
  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • If you people are of that level, that you catch from even a butterfly flying around you; and a little leaf failing from the tree. I mean if you were at that level then I would never have put you into this test. But you are not. You are capable of much bigger test than this and its nice to play with these, isn’t it? Otherwise why should anybody even do hitch hiking. Leave alone hitch hiking, why should people swim? I mean better to sit on the bank and see everything. Even why go near the river. You may catch cold. So better sit in the house. And why even put on the light, you may see something and you may get frightened. So better to sleep. Even why to go to sleep, because you may dream. So that situation if it is there, that touch-me-not business, then I can tell you we cannot count. We are soldiers, and we have to develop immunities from all kinds of badhas from all kinds of people. Prom all types of Sahaja Yogis coming in, because this is a wide gate where everyone has to come, all sorts. They may have hundred bhoots or they may have ten thousand…. “Come along. Whatever type of bhoots there are we know how to handle them.”-This should be the attitude. Because I cannot give up any. I have to give chance to everyone. It is you who discriminate between these and you throw those people away. I just can’t do it. I’m sorry ! Some people will come, shout at me, insult me, trouble me. Alright doesn’t matter. They’ll be alright. I can put them out of circulavtion,
    Everybody is equal in Sahajyoga
    Nobody is higher or lower in this(in Sahajyoga), all are equal and those who think that they are higher or lower then they should know that Mahamaya is still there. Understand this. I shall not allow the raise of Kundalini of those who try to act higher in Sahajyoga.org
    cinematography : Lukazqz From poland

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