Hello Fatima, just found your channel and I love your content! You are living my dream! Please keep them coming, very relaxing for me. I care for my husband who have dementia and other problems, so your videos is my down time enjoyment!
Dear Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's health issues. 😢 I admire your strength my dear! I feel honored that you find my videos helpful! ❤🥰 Wow this makes it all worth it! Have a lovely weekend!❤
@@sharon9532 I am so sorry! You have great strength and I admire you so much! ❤ My father-in-law had severe dementia. I know how hard and difficult it can be! Take good care of yourself Sharon! ❤
Liebe Fatima, wieder ein wunderschönes Video. Ich hoffe deine Küche kommt schnell wieder in Ordnung. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche, trotz Wasserschaden😊
Liebe Carina, vielen Dank! Mein Mann und ich begannen nervös zu lachen! 😃 Wir konnten nicht glauben, dass dies direkt nach meiner Hand-OP in der Küche passiert ist und wir keine Spülmaschine haben. Wir warten jetzt auf den Auftragnehmer, aber es sieht so aus, als müsste der ganze Boden in unserem ganzen Haus herausgezogen werden ... 🙃 Schränke müssen neu aufgebaut werden. Aber wir sind alle sicher und alles wird irgendwann wieder zusammengebaut! Ich wünsche dir eine tolle Woche! ❤
Hallo Carina, 🥰 danke, dass du nach mir geschaut hast! Du bist so süß! Die Dinge bewegen sich ziemlich langsam! 🐌 Die Arbeiter sind super beschäftigt mit Engpässen und Versicherungsunternehmen brauchen ewig.... Ich habe mit Physiotherapie angefangen, also werden die Dinge hoffentlich bis zum neuen Jahr besser organisiert sein! Ich habe einige zuvor aufgenommene Aufnahmen, die ich bearbeitet habe. Trotzdem bin ich dankbar, dass sich die Dinge irgendwann regeln. Carina, wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! ❤
Olá fiquei feliz em rever você e a sua família novamente ❤❤❤❤ quanto manjericão e salsinha são os meus temperos favoritos, um grande abraço pra vocês 😘🇧🇷
É mesmo muito tempero! 🌿Fico tentando salvar o que posso, porque se está na geladeira ou no freezer com certeza vai ser utilizado não é mesmo verdade? Muito obrigado pelo carinho e um abraço grande pra você Aparecida!💖
I adore your home garden. It looks like a great harvest for you. I love your living room. The sofa and the colour atmosphere is so inviting and soothing ❤ Also, boys with Minecraft - so relatable😂
Hello Amy, 🤗 thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Sometimes I can't believe how much comes out of our small garden, we have been able to share it with friends and freeze a lot of it. For sure minecraft is a hit! They made their Halloween costumes.😅 I hope you having a wonderful holiday season!❤
Another great video! I love seeing your garden and how you process everything. I also like how you showed breaking it down when the season was over and what you do with that. You seem like you have a fantastic green thumb with all your plants! I need to now go clean out my dryer because oh man it’s probably so bad!! You had a great process showing how you did it. Another beautiful video with amazing things! Looking forward to the next one.
Hello,🤗 thank you so much for watching! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! It's always bitter sweet taking the garden down, but it gives the soil and myself a brake! 😅🌿 I wish you a beautiful week ahead! 💕
Hola Fátima que gusto verte Increíble tu jardín 😍 Tus comidas y la preparación de ellas una maravilla Gracias por éste vídeo Un abrazo fuerte para ti y tú familia que tengas un excelente fin de semana ♥️🏵️🌸🌺🌹
Querida Zoe, awww ¡muchas gracias! 🤗 ¡Estoy tan feliz de que lo hayas disfrutado y encontrado útil! ¡Espero que tú también tengas un hermoso fin de semana! 💖
Que alegría tener una.famlia tan bonita como tienes tu.tan especial te amiro mucho corazón sige así con esa fuerza y valentía para todo lo que nos enseñas que dios te vendida
Fatima❤Congratulations!!!🎉 The number of video views and subscribers has increased a lot🤩 It is a natural result and your video deserves much love. I will always support you! Please make a lot of good videos
Dear Yuri, 🤗 Thank you so much for your loving words! I feel honored and humbled by your kind compliments! I am glad you find my videos helpful! Have a wonderful weekend!💖
Oi Fátima! Parabéns. Mais um vídeo super caprichado. Você é muito diligente e vai superar as adversidades sempre, sejam elas na saúde ou nas intercorrências da cozinha! Um prazer assistir seus vídeos. Obrigada
Nossa Silvana, 🥰 obrigado mesmo! Fico super feliz que você esteja gostando! Eu e o meu esposo começamos a dar risada do problema na cozinha. 😅 Você já pensou assim que eu fiz a cirurgia não tem mais maquina de lavar louças! Tudo planejado aqui pro canal mais....agora vou ter que ser muito criativa! Mas estou muito agradecida que nós estamos todos béns e vai dar tudo certo! ❤ Um grande abraço e um feliz final de semana!
