This is such a spot on video. When you stop having to panic that something will happen it frees you in ways you would not imagine. Excellent topic and for those of you who are still trying to get there, keep going, every dollar saved gets you closer to a new level of "I got this".
I did this for the first time as a teen working part-time, living with my parents (obviously) and getting my bank account ready for college tuition. I remember a friend looked at my checking account in college and was shocked.
I literally followed the 27. 40 Kate Method. Every day of 2023, I transfered $27. 40 from checking into savings. Boy, does that make you think about your spending!!! I would think - nope, don't need that $25 top - gotta do my transfer. Etc, etc. Thank you for that old video, and thanks again for this one. I'm going to do it again in 2025!!!
April 2024 was the first time we saved 10k. And let me tell you my sleep has improved 😂 we are now finishing paying off all our debt only 8k left on the truck 👏 then saving a 6-12 month emergency fund. We’ve had a few setbacks in our goals house and car repairs but the 10k buffer made what would have been a financial nightmare just a setback.
It is a good feeling when you hit a significant amount in the bank! Taking the worry out of finances is certainly worth working for. For years I eeked out an existance, no debt apart from the mortgage, but everything on a shoestring, which was stressful, particularly with temporary contracts at work.
I saved without purpose, which is not good, looking back. But when I saw the 10.000 Euro on my account, I thought: This must be somebody's else account. I couldn't believe I achieved a five digit figure. And it was such a relief. As you said, you can cover 99% of emergencies with this amount. Even buy a used car.
A company had to hire from a hubzone area and I tried to convince some one to take a job where they paid for her move, put 10% on her new house, and pay off her college debt while making a much higher salary. Although she was single without kids, she did not want to leave her family in her area.
@@williamlyons3947 Family can be more important than money. I worked in Ireland for one year. Free housing. And loved being there. Was promoted at my company afterwards in my home country.
I am the worst "saver" My husband and I had a side joint savings which, we both agreed, I should stay away from When he suddenly passed away I found out he had saved $20K for us❤
I have taught all my 4 children and 2 grandchildren this 10K concept. I first learned it from my dad (RIP). My 20 year old grandson has now saved way above $10K and it has changed him completely and set him up for the rest of his life. Same is true for my youngest son and oldest daughter (who got married to a man with the same mindset). My oldest boy is still fighting with himself, but I am praying that one day he gets it. My baby girl is slowing working towards her 10K and I am very confident that she will get there. Its a great, great principle even in the face of this crazy capitalist, debt-driven system we live in. But few understand it.
I did that and some when my two sons were children. I was also paying a mortgage at the time. Now I am lucky to be debt free and self funded, but still need to budget fiercely to protect my investment and live comfortably. Being frugal, in my opinion, is the pathway to a happier future 😊
It's taken me so many years to save my first 10k, but I'm finally here! The process taught me a great deal about needs vs wants, shown me how good it feels to implement strategies that work, and I am not so quick to just 'buy' things. Now what felt like an impossibly high ceiling for many years, has become my new floor! And I can't wait to save the next 10 and beyond. Thanks for another great video Kate!
For me is $12,000…. That $12k gave me the courage to quit my job I disklike for 18 long years. I stayed that long feeling like there’s a chain on my neck because I was scared. Single Mom with so much debt and no emergency fund can make you settle for less. Being debt free and having that $12k gave me the security to take a break, travel a bit and think about How do I want my life to look like moving forward from here. It took me 12 months for the right offer to come but that 12 months of waiting was the happiest I have ever been. So whatever you have to do to get that security, do it. Cheers to all and thank you Kate, you are an inspiration to many. God bless you.
You are so right! The first10K for me was years go after taking a Dave Ramsey FPU class. It took time and discipline but was worth the effort to have that cushion in the bank! Great encouraging video!
I saved my first $10k last year. Put it in a high yield savings account at a credit union. Love checking in every month to see the interest helping it grow🎉
I did it plus some, so when I needed to replace my car, I was able pay cash for my new to me car, and since it was already a habit, I have continued to sock the money away.
Babysteps haven't saved $10 000 YET but I did finish the 100 envelope challenge which gave me a little over $5000 It wasn't easy-no joke but I did it-it started out w wanting a new couch ended up just being a buffer goal the start of a 6-9 month emergency fund
I have that and more but my anxiety is having to spend it amd then replace it. My financial picture is changing in April next year ( alimony going away) so i am saving as much as possible right now😊
Kate. Really enjoyed this video and you are so right! I remember my first $10k! When I did that I figured what I needed for my emergency fund for 6 months… 9 months… etc. when you have that security, it really changes your mindset!
OMG, I have never save $10,000 And I've been on this journey for less than a year to pay off credit card debt and I've started giving up, but this just put me back on track. Im going to get back to doing what needs to be done, which is living below my means.😊 I feel better now, thank you Kate
Love this Kate!! I would REALLY love to see financial education in our school systems. This would be integral for Americans as a whole!! Many lack basic financial skills and knowledge. Hoping some day we get there!!
I've never saved $10K but I'm in the process of it right now. I think I may be able to get there within the next year or so, I'm more than halfway there.
You've got this Reina! Did you see that video on the end screen to watch next? It breaks down how to save 10k. I'll add it right here!
Love this, Kate! I haven't saved it yet, but I am getting back into the habit of saving some of my paycheck and hoping to increase it from 1% to 2% next year 🙂 I am under 50K in debt and that makes me so happy!!
Happy frugal Friday, Kate! Awesome video! Back in 2016, I wiped out my account, had $10 in my savings and started slowly rebuilding my account! After about four years, I built up my emergency funds account to about three months of living expenses! It made me feel a whole lot better that I could live a little bit more comfortable than before! That’s what your video takes me back to from when I didn’t have pretty much anything in my savings to Back in 2020! Have an awesome frugal Friday, Kate! BOOM!
I can’t believe I had missed last 2 week on your video.. but I am back 😊 .. yayi I been lacking on my no buy n no spend and everything above .. 10k saved what is good way to put it safe in bank?
Are you talking about saving 10K in an emergency fund? Or in a retirement account. I am getting close to 10K I'm both of these accounts and it feels good. You earn a lot more interest when you have 10k saved also.
Here in the Dominican Republic, for low income earners, the amount may vary. Some would save 50k or about a 1000 dolars-starter emergency fund for the US. It feels great to save and see we can actually do it. It becomes second nature🎉
Hey Kate, great video. Yes, I'm on the road, with this as my goal. I will probably use a little to buy a new bed frame (I truly desperately need one!😁). Another item on my list is to pay back family members who loaned me money while I was out of work & couldn't find work for my aging skill set. I'm retired now, so when I received my monthly funds, I make sure that I take a decent amount & send to savings. I'm able to do this with the help of your channel, as well as Dave Ramsey's & others. I feel a sense of relief, that I have been able to do this. The nice thing is, though my loans to my family is a somewhat substantial amount, as well as buy the bed, I will still have some money left over in savings to start over & build it up again. Thank you again for the weekly tips. 👍🌹
Great Video Kate. Hugs to Kaden. I remember my first 10k. It was more than 10 k. All from overtime. I have a good friend in Australia who lives near the Great Barrier Reef and has a boat. She also has a time share in Bali. I saved up more than enough money to meet her in Bali and visit her in Aus. I was going to go for my 60th birthday. In April 2020!! Then covid hit and the trip was cancelled. I had 15k, and I put 14k deposit on a car in November. I owed 9k more and I managed to pay it off by August 2021. Now I am saving like crazy for a train trip from coast to coast in Canada
I recenty started saving. I want to become really frugal and save every extra cent I have. I can save anywhere from $1000-$1400 a month from my job, and I can donate plasma twice a week which brings an additional $400. The only problem is Im worried about temptation. Why does fast food have to taste so much better than regular food? 😩
Ms. Kate Kaden keep doing God‘s work. You are being a motivation to others and helping people make their lives better. If that’s not God’s work, I don’t know what is. Bless you and your family!
