So there are a couple games like this where I just can't stop thinking: Do you have some kind of like notebook to figure all this out or do you do it mentally or do YOU look up a walkthrough or what? For context, I'm at the broken golden obelisk at 4:13:10
Thanks for this run. Despite the missing audio in a couple spots, it was very entertaining and helpful. I appreciate the deathless run, even though it must be hard as heck to accomplish. I can't defeat the Heir and it will be a journey to complete the booklet. But I will return to it one day
Yeah I litterally beat the first boss got my item and said okay, nothing else here go back (something my old self would never say back playing games lol) Sign positing is okay it's needed as the gamer demo is dying but were all running to the lowest common denominator and...failing lol. Remember we used to use maps to get accross the were lost if we take a wrong turn in 4 miles
The puzzles in this game are so absurdly obtuse it makes Grim Fandango look like a kindergarten school book. 4:39:50 you actually have to create an extra save file. Stand at the door in the frozen area, quit the game, load the file just to ENTER? How in the shit is anyone supposed to do ANY of these puzzles without a guide?!
They’re not. I am watching this video after the laurels, getting my body back and getting two items that go in that room inside the old house, a crown and fox . I’m watching and I feel mad, but not as in mad that I didn’t figure it out but mad as in this is some weird ass turd right here. You had to pay attention to the flora?! Lol what the actual heck?! Well there are also parts with pebbles laid out in a pattern. Why aren’t those a puzzle? In fact I’m surprised one of the puzzles wasn’t about searching for an overwold enemy who had a particular zit pattern on his face that you could use your holy cross on. Lol what a joke. I would say I would have enjoyed the game if they hadn’t gate kept the true ending behind all this “I’m so smart look at my puzzles” nonsense. The people that actually solve this in real life completely on their own (doubt there are many though many claim to) must be neurotic people in real life who read into absolutely everything. If I hear someone tell me they solved this game all on their own I can tell you I don’t wanna be their friend because that neuroticism and always looking for meaning and clues must surely bleed into their personal lives.
2:27 wait what? You can come here that early in the game? It feels like I played this forever ago but I’m pretty sure when I went to the golden door I got the unreadable language which made me believe the door was locked. I don’t even remember those pillars of light being there, despite having to turn them on in the overworld
You don't, either you dodge or use the shield. But when you use your shield your stamina doesn't regen really fast: so you have to use it only when you need it, otherwise you won't get back enough stamina
Honestly I hate this game, it barely holds my interest but I still come back to it to try figure WTF were the developers trying to get the players to do.
As in, you couldn't understand the made up language that was all over the game?? Because yeah, that was really confusing for me too, even just watching the walkthrough..They really need to take into consideration people with dyslexia, or can't understand what's going on because it's not obvious enough what they're trying to convey. 😭
Same. I got pages 2 to 53 but seriously have lost all interest and curiosity. I’m watching this after the obtaining the laurels and going back to day time cause I want to see what the heck the drawing in the notes section mean with the star shaped thing in the water. It would have been so cool if standing in the water for 60 seconds revealed a secret message in your manual because it had become “wet”. I’m here to find out if what it actually was. Also the whole language thing is stupid. I looked up the translated page of the cathedral wayyy after I did it because I was trying to figure out the golden path thing. And one of the point mentioned that after point whatever where the the treasure is in the library there is something else. That wiuld have been SO useful in the moment! So basically the manual can only be read once you’ve figure everything out and it’s no longer useful? Absolute garbage. Man I hate that I spent so much time on this game. That end part feels more like the deva just gave up.
55:39 so you ring TWO (2!!!) BELLS and the door with THREE (3!!!) SIGNS opens up.... jesus fucking christ man. why? the door before this also says "sealed forever" not "ring muh W-E bells"
4:52:10 😂😂😂 oh my gosh all that work breaking these stupid clue with no context just for this ending? Nothing is even explained? Was she possessed then? What is the golden book you gave her? My gosh please don’t tell me it’s the manual because that’s just plain ridiculous! So the wisdom you shared is “hey we’re in a video game so you actually don’t have to do this?” What the actual fudge is this nonsense?! Man all the good memories of the game up until getting your body back are gone. I officially hate this game and will never recommend to anyone except the mist neurotic of people.
Sorry youtube kolege aber meinen sie nicht das es vollkommen genügt hätte wenn sie jede 30 min eine werbung geschalten hätten so wie es jetzt ist werden leute dazu gezwungen sein ads blocker zu nutzen und dann erhalten sie keinen geldbetrag und das ist ja auch nicht sind und zweck der sache deswegen damit sie auch was davon haben rate ich ihnen alle 30 min einmal eine werbung zu schalten jedoch werden sie sich nicht beliebt dadurch machen wenn sie an beliebtheit dazu gewinnen wollen würde ich sagen jede stunde eine ads werbung aber nicht niedrieger als 30 min. ist nur ein gut gemeinter ratschglag von mir sie müssen nicht darauf hören wenn sie nicht wollen.
00:34 - Achievement A Stick!
04:04 - Instruction Page [1/28] - Page 10-11
05:05 - Instruction Page [2/28] - Page 12-13
07:15 - Potion [1/5]
07:51 - Instruction Page [3/28] - Page 14-15
09:43 - Achievement A Sword!
10:01 - Achievement It uses stamina
12:35 - Golden Coin [1/17]
14:31 - Potion Shard [1/12]
15:28 - Potion [2/5]
16:07 - Achievement Ding
17:16 - Instruction Page [4/28] - Page 28-29
18:26 - Potion [3/5]
19:51 - Instruction Page [5/28] - Page 16-17
21:05 - HP Upgrade Resource [1/6]
22:34 - Potion Shard [2/12]
23:14 - Ability Card [1/16] - Lucky Cup
23:38 - Effigy [1/12]
24:18 - Instruction Page [6/28] - Page 32-33
24:27 - Golden Coin [2/17]
24:54 - Potion Upgrade Resource [1/3]
26:52 - Attack Upgrade Resource [1/4]
28:49 - Instruction Page [7/28] - Page 18-19
29:50 - Potion Upgrade Resource [2/3]
30:11 - Instruction Page [8/28] - Page 34-35
31:26 - Achievement Your pocket feels heavier...
33:52 - Defense Upgrade Resource [1/4]
34:23 - Potion Shard [3/12]
34:37 - Golden Coin [3/17]
35:33 - Achievement You hear a strange hum
36:08 - Golden Coin [4/17]
37:19 - Instruction Page [9/28] - Page 30-31
39:12 - Ability Card [2/16] - Orange Peril Ring
40:01 - Potion Shard [4/12]
41:16 - Golden Coin [5/17]
42:13 - Effigy [2/12]
42:33 - Defense Upgrade Resource [2/4]
43:33 - Ability Card [3/16] - Cyan Peril Ring
43:59 - Achievement Your gift is accepted
45:30 - Instruction Page [10/28] - Page 26-27
46:11 - Achievement Lawnmower
46:46 - Effigy [3/12]
51:01 - Golden Coin [6/17]
51:45 - Stamina Upgrade Resource [1/2]
51:56 - Attack Upgrade Resource [2/4]
55:04 - Achievement Dong
56:13 - Instruction Page [11/28] - Page 24-25
59:43 - Instruction Page [12/28] - Page 6-7
1:01:38 - Ability Card [4/16] - Muffling Bell
1:02:05 - MP Upgrade Resource [1/3]
1:03:22 - HP Upgrade Resource [2/6]
1:04:00 - Golden Coin [7/17]
1:04:29 - Stamina Upgrade Resource [2/2]
1:04:42 - Instruction Page [13/28] - Page 36-37
1:11:13 - Ability Card [5/16] - Anklet
1:16:49 - Achievement Deep In The Forest
1:20:22 - MP Upgrade Resource [2/3]
1:21:47 - Defense Upgrade Resource [3/4]
1:26:20 - Attack Upgrade Resource [3/4]
1:29:56 - HP Upgrade Resource [3/6]
1:30:13 - Potion Shard [5/12]
1:32:58 - Potion Shard [6/12]
1:37:34 - Ability Card [6/16] - Magic Echo
1:40:34 - Effigy [4/12]
1:41:51 - Ability Card [7/16] - Tincture
1:44:32 - Instruction Page [14/28] - Page 40-41
1:44:42 - Instruction Page [15/28] - Page 50-51
1:44:51 - Instruction Page [16/28] - Page 38-39
1:45:15 - Effigy [5/12]
1:49:32 - Achievement High Above The Clouds
1:50:55 - Potion Shard [7/12]
1:51:44 - Instruction Page [17/28] - Page 20-21
1:52:38 - Potion Shard [8/12]
1:54:20 - Attack Upgrade Resource [4/4]
1:55:53 - Ability Card [8/16] - Aura's Gem
1:57:54 - Golden Coin [8/17]
1:59:26 - Ability Card [9/16] - Scavenger's Mask
2:01:47 - Potion Shard [9/12]
2:02:49 - Defense Upgrade Resource [4/4]
2:03:19 - Effigy [6/12]
2:18:42 - Potion [4/5]
2:28:19 - Achievement At The Root of The World
2:30:42 - Achievement What now?
