Yes she seems Hella depressed. I feel bad for her. I think she deals with a lot of jealousy from her family and didn't know how to cut them off and they damaged her career😔
I love Keisha and have ALWAYS been routing for her to FINALLY experience true love and happiness in life. She has carried the torch for all of her family being the go to person. I know what that feels like! I pray that her heart is open for the man God want her to have. Her eyes just show pain. :(
Darkness from her past relationships. still hang on to her.. you can tell she's still is affected by it.. She it grateful for's a start.. she will find love and he will heal the rest... wish you the best lady...
That’s a blessing that her dad end up being a professional black man. Cause it coulda ended up wayyyyyyy different considering her moms habit. GOD IS SO GOOD✝️💯❤️!!!
Kay Hay ... Yay look at god he wanted her to go her whole life without finding him and then find him when she was an adult so he didn’t raise her, and all the people who’s father died when they were like 1 or 2 years old so they never knew them, yaaaay look at god 👏🏽 dumb dumb dumb
I love her music. She has been a huge inspiration in my life. Her music influenced me to be better in life. No matter what her situations are they are real, and that says a lot about who she is. ❤✊🏼
To address someone who said Keyshia was uptight... I didn't see it. Keyshia doesn't try to be rude (she's not rude actually), she just seemingly has a lot of fear and trust issues. It appears she struggles with depression. Don't judge her. Pray for her. She's good people. I don't think she is fake, but tries to be real as possible (not real as in being hard, but not being fake). I think people see her heart. She's the lovable type. People see her as family. She seems trustworthy. She's kind if you're kind to her. That's what I pick up. This is why Sway was asking her therapy-type questions, and even told her he loved her. And Keyshia seemed to feel comfortable with Sway. Why? Sway is real and good people, Heather B too (Tracy G seems cool too). But you can tell that they love Keyshia. Which is why they asked questions that dealt with her inner-self, and gave her encouragement and advice. Keyshia humbly sat and listened too. She's very psychological, emotional and, again, seems to struggle with happiness. I love her has a person. I hope she keeps her focus solely on the Lord.
Apologist? Psychologist, maybe, seeing as that's what I have a degree in. LOL I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - just sharing my opinion of Keyshia. You obviously have yours, and I'm fine with that. ;-)
@Ronnie, if that’s her truth than maybe she should relax. Also, woman are not hunters men are. We’re their prey. That’s how most woman loose out or wound up with the wrong one.. Let’s keep sis in prayer..#staywokeppl✌️
I love me some Keyshia Cole thank you for some great music and lyrics that are so relatable to many 🥰 Rest In Peace to Frankie without you their wouldn’t be no Keyshia 🙏🏽🖤🙏🏽
Keshia Cole is so dope and real! I am a true fan! Every since Tupac, Game etc. I have the most love and the mad respect for her because she keeps it real!!
shes one of my faves her best album was A different me. she always seemed real and genuine to me shes probably going thru something ,which is why she seems so nonchalant here
Keyshia Cole looks so refreshed and beautiful. I feel like the interview was all because I feel like she's also one of spiritual journey IDK maybe it's just me, but when I'm trying to get my energy align My Vibe is something similar to what you see with KC Focused and In My Own Zone. I also see a lot of maturity and growth in this interview
I love Keyshia Cole, but she just doesn't seem happy at all. It's like she's not interested in what's going on or the questions that are being asked. Bring back Keyshia with the gap she was full of life. I know she also didn't have a child and failed marriage at that time, but I hate to see her like this
I love her music, and watched all the reality series, I just think she's over the fame, all she wanted was to sing, don't think she really cared about the celebrity part of it.That's the part that tries to ruin them all. (entertainers)
ESSE QUAM VIDERI i dont know if thats the case in this situation, but i do agree God gives us gifts for his glory and plan, but i just feel that keyshia Might just be uninspired by life in general, i sing and write and latley iv been feeling creatively stunted sometimes you just have to get re-inspired somehow???idk
Jeffrey I'm not sure that you saw the point he was making (which I happen to agree with btw). And for the record, I agree with you too... Just not in this context.. That's for the discussions to do with bloodline and origins.. Hope I've helped and enjoy your day.👍🏾👍🏾
TrillShvt Nah we are not man...I am black as the concrete, and my nose wide enough breath on the sun and I got the DNA test done and I am 3 percent white.
N.V. Blessed UK the point he is making is cool. its good to be proud of who you are but not to glorify it. & also everyone even Caucasians that deny any ounce of African descent there is a certain percentage of black within your bloodline . We all muts man.
Nicole Thomas Don't think she really want a regular guy either. She never really commented to the guy who called in. Energy really low. She really wants someone on her level financially. But can commit.
Glorie Mpaka I didn't feel the energy from her doing this interview. it was more like, yeah, ok, whatever. I root for her success. I've seen her in concert. I want to see her do it all
ZIMPLE LOKO Horrible interview. She comes off as insincere and bothered. No shade. Her career has suffered because of it. NOTHING about this interview makes me want run and buy her new music.
She is a talented young lady. I love her music she is truly a great musicians. She gets her ambition from her dad. She has a heart like her dad always trying to give, you will be bless! Keep on keeping on!!!!!!
Everyone keeps saying her interviews are boring. There is NOTHING boring about them. Try watching the entire video to see her open up. People who say she is boring must need a lot to keep their attention hyped up. Everything in life is not about that. She is a human being just like you and she is doing just fine. Being herself. Keyshia is a great mother, a hard worker, and is doing her best to get by. Just respect that. She is still trying to heal from being hurt and that takes time. Everyone deals with their pain differently. She will be okay soon. I'm praying for her!
When Sway mentioned the "Point of No Return" album in the intro she looked pissed lol. She hated that album and she was trying to get out of her contract with that album.
Bapper78 Ross I blame the hosts. u have to set the tone even if she came in down and dry. u gotta bring the best out of her if u want the best interview. there were times when they could have lightened the mood and changed the vibe. I wanted to see her laugh and excited. Sway, especially as the man of the show, has to bring that out of her for the listeners/ viewers
rwilliams1281 yeah I agree somewhat but she's like that in almost if not all her interviews...the interviewer can only do so much...esp if the interviewee is in a bad mood or just doesn't want to be there
Goddamn Sway, you walked in the spirit with that outstanding introduction of this phenomenal woman on the planet 🌎…..🥁🥁🎺🎺🎤🎤 “Keyshia Cole” 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Sway is the King of Gassing man, the ultimate hypeman, i love it!!! lol if its possible i want him to either introduce me at my wedding or give the best man toast lol
I m glad that she finally found her father and I hope things go very well for her Keyshia Cole that is I’m happy for her cause some people don’t have there father are don’t no him are lost there father so she should be very thankful and blessed to have him in her life love you Keyshia Cole
I'm from Oakland Ca my entire family Fruitvale, 88th Plymouth, 104th Breed and now grown and living overseas.. I miss riding the AC transit, Eastmontmall, Chuck Johnson Soul Beat RIP and the best greasy fries and burgers Kwikways
When Keisha father seen her mom Frankie on tv.. why he didn't step up and say he had sex with Frankie and say he could be her father... Why it took so long and she been searching for years.. I hate when men don't step up.. maybe he did not want to be connected to Frankie.. (happy for her anyways)
Bez29 no I apologise. I misread your question.. I Deleted and wrote this instead, but my tech was being off, and I couldn't repost.. But here's what I wrote: "Sorry, I misread.. I think it's the fear of being alone.. Let's face it, no one loves that.. But with that, they (both sexes) hope when a new partner is found, that there's none of what was experienced previously.. Most fall so quick, that they don't even take the time to lookout for the yellow and red flag warning signs.. That's only find out during the relationship unfortunately.. Deep down they want to trust, but through mistakes, become jaded and in a way, expect it.. They may play like it don't bother them, but that's when it becomes torture in their mind.. Then their actions and ways show as much. I only say don't be so quick to jump into relationships, until you get a better grasp of whom you are dealing with.. Use your senses, if there are warning signs, or stop signs? Heed them, unless you can walk in fire.. I.e. You like that kind of thing."
