I will not even prove anything. If you really do not remember anything, I can help. You died from these unhappy two dragons, and then called your friends to kill me. When I again approached the bridge, you wrote a chat to friends "Wjebal mnie" xD I do not understand who you are trying to deceive? Cya
3:08 badass moment ;)
2:58 clownes
nice .-.
Nice job:) that gankers need to die!
xD Arme le Random c Dylan ptdr
Je sais mais pas voulu lui faire honneur en écrivant son nom
haha ok
Whats the music in this vid
bonus, 4:49 im not die, and that isnt was a ur pvp skills, only my misstake :)
that wasnt me as u can see but faust, and noone said u died :)
Armenoire Yes, i know. I dont saying it was you. I wrote this generally to bdjl channel.
Here you can write anything, but we know the truth with you :D
Faust Benedildo haha? I remember i still Alive when u saw this u go dr3
I will not even prove anything. If you really do not remember anything, I can help. You died from these unhappy two dragons, and then called your friends to kill me. When I again approached the bridge, you wrote a chat to friends "Wjebal mnie" xD I do not understand who you are trying to deceive? Cya
Have any suggestions on leveling up fast ?
v3,d4,l4 fast lvl up for low levels
What's rekruit to clan what's info
You are god buddah bdjl?
How do we join bdjl
Arrete de up et train un peu omg y a à peine 1mois ta up 400 t déjà 434
tkt pas mes stats up très vite