Honestly his fight with deathstroke is one of the few times he's even come close to getting the respect he deserves in the dcamu. Caught off guard, gets his shoulder dislocated and still manages to disarm deathstroke and survive a bullet, yes I am aware that he was protected by a block of wood which just shows that he knows how to use anything in the environment to give him a better chance of survival.
He may not win every fight bc the stupid plot of the movies making him a side/semi main character, but he had the fighting style & heart that Dick Grayson should, he needs more spotlight though
Nightwing is one of the best trained and accomplished fighters in DC but these bums at DC have him losing to the big boys. I can see deathstroke but he holds his own even with him. He is one of my favorite characters and I hate that they don't highlight his skills more.
@@dio6856 Fr. At least with Batman his cape has practical reasons but with with a cape that short, it's just for aesthetic reasons and it just gets in the way.
His moves are actually pretty cool, too bad that in those movies they often treat him like a weaker sidekick that needs help from main characters. Nightwing deserves better
@@comebacksarecool2834 nightwing should be a main character. He known as the heart of dc. Everybody loves nightwing and all the heroes and even villians like nightwing. He's the constant good in the DC and the heart of soul of it. The reason why him being nerf is bad because nighywing is comparable to batman. Batman has stated that nightwing is the better hand to hand fighter and the greatest acrobat in the universe, batman never gets nerf so it's annoying to see nightwing(someone who is his equal) gwtting nerf all the time.
I wouldn't say comparable to Batman. More like nearly the same level, in the Batman Bad Blood fight, Batman still should have won (he trained Dick after all), but Nightwing should have gotten a couple more hits in.
The only person in the bat family that physics applies to in the DCAU. I swear if Damian and batman fell off a building theyd do 5 backflips and land perfectly fine. If Dick fell off the same building, hes breaking his arm or dislocating something
@@sipalingindonesia being an acorbat means he's used to battling physics. also means he weights less than the likes of batman, and he knows how to land safely without getting injured more so than any other batfamily members. he should be the invincible one when it comes to gravity
Poor logic,critical thinking isn't part you it seems. Being acrobat doesn't equal less weight,i definitely weight less than batman despite not an acrobat. And like i said before,physics doesn't change when you're an acrobat. It still works the same,you just have certain skills to avoid greater injuries which may or may not work depending on circumstance which,again,still ignores whether you're trained or not.
What I do like about these movies is that it’s clear when Nightwing is holding back - his moves are slower, he hits short, and he doesn’t use all his athletic ability (see - he’s capable of clearing the whole staircase in one, but when fighting Damian he didn’t do that)
@@thomaswalker8621 Damian has enhanced strength so much so that he can punch holes in concrete, at any time any of the hits Damian landed on Dick could have ended the fight if he wanted them to. Just like at any time Dick could have stopped holding back and completely outclassed Damian and ended the fight. They were both holding back. It was one of those fights you’d have with a brother, enough to draw blood and bruises not enough to do any real damage.
I love how the editor cut out every single part where Nightwing was injured or bested in a fight. It made him look so much better than how the he is portrayed in DC shows and movies lmfao
Certainly trained by the best. Even after every time Dick gets his arm broken he’s able to still put up a good fight. Not many people, nor superheroes can do that. Nightwing is Awesome. Definitely one of my favourite Robins and members of the Bat-Family
He's mine too because even after being raised by a man who is very dark and brutal he still keeps his light hearted personality and I feel like he still tries to do the right thing no matter what and is clever and smart. My favorite version of his is well his personality in the new 52 movie only his acting I like, strategy in young justice and detective skills but the live action Titans and teen titans shows are my favorite version of dick kind, smart, clever, badass fight scenes and shows how he will do anything to protect those he loves and cares for. Like if you haven't scene titans season 2 episode 5 deathstroke I suggest you watch it but dick left his friends in the dark and went to hand himself over to slade because he know slade wants just dick to pay more than anyone else. Dick gave himself up to slade with no weapons and no armor unarmed like that just scream a true hero I don't think even batman would let his guard down like that it show to me how much dick has showed more of his hero and mentor side this season he care for jason so much that he is willing to die for him and rose.
For some reason in this, Nightwing is treated like it’s his first time being Nightwing, yet in Young Justice he barely fights but he’s still treated with respect.
Nightwing gets treated like trash in these movies it bugs me the only time he fights the main villain competently is when he’s dressed up as Batman 😑 he’s treated right in under the red hood but I like his design the least
You can see he is holding back against Damien. He has got plenty of chances on the stairs and just after but he waits for Damien to face him before attacking
The problem with Dick in the dcamu is that he's such an amazing supporting character. He's the best at moving plot forward and making the main characters look good (mostly by beating him in fights) so sadly he never gets propped up himself and just serves to promote other characters.
His fighting moves are cool but they always make nightwing lose battles I mean he was trained by batman and he is one of the most skilled fighters of DC
Nightwing fights equally but different to Batman, it's a shame he only got two hits on Batman when they fought each other, it should've been more of a fair fight
Right?! It's ridiculous how much the idiotic writers nerf him in favor of batman or damien. Nightwing has beaten batman in the comics and defeated all the Robin's with relative ease, he's been stated by batman to be superior to him in every way other than raw strength. These writers only use him to make other character look better by constantly defeating nightwing.
Yeah I get he was probably holding back somewhat but that fight with Damien should have ended in a few hits with Damien crying on the floor with multiple broken bones
What is it with DC doing him dirty every time he gets into a fight? I swear I feel like they favour that fucking brat Damian Wayne. Nightwing is the real son Batman and he should be respected more.
Anirudhh Raghavan hate is a strong word my friend. More like disappointed. Nightwing is basically an equivalent and perhaps even better version than Batman. At least from what the comic books have shown. Yet they make him look like a fool.
BlueForte he should easily surpass Batman getting trained at an earlier age than Batman and coming from an extremely useful background he’s just less machine
Bruno Caboclo yeah there’s a madness and obsession that goes Into Batman’s need to know at all costs nightwing doesn’t let that coldness overtake him since he refuses become like him In that way
I loved Dick's character since the Teen Titans comics. He's still among my favourite in the dc multiverse We're probably looking at one of the 'coolest' dc characters there are. Though we didn't necessarily see any 'significant' development for him in a sense, but he clearly did go through a lot of stuff throughout the timeline. I enjoyed watching the Teen Titans animated back in the days, because of the epic character driven plot and still have fun watching these fight scenes and interactions between my favourite characters in the animations, games and movies.
One really interesting thing about the bad blood movie was that he chose a more classic batman costume while he inherited the cowl, likely the one bruce used when dick was robin. Dick chose it for nostalgia purposes.
make This compilation makes him look way more competent than the DCAU actually makes him. But a thing you mostly missed out is Dick likes to talk when he fights most of his opponents. A great example is in that fight with him and Robin in the Cave. He goads Damien into losing his sword, taunts him about how when he was Robin, Batman kicked Ra's Al Ghul's every time they met. True he loses that same fight (mainly because they apparently needed to prove that Damien - a 10-year-old? - is somehow better than someone in the prime of his training), but he kicks the Court of Owls with Bats later so I suppose it evens out.
@@Potato_n_Tomato yea but you never see any of the other Robins fighting deathstroke for example. Obviously the other Robins are still a bit out there but not too much like Damina imo
Luke Wolf robin from the 2003 teen titans series could never fight or beat deathstroke like how Damien did. He needed help from the rest of the team but I like that they did that because a 15 year old kid can't beat an adult who is probably a master at every martial art and that has bathed in the Lazarus pit. Damien makes deathstroke look like an idiot in these movies and I hate that
hmmm i wonder what would happen if nightwing uses two daggers instead of escrima sticks. and would've loved to see him and jason todd/ red hood fight each other. im a fan of both.
What movie are the scenes with Damian and Nightwing training in the batcave from? And the scenes with Batman, Nightwing and the ninjas in the batcave from around the 1: 23 time frame?
How the heck do they have him losing to Damian, or starfire. They even had him sniped in the comic books. What the heck is their problem with nightwing anyway?!
Thanks...I was Finding Video Like This... In Which All Nightwing DCAMU( #DCANIMATEDUNIVERSE ) Scenes Include THANKS!! :) But Make 1080p Or 780 Video :) :)
They do genuinely good at making him a good fighter until they have to make him background again because there are other characters that are get pushed to the foreground. TL;DR more Dickie fighting good. That one movie with the court of owls did him dirty.
is still a mystery to me of the why the bat family doesn't use any bullets protection, fuck, with the money and technology that the world have, how hard can it be to get a light bulletproof suit (like in daredevil) but much more advance
I tired of people fighting all over who is better robin, I want more drake, damian, Grayson, and also Batwoman and Batgirl. They are all cool, I really like they make long movies or at least a saga focus on the batfamily
He honestly fights well they just fuck him over so much its annoying, like even when he wins his fights he can never just go smash Kori its always something else lmaooo
Love that they paid attention to the main fighting styles Nightwing uses. He's fighting Kali, Taekwondo, Capoeira, and Muay Thai for anyone wondering.
Yea I'm very impressed with it too
How how sadly, he didnt rotate his lower body while striking, i think he will has spinal problem soon 😂
Literally all four of my favorite fighting styles.
@@shhshsbwhwwh9779 True, very true.
You forgot his most important fight style which is ecrima
Honestly his fight with deathstroke is one of the few times he's even come close to getting the respect he deserves in the dcamu. Caught off guard, gets his shoulder dislocated and still manages to disarm deathstroke and survive a bullet, yes I am aware that he was protected by a block of wood which just shows that he knows how to use anything in the environment to give him a better chance of survival.
The fight with the talons is the respect he deserves tbh. Harpooned to hell and still fighting
@@flips4dayz936 facts bruh
And plot armored wood too loll and he couldn't beat Deathstroke alone but true
@@putalover4519 neither can Batman realistically Batman would need prep time to have a chance
Exactly I’m so proud of him 🥲
I laugh whenever I see Nightwing pull the cape over Damien’s head 😂
Laugh even harder when hits him
Yup that’s how the big bros do the little bros
And you see why nightwing hates the cape
@@lenarr9821 NO CAPES
@@davidcastillo6910 Sans cape, remember?
He may not win every fight bc the stupid plot of the movies making him a side/semi main character, but he had the fighting style & heart that Dick Grayson should, he needs more spotlight though
yeah his kali fighting style mixed with acrobatics makes him a hard opponent
The Escrima Wolf yup
I definitely agree
Vengexnce ll I’ve watched that show since I was a kid. He barely fights in it. But he’s treated good on that’s show
Nightwing is one of the best trained and accomplished fighters in DC but these bums at DC have him losing to the big boys. I can see deathstroke but he holds his own even with him. He is one of my favorite characters and I hate that they don't highlight his skills more.
0:57 Edna Mode is howling with laughter in her home right now.
No capes!!!
No capes
All things considered he should get rid of that Cape. He has been tagged by 2 Ex-Robins and both of them went for his Cape
@@dio6856 Fr. At least with Batman his cape has practical reasons but with with a cape that short, it's just for aesthetic reasons and it just gets in the way.
And this is why Nightwing is my favorite. Fighting with broken shoulders like it's nothing
All part of a days (or rather nights) work
To quote Buffy: It's just dislocated!
His moves are actually pretty cool, too bad that in those movies they often treat him like a weaker sidekick that needs help from main characters. Nightwing deserves better
They favor fucking Damian all the time over him, like why
『Adrian』 because of the young audience, that makes it cool for a (whatever his age is) to win against big guys.
You're so right, it makes me sick how they did nightwing.