not all money looks and swagg plays a major part in attracting a women and what women think on the surface are quality traits arent but are like insecurities with walls build around them that look strong and secure but are really holes in the defense
Every cat from Oakland that's been to 150th know Mr. Hunter. He always had love for us Young Black brother's and and he stayed talking to us about the decisions that we were making that was leading to self destination and he tried to teach us a better way
Libras feel too much. We care too much and love too much. Keshia is beautiful and and I wish her true love and happiness! I am glad to see she has grown in her life experiences. I feel her ! Love You Sis! I am one of your biggest fan!
love Keisha she's just drained.. when you give all you have and don't reep the full benefits, it can do something to a person, especially a woman !!! carreer, mother hood.. failed relationships etc.. it's slot on anyone ..all this world cares about is beauty.. nobody feels her real pain but her.. I applaud her for being emotionally drained and still pushing and still dope.
She sure is. I love shes not about the Drama no matter what people say about her We all want to find That True Love And i hope she find that True one shes a Sweet Heart with a Gentle Soul
hotblkgurl23 it's a gift and a curse being a libra. We love super hard and when we get hurt, it takes us a long time to recover or we never fully recover.
Oh 😳 wow I'm a Libra ⚖️ also, no wonder she's so calm and cering it takes a lot for us to get rilled up. I'm a fan and always will be, and I'm happy 😊 she finally found her dad, continue with the success and God's blessings.
She's beautiful. She has a sadness to her though.
Jackie Sears I agree. pain.
Jackie Sears I think she struggles with happiness a little, she also had a rough marriage.
Yes she seems Hella depressed.
I feel bad for her.
I think she deals with a lot of jealousy from her family and didn't know how to cut them off and they damaged her career😔
Jackie Sears Always has..
Melissa World yep her sister was the worse. especially on TV omg ...
Congrats to Keyshia on finding out who her father is.
Who is he?
@@sweetvictory89 00
I love how Sway introduces people, so much passion, and respect!
I love Keisha and have ALWAYS been routing for her to FINALLY experience true love and happiness in life. She has carried the torch for all of her family being the go to person. I know what that feels like! I pray that her heart is open for the man God want her to have. Her eyes just show pain. :(
Love Keyshia Cole's music. She is so underrated.
Darkness from her past relationships. still hang on to her.. you can tell she's still is affected by it.. She it grateful for's a start.. she will find love and he will heal the rest... wish you the best lady...
Sway long ass intro finally ends at 1:55're welcome.
barz4dayz 😂😂😂😂 Endless ass licking intros
barz4dayz Salute
preciate it 😂
barz4dayz 💙
barz4dayz W
regardless of what people may think of keyshia, fact still remains she can write some good ass music and she real asf.
Sway is a Beast in the intro. Imagine him being the DJ at the party. Lit🖖❤❤
That’s a blessing that her dad end up being a professional black man. Cause it coulda ended up wayyyyyyy different considering her moms habit. GOD IS SO GOOD✝️💯❤️!!!
He's that good at being black that he's a pro at it?
crazy how her father has been in the public eye all this time she has been searching for him. Look at God!
Kay Hay ... Yay look at god he wanted her to go her whole life without finding him and then find him when she was an adult so he didn’t raise her, and all the people who’s father died when they were like 1 or 2 years old so they never knew them, yaaaay look at god 👏🏽 dumb dumb dumb
Who is her father @Emmanuel?
So sad.
I love her music. She has been a huge inspiration in my life. Her music influenced me to be better in life. No matter what her situations are they are real, and that says a lot about who she is. ❤✊🏼
She's so real ...