I am so stressed… I save or do I pay down a debt? Each month I usually have some extra funds left and I try to figure out what is important to do. Debt (car payment) is costing me interest which I could get rid of sooner if I paid extra on it but I like having a little savings for emergencies. and if I can pay car off sooner, I could reduce my insurance on it as well. ?????
Hi Nancy! Could you do a little of both? :) I'd love for you to prioritize crushing that car debt! It would feel so great and help your finances in the long run quicker with less debt. I don't know your whole financial situation so I don't know if you have any savings at all, so if you're really concerned, split it, but overall getting rid of debt is a great path (especially if you have like $1000 + saved up for immediate emergencies)
I am still working on getting my emergency fund to $1000, so once I do that I will then work on the car payment. Sometimes it is just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I know it is there. Thank you for the encouragement as it means a lot these days. Have to search for those positive thoughts harder these days.
hit 15k used to but my house hit 20k lost it due to covid back up to 7k cant afford £27 a day but should hit 10k in March and which point ill spend on home improvements
Ahh, this is so hard to answer since I'd have so many more questions:) My best plan, if I were you I'd stash $1000-$3000 so you have some $ for emergencies and then chip away at that debt and GET RID OF IT. Then once that's gone, keep building to 10k.
Over 60% of people can't save $1000 for emergency. Reasons: 1. Drug addiction 2. Addicted to welfare and too lazy to work 3. Too lazy to find a better job 4. Living in an area where there are less opportunities 5. Ex-Spouse alimony payments and child support liability 6. Stuck in high payments of the rent/credit card and low pay cycle from one or combination of reasons above.
And trust when I say, once you hit the $10K savings, everything thing will happen.😅 It did with me BUT I DID NOT TOUCH MY $10K. I just continued to save until I had enough to pay for the emergencies that I charged to my credit card!
I did it unintentionally… I was in my 20s and refused to depend on anyone. I worked like a mad woman!! I only spent money on the necessities and everything else was banked. It wasn’t until my sister needed to borrow money that I realized that I had saved over 10,000. She and I were both shocked!! 😂😂
I haven’t yet but my goal for 2025 is to pay off all debt except my car which is a couple hundred over 10K so I will be hopefully saving it up next year!
Next year by now, I'll also make a video on my channel, telling them how it feels like to save $10,000 cos I would have done that by then. Can't wait..
One of the best kept secrets is Arboretums! Many are free. Learn about nature in a beautiful environment. Walk among acres of luscious foliage and see displays of ponds and flowers and trees. Fall is especially spectacular. Walk in oceans of gold. Refresh your spirit. Soak in the peace and the pace of nature. Let the breeze waft the aromas of burnt sugar from the golden Katsura trees to you. Walk in sweet solitude or with a friend. Make the acquaintance of some new variety of tree and listen to its secrets and its music. The Gingko tree will teach you of endurance and longevity and strength and hope and resilience and vitality. So take a walk in the midst of beauty. What Arboretums will share with you will enrich you in new ways.
Money is not everything, but you do need money and budgeting tools. A sense of entitlement is messed up. I am an adult. Financial minimalism is intelligent. I refuse to blow a lor of money on things I don't need. Here's to being frugal at age 43. Materialistic people buy things for the label.
This is such a spot on video. When you stop having to panic that something will happen it frees you in ways you would not imagine. Excellent topic and for those of you who are still trying to get there, keep going, every dollar saved gets you closer to a new level of "I got this".
"I got this" money! YASSSSSS!!!!
I did this for the first time as a teen working part-time, living with my parents (obviously) and getting my bank account ready for college tuition. I remember a friend looked at my checking account in college and was shocked.
YASSS Bethany!
I literally followed the 27. 40 Kate Method. Every day of 2023, I transfered $27. 40 from checking into savings. Boy, does that make you think about your spending!!! I would think - nope, don't need that $25 top - gotta do my transfer. Etc, etc. Thank you for that old video, and thanks again for this one. I'm going to do it again in 2025!!!
JOY!!!!! YASSSS! You are so welcome! This makes me so happy!!!!!!!!
That sounds very interesting, what video is that on?
I sure do agree that once you start saving your mind just switches
Go go go
April 2024 was the first time we saved 10k. And let me tell you my sleep has improved 😂 we are now finishing paying off all our debt only 8k left on the truck 👏 then saving a 6-12 month emergency fund. We’ve had a few setbacks in our goals house and car repairs but the 10k buffer made what would have been a financial nightmare just a setback.
Happy Frugal Friday Kate. I am so close to my first $10K.
YASSS! I'm so excited for you!!!!!
It is a good feeling when you hit a significant amount in the bank! Taking the worry out of finances is certainly worth working for. For years I eeked out an existance, no debt apart from the mortgage, but everything on a shoestring, which was stressful, particularly with temporary contracts at work.
YASSS Gretel! Absolutely!
I saved without purpose, which is not good, looking back. But when I saw the 10.000 Euro on my account, I thought: This must be somebody's else account. I couldn't believe I achieved a five digit figure.
And it was such a relief. As you said, you can cover 99% of emergencies with this amount. Even buy a used car.
Thanks so much for sharing with us Kerstin!
A company had to hire from a hubzone area and I tried to convince some one to take a job where they paid for her move, put 10% on her new house, and pay off her college debt while making a much higher salary. Although she was single without kids, she did not want to leave her family in her area.
@@williamlyons3947 Family can be more important than money. I worked in Ireland for one year. Free housing. And loved being there. Was promoted at my company afterwards in my home country.
I am the worst "saver"
My husband and I had a side joint savings which, we both agreed, I should stay away from
When he suddenly passed away I found out he had saved $20K for us❤
I have taught all my 4 children and 2 grandchildren this 10K concept. I first learned it from my dad (RIP). My 20 year old grandson has now saved way above $10K and it has changed him completely and set him up for the rest of his life. Same is true for my youngest son and oldest daughter (who got married to a man with the same mindset). My oldest boy is still fighting with himself, but I am praying that one day he gets it. My baby girl is slowing working towards her 10K and I am very confident that she will get there. Its a great, great principle even in the face of this crazy capitalist, debt-driven system we live in. But few understand it.
I did that and some when my two sons were children. I was also paying a mortgage at the time. Now I am lucky to be debt free and self funded, but still need to budget fiercely to protect my investment and live comfortably. Being frugal, in my opinion, is the pathway to a happier future 😊
It's taken me so many years to save my first 10k, but I'm finally here! The process taught me a great deal about needs vs wants, shown me how good it feels to implement strategies that work, and I am not so quick to just 'buy' things. Now what felt like an impossibly high ceiling for many years, has become my new floor! And I can't wait to save the next 10 and beyond. Thanks for another great video Kate!
I'm retired now, no way to save $10k but it's fun dreaming!!
For me is $12,000…. That $12k gave me the courage to quit my job I disklike for 18 long years. I stayed that long feeling like there’s a chain on my neck because I was scared. Single Mom with so much debt and no
emergency fund can make you settle for less. Being debt free and having that $12k gave me the security to take a break, travel a bit and think about How do I want my life to look like moving forward from here. It took me 12 months for the right offer to come but that 12 months of waiting was the happiest I have ever been. So whatever you have to do to get that security, do it. Cheers to all and thank you Kate, you are an inspiration to many. God bless you.
Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Haven't done it yet . Got $4328 saved so far because I'm also paying off debt!!
Mary!!! You are almost halfway there! YASSS! You've got this!
Love to hear it. Kick that debt to the curb.
Keep going!! You got this!!!❤
I’m with you Mary! $4026 saved and paying off our home equity loan! We’ve got this!!
We just hit 10k this year! Thanks for a great video!
You are so right! The first10K for me was years go after taking a Dave Ramsey FPU class. It took time and discipline but was worth the effort to have that cushion in the bank! Great encouraging video!
I saved my first $10k last year. Put it in a high yield savings account at a credit union. Love checking in every month to see the interest helping it grow🎉
Saving becomes addictive after 10,000k. I saved up over six figures for a condo down-payment. Now I am overpaying on my mortgage and it feels great!
I did it plus some, so when I needed to replace my car, I was able pay cash for my new to me car, and since it was already a habit, I have continued to sock the money away.
Awesome!! I agree. I got a long ways to go
Babysteps haven't saved $10 000 YET but I did finish the 100 envelope challenge which gave me a little over $5000
It wasn't easy-no joke but I did it-it started out w wanting a new couch ended up just being a buffer goal the start of a 6-9 month emergency fund
YASSSSSSS!!!! You are on a roll!
Good for you!
@@LorettaNance thank u 🪻
Awesome 👌
I have almost 1 month of expenses save, and I'll be out of CC by Dec 31 is my goal.
I have that and more but my anxiety is having to spend it amd then replace it. My financial picture is changing in April next year ( alimony going away) so i am saving as much as possible right now😊
You've got this!
Haven’t done it yet, but it sounds wonderful!
You've got this Martha! This coming year could be the year!
Loooooove this video! It's so positive and motivational! We saved 13k as an emergency fund.
CRYSTAL!!! 13k Emergency FUND! YASSSS! This is amaaazing! :)
The first time I hit 10k it was part of my emergency fund. It really does change everything. It's definitely a psychology thing. Great video girl!
YASSSSSS!!!!!!! You rock! And thank you!
My BIG goal is to save six months of expenses and ultimately one year worth of expenses.
Kate. Really enjoyed this video and you are so right! I remember my first $10k! When I did that I figured what I needed for my emergency fund for 6 months… 9 months… etc. when you have that security, it really changes your mindset!
YASSSS LISA!!!! Love this so much. Thank you for telling us about the first time you saved 10k!!!!!
10k was a big physiological milestone for me.
Good morning Kate! Happy frugal Friday🎉
Good morning Nikki! HAPPY FRUGAL FRIDAY!
I have never save $10,000
And I've been on this journey for less than a year to pay off credit card debt and I've started giving up, but this just put me back on track. Im going to get back to doing what needs to be done, which is living below my means.😊
I feel better now, thank you Kate
You are VERY WELCOME!!! You've got this!
Working on it, Kate!
You've got this Janice!
Great video & I couldn’t agree more! We save $10K yearly and then slap it on our mortgage… 🙌🏻
Love this Kate!!
I would REALLY love to see financial education in our school systems. This would be integral for Americans as a whole!!
Many lack basic financial skills and knowledge.
Hoping some day we get there!!
I've never saved $10K but I'm in the process of it right now. I think I may be able to get there within the next year or so, I'm more than halfway there.
Happy frugal friday k- squad its sunny here🌞
YES! A beautiful day here in my neck of the woods here in Southeastern, MA too😊
Kate, a move is exactly my reason for saving 10K. How can I do this? Love the "live" light.
You've got this Reina! Did you see that video on the end screen to watch next? It breaks down how to save 10k. I'll add it right here!
You are such a great lady! Thanks, Kate!
Thank you so much🩵🩷
It is indeed a freeing feeling to accomplish $10,000.
this is my next goal!!!! thank you for your insight
You are so welcome! I am cheering you on!
Love this, Kate!
I haven't saved it yet, but I am getting back into the habit of saving some of my paycheck and hoping to increase it from 1% to 2% next year 🙂 I am under 50K in debt and that makes me so happy!!
Reach 10k and you’ll be okay!
Jax you always make the best catch phrases! 🤩😎
Happy frugal Friday, Kate! Awesome video! Back in 2016, I wiped out my account, had $10 in my savings and started slowly rebuilding my account! After about four years, I built up my emergency funds account to about three months of living expenses! It made me feel a whole lot better that I could live a little bit more comfortable than before! That’s what your video takes me back to from when I didn’t have pretty much anything in my savings to Back in 2020! Have an awesome frugal Friday, Kate! BOOM!
Great video. This is where we are. Plus paying off the house. Saving for new to us cars.
Mine was a move to Florida also in 2019
Thank you for all you do!!
Yes, it hits so different 😊🌼
Well said! ❤
Thanks Deb!
I can’t believe I had missed last 2 week on your video.. but I am back 😊 .. yayi I been lacking on my no buy n no spend and everything above .. 10k saved what is good way to put it safe in bank?
Something about that 1st $10k. Head held higher, meh and nah and no thanks meter kicks in. Awesome!
Are you talking about saving 10K in an emergency fund? Or in a retirement account. I am getting close to 10K I'm both of these accounts and it feels good. You earn a lot more interest when you have 10k saved also.
Thanks Kate! ❤😊
You are so welcome!
Here in the Dominican Republic, for low income earners, the amount may vary. Some would save 50k or about a 1000 dolars-starter emergency fund for the US. It feels great to save and see we can actually do it. It becomes second nature🎉
It’s super hot here in Florida 😅
Haven’t done it yet…. But working on it! 😉
Haven’t done
Hey Kate, great video. Yes, I'm on the road, with this as my goal. I will probably use a little to buy a new bed frame (I truly desperately need one!😁). Another item on my list is to pay back family members who loaned me money while I was out of work & couldn't find work for my aging skill set. I'm retired now, so when I received my monthly funds, I make sure that I take a decent amount & send to savings. I'm able to do this with the help of your channel, as well as Dave Ramsey's & others. I feel a sense of relief, that I have been able to do this. The nice thing is, though my loans to my family is a somewhat substantial amount, as well as buy the bed, I will still have some money left over in savings to start over & build it up again. Thank you again for the weekly tips. 👍🌹
CAROL! You are so welcome! Always so happy to see you!!!!
Great Video Kate. Hugs to Kaden. I remember my first 10k. It was more than 10 k. All from overtime. I have a good friend in Australia who lives near the Great Barrier Reef and has a boat. She also has a time share in Bali. I saved up more than enough money to meet her in Bali and visit her in Aus. I was going to go for my 60th birthday. In April 2020!! Then covid hit and the trip was cancelled. I had 15k, and I put 14k deposit on a car in November. I owed 9k more and I managed to pay it off by August 2021. Now I am saving like crazy for a train trip from coast to coast in Canada
I really can’t remember exactly when I saved that much but I remember winning Dave Ramsey’s book and it forever changed our lives. ❤😊
Awesome video! Thank you!
Thank you Kelly!
Great video - thank you.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks Vikki!
I recenty started saving. I want to become really frugal and save every extra cent I have. I can save anywhere from $1000-$1400 a month from my job, and I can donate plasma twice a week which brings an additional $400. The only problem is Im worried about temptation. Why does fast food have to taste so much better than regular food? 😩
Great tip
I saved my first 6K which I used to buy my first car with CASH ...So I know that I can save my first 10K...😊😊😊
YASSS!!!! Awesome!
Ms. Kate Kaden keep doing God‘s work. You are being a motivation to others and helping people make their lives better. If that’s not God’s work, I don’t know what is. Bless you and your family!
Ooooo ok, I just added a new goal for myself !!!
I am so stressed… I save or do I pay down a debt? Each month I usually have some extra funds left and I try to figure out what is important to do. Debt (car payment) is costing me interest which I could get rid of sooner if I paid extra on it but I like having a little savings for emergencies. and if I can pay car off sooner, I could reduce my insurance on it as well. ?????
Hi Nancy! Could you do a little of both? :) I'd love for you to prioritize crushing that car debt! It would feel so great and help your finances in the long run quicker with less debt. I don't know your whole financial situation so I don't know if you have any savings at all, so if you're really concerned, split it, but overall getting rid of debt is a great path (especially if you have like $1000 + saved up for immediate emergencies)
I am still working on getting my emergency fund to $1000, so once I do that I will then work on the car payment. Sometimes it is just hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but I know it is there. Thank you for the encouragement as it means a lot these days. Have to search for those positive thoughts harder these days.