I dont have a problem with how they depicted nightwing. He is not a main charackter so I dont think it is that bad to nerf him
@@comebacksarecool2834 nightwing should be a main character. He known as the heart of dc. Everybody loves nightwing and all the heroes and even villians like nightwing. He's the constant good in the DC and the heart of soul of it. The reason why him being nerf is bad because nighywing is comparable to batman. Batman has stated that nightwing is the better hand to hand fighter and the greatest acrobat in the universe, batman never gets nerf so it's annoying to see nightwing(someone who is his equal) gwtting nerf all the time.
He’s literally the only reason I get excited for animated Batman films. And everyone I’m left underwhelmed with how they treat him.
Ajay Sea how come no one is ever just whelmed
Lil Chico Luke I was gonna say that
All I have to say is I’m sorry for apokolips war.
@@luke.vs.dawrld you beat me to it
Totally feeling the aster
They always downplay him so hard. He’s supposed to be comparable to Batman but they make him look so much weaker
I know right... IT'S INJUSTICE I SAY!
Sir Whiskers all thing considered he does have some impressive feats in the universe
I wouldn't say comparable to Batman. More like nearly the same level, in the Batman Bad Blood fight, Batman still should have won (he trained Dick after all), but Nightwing should have gotten a couple more hits in.
@Man Without Fear like 20% less than batman
@@kingsib1245 He should have put up a much better fight for sure. Batman should have been somewhat bloody but still beaten dick bad towards the end
The only person in the bat family that physics applies to in the DCAU. I swear if Damian and batman fell off a building theyd do 5 backflips and land perfectly fine. If Dick fell off the same building, hes breaking his arm or dislocating something
If this ain't the hard truth 😂😂😭
But dick was an acrobatic so really the dcamu make him worse the what he can do
@@jennajones4313 so being an acrobat made you immune to physics ?
guess you left your logic when you wrote that comment
@@sipalingindonesia being an acorbat means he's used to battling physics. also means he weights less than the likes of batman, and he knows how to land safely without getting injured more so than any other batfamily members. he should be the invincible one when it comes to gravity
Poor logic,critical thinking isn't part you it seems. Being acrobat doesn't equal less weight,i definitely weight less than batman despite not an acrobat. And like i said before,physics doesn't change when you're an acrobat. It still works the same,you just have certain skills to avoid greater injuries which may or may not work depending on circumstance which,again,still ignores whether you're trained or not.
What I do like about these movies is that it’s clear when Nightwing is holding back - his moves are slower, he hits short, and he doesn’t use all his athletic ability (see - he’s capable of clearing the whole staircase in one, but when fighting Damian he didn’t do that)
They were both holding back. That was just a little Kiddie fight between brothers.
@@thomaswalker8621 Damian has enhanced strength so much so that he can punch holes in concrete, at any time any of the hits Damian landed on Dick could have ended the fight if he wanted them to. Just like at any time Dick could have stopped holding back and completely outclassed Damian and ended the fight. They were both holding back. It was one of those fights you’d have with a brother, enough to draw blood and bruises not enough to do any real damage.
Definitely. Since the start we could see how slow paced the fight was.
I like how nightwing had a clear advantage once he disarmed damien but still threw his weapons away just to test his skill in hand to hand combat
Its training, you have to test your skills
@@connerkent9641 true but it would be a good test to see how well he handles himself unarmed against an armed foe
He's The Best DCAU Character Or One Of The Best He's Such A Amazing Character
The Official Shazam personally I like Damian Wayne but dick Grayson is a ok character
Benny Fair fax ok don’t know what that’s suppose to mean
Benny Fair fax I like what I like the same way people like the jokers crazy ass
You wouldn't know that watching these new shot Damien universe movies
he sure gets some shabby treatment lol, but theyve given him his moments
his fighting is soooooo SMOOOOOTH
I love how the editor cut out every single part where Nightwing was injured or bested in a fight. It made him look so much better than how the he is portrayed in DC shows and movies lmfao
If I wanted to show off Nightwing getting injured and beat up, I would had made a video on it.
I believe you. There is plenty of content for that as well.
The first clip is not even of Nightwing just so you know😂😂😂. Just because it’s Dick Grayson does not mean he’s Nightwing. He was Robin too smart guy.
@@christophergibbons2579 is it me or that robin's hairstyle looked like jason todd's robin teenager hairstyle. But yeah I know thats Dick.
@@christophergibbons2579 its still Dick tho
Certainly trained by the best. Even after every time Dick gets his arm broken he’s able to still put up a good fight. Not many people, nor superheroes can do that.
Nightwing is Awesome. Definitely one of my favourite Robins and members of the Bat-Family
Yeah awesome, he's my favourite in the bat family and the DCU in general 👍🏻. He's the most down to earth character just in my opinion.
He's mine too because even after being raised by a man who is very dark and brutal he still keeps his light hearted personality and I feel like he still tries to do the right thing no matter what and is clever and smart. My favorite version of his is well his personality in the new 52 movie only his acting I like, strategy in young justice and detective skills but the live action Titans and teen titans shows are my favorite version of dick kind, smart, clever, badass fight scenes and shows how he will do anything to protect those he loves and cares for. Like if you haven't scene titans season 2 episode 5 deathstroke I suggest you watch it but dick left his friends in the dark and went to hand himself over to slade because he know slade wants just dick to pay more than anyone else. Dick gave himself up to slade with no weapons and no armor unarmed like that just scream a true hero I don't think even batman would let his guard down like that it show to me how much dick has showed more of his hero and mentor side this season he care for jason so much that he is willing to die for him and rose.
For some reason in this, Nightwing is treated like it’s his first time being Nightwing, yet in Young Justice he barely fights but he’s still treated with respect.
It makes me happy to see so much love for nightwing 😢 they treat him wrong in most media
Nightwing deserves a movie honestly.
Wtf gotta love that animation at 1:11 🐥
Nightwing needs his own movie 🍿
Here's to Gotham Knights (2022) finally giving Ole Richie some well deserved love.
And Tim too!
Nightwing gets treated like trash in these movies it bugs me the only time he fights the main villain competently is when he’s dressed up as Batman 😑 he’s treated right in under the red hood but I like his design the least
He Is not a main charackter in most of those movies so that explains why he never fights the villain
Bad blood & Judas contract are my favorite cause Nightwing is portrayed a lot better in those movies than the others
Nightwing is one of my favorite characters in DC.
You can see he is holding back against Damien. He has got plenty of chances on the stairs and just after but he waits for Damien to face him before attacking
Only time nightwing ever gets treated right is when he dresses up like batman
I love the smirk they put on his face when fighting. Nice touch.
DCAMU be like okay who's next to kick Night Wing's ass?
Boy just cartwheeled over 14 flocks of stairs, with his legs and arms ever so slightly broken- what the fuck
0:55 "no capes"
The problem with Dick in the dcamu is that he's such an amazing supporting character. He's the best at moving plot forward and making the main characters look good (mostly by beating him in fights) so sadly he never gets propped up himself and just serves to promote other characters.
my babe dancing with me at the club with me, when she catches me looking at other girls
Batman has taught Nightwing how to fight extremely amazing
We need a nightwing series or movie series man he’s too cool of a character
2:15 man with a crowbar
Nightwing- wrong robin punk
Feels strange watching this without a shoulder being dislocated
His fighting moves are cool but they always make nightwing lose battles
I mean he was trained by batman and he is one of the most skilled fighters of DC
Hes the best superhero for me ,they shouldn't make him look like a weakling like ughhhh
0:56 No capes!