Hello Fatima😊 Happy to see you recovering from your surgery 🙏Sorry about your water damage, hopefully your kitchen will be fixed soon. Another lovely homemaking video, your produce from your garden to your delicious meal to your soap making 😊 Thankyou. Have a happy and safe week. 🌿🥰
Thank you so much! ❤ I am so happy that you have been enjoying and finding it helpful! At one point we just started laughing at the kitchen situation... 😅 we normally have and love a boring life! But like they said when it rains.... 🌧 Have a wonderful weekend!❤
Hello from NC! I'm glad I found your channel, love the content 🥰, I'll definitely watch your other videos. I'd love to know how to make your soap ☺. Would you be interested in sharing your recipe? I'm originally from Uruguay 😊
Taza,🤗 thank you so much! I really appreciate your kindness!❤ I have been getting a lot of requests for the homemade soap! I will work on a smaller batch, so it's easier to manage. I really love my soap It smells really good and it cleans amazingly well, but it does not dry the hands. So I hope I will be able to share it as soon as I get it worked out! Happy weekend!🥰
Hello Shari, 🤗 thank you so much and I feel so happy that you enjoyed the videos! I will hopefully be able to share new videos soon my house repairs from the leaking dishwasher is currently being repaired but has been a slow process and it has been impossible sharing vídeos since my house has been turn up 😅.... I will be very happy to share my recipe with you guys in the future for sure! I wish you a warm and cozy winter and a happy new year!💞
@@homefreshalicious Thank you so much for your respond! I hope you will be able to fix he dishwasher and come back to the channel. Cannot wait for the new videos and the recipe! Thanks! Have a nice day!
Oh, I love dish soaps! 🥰 In my country (Poland), they are also expensive... Is there a chance that you could share your dish soap recipes? Or the second one, for body wash? I would be very grateful! Unless you show it in later videos... I have a habit of watching channels on YT that I like, from the first videos to the last 🙃😉Your channel is very addictive 💯❤🔥And also useful, inspiring and just puts you in a good mood 🥰I really, really enjoy watching it 💖🙂
@dogmatyczna Hello Eli,🤗 thank you so much for your sweet compliments! Your kind words have warmed my ❤️ heart! I have been planning to share my soap recipe. However, I feel a bit nervous since soap can be a little tricky to make because of the use of lye and its safety issues when handling it. It has never been a big deal for me since I am extremely careful. So, let me think about how I can actually come up with some safety pointers during the process. I do love making soap and the incredible cozy scent. That stays in your house for weeks while the soap is curing. Thank you so much again for spending your valuable time with me. I am forever grateful! Have a wonderful week!🍂💖❤️
Moji, 🥰 thank you so much! I make a quadruple recipe of soap, that way I only make it once in a while. But I know that a large quantity could be overwhelming for someone who has never made soap before. So I think I will practice making a smaller batch to show here in the channel. Thank you again for being here! Have a wonderful weekend!❤
@@homefreshalicious Thank you very much for posting soap tutorial videos. I have never seen soap making. But your soaps in this video were really great and amazing. It looks great Your soaps reminded me of movies from French novels. They were beautiful
Hello Maru,🥰 thanks for your kind compliment! I am a total newbie and still learning!😅 I use a Sony camera, and for editing I use premiere pro. Happy weekend to you! ❤
Ֆատիմա բարև! Ինչպես ես,արդեն լավ է ձեռքդ? Մի ծանրաբեռնի շատ: Շատ հետաքրքիր էր վիդեոն!!! Շատ եմ հավանում քո ալիքը, շատ լավ այգի ունեք, լավ տուն, լավ ընտանիք!!! Շարունակիր, մեծ սիրով եմ հետևում քեզ!!!❤️❤️👍
Բարև Ձեզ, 🥰 շատ շնորհակալ եմ, շատ ուրախ եմ, որ ձեզ դուր եկավ: Իմ ձեռքը լավ է բուժում, բայց դա երկար ժամանակ է պահանջում... Ես իսկապես սիրում եմ իմ այգին, քանի որ այն մեզ օրգանական բանջարեղեն է ապահովում՝ առանց մթերային խանութում այդքան գումար ծախսելու: Երեխաներիս համար նաև հանգստացնող և ուսանելի է սեփական սնունդ աճեցնելը: Կրկին շնորհակալություն բարեմաղթանքների համար և մաղթում եմ հաճելի շաբաթավերջ։❤🤗
I am from Taiwan!I really appreciate your way of life
Hello, 🤗 thank you so much! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! ❤🙏
Hello Fatima, just found your channel and I love your content! You are living my dream! Please keep them coming, very relaxing for me. I care for my husband who have dementia and other problems, so your videos is my down time enjoyment!
Dear Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about your husband's health issues. 😢 I admire your strength my dear! I feel honored that you find my videos helpful! ❤🥰 Wow this makes it all worth it! Have a lovely weekend!❤
My husband has dementia too. Great videos like this are my escape.
@@sharon9532 I am so sorry! You have great strength and I admire you so much! ❤ My father-in-law had severe dementia. I know how hard and difficult it can be! Take good care of yourself Sharon! ❤
Thank you Fatima, all is my pleasure! Yes please continue with these great videos.
Sharon, my heart goes out for you, praying for strength and patience for you as you endure with your struggle.
Liebe Fatima, wieder ein wunderschönes Video. Ich hoffe deine Küche kommt schnell wieder in Ordnung. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche, trotz Wasserschaden😊
Liebe Carina, vielen Dank! Mein Mann und ich begannen nervös zu lachen! 😃 Wir konnten nicht glauben, dass dies direkt nach meiner Hand-OP in der Küche passiert ist und wir keine Spülmaschine haben. Wir warten jetzt auf den Auftragnehmer, aber es sieht so aus, als müsste der ganze Boden in unserem ganzen Haus herausgezogen werden ... 🙃 Schränke müssen neu aufgebaut werden. Aber wir sind alle sicher und alles wird irgendwann wieder zusammengebaut! Ich wünsche dir eine tolle Woche! ❤
Oh Fatima, da habt ihr ja was vor euch. Ich wünsche euch viel Kraft und Durchhaltevermögen. 😊
Völlig wahr!! Es wird viel Geduld brauchen! ❤ Vielleicht können wir am Ende noch einen Küchen-Review machen! 😅😂 Schöne Woche Carina!
Guten Abend Fatima, wollte mich nur kurz erkundigen, wie es euch so geht? Geