I went to Bible studies every Wednesday and Church every Sunday. I was questioning Jesus in the Christian faith. When I found out about the Jesus in the Islamic faith, everything made sense. Yes, it seemed that I had loved Jesus more before., because I believed he was God's son, but now I love him in a better way. Just like with all of the other Prophets(p.b.u.t.).

    • @walds8396
      @walds8396 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      are you still alive you liar ?

  • @mubarakabdulrahman913
    @mubarakabdulrahman913 11 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    they just pay this people to do this ....SUB HANALLAAH

  • @Sam-ue4rv
    @Sam-ue4rv 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Loll so fake it's unbelievable

  • @syed5402
    @syed5402 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If you believe her then you also believe in fiction of 911, Anthrax letters, WMD, etc. If not then think why you are being fooled by such people. If you read the Quran you will find what a word of God should be like.

    • @syed5402
      @syed5402 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** I disagree. Animals listen to themselves and react to their instincts as human when we control our ego, instincts etc we become above animals. Reading book or listening to people who know more then us all help.

    • @CelticVictory
      @CelticVictory 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +S yed You're the one believing in fiction.

  • @bmwvintageprincess
    @bmwvintageprincess 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    What Islam teaches us, we may know about it only when studying Islam. We should not base our judgment on what people think. Lets study Islam to know better about it. Islam Teaches us to be tolerant and not judge people. Only god can judge. Lets accept people of any religion and be friends altogether. Instead of fighting lets share what we know about our religion. And increase our knowledge

    • @bmwvintageprincess
      @bmwvintageprincess 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am from Mauritius where are you from?. Let us be friends. Keep religions aside. I do not really like to fight with people. Religions are only tearing people apart. Peace and Love. You are my friend.

    • @bmwvintageprincess
      @bmwvintageprincess 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      allhamoongod I am from Mauritius an island in Indian Ocean. Let us be friends. Keep religions aside. I do not really like to fight people. Religions are only tearing people apart. Peace and Love. You are my friend.

    • @soldierofislam2108
      @soldierofislam2108 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      nash jeet What do you know about islam? You talk about being friends with whom. The kuffaar. Go read the quran and see what Allah says concerning being friends with them. The mu'meen are not friends with the kufaar. How is it that people always say who are we to judge. If if the wrong is apparent. So mislims can break the orders of Allah and even leave islam and talk against Allah. And we must keep quiet about it. To think in your heart its wrong when you see wrong is the lowest form of iman. So wheres the iman of the person who says Who are we to judge. Who are we to judge is one of the characteristics of a munafiq.

    • @myname7558
      @myname7558 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well you dont have to be friends with them and be like them But deffinitelly it saids to keep peace and not to Transgress .

    • @soldierofislam2108
      @soldierofislam2108 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Osama bin Bush So who said anything about transgress.The topic here is about being friends. If you are not friends with someone does it automatically mean they are your enemies and you must transgress?

  • @wolfgang7812
    @wolfgang7812 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    this more an insult to ex-muslims than islam

  • @pengikutyesus4689
    @pengikutyesus4689 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my country Indonesia, people (not too many thank god), who converts to christians are either sympathized by the kindness and assistance to survive by the missionaries/christians alike AND/OR they get married to a christian.
    The more educated they are in islam, the less probable they are to convert

  • @mlamry01
    @mlamry01  11 ปีที่แล้ว

    To quote one of the Christian leaders on the topic, "This book has received more varied interpretations than perhaps any other book in the Bible. Some writers believe it presents the reader with the "greatest hermeneutical challenge in the Old Testament (so yes, in the Torah) . One excellent exegete called it "the most obscure book in the Old Testament" (Franz Delitzsch: Biblical Commentary on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes, quoted by Dr Thomas L. Constable in his Notes on Song of Solomon).

  • @mikesteven213
    @mikesteven213 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good job, you exposed the crypto-christian.