1:10 How's that possible to make torso turn like that?
flaling ur arms and rotating ur shoulders lol
@@strictly2755 yes
Nightwing fights equally but different to Batman, it's a shame he only got two hits on Batman when they fought each other, it should've been more of a fair fight
Right?! It's ridiculous how much the idiotic writers nerf him in favor of batman or damien. Nightwing has beaten batman in the comics and defeated all the Robin's with relative ease, he's been stated by batman to be superior to him in every way other than raw strength. These writers only use him to make other character look better by constantly defeating nightwing.
Yeah I get he was probably holding back somewhat but that fight with Damien should have ended in a few hits with Damien crying on the floor with multiple broken bones
@@codboy398 💀 ight i get damian should get his ass kicked but he wouldnt be on the ground crying lmfao
Dick Grayson is a legend bro. I love him!
What is it with DC doing him dirty every time he gets into a fight? I swear I feel like they favour that fucking brat Damian Wayne.
Nightwing is the real son Batman and he should be respected more.
Nightwing Epic Eskrima Skill..
The days when nightwing wasn’t getting incapacitated or injured every 3 minutes
I wish I was in the batfamily and trained to dodge bullets
I like the part where he wins...
BlueForte So basically you hate every single part
Anirudhh Raghavan hate is a strong word my friend.
More like disappointed. Nightwing is basically an equivalent and perhaps even better version than Batman. At least from what the comic books have shown. Yet they make him look like a fool.
BlueForte he should easily surpass Batman getting trained at an earlier age than Batman and coming from an extremely useful background he’s just less machine
BlueForte fighting wise yes, intellect wise not even close
Bruno Caboclo yeah there’s a madness and obsession that goes Into Batman’s need to know at all costs nightwing doesn’t let that coldness overtake him since he refuses become like him In that way
I wish we could see him as Robin more.
I loved Dick's character since the Teen Titans comics. He's still among my favourite in the dc multiverse We're probably looking at one of the 'coolest' dc characters there are. Though we didn't necessarily see any 'significant' development for him in a sense, but he clearly did go through a lot of stuff throughout the timeline. I enjoyed watching the Teen Titans animated back in the days, because of the epic character driven plot and still have fun watching these fight scenes and interactions between my favourite characters in the animations, games and movies.
Now that we got to New 52 I wonder if next time we see Dick he is going to be in his Rebirth Nightwing suit
Seria incrível
Nightwing is the Vegeta of this universe.
More like Trunks. They both used to be so cool and powerful but then downgraded a lot.
One really interesting thing about the bad blood movie was that he chose a more classic batman costume while he inherited the cowl, likely the one bruce used when dick was robin. Dick chose it for nostalgia purposes.
whats his special move? the "broken arm"?
Not broken dislocated
make This compilation makes him look way more competent than the DCAU actually makes him. But a thing you mostly missed out is Dick likes to talk when he fights most of his opponents. A great example is in that fight with him and Robin in the Cave. He goads Damien into losing his sword, taunts him about how when he was Robin, Batman kicked Ra's Al Ghul's every time they met. True he loses that same fight (mainly because they apparently needed to prove that Damien - a 10-year-old? - is somehow better than someone in the prime of his training), but he kicks the Court of Owls with Bats later so I suppose it evens out.
Thanks Bro ...We Love DCAMU............Keep It Up......Make Superman.....plzzz
Welcome and already did a Superman one. But will be updating it soon.
@@rod3002 Thanks..............Alots You Have Our Support Bro ........DC Forever
@@syedshahhussainbukhari. anytime
I hate whenever Damian fights, its ridiculous how op he is for his age
Tbh same goes for every Robin (when they're a child) in general. But I know what you mean.
@@Potato_n_Tomato yea but you never see any of the other Robins fighting deathstroke for example. Obviously the other Robins are still a bit out there but not too much like Damina imo
Luke Wolf robin from the 2003 teen titans series could never fight or beat deathstroke like how Damien did. He needed help from the rest of the team but I like that they did that because a 15 year old kid can't beat an adult who is probably a master at every martial art and that has bathed in the Lazarus pit. Damien makes deathstroke look like an idiot in these movies and I hate that
He is my favorite out of all the bat family too bad they make him look weak and is a side character
hmmm i wonder what would happen if nightwing uses two daggers instead of escrima sticks. and would've loved to see him and jason todd/ red hood fight each other. im a fan of both.
