MsPAL2010 1. It is not always guaranteed to be this answer, as it depends on how much memory is allocated for the int data type on your machine, as well as how negative numbers are represented. 2. The ^ symbol is not the mathematical exponentiation operation in C or C++ (try, e.g., std::cout
Hi Rolland, yes these videos are all part of the same course, intermediate programming (in C++), which is a 10-week course I taught at UCLA with name PIC 10B. Here is my public website page for teaching which contains more information:
Stephen DeSalvo It's a pity. I learned C++ before (mainly C++03) but since my background isn't computer science, I haven't the opportunity to actually using it. Now I am about to change that but all the ideas like C++11/14, doxgen, qt and makefile are making me relearn C++. It's very hard to find a learning source that can cover these things efficiently.
Where can i find PIC 10C lectures videos?
Hi, yo know why 10 ^ 23 = -2147483648 in language C? Thanks you
1. It is not always guaranteed to be this answer, as it depends on how much memory is allocated for the int data type on your machine, as well as how negative numbers are represented.
2. The ^ symbol is not the mathematical exponentiation operation in C or C++ (try, e.g., std::cout
Hi, Stephen. Does this course have a public website? I see some videos labeled "intermediate" and some are not. Are they belong to the same course?
Hi Rolland, yes these videos are all part of the same course, intermediate programming (in C++), which is a 10-week course I taught at UCLA with name PIC 10B. Here is my public website page for teaching which contains more information:
Stephen DeSalvo Thanks, Stephen. Are you going to finish the PIC series? Or you want to transfer it to MOOC?
Hi Rolland, there's no plan to do either. I intended to post other videos but for reasons beyond my control I am unable to do so.
Stephen DeSalvo It's a pity. I learned C++ before (mainly C++03) but since my background isn't computer science, I haven't the opportunity to actually using it. Now I am about to change that but all the ideas like C++11/14, doxgen, qt and makefile are making me relearn C++. It's very hard to find a learning source that can cover these things efficiently.