  • @nadz1402
    @nadz1402 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    HAHAH This is a nice one... there are sooo many videos like this floating around... how did i reach this.. i was listening to Islamic history... lemme go back.. Nice work Bro..

  • @crandallaj
    @crandallaj 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I'm an ex Muslim, I'm atheist, and am a better person for it, allah ussamhik for assuming that everyone is lying

    • @AbuAbdulAdheem
      @AbuAbdulAdheem 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Okay he said in the first part that there are real Muslims who convert but not allot
      What proof do you have that you were actually a Muslim

    • @aminhusieni
      @aminhusieni 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      +allhamoongod The word 'Gad' is where the word 'God" comes from, Gad was a pagan diety of fortune... so you worship a good luck diety. Christians and Jews who speak Arabic call God Allah, so you are saying that they are going to hell because they speak a differant language than you? Wow! Read the encyclopedia Brittanica

    • @aminhusieni
      @aminhusieni 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Even an intelligent atheist knows that Allah is not a moon deity, that has long been debunked. Even Einstein said there has to be something intelligent that created this Universe, there is to much law and order.... science is ever changing it's ideas and concepts. But if one looks with an open mind there is an Ultimate reality behind it all or science wouldn't be able to figure anything out.... yet science remains at odds within its own self. You are entitled to believe what you want but keep an open mind, and remember at one time you were nothing but a sperm drop, so then how did you come into consciousness, in other words how are you even able to reason knowing that your knowledge of the world around you and within your own self will never be complete?

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I converted from atheism to Christ :-)

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +M_G@MER_Q Science and history. Contrary to what is taught in the western education system and media, non-living matter giving rise to living matter and then from microbes to man evolution is simply not based on science. Materialistic evolution is a philosophical position. Also Charles Darwins uniformatarian interpretation of the Santa Cruz River valley system was completely wrong. Charles Darwin ideas as fundamentally based upon Charles Lyell's veiw of geology.
      Instread I found that catastrophism in geological interpretation was able to solves many of the problems that either confounded uniformatarianist geologist, or that the uniformatarian models were lacking in being able to solve these puzzle.
      And the mount St Helens erruption in tbe early 1980's were able to demonstrate the proposition put forward by catastrophism.
      But the traditional veiw of uniformatarianism is a holy cow to Darwinist and they are affraid of anything that may point to a global catatrophic flood, because Lyell's theory (or rather wishful thoughts) was to get Moses out of society.
      There is too much to explain on a post on youtube but you can have a field day on creation.com and use the search engine as a tool. I highly reconmend creation.com as the magazine started by the hands of an ex-atheist and many of the Ph.D. who contribute had been atheist and/or Darwinian evolutionist themselves.
      Reconmended reading, 'Evolutions Achilles Heel',which is also on dvd, 'The Gretest Hoax On Earth' is a direct rebuttle of Dawkins and another book though not from creation.com is Cambridge professor John Blanchard 'Does God Believe in Atheist'.
      Another aspect of building a case are the prophetic fulfillment of Jesus Christ first coming, as well as God's hand on Israel to rebirth that nation, against all the odds. And there she is, imperfect, but there. As someone who is slightly keen on history this was very exciting but the evolution question needed to be tackled first, for me at least.
      That Jesus lived, died and rose again from the dead is a matter of history. Have you ever seen the movie Ben Hur? The author of the book originally was going to write a book on disproving the Gospel narrative but the more he researched the more he realised that the case for Christ demand that He be true and that The Gospels are reliable historically.
      Some useful sources on Biblical history and prophecy I reconmend Chuck Missler, Joel C Rosenberg and Joel Richardson who is a newby to myself.

  • @CocoaBrownSkinLady
    @CocoaBrownSkinLady 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My reason for accepting Islam has nothing to do with Christianity, in fact I had already realized that Christianity was not truth long before I learned anything about Islam. I accepted Islam because I believe that it is truth, it gives me a direct connection and relationship to God on a spiritual level, but it also appeals to my intellect. It's as simple as that really.

  • @kickthenads1
    @kickthenads1 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Soon shall we cast terror in the hearts of unbeliever." the book said it

  • @firusmazlan
    @firusmazlan 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Being born as an unbeliever does not necessarily make you die as an unbeliever, so long as you actually use your brain. The Devil made exactly the same egoistic argument as you are when he was cast down. By the way, the same Qur'an also says Allah is the Most Powerful. Do you know what that means? The Most Powerful being can do whatever He wants, but because He is also the Most Merciful, you have a chance to get on His good side, but only if you forget your ego and submit to Him.

  • @mudassirshaikh4626
    @mudassirshaikh4626 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    this video is good for spreading awareness brother.....😃
    but remember we are Muslims we never treat anyone badly even if he is a non Muslim.... let them do anything..... all we can do is to see the relationship between us n our maker...
    thank you 😃

    • @treeoflife3494
      @treeoflife3494 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      lol. Stay right where you're at in your faith.
      Don't learn anymore about your religion, its history or Muhammad. Please...do us all that favor..thankyou
      *Peace & Love*

  • @winxfan10000
    @winxfan10000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thats one heck of a question...
    After 2012 years of the Bible being messed up and tortured you ask me how it differs..?
    People play the game "TELEPHONE" and only after 9 people whispering to each other they get it wrong.. Imagine 2012 YEARS.

  • @firusmazlan
    @firusmazlan 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    My opinion is that these fake videos were not intended for Muslims, but for Christians and others who are still unsure about their faith, because the words, the phrases used, basically the whole scripting is so Christian-centric that no real Muslim would actually be able to empathise with the actors and decide to leave Islam because of them. My advice to our Christian/other yet to be brothers and sisters in Islam, go find out for yourself what Islam is all about.

  • @mlamry01
    @mlamry01  11 ปีที่แล้ว

    The prophetic verses from the Song of Solomon must be considered in context. Before we explain the context and meaning of the quoted verse, we need to understand the subject of the Song of Solomon, and why it is considered a holy book inspired by God Almighty.

  • @swarthmoor07
    @swarthmoor07 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The comments are misleading. Muslims do not believe that the Christians, Jews, and Sabeans will be saved in the Hereafter. The verse quoted refers to the GENUINE followers of their Prophets, and not to those who commit shirk or reject any of the Prophets.

    • @stormlah
      @stormlah 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      really i just read quran and says they are, in a certain context via tafseer, your hard headed mate

  • @nubianninja
    @nubianninja 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many people claim to be Christians and Muslims 'but do lie' as the Bible says but the problem is understanding the 'language of the Scriptures' whether it be Arabic or Hebrew/Greek.This is what causes confusion and separation between Christians,Muslims and Jews.No one teaches Christians Hebrew,the language the scriptures were originally revealed in and now,I've met Muslims who tell me 'the Qur'aan is translated into English so it's ok.The secret is 'learn the language of the scriptures'.

  • @LoganLuqman
    @LoganLuqman 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    THANK YOU!! people choose to go by one hadith, but what about the one about Abu Bakr having his first two daughters before the first revelation, which would have made Aisha at least 14, and like you said there are scholars that say 19 is more likely.

  • @mjazzguitar
    @mjazzguitar 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    They are two different gods. Proverbs 30:4 says, ""Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know?"

  • @zahiromare
    @zahiromare 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The next question will be:Why did Christianity fake that Jesus'message is for the world in spite of the many many exclusive statements from Jesus that he came only for the Israelites.

  • @gunsa1949
    @gunsa1949 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    The drastic change when non Muslim convert to Islam and become good Muslim, is stop drinking alcohol, drug, eat haram food, tell lie. Always try to be Bless for the other people and life, not to be problems. Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar, make a goodness and avoid badness.

  • @mjazzguitar
    @mjazzguitar 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If he was a prophet then he would know that one of the fly's wings wasn't poison and the other the antidote.

  • @mlamry01
    @mlamry01  11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you aware of the fact that the term Son of God and Servant of God were interchangeable in Aramaic?

  • @PaShTuNGooN
    @PaShTuNGooN 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Salaam mu alaykum, where can I find the nasheed in that back??

  • @SpetsnazUS
    @SpetsnazUS 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    It states that God does not procreate as a human would. It doesn't mean that we aren't all his creation.

  • @winxfan10000
    @winxfan10000 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fiqh means mandatory. :D
    Why that has to do with anything I honestly don't know.. :/

  • @julio14335
    @julio14335 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @djsaadmehmood Ya they always emphasize about Love that Jesus die for their Sins. but the question is, do these people believed they were killing "god" for their Sins to be forgiving? Or do the earlier Christians believed in the blood sacrifice? No!!! it doesnt just make any sense...INFACT THE TRINITY IS THE ONLY MYSTERY IN THE WORLD THAT CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD.

  • @aleeceebvee5985
    @aleeceebvee5985 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    my sister married to muslim..so she convert to muslim...cannot change she is still our family....its just fine with us..

  • @pengikutyesus4689
    @pengikutyesus4689 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Muslims have a lot to learn and to self-introspect even from these missionaries and christians.
    >>They are always there to help when people's lives are getting down economically.
    That's how my grandparents turned from Muslims to protestants, my Mama told me

  • @CocoaBrownSkinLady
    @CocoaBrownSkinLady 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's the point...God is just GOD. He doesn't have to have "parts" or "persons". To me it is indicative of more than one God, no matter how Christians try to explain it away. It's clear that Christian doctrine describes more than one entity to be worshipped. I have a problem with that. As I told you, I was raised as a Christian and could not accept this view of God. It has nothing to do with any confusion as a Muslim. Thanks for listening.

  • @Tadas17
    @Tadas17 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    We were not talking about being HIS creation, but children.

  • @BigReggii
    @BigReggii 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My religion is Human rights and equality.

  • @mcaddc
    @mcaddc 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The "Isa" of the Quran is *NOT* the same Jesus that Christians know. So of course Dina would have learned about Jesus for the first time. Did you skip that to? LoL

  • @akidwaimd
    @akidwaimd 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with the point in the Video - "How can she hear about Jesus (peace be upon him) for the first time when Jesus is mentioned more often in the Quran than even Muhammad (Jesus: 25 times in the Quran vs. 5 times "Muhammad" is mentioned by name)??
    A whole Surah in the Quran 19: Mariam (Mary) or the mother is Jesus that is dedicated to the story of Mary & Jesus.
    Dina must have been sleeping thru all of Sunday school classes at the mosque all of her life ?? until Aris came along???

  • @CocoaBrownSkinLady
    @CocoaBrownSkinLady 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    and beware of telling of a lie for telling of a lie leads to obscenity and obscenity leads to Hell-Fire, and the person who keeps telling lies and endeavors to tell a lie is recorded as a liar with Allah.”

  • @mohammadibrahim6122
    @mohammadibrahim6122 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is the worst fake ex Muslim I have ever seen, she did not even put any effort in at least showing that she knows at least one thing about Islam.

  • @samsungsamurai
    @samsungsamurai 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    she was taught Jesus for the first time means that Jesus as the son of god, the savior, the creator, not as the prophet, second to Muhammad.

  • @davidkirubakaran
    @davidkirubakaran 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    she was wrongly told by muslims that Jesus was just a prophet!!! But first time she heard from the christians saying that Jesus was son of the most high God, He was not made from the mud like first Adam!!! But he was born of God!!! This thing surprised her!!!

  • @peponicookie
    @peponicookie 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    okay it say's "but if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." I do not see how i am supposed to take it as a metaphor, i see it as a command.

  • @dzastinkaPL
    @dzastinkaPL 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    This woman never heard of Biblical Jesus, who is TOTALLY different person than the Koranic one. After reading the Bible, she realised that in fact she didnt know Jesus at all, because the one depicted in the Koran has never existed. That is why she could say she heard of Jesus for the first time. Does the Quran teach Jesus is God, that u should eat His boody and blood, teach about His death on the cross, etc..? the answer is : NO! So yes Dina heard of Jesus for the first time.

  • @mlamry01
    @mlamry01  11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please re-read what I wrote. I said "Aramaic", not Arabic. Jesus spoke Aramaic, and that's the original language of the Gospel.
    I've been debating with respected Christian scholars for a very long time now and I have read the Bible many times. I can almost guarantee that I am more familiar with it than most Christians.

  • @masterpepito
    @masterpepito 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Allahu akbar proud to be a muslim ... We muslim love Jesus pbuh more than Christian

    • @amilmarandi4416
      @amilmarandi4416 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Frederick Hatol
      Falae prophet muhammad

  • @ImFingAwesome
    @ImFingAwesome 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The coming of Christ was the fullfillment of what the OT taught and the Teachings of Christ was the fullfillment of the New Covenant..

  • @dzastinkaPL
    @dzastinkaPL 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    mlamry01, another fragment is:
    5:51 - O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

  • @SpetsnazUS
    @SpetsnazUS 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can you please prove this to me my friend? I think the verse you read was taken out of context. :)

  • @CocoaBrownSkinLady
    @CocoaBrownSkinLady 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is a totally false analysis...a true Muslim can NEVER be a "bad person". Saying that we prefer Muslims, our family, as our closest allies does not mean that we regard all non-Muslims as our enemies. It just means that push comes to shove you can better rely on your own people. Jews have this same concept and no one condemns them for it.

  • @hosna9
    @hosna9 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    what the disciples were saying about Jesus, and what titles they used in referring to him.
    It will be quickly obvious that they often referred to him as a servant of God, but never Son of God. Peter, for example, said:
    “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus” (Acts 3:13).
    Peter further said:
    “God raised up his servant” (Acts 3:26), where the title servant refers to Jesus.

  • @og100glesuxbadly
    @og100glesuxbadly 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    As an expose, this was pretty poor. Quite apart from the fact that, generally muslims ARE ignorant about koran etc if we read surah 5:72 :73 "Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden to him the garden, and his abode is the fire; and there shall be no helpers for the unjust." "Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah is the third of the three; and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve."

  • @SpetsnazUS
    @SpetsnazUS 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    So each and every prophet before him that brought new revelation did not bring new law despite bringing new law? Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus (peace be up on them all) did not add laws on top of the laws before them?

  • @onesmule327
    @onesmule327 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    (d) "And Jesus lifted up his eyes (towards heaven) and said, Father, I thank thee that THOU HAST HEARD ME. "And I know that THOU HEAREST ME ALWAYS: but because of the people which stand by I said my supplication aloud that THEY MAY BELIEVE that thou hast sent me. "And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, lazarus, come forth "And he that was dead came forth . . .(JOHN 11 :41-43

  • @aceroger2568
    @aceroger2568 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    When Christianity was made the Official religion of the Roman Empire by the Emperor Theodosius (He was the last Roman Emperor who ruled before West and Eastern Empire split-i.e. before there was Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox), he issued a decree to kill all Manichaeans (followers of the prophet Mani), which was the rival religion at the time
    Among those who converted after this was Saint Augustine
    Christianity under the empire was one (exclude Coptics and Ethiopian Christians)

  • @hudamultimedia1980
    @hudamultimedia1980 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    i am ex cristian from ethiopia, i converted to islam. Believe or not i will never go back to cristianity with the offer of the wealth of the universe. Period!

  • @irwan_tpg
    @irwan_tpg 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    bro, can i used your video?? for my chanel and FB.

  • @1001241
    @1001241 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    The fact that Dina isn't knowledgeable of the Koran doesn't mean she wasn't Muslim and it doesn't mean that she didn't find God through Jesus Christ. I thought you would have a better argument. The reason why I am watching these videos is because I'm trying to help a Muslim friend who can't find God in Islam and introduce him to a God who loves him so much that he died for him in the cross. May our Father forgive you, and he will, thanks to the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @avagage1
    @avagage1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    when she learned about jesus for the first time it was the true jesus of the bible the savior of the world I am so glad she is a christian now praise God

  • @ammo1882
    @ammo1882 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    2 weeks now and still no Muslim has answered Fitsum Sibagadis 12 points! Well I have only one to make, maybe someone can answer it directly:
    The Christian religion relies on the fact that Jesus died on the cross for the sins of all mankind. If he was not crucified then there would be no Christian religion, right? That is fact. However the Quran claims that Allah made them (the Christians) believe that it was so (Isa died on the cross). So if Allah did not make them believe it was so then there would be no Christian religion! So by the words of the Quran Allah is responsible for the existence of the Christian religion, how do you explain this?

  • @Bourgone22
    @Bourgone22 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @energylots In United Stated, some States allow marriage at age 18, others at age 17, 16, 14 and 13. Yes that's right, 13 years old girl whether she reaches her puberty or not, she can legally get married in New Hampshire and Texas too. In Islam that would be illegal for a female to get married if she is not ready for sex even if she over 16.

  • @mahidul96
    @mahidul96 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is the name of the nasheed used in this video?

    • @nebilishaq2364
      @nebilishaq2364 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ya khaliq al akwan

  • @ques4estas
    @ques4estas 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    i know indonesia from personal experience...i think its great that indonesia has people like you. but i'm sorry because i was there during the christmas bombings! i was there during the 98 chaos. so i can appreciate your comments about a pluralism, but i don't see it happening in indonesia

  • @SpetsnazUS
    @SpetsnazUS 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't believe in telling lies as it is against both of our religions which (I believe) come from the same God. Peace be upon you my friend. May we both be guided to the truth and paradise in the hereafter.

  • @aceroger2568
    @aceroger2568 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    No. As a proud non believer (I don't use the word atheist, because you're also an atheist with respect to Vishnu and Trinity God and Ahura Mazda) I DON'T WORSHIP ANYTHING or ANYONE
    Religion is what gives them comfort because that's how they have been raised by their parents
    The need for emotional security and support is indoctrinated in them in childhood
    tell your heavenly sugar daddy to help the people in Syria if your sugar daddy is in fact real and powerful

  • @pengikutyesus4689
    @pengikutyesus4689 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    for Qs 52:24 and due to space constraint, please refer to
    Due to youtube's regulations, please change the 'dot' to the symbol

  • @mjazzguitar
    @mjazzguitar 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    'O Jesus, Son of Mary, hast thou said unto mankind 'Take me and my mother as two Gods beside God? ' He shall say: 'Glory be unto Thee! it is not for me to say that which I know to be not the truth.' Sura Al-Ma'idah (v) 116.

  • @Dhekele
    @Dhekele 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Read the previous comments and you will see how ridiculous your question is. Alas, not everyone can THINK so you are forgiven!
    The mentioned verses clearly state that God is indeed merciful and more than willing to forgive if people ask for forgiveness. It shows that you are not lost; that God is with you in times of despair. You only need to ask for HIS help/ guidance/ forgiveness in true sincerity. That is His Mercy. You don't need to hang or crucify an innocent person to be saved!

  • @winxfan10000
    @winxfan10000 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If she is...
    -Being not so good.
    Then she isnt following the rules of Hijab.
    Simple. I think you should know that Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head.. Its a way of life. :]

  • @natureboihikes162
    @natureboihikes162 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is an amusing cut-and-paste attempt to smear someone who is under an oppressive Islamic rule, and this is confirmed by several friends I talk with every other night on FB who live in Indonesia and say that to be a Christians is extremely dangerous and speaking out in favor of Christianity is punishable by prison time, in which some of her friends have been tortured by Muslims. Pretty sickening when you think about it...

  • @PeoplesGeneral
    @PeoplesGeneral 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing is for sure... all the messengers and prophets of God are flawed and... well... human... No different than me, your parents, your professors, your friends, or even yourself who did something wrong.
    As Jesus would say: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!" ... Even he didn't throw a stone at the harlot. What does that say? But that doesn't diminish the Message that Jesus or any other prophet or philosopher brings, no matter how flawed the messenger is...

  • @llorensl
    @llorensl 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    She was told about Jesus for the first time by someone who knew Jesus from the bible. Not the fake Jesus from the koran.

  • @Juanod09
    @Juanod09 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dina probably know about Jesus when she was still embrace Islam, (but however In the Koran Jesus was considered only as a human being and a prophet.)............. When Dina met her friend, she was told about Jesus that is different from the Quran. Her friend for the first time say that Jesus is God.

  • @PaShTuNGooN
    @PaShTuNGooN 13 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Dhekele
    @Dhekele 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    The problem (for you) is how do you rhyme Mercy with Punishment. As mentioned before God loves to forgive. He is a merciful, loving God, BUT he is also JUST! And that is important otherwise why would you try to live a decent life if every die-hard criminal goes straight to heaven as well? Is that Justice? If someone kills your entire family (which I truly hope will never happen) and sits in Heaven together with you and your family is that okay? Is that justice? THINK about it (if you can).

  • @GEBoord
    @GEBoord 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus (aleyhi sallam) is more mentioned in the Quran (+- 25x) then the prophet Mohammed
    (+-5x) (sal sal allahu alaihi wa sallam)

  • @john107335
    @john107335 12 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @pengikutyesus4689
    @pengikutyesus4689 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    QS 17:23-24
    Your Lord has ordained that you shall worship none but Him and that you must be kind to your parents. Should one of them, or both, attain to old age in your care, never say ‘Ugh’ to them or chide them, but always speak gently and kindly to them, and spread over them humbly the wings of your tenderness, and say, My Lord, bestow on them Your grace, even as they reared and nurtured me when I was a child.

  • @RjThermo
    @RjThermo 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    To be Christians is open to everyone, Catholic means all kinds of people. If there is one word every Moslem don't understand is the word BELIEVE you wouldn't be following Muhammad if you Believe In Jesus Christ because THE TWO ARE ENTIRELY OPPOSITE. Lord Jesus is all ABOUT LOVE AND FORGIVENESS, no shred of HATE. While Muhammad is all ABOUT HATE no shred of LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. Any Moslem If you know your Quran tell me here what verse in Qur'an where you can find the words LOVE OR FORGIVENESS?

  • @PeoplesGeneral
    @PeoplesGeneral 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @crackwhorepimp1 I also never said they went killing others "for no reason"... just a vague mention of them killing and making wars. And there is a plethora of books within the Old Testament telling of these many wars.
    You may also refer to another post where I stated that when in war, no side can be innocent.

  • @john107335
    @john107335 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with you Bro. some of our Christian brethren have done what Jesus not expect us to do.
    Roman Catholic Church is the closest to Jesus's teachings as far as I am concerned
    Yahweh Bless you

  • @pengikutyesus4689
    @pengikutyesus4689 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am from Indonesia. Christianity has lost credibility all over the world EXCEPT in DEVELOPING countries such as Indonesia.
    To be a follower of Jesus is to be Muslim!

  • @pilikukuslaklak3213
    @pilikukuslaklak3213 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    'all Muslim ! believers beware of what you see in internet"......

  • @snowcrow1178
    @snowcrow1178 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    No guns will help against the God almighty, no guns needed, just waking people up :)

  • @wingnutmcspazatron3957
    @wingnutmcspazatron3957 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    To encourage anyone here who has found Jesus as their Lord and savior to turn away from foolishness: Do you think that Jesus would sit on his laptop and argue with people in a comment section of a youtube video? is that REALLY what Jesus would do?