Kate and Kaden and Kitties ❤❤❤😮😮😮😊😊😊
Hi Wanda!
hit 15k used to but my house hit 20k lost it due to covid back up to 7k cant afford £27 a day but should hit 10k in March and which point ill spend on home improvements
Great video😊❤😊
Thank you 🤗
Do you pay taxes on 10k in your savings?
I saved 5k and had it in a CD and was able to pay for my 2025 Viing Cruise to celebrate my 75th birthday
Would you recommend saving the $10,000 even if you have credit card debt?
Ahh, this is so hard to answer since I'd have so many more questions:) My best plan, if I were you I'd stash $1000-$3000 so you have some $ for emergencies and then chip away at that debt and GET RID OF IT. Then once that's gone, keep building to 10k.
Over 60% of people can't save $1000 for emergency. Reasons: 1. Drug addiction 2. Addicted to welfare and too lazy to work 3. Too lazy to find a better job 4. Living in an area where there are less opportunities 5. Ex-Spouse alimony payments and child support liability 6. Stuck in high payments of the rent/credit card and low pay cycle from one or combination of reasons above.
I have 11 k in my 403b
We have savings. I invest in precious metals. Husband has 401 through work.
I like how your obviously a early bird
I am now! LOL!!! Post child:) Before I could sleep til noon:) Now it's like 5am everyday!
And trust when I say, once you hit the $10K savings, everything thing will happen.😅 It did with me BUT I DID NOT TOUCH MY $10K. I just continued to save until I had enough to pay for the emergencies that I charged to my credit card!
I did it unintentionally… I was in my 20s and refused to depend on anyone. I worked like a mad woman!! I only spent money on the necessities and everything else was banked. It wasn’t until my sister needed to borrow money that I realized that I had saved over 10,000. She and I were both shocked!! 😂😂
I haven’t yet but my goal for 2025 is to pay off all debt except my car which is a couple hundred over 10K so I will be hopefully saving it up next year!
Patience is an issue...
It can be so hard, right?
Is this a 10k or a 30k?
Happy from now untile Christmas only two coffees per week no tattslit weekly
Hi Kelly!
I started this journey just 2 months ago, already payed off all my smaller debts on like 3000€ 🙏 next my goal is to save 10thousand in 1,5-2 years 🤗
@@KateKaden thank you, I am soo motivated, this is FUN 🥳🌹❤
😂 no dental lol emergency i have dentures 😂❤
Next year by now, I'll also make a video on my channel, telling them how it feels like to save $10,000 cos I would have done that by then. Can't wait..
YESSS!!! You've got this!
One of the best kept secrets is Arboretums! Many are free. Learn about nature in a beautiful environment. Walk among acres of luscious foliage and see displays of ponds and flowers and trees.
Fall is especially spectacular. Walk in oceans of gold. Refresh your spirit. Soak in the peace and the pace of nature. Let the breeze waft the aromas of burnt sugar from the golden Katsura trees to you.
Walk in sweet solitude or with a friend. Make the acquaintance of some new variety of tree and listen to its secrets and its music.
The Gingko tree will teach you of endurance and longevity and strength and hope and resilience and vitality.
So take a walk in the midst of beauty.
What Arboretums will share with you will enrich you in new ways.
Money is not everything, but you do need money and budgeting tools. A sense of entitlement is messed up. I am an adult. Financial minimalism is intelligent. I refuse to blow a lor of money on things I don't need. Here's to being frugal at age 43. Materialistic people buy things for the label.
❤ Loved this video ❤ we are actually on the milestone of reaching 🎉 $20,000.00 this December 🎉❤
Than you go food shopping lol
I subscribed 😊 you have great advice!! I just saved my first 10k I’m 32 😅 wasn’t easy now I’m determined to double it!!
Glad I found your channel!!!
I'm so proud of you! And I'm so glad you're here! Thanks for subscribing! I make new videos every Friday:)