I love Keyshia Cole and her music. Congratulations on the new album, I will definitely be purchasing it. Keep Grinding my Sista💪🏼👊🏼😍. KB Poetry
To address someone who said Keyshia was uptight... I didn't see it. Keyshia doesn't try to be rude (she's not rude actually), she just seemingly has a lot of fear and trust issues. It appears she struggles with depression. Don't judge her. Pray for her. She's good people. I don't think she is fake, but tries to be real as possible (not real as in being hard, but not being fake). I think people see her heart. She's the lovable type. People see her as family. She seems trustworthy. She's kind if you're kind to her. That's what I pick up. This is why Sway was asking her therapy-type questions, and even told her he loved her. And Keyshia seemed to feel comfortable with Sway. Why? Sway is real and good people, Heather B too (Tracy G seems cool too). But you can tell that they love Keyshia. Which is why they asked questions that dealt with her inner-self, and gave her encouragement and advice. Keyshia humbly sat and listened too. She's very psychological, emotional and, again, seems to struggle with happiness. I love her has a person. I hope she keeps her focus solely on the Lord.
Apologist? Psychologist, maybe, seeing as that's what I have a degree in. LOL I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything - just sharing my opinion of Keyshia. You obviously have yours, and I'm fine with that. ;-)
El Ada and ur just a person who can't emphasize with others and lack compassion. I'm sure your attitude turns people off from you at the same rate 😉
Aziz Peregrino-Brimah I agree, I think she just struggles with sadness.
Aziz Peregrino-Brimah Amen..she most definitely needs some Prayer
Aziz Peregrino-Brimah What do you think are the first steps toward being happy?
I love "the point of no return" album!!! I used to listen to it every single day. I can't wait to hear the upcoming album!
I gained soo much RESPECT for her during that show!
I give much to my sister she been real since she came in the game.
IDK she found her father. Im so glad she did congrats to her.
Keyshia Cole looking for love, but before you find a man you have to find yourself.. Much love keyshia she hides a lot of sadness in her heart..
@Ronnie, if that’s her truth than maybe she should relax. Also, woman are not hunters men are. We’re their prey. That’s how most woman loose out or wound up with the wrong one.. Let’s keep sis in prayer..#staywokeppl✌️
Depression is real, I hope she gets better soon. Be a Father to your child! If you don't, she will have relationship issues virtually all of her life.
I love me some Keyshia Cole thank you for some great music and lyrics that are so relatable to many 🥰
Rest In Peace to Frankie without you their wouldn’t be no Keyshia 🙏🏽🖤🙏🏽
Keshia Cole is so dope and real! I am a true fan! Every since Tupac, Game etc. I have the most love and the mad respect for her because she keeps it real!!
Great Interview!!! May God continue to Bless and Keep You Keyshia Cole 😙😍😍😍😍😍
I pray God' heals her heart, I've been there & there's nothing like living with a broken heart.
Amen amen so true.... We just feel & we can see another ....woman's... pain & feel each other's heavy heart too🙏🏿❤
she never seems really happy
shes one of my faves her best album was A different me. she always seemed real and genuine to me shes probably going thru something ,which is why she seems so nonchalant here
Keyshia Cole looks so refreshed and beautiful. I feel like the interview was all because I feel like she's also one of spiritual journey IDK maybe it's just me, but when I'm trying to get my energy align My Vibe is something similar to what you see with KC Focused and In My Own Zone. I also see a lot of maturity and growth in this interview
S_Hutchinson I agree 💛☮️
S_Hutchinson she does look a whole lot better, less stressed
I love this women, she is so wonderful, and her voice has blessed us all
Wow! It's so rare to have a major artist who's so REAL. #sweet
I love Keyshia... Just like you got me through a bad break up...Hope this album is good
I love Keyshia Cole, but she just doesn't seem happy at all. It's like she's not interested in what's going on or the questions that are being asked. Bring back Keyshia with the gap she was full of life. I know she also didn't have a child and failed marriage at that time, but I hate to see her like this
V. Brown Been ssying it fir years ...Keyshia needs to heal from pain. Shes carrying so much that it seeps out of her energy.
V. Brown Keyshia gotta get her heart back to the way it used to love...That was my theme song for 2016.
I love her music, and watched all the reality series, I just think she's over the fame, all she wanted was to sing, don't think she really cared about the celebrity part of it.That's the part that tries to ruin them all. (entertainers)
V. Brown i agree i dont know what she going through but i be think that all the time wen she had that gap she was on 🔥🔥🔥
ESSE QUAM VIDERI i dont know if thats the case in this situation, but i do agree God gives us gifts for his glory and plan, but i just feel that keyshia Might just be uninspired by life in general, i sing and write and latley iv been feeling creatively stunted sometimes you just have to get re-inspired somehow???idk
Wasn't she saying she was bi-racial? Wonder how she feels to realize she's not after all these years. Hopefully fully black and proud
Jeffrey I'm not sure that you saw the point he was making (which I happen to agree with btw). And for the record, I agree with you too... Just not in this context.. That's for the discussions to do with bloodline and origins.. Hope I've helped and enjoy your day.👍🏾👍🏾
Jeffrey please say this everywhere. No one seems to get this . No one is full blood anything.
TrillShvt Nah we are not man...I am black as the concrete, and my nose wide enough breath on the sun and I got the DNA test done and I am 3 percent white.
I thought it was a fact that african Americans have at minimum 1-3% white ancestry
N.V. Blessed UK the point he is making is cool. its good to be proud of who you are but not to glorify it. & also everyone even Caucasians that deny any ounce of African descent there is a certain percentage of black within your bloodline .
We all muts man.
I am so happy that keshia finally met her father.
I love Keyshia Cole, and I have all her music, however; I'm not sure what's going on with this interview though. Am I the only one?
Nicole Thomas what you mean?
Nicole Thomas Don't think she really want a regular guy either. She never really commented to the guy who called in. Energy really low. She really wants someone on her level financially. But can commit.
Glorie Mpaka
I didn't feel the energy from her doing this interview. it was more like, yeah, ok, whatever. I root for her success. I've seen her in concert. I want to see her do it all
Nicole Thomas she's always been like that to me in interviews the only interview I saw that she really was chill was with dj whookid
She seem like she is just TIRED of being TIRED when it comes to these men.... like a whole lot of us single chicks feel....just my 2 cents tho.
Keyshia one of my favorites...good music
everybody ain't gay..... Most respect to K.Cole
it's coming , stay prayed up
Frankie sad keisha cole dad is dead i dont no what to believe
Keysha is fine af !!
But she looking a little uptight on this show like she faking alot of laughs and not really all their
ZIMPLE LOKO Horrible interview. She comes off as insincere and bothered. No shade. Her career has suffered because of it. NOTHING about this interview makes me want run and buy her new music.
ZIMPLE LOKO it's just the hood in her. That's just her personality
ZIMPLE LOKO this is what bad and boujee looks like fam #townbidness
ZIMPLE LOKO 4real but I think that's how she is tho
She's been acting like that day one. Keyshia is standoffish. She does not play these industry people too close and that's a fact!
Mrs. Cole looking lovely, so much passion, & soul. Can't wait to hear this album.
make a movie on her life man! sh*t i would watch it
She is a talented young lady. I love her music she is truly a great musicians. She gets her ambition from her dad. She has a heart like her dad always trying to give, you will be bless! Keep on keeping on!!!!!!
Everyone keeps saying her interviews are boring. There is NOTHING boring about them. Try watching the entire video to see her open up. People who say she is boring must need a lot to keep their attention hyped up. Everything in life is not about that. She is a human being just like you and she is doing just fine. Being herself. Keyshia is a great mother, a hard worker, and is doing her best to get by. Just respect that. She is still trying to heal from being hurt and that takes time. Everyone deals with their pain differently. She will be okay soon. I'm praying for her!
YESSSS!!! I love her HONESTY and just her being HER!!!!
Welcome back Keyshia !
her colab with jeezy is one of the best songs ever.
Keisha Cole is beautiful is fuck 🌍💖💯
Corniest introductions.
Archie Lee Keyshia couldn't even say thank you for that shit though.
denmark555 if he introduced you like that would it still be considered corny?