  • @antymoondelica6598
    @antymoondelica6598 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i am Indonesian, and i am a muslim, totally a disaster fake story,
    i could not sense any form by the way she talk that she was a muslim before,
    i have many muslim friend here, with various level of iman they have,
    even if some of them are not practicing in a good way, but at least they know the basic,

  • @lechatmaurice
    @lechatmaurice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
    > Jesus is the word of god made flesh. (sufficiently explicit, isnt it ?)

  • @dimaspenerjemah
    @dimaspenerjemah 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am from Indonesia, and NO, we weren't teach to hate Christian and disgust them.
    One of my few best friend is a Christian, his name is Andrew. And guess what, he love my mother's cooking so much he stayed for the whole ied el fitr day at my house!! And he is not the only christian friends i have.
    Indonesia has various of tribes, moreover religions. So how can we live in difrent religion for centuries in such hate??
    Please top comments this so everyone can see.

  • @AhuitzotlTlazohtla
    @AhuitzotlTlazohtla 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another, immoral, the-ends-justify-the-means, fundamentalist "Christian". I truly have deep doubts about if God can ever forgive the kind of behavior that Dina is guilty of. Christianity is a good religion; why hasn't her religion taught her better morals?

  • @MiddleEasternBeauti
    @MiddleEasternBeauti 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    WOW!!!!!!!......since when do muslims teach their kids to hate christians???In islam,it mentions that we are suppose to love and respect christians,muslims,and other people who follow other faiths.Its a sin in islam to hate others.Its wrong to hate them or hate what they believe in,because we will be judged.

  • @Badgerbadger1
    @Badgerbadger1 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you take what she claimed she was taught growing up, and simply switch Christian with any other faith then that sounds almost exactly like the average view of residents in my hickville hometown in Mississippi. I'm an atheist, and the clips you're using show the disingenuous tactics of many religious aid groups. I sponsor a girl in Kenya with a secular charity because their beliefs are their business, and nobody should be made t choose between their faith and feeding/clothing their kids.

  • @superhamzah85
    @superhamzah85 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm an ex, as a dude who dropped all forms of bullshit, I can say switching from Islam to Christianity is not only pointless, but a downgrade in terms of theology. The Nicean Creed is the most retarded piece of rationalization for an unproven human being ever made.
    To switch from something relatively simple "One God, everyone else is a human." To THAT, is dumb.
    But as they're both bullshit, it matters not.

  • @dzastinkaPL
    @dzastinkaPL 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    9:123 - O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.

  • @lechatmaurice
    @lechatmaurice 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    If the Bible isnt original...
    If your father is really your father...

  • @dzastinkaPL
    @dzastinkaPL 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    mlamry01, why do omit in this video the fragments in the Quran that really say about hatred towards Christians, Jews and other non-believers in Islam? For example;
    4:89 - They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.

  • @guesswho549
    @guesswho549 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    how many times did you hear someone got arrested because he curse Jesus? thank you very much.

  • @zairekrieger
    @zairekrieger 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    But it could be that her parents thaught her to hate, because they didn't read the Quran either! Lots of Muslims do NOT know what Jesus stands for, most believe that Judas was on the cross instead of Jesus, so it could be, that she doesn't know about Jesus, because she wasn't an active muslim. And if you say that all people who believe in God, are saved, then why should you care if she converts to Judaïsm, Christianity, or stays a Muslim? She's saved either way right?!

  • @john107335
    @john107335 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The word of God is a contradiction to a person who is complicated
    A person is complicated because he thinks he is above all,
    knowing All, he forget that there is a GIVER as Well a the TAKER,
    we all call Him ABBA, Our Father, Father of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, David

  • @RjThermo
    @RjThermo 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you know what you are saying here? You would choose SWORD over Lies? SPREAD LOVE AND FORGIVENESS... This way you will find Peace. Would you rather be a Killer that just a liar? and Would you rather kill a liar that lie to a Killer? What kind of religion or faith is that?