2:31:51 - Achievement Nothing happened...
2:34:05 - Instruction Page [18/28] - Page 2-3
2:36:05 - Ability Card [10/16] - Dagger Strap
2:37:18 - Ability Card [11/16] - Perfume
2:40:18 - Golden Coin [9/17]
2:41:21 - Effigy [7/12]
2:43:01 - Potion Shard [10/12]
2:43:21 - Golden Coin [10/17]
2:43:39 - Golden Coin [11/17]
2:49:06 - Potion Shard [11/12]
2:49:13 - Golden Coin [12/17]
2:51:16 - Effigy [8/12]
2:59:27 - Achievement You feel a tingling...
3:01:48 - Golden Coin [13/17]
3:02:32 - Instruction Page [19/28] - Page 8-9
3:03:10 - Instruction Page [20/28] - Page 42-43
3:03:40 - Ability Card [12/16] - Inverted Ash
3:12:24 - HP Upgrade Resource [4/6]
3:17:08 - Achievement Your body is restored.
3:18:10 - MP Upgrade Resource [3/3]
3:27:08 - Achievement Game Over
3:29:04 - Effigy [9/12]
3:30:04 - HP Upgrade Resource [5/6]
3:31:24 - Potion Upgrade Resource [3/3]
3:32:11 - Potion Shard [12/12]
3:33:09 - Instruction Page [21/28] - Page 22-23
3:33:36 - Effigy [10/12] + Achievement Too Cute To Smash
3:34:07 - Achievement Whoops
3:35:03 - Effigy [11/12]
3:35:25 - Ability Card [13/16] - Louder Echo
3:36:16 - Instruction Page [22/28] - Page 4-5
3:36:35 - HP Upgrade Resource [6/6]
3:37:29 - Golden Coin [14/17]
3:38:03 - Ability Card [14/16] - Bracer
3:38:33 - Ability Card [15/16] - Bone
3:39:13 - Golden Coin [15/17]
3:39:44 - Potion [5/5]
3:40:28 - Golden Coin [16/17]
3:41:25 - Effigy [12/12]
3:41:42 - Achievement Well done!
3:44:21 - Instruction Page [23/28] - Page 44-45
3:45:20 - Ability Card [16/16] - ??? (Fire Sword)
3:46:38 - Instruction Page [24/28] - Page 48-49
3:47:34 - Instruction Page [25/28] - Page 52-53
3:48:00 - Fairy [1/20] + Achievement I'm free!
3:48:26 - Fairy [2/20]
3:49:15 - Fairy [3/20]
3:49:53 - Fairy [4/20]
3:50:52 - Fairy [5/20]
3:51:40 - Fairy [6/20]
3:52:46 - Fairy [7/20]
3:55:14 - Fairy [8/20]
3:56:33 - Fairy [9/20]
3:57:45 - Fairy [10/20]
3:58:55 - Fairy [11/20]
3:59:49 - Fairy [12/20]
4:01:10 - Fairy [13/20]
4:03:18 - Fairy [14/20]
4:05:38 - Fairy [15/20]
4:06:57 - Fairy [16/20]
4:08:09 - Fairy [17/20]
4:09:51 - Fairy [18/20]
4:12:17 - Fairy [19/20]
4:13:34 - Fairy [20/20]
4:15:13 - Secret Treasures [1/12] + Achievement Spring Falls
4:15:20 - Instruction Page [26/28] - Page 54-55
4:15:44 - Secret Treasures [2/12] + Achievement Sacred Geometry
4:16:29 - Secret Treasures [3/12] + Achievement Back to Work
4:17:30 - Secret Treasures [4/12] + Achievement Mr Mayor
4:18:39 - Secret Treasures [5/12] + Achievement Forever Friend
4:19:32 - Secret Treasures [6/12] + Achievement Regal Weasel
4:20:45 - Secret Treasures [7/12] + Achievement Dusty
4:23:05 - Secret Treasures [8/12] + Achievement Just Some Pals
4:27:14 - Secret Treasures [9/12] + Achievement A Secret Legend
4:33:27 - Secret Treasures [10/12] + Achievement Phonomath
4:38:09 - Instruction Page [27/28] - Page 46-47
4:39:17 - Instruction Page [28/28] - Page 0-1 + Achievement Thank you for playing!