+Stylee T i think you're confused that was denmark555....waits for an apology
When Sway mentioned the "Point of No Return" album in the intro she looked pissed lol.
She hated that album and she was trying to get out of her contract with that album.
truly beautiful! i think she has been through a lot and it shows. she is still standing though. great artist!
This interview is kinda depressing 😕
treasurenglory right...she has a dry personality...she's damn near putting me to sleep
Bapper78 Ross I blame the hosts. u have to set the tone even if she came in down and dry. u gotta bring the best out of her if u want the best interview. there were times when they could have lightened the mood and changed the vibe. I wanted to see her laugh and excited. Sway, especially as the man of the show, has to bring that out of her for the listeners/ viewers
rwilliams1281 yeah I agree somewhat but she's like that in almost if not all her interviews...the interviewer can only do so much...esp if the interviewee is in a bad mood or just doesn't want to be there
Bapper78 Ross true
rwilliams1281 I think it would help her if she was more engaging and smiled more....
Goddamn Sway, you walked in the spirit with that outstanding introduction of this phenomenal woman on the planet 🌎…..🥁🥁🎺🎺🎤🎤 “Keyshia Cole” 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Sway is the King of Gassing man, the ultimate hypeman, i love it!!! lol if its possible i want him to either introduce me at my wedding or give the best man toast lol
DJ CLINTON 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
when she says she wants a "regular dude'' she really means "a rich guy thats not in the industry" or "a hot personal trainer for a weekend"
That's what you want because you broke
Nothing is inappropriate, they talk about the private parts
Dollar movies should be everywhere
007NTG they are in Indiana! lol
Sway's intros are awesome. Love Keysia.
She said these dudes ain't loyal! Damn not even in her position. What's the world coming to!?
Rocco You know right after I wrote that, that's what I thought! Sometimes you have to look in the mirror.
B her husband started cheating on her he's an athlete.
Seems like a dark cloud looming over Keisha......
♥️tough lady w a grateful heart this was nice✨
I love that she said that God was always her Father. I know what she means because he had to be mine too.
Keyshia Cole too real for the industry, Straight from the trenches. GO GET THAT ALBUM!!!!
Love Keyshia
she's always been broken...very sad
I m glad that she finally found her father and I hope things go very well for her Keyshia Cole that is I’m happy for her cause some people don’t have there father are don’t no him are lost there father so she should be very thankful and blessed to have him in her life love you Keyshia Cole
I Love Keyshia Cole!! Bless her😍😍😍😍😙😙😙😙😙🤗🤗🤗😀
She's hurtin 😨💔
But aren't we all??
Yes Lord
That’s true
Sway's intro as long as a Smack battle intro
I'm from Oakland Ca my entire family Fruitvale, 88th Plymouth, 104th Breed and now grown and living overseas.. I miss riding the AC transit, Eastmontmall, Chuck Johnson Soul Beat RIP and the best greasy fries and burgers Kwikways
When Keisha father seen her mom Frankie on tv.. why he didn't step up and say he had sex with Frankie and say he could be her father... Why it took so long and she been searching for years.. I hate when men don't step up.. maybe he did not want to be connected to Frankie.. (happy for her anyways)
Loyalty 77 use common sense, a successful man like that don't wanna admit to fucking "Frankie" raw, and plus he paid her, its actually embarrassing.
T.E. V. This is wayyy off topic but I be seein you everywhere 😂😂😂😂😫😫😫😫
I heard that Frankie looked pretty before the drugs
I have ALWAYS loved Ms, K,,Her voice is truly a gift from GOD
l love her music.lm glad she found her father.
she doesnt like the dude that wont cheat on her........ i had to go thru hell to finally even see these kinds of guys, they are around.
Bez29 no I apologise. I misread your question.. I Deleted and wrote this instead, but my tech was being off, and I couldn't repost.. But here's what I wrote:
"Sorry, I misread.. I think it's the fear of being alone.. Let's face it, no one loves that.. But with that, they (both sexes) hope when a new partner is found, that there's none of what was experienced previously.. Most fall so quick, that they don't even take the time to lookout for the yellow and red flag warning signs.. That's only find out during the relationship unfortunately.. Deep down they want to trust, but through mistakes, become jaded and in a way, expect it.. They may play like it don't bother them, but that's when it becomes torture in their mind.. Then their actions and ways show as much. I only say don't be so quick to jump into relationships, until you get a better grasp of whom you are dealing with.. Use your senses, if there are warning signs, or stop signs? Heed them, unless you can walk in fire.. I.e. You like that kind of thing."
remember on paid in full when he said niggas like you be invisible in the club
no its mostly superficial basically
not all money looks and swagg plays a major part in attracting a women and what women think on the surface are quality traits arent but are like insecurities with walls build around them that look strong and secure but are really holes in the defense
im not talking about that guy im talking solid thru n thru nobody's perfect but not cheating is really easy for some
sway has the BEST intros. Makes his guests feel special, which is what a host should always do. learn, other hosts!
Every cat from Oakland that's been to 150th know Mr. Hunter. He always had love for us Young Black brother's and and he stayed talking to us about the decisions that we were making that was leading to self destination and he tried to teach us a better way
Thanks Heather B..... speaking real shit
Mario Mendoza That grown women perspective.Keisha act young that's probably why she sees things the way she does.
I love her
Girl when you gon drop some fire, we need some music out here!
Damn this interview was a struggle for everybody involved.
Louie D'angelo lol why u say that yeah she seem a Lil out of sorts
Libras feel too much. We care too much and love too much. Keshia is beautiful and and I wish her true love and happiness! I am glad to see she has grown in her life experiences. I feel her ! Love You Sis! I am one of your biggest fan!
K.Cole, keep your head up. You doing good. 👌
Great interview
so happy for her.....
I love Keyshia's retro_vintage styles and she is so beautiful.
Town Bizz in the House!
800- deep east oakland
I love Keyshia Cole, I hope this new album is favorite albums of hers is The Way It Is and Calling All Hearts
Keshia said God is her Father. I love you Keshia! God Bless YOU!!!!
her story is amazing
that was a great introduction
Two of Oakland's FINEST!!!
love Keisha she's just drained.. when you give all you have and don't reep the full benefits, it can do something to a person, especially a woman !!! carreer, mother hood.. failed relationships etc.. it's slot on anyone ..all this world cares about is beauty.. nobody feels her real pain but her.. I applaud her for being emotionally drained and still pushing and still dope.
Gorgeous, her voice too....There something so authentic and wonderful about her. 🙏🏾
Dont keyshia look like Beyonce's Bday album cover 😂😂
Keyshia....! Keep it going...your dude will come, whether it's stateside of overseas...can't wait for the new music...
Keyshia Cole is a beautiful woman with a beautiful child and a beautiful spirit 😍
xoxoxo from California!!
She sure is. I love shes not about the Drama no matter what people say about her
We all want to find That True Love And i hope she find that True one shes a Sweet Heart with a Gentle Soul
Looking at her I could see the sadness and hear the sadness in her music. R.I.P Frankie. Just love this family.
I absolutely love KC!!!
i feel keyshia im a libra to and i love hard to and i hate that about my self
hotblkgurl23 it's a gift and a curse being a libra. We love super hard and when we get hurt, it takes us a long time to recover or we never fully recover.
Ari Howard so right but ari its not a gift never got nothing good from it
hotblkgurl23 it comes with a lot of pain. Loving hard comes with A LOT OF PAIN for a libra. Sometimes we recover. Sometimes we don't. Smh
Ari Howard exactly, Libras love hard and expect the same, but sometimes we don't get the same.
Leona Leona I agree 100% as a libra
Oh 😳 wow I'm a Libra ⚖️ also, no wonder she's so calm and cering it takes a lot for us to get rilled up. I'm a fan and always will be, and I'm happy 😊 she finally found her dad, continue with the success and God's blessings.
love me some Keyshia, I have most of her albums. real female! guarded, but it's understandable...she lived a hard life❤❤❤
She is black after all.... Happy she found her dad 🌹