Summary In this educational video, the host discusses the Arabic language's concept of "Hamza," focusing primarily on three types: Hamza Wasl (connecting Hamza), Hamza Qat' (cutting Hamza), and the Hamza that appears in the middle of words. The video explains where each type of Hamza occurs in a word, with examples that highlight the differences and proper usages. The host emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between these types for accurate writing and pronunciation, making the content particularly useful for Arabic language learners. Highlights 0:00 Introduction greeting viewers and announcing the topic. 0:07 Introduction to the second rule concerning Hamza. 0:21 Explanation of the three types of Hamza based on their position in words. 1:40 Definition of Hamza Wasl and its properties. 2:33 Examples of Hamza Wasl in sentences, illustrating its non-pronunciation in speech. 9:46 Recap of Hamza Wasl and its applications in Arabic grammar. 11:28 Discussion on Hamza Qat' and its characteristics. 13:11 Explanation of the role of Hamza in verbs, especially in the present tense. 14:04 Clarification on names that are exceptions to Hamza rulings. 18:10 Introduction to Hamza in the middle of words and its writing rules based on surrounding letters. This structured overview invites viewers to engage with the video for deeper understanding and mastery of Arabic phonetics related to Hamza.
يعطيكي الف الف عافيه يا مس هيا ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
الله يعافيكِ يارب ❤️
In this educational video, the host discusses the Arabic language's concept of "Hamza," focusing primarily on three types: Hamza Wasl (connecting Hamza), Hamza Qat' (cutting Hamza), and the Hamza that appears in the middle of words. The video explains where each type of Hamza occurs in a word, with examples that highlight the differences and proper usages. The host emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between these types for accurate writing and pronunciation, making the content particularly useful for Arabic language learners.
Introduction greeting viewers and announcing the topic.
Introduction to the second rule concerning Hamza.
Explanation of the three types of Hamza based on their position in words.
Definition of Hamza Wasl and its properties.
Examples of Hamza Wasl in sentences, illustrating its non-pronunciation in speech.
Recap of Hamza Wasl and its applications in Arabic grammar.
Discussion on Hamza Qat' and its characteristics.
Explanation of the role of Hamza in verbs, especially in the present tense.
Clarification on names that are exceptions to Hamza rulings.
Introduction to Hamza in the middle of words and its writing rules based on surrounding letters.
This structured overview invites viewers to engage with the video for deeper understanding and mastery of Arabic phonetics related to Hamza.
يعطيكي العافية ❤❤
هاي البنت كثيير كيووووت❤❤❤❤😍
يعطيكِ الف عافيه 😍😍
الله يعافيكِ يارب ❤️
يعطيكي العافية يمس وبشكرك ع جهودك 💐🤍
يعطيك العافية مس❤
متى رح تكملي شرح الأبيات 2008؟
الاستاذ براهيم الطيار شو بقربلك؟؟؟
ما شاء الله شرحك حلوو بس الخط
مس هيا انا من جيل 2007 كيف اطلب البطاقه
2007 مجاني مو بطاقة ❤️
@@Hayahusam مس هيا يعطيك العافيه.. بس بدنا في الأيام القادمه شرح القطع لأنها لها النصيب الأكبر في الامتحان الوزاري
مس هيا انا ما اعرف اقراء على الحركات شو اعمل
❤شكر يامس
ما هو الأسلوب اللغوي في الآية الكريمة
فإذا الذي بينك وبينه عدواة كأنه ولي حميم
سلمى الكلباني حكتلي عنك انك منيحة وشاطرة 07
أهلًا وسهلًا ❤️
مس هيا يعطيك العافية
ممكن سؤال؟
مس هيا بدرس سابع
مافي شرح لسابع على القناة