4:42:37 - Secret Treasures [11/12] + Achievement Vintage
_Sorry, I missed it when I was editing the video_
_The softest feather, Corrected eleven_
_times, Departed once more._
_The softest feathers on a bird are its DOWN feathers_
_A synonym for "correct" is "RIGHT"_
_A synonym for "departed" is "LEFT"_
_Thus the solution is Down, Right x11, Left x12_
4:45:06 - Secret Treasures [12/12] + Achievement Power Up
4:47:03 - Glyph Tower, This is part of ARG, more info
4:49:05 - Golden Coin [17/17]
4:55:51 - Achievement Bring it to the wrong fight
5:04:42 - Achievement What just happened?
So there are a couple games like this where I just can't stop thinking:
Do you have some kind of like notebook to figure all this out or do you do it mentally or do YOU look up a walkthrough or what?
For context, I'm at the broken golden obelisk at 4:13:10
dude your are The MVP
WHY IS THIRE IS the witness puzzles IN MY tunic!?
Thanks for this run. Despite the missing audio in a couple spots, it was very entertaining and helpful. I appreciate the deathless run, even though it must be hard as heck to accomplish. I can't defeat the Heir and it will be a journey to complete the booklet. But I will return to it one day
Thanks. Been looking for a 100% longplay of this game for a while.
I literally missed 1 turn and it cost me like an hour of exploration, lol. It's so weird playing a game that doesn't hold your hand... :)
But it does make it a lot more fun trying things for yourself
It doesn't hold your hand? It has a f***ing god mode included 😂
@@_Nicolomeus "holding your hand" is more like telling you where to go and what to do
Yeah I litterally beat the first boss got my item and said okay, nothing else here go back (something my old self would never say back playing games lol) Sign positing is okay it's needed as the gamer demo is dying but were all running to the lowest common denominator and...failing lol. Remember we used to use maps to get accross the were lost if we take a wrong turn in 4 miles
Sounds start at 14:42
Tunic reminds me of A Link to the Past when Link turns into a bunny in the Dark World. But he can use his sword. I can't wait to buy this soon.
The puzzles in this game are so absurdly obtuse it makes Grim Fandango look like a kindergarten school book.
4:39:50 you actually have to create an extra save file. Stand at the door in the frozen area, quit the game, load the file just to ENTER?
How in the shit is anyone supposed to do ANY of these puzzles without a guide?!
They’re not. I am watching this video after the laurels, getting my body back and getting two items that go in that room inside the old house, a crown and fox . I’m watching and I feel mad, but not as in mad that I didn’t figure it out but mad as in this is some weird ass turd right here. You had to pay attention to the flora?! Lol what the actual heck?! Well there are also parts with pebbles laid out in a pattern. Why aren’t those a puzzle? In fact I’m surprised one of the puzzles wasn’t about searching for an overwold enemy who had a particular zit pattern on his face that you could use your holy cross on. Lol what a joke. I would say I would have enjoyed the game if they hadn’t gate kept the true ending behind all this “I’m so smart look at my puzzles” nonsense. The people that actually solve this in real life completely on their own (doubt there are many though many claim to) must be neurotic people in real life who read into absolutely everything. If I hear someone tell me they solved this game all on their own I can tell you I don’t wanna be their friend because that neuroticism and always looking for meaning and clues must surely bleed into their personal lives.
Amazing game and even better tutorial. Thanks a lot. You saved me a lot of time.
The fact that the magic bar only appears when you use a magic item.
Sorry, not a ubisoft game.
Best Tunic playthrought in the platform
This helped me a lot :p
2:27 wait what? You can come here that early in the game? It feels like I played this forever ago but I’m pretty sure when I went to the golden door I got the unreadable language which made me believe the door was locked. I don’t even remember those pillars of light being there, despite having to turn them on in the overworld
Been oddly Excited for this one...:)
Thank you! This was a big help and took quite awhile to get through but worth it
What's going on in 2:58:28? How is it done?
35:36 how do you activate the tower? what buttons do you use?
Spacebar [Interact/Dodge] (hold for 3 seconds)
4:47:59 what did u do to get the glyphs to appear?
4:40:19 but what even is this place? What is the purpose of it if it isn’t the code you have to input? Where did it even lead you?
4:43:38 What did u did to reaveal this last chest?
Down 1 right x11 left x12
@@stuart_wodgesMUCHAS GRACIAS
Cool video
4:44 - how you translate (the softest feather, Corrected eleven times, Departed once more)?????
What is the best strategy for beating the one with that grappling hook thing?