What movie are the scenes with Damian and Nightwing training in the batcave from? And the scenes with Batman, Nightwing and the ninjas in the batcave from around the 1: 23 time frame?
Batman vs. Robin
Seeing nuns battle like this reminds me of black lagoon
Best version of nightwing
Damian is so op for real comics...
Thx wb
Melhor Personagem da DC por mim.
It's amazing how Nightwing is both an unmatched fighter AND always getting his ass kicked at the exact same time
4:15 Rapunzel could neva
0:56 why nightwing he only a kid
Lucky Playz yeah a jerk kid
If he didn't always get his arm broken or something, he would be the best fighters in the entirety of the dcau
Ele merece filme solo
Meu Herói Favorito
OK sure he gets the short end of this stick but that fight against Deathstroke showed that Dick never lost his groove
How the heck do they have him losing to Damian, or starfire. They even had him sniped in the comic books. What the heck is their problem with nightwing anyway?!
They were just training so he was going easy on them
@@oracleofhylia5642 maybe, but it didn't look that way. I will go with it though because I think nightwing is an awesome character and fighter.
prowellerable of course Nightwing loses to Starfire. She’s way out of his league.
@@long_john if she uses her powers what she was not doing in any way
@@manuellarodrigues4386 she still has super strength and speed
Thanks...I was Finding Video Like This... In Which All Nightwing DCAMU( #DCANIMATEDUNIVERSE ) Scenes Include THANKS!! :) But Make 1080p Or 780 Video :) :)
They do genuinely good at making him a good fighter until they have to make him background again because there are other characters that are get pushed to the foreground.
TL;DR more Dickie fighting good. That one movie with the court of owls did him dirty.
Why can't they make him like this all the time, no like seriously, Nightwing is supposed to be even better than Batman
The animated movies did him so dirty in the comics he’s way more impressive
1:28 All I know when that hotline bling...
Im just gonna assume he's not taking it seriously when fighting damian
He's smol why is he powerful
I fucking hate that they downgraded him for the sake of the plot 😭😭😭
Could someone tell me all the movies was in this video? 🙂
Batman bad blood
Batman vs robin
The son of batman
Justice league vs teen titans
And I think that's it
So like, is he allergic to using the stairs??
Need the list of the films compiled heree
Son of Batman, Batman vs Robin, Batman: Bad Blood and Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.
All great films.
I love how you cut out all the parts where he ultimately loses all these fights lol
If I wanted to make a video of Nightwing losing, I would had done it already 😒
0:44 anime dash lol
is still a mystery to me of the why the bat family doesn't use any bullets protection, fuck, with the money and technology that the world have, how hard can it be to get a light bulletproof suit (like in daredevil) but much more advance
New52 nightwing vs young justice nightwing?
Yj all the wat
Rebirth NW is the best
young justice hands down
Young Justice Nightwing is the coolest. Best design and version for me
I tired of people fighting all over who is better robin, I want more drake, damian, Grayson, and also Batwoman and Batgirl. They are all cool, I really like they make long movies or at least a saga focus on the batfamily
He should have a solo movie
1:10 best one
Pls make a dcau red hood figth moves
Nightwing is a badass Eskrimador
Nightwing/ Dick Grayson is the male version of Black Widow. He loves to fight with her.
Other than fighting and weapons
Ele fez falta no injustice 2
He honestly fights well they just fuck him over so much its annoying, like even when he wins his fights he can never just go smash Kori its always something else lmaooo
Loses every main fight*🤣🤣🤣
Is it sad that when it showed the batman part, I knew it wasn't him just from his fighting. It was more acrobatic
Nightwing is cooler than Batman. Wish he'd get more screentime in movies and the animated universe.