NOTE TO ALL VIEWERS! - To discover details about your specific Sun/Moon combination and skip the lengthy intro, go to 28:20. The intro is about the Sun and moon as psychological archetypes. This recording is meant to be a long "trip" - that's why the intro is 28 mins long. Sorry for the confusion :p
Learned patience at a young age. Makes all the difference, though I find lack of patience in others quite annoying and can get me riled up.
russell brand. Gem gem aries moon.
NOTE TO ALL VIEWERS! - To discover details about your specific Sun/Moon combination and skip the lengthy intro, go to 28:20. The intro is about the Sun and moon as psychological archetypes. This recording is meant to be a long "trip" - that's why the intro is 28 mins long. Sorry for the confusion :p
Poor gemini dont know who they are😅😅😅