How you block with the shield and do like a counter ? What button push
R2 2 times
Anyone know an easier way to imput the code for the mountain door? Been trying for an hour and don't know what im doing wrong... please and thank you
Man, this game was hard, and the deceive was messed up
So for playstation users how did you get the tower to drop down @ 35:36??
Hold X
How did the stone go down. In 35:38. I'm having the lamp but the stone doesn't go down.
The sky
3:53:59 You misspelled down.
Damn :(
@@CarrotHelper That is ok.
Tô jogando no controle no invulnerável qnd tiver um console eu tento zerar, da muito leg no notebook.
I also found it really hard, but I pushed it from the right when it was stuck and attacked three times and it popped out by itself
esse game é muito bom
Don’t mind this comment, it’s a stamp for when I need to come back ❤
Missed a chest behind the east bell
whether time is running out here or you can take it easy
34:17 how did u open up the door?
Press your interact button while touching it
ok HELP! so Ive been looking all over the net and cannot fing how are you blocking the "garden knight and restore your stamina while doing so?!
You don't, either you dodge or use the shield. But when you use your shield your stamina doesn't regen really fast: so you have to use it only when you need it, otherwise you won't get back enough stamina
Try alternating shield and dodge or just don't shield when not needed
Hi..if i open the chest before? At 3:52:24
hi bro, i found the solution, you have press the sides that he indicates
i would Taked Years If i was not great in hard games
[Note:This Game IS For The Legend Of Zelda Lovers.]
I rather play once more Elden ring instead of trying to get the good ending after watching this video 😅
you are the parry jesus my good sir/madam
Does anyone know how to run? I tried all buttons I could imagine, and I couldn't even run 😭
Hold X 😅
After press (X) for dodge then you hold X to run
Honestly I hate this game, it barely holds my interest but I still come back to it to try figure WTF were the developers trying to get the players to do.
exactly same here lol
I suspect analyse their nostalgia a little.
As in, you couldn't understand the made up language that was all over the game?? Because yeah, that was really confusing for me too, even just watching the walkthrough..They really need to take into consideration people with dyslexia, or can't understand what's going on because it's not obvious enough what they're trying to convey. 😭
Same. I got pages 2 to 53 but seriously have lost all interest and curiosity. I’m watching this after the obtaining the laurels and going back to day time cause I want to see what the heck the drawing in the notes section mean with the star shaped thing in the water. It would have been so cool if standing in the water for 60 seconds revealed a secret message in your manual because it had become “wet”. I’m here to find out if what it actually was.
Also the whole language thing is stupid. I looked up the translated page of the cathedral wayyy after I did it because I was trying to figure out the golden path thing. And one of the point mentioned that after point whatever where the the treasure is in the library there is something else. That wiuld have been SO useful in the moment! So basically the manual can only be read once you’ve figure everything out and it’s no longer useful? Absolute garbage. Man I hate that I spent so much time on this game. That end part feels more like the deva just gave up.
How in the hell are you supposed to beat that room at 1:27:25? That's so unfair
55:39 so you ring TWO (2!!!) BELLS and the door with THREE (3!!!) SIGNS opens up.... jesus fucking christ man. why? the door before this also says "sealed forever" not "ring muh W-E bells"
The 3 signs are for the 3 keys
4:52:10 😂😂😂 oh my gosh all that work breaking these stupid clue with no context just for this ending? Nothing is even explained? Was she possessed then? What is the golden book you gave her? My gosh please don’t tell me it’s the manual because that’s just plain ridiculous! So the wisdom you shared is “hey we’re in a video game so you actually don’t have to do this?” What the actual fudge is this nonsense?! Man all the good memories of the game up until getting your body back are gone. I officially hate this game and will never recommend to anyone except the mist neurotic of people.
Sorry youtube kolege aber meinen sie nicht das es vollkommen genügt hätte wenn sie jede 30 min eine werbung geschalten hätten so wie es jetzt ist werden leute dazu gezwungen sein ads blocker zu nutzen und dann erhalten sie keinen geldbetrag und das ist ja auch nicht sind und zweck der sache deswegen damit sie auch was davon haben rate ich ihnen alle 30 min einmal eine werbung zu schalten jedoch werden sie sich nicht beliebt dadurch machen wenn sie an beliebtheit dazu gewinnen wollen würde ich sagen jede stunde eine ads werbung aber nicht niedrieger als 30 min.
ist nur ein gut gemeinter ratschglag von mir sie müssen nicht darauf hören wenn sie nicht wollen.
Womp womp