Gulf Coast 77 Birds Migration

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 77 species of migratory birds on the Texas Gulf Coast. Most were videoed at Port Aransas, High Island, and the Rio Grande Valley in 4K with the Sony RX-10 and Panasonic HC-X1500 cameras. Their resolution and wonderful color saturation capture stunning videos, and the 25X zoom lenses allow close-up, frame-filling videos most of the time. A few of the videos were shot in 1080P, and a few were shot in the Texas Hill Country even though they are migrant species that I have seen on the coast. Each species is presented with its authentic bird songs from Xeno Canto ( license, except those noted as my personal audio files.
    Time, Species Name, Audio Recordist, Xeno Canto Catalogue #.
    11:02 Acadian Flycatcher, Richard E. Webster, XC816046.
    16:30 American Kestrel, Paul Marvin, XC451207.
    05:55 Audubon's Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC781857.
    17:22 Bald Eagle, Russ Wigh, XC769877.
    13:35 Baltimore Oriole, Manuel Oudard, XC839510.
    03:52 Blackburnian Warbler, Matt Wistrand, XC565466.
    15:37 Black-chinned Hummingbird, Richard E. Webster, XC324278.
    04:00 Blackpoll Warbler, Matt Wistrand, XC724648.
    03:41 Black-throated Green Warbler, Manuel Oudard, XC839826.
    15:52 Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Richard E. Webster, XC132917.
    14:59 Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Sue Riffe, XC777791.
    13:40 Brown Thrasher, Richard E. Webster, XC827181.
    06:44 Cerulean Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC827839.
    19:25 Chipping Sparrow, Manuel Oudard, XC837829.
    04:05 Common Yellowthroat, Ed Pandolfino, XC909299.
    11:47 Couch’s Kingbird, Peter Boesman, XC880363.
    17:05 Crested Caracara, Guilherme Melo, XC854908.
    14:19 Curve-billed Thrasher, David Tattersley, XC900924.
    12:00 Eastern Kingbird, Richard E. Webster, XC817570.
    11:34 Eastern Wood Pewee, Richard E. Webster, XC864675.
    18:11 Eurasian Collared Dove, Jorge Leitão, XC907028.
    01:05 Great Kiskadee, David Tattersley, XC900946.
    09:31 Greater Roadrunner, Richard Webster, XC254799.
    09:40 Greater Roadrunner, Richard Webster, XC254872.
    2:02 Green Jay, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    20:19 Gray Catbird, Richard E. Webster, XC814898.
    07:22 Gray-cheeked Thrush, Mauricio Cuéllar Ramírez, XC762296
    07:55 Hermit Thrush, Denis Provencher, XC818449.
    04:25 Hooded Warbler, Thomas Magarian, XC902692.
    19:50 House Sparrow, Frederick Lionel, XC911113.
    18:47 Inca Dove, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    00:56 Indigo Bunting, Bobby Wilcox, XC738690.
    04:40 Kentucky Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC827880.
    19:38 Lark Sparrow, Ed Pandolfino, XC898676.
    19:14 Lincoln's Sparrow, Richard E. Webster, XC574902.
    14:03 Long-billed Thrasher, David Tattersley, XC901001.
    07:38 Louisiana Waterthrush, Richard E. Webster, XC828213.
    09:18 Mangrove Cuckoo, Andrew Spencer, XC265341
    17:47 Mourning Dove, Richard E. Webster, XC661720.
    05:55 Myrtle Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC781857.
    05:15 Nashville Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC828045.
    0 2:34 Northern Cardinal, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    11:20 Northern Mockingbird, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    04:56 Northern Parula, Richard E. Webster, XC825115.
    08:07 Northern Waterthrush Richard E. Webster, XC828221.
    20:10 Olive Sparrow, David Tattersley, XC901092.
    02:14 & 13:46 Orchard Oriole, Richard E. Webster, XC820127.
    16:14 Osprey, Mike FitzGerald, XC689270.
    03:32 Ovenbird, Richard E. Webster, XC825101.
    00:22 Painted Bunting, Phoenix Birder, XC573856.
    10:40 Philadelphia Vireo, Richard E. Webster, XC189072.
    05:32 Prothonotary Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC828067.
    02:48 Pyrrhuloxia, Scott Crabtree, XC788189.
    10:26 Red-eyed Vireo, Richard E. Webster, XC827603.
    14:48 Red-winged Blackbird, Richard E. Webster, XC900782.
    18:58 Rock Dove, Uku Paal, XC615956.
    01:40 Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Manuel Oudard, XC838366.
    15:07 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Richard E. Webster, XC807613.
    15:29 Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Manuel Grosselet, XC758917.
    14:39 Sage Thrasher, Richard E. Webster, XC575469.
    13:14 Scarlet Tanager, David A. Brinkman, XC896571.
    13:14 Summer Tanager, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    00:07 & 07:03 Swainson's Thrush, Ed Pandolfino, XC819113
    19:58 Swamp Sparrow, Jim Berry, XC79341.
    05:15 Tennessee Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC828153.
    08:17 Veery, Michael Hurben, XC856524.
    12:33 Vermilion Flycatcher, Richard E. Webster, XC59574.
    09:53 Warbling Vireo, Richard E. Webster, XC827595.
    12:08 Western Kingbird, Richard E. Webster, XC628580.
    10:05 White-eyed Vireo, Richard E. Webster, XC827619.
    16:52 White-tailed Hawk, Manuel Grosselet, XC696178.
    18:35 White-tipped Dove, Peter Boesman, XC880156.
    17:59 White-winged Dove, Robert Carpenter’s recording.
    08:35 Wood Thrush, Richard E. Webster, XC827235.
    06:32 Worm-eating Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC828189.
    08:59 Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Timothy Marquardt, XC736409.
    05:55 Yellow-rumped Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC781857.
    03:07 Yellow Warbler, Richard E. Webster, XC788189.
    01:21 & 10:15 Yellow-throated Vireo, David A. Brinkman, XC719923.

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @sunshine2528
    @sunshine2528 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What an incredible collection, and aren’t they all something?

    • @robertecarpenter
      @robertecarpenter  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hi Sunshine.
      I can always count on you being #1.
      Which one do you think is most beautiful.
      Blessin's to you and yours.

    • @sunshine2528
      @sunshine2528 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The buntings are spectacular but really, all have some special thing that makes them unique, even the plain little wrens. And I didn’t know that roadrunners are cuckoos?
      I do enjoy these videos very much and always look forward to new ones. And more Sunday school lessons, please? God bless you and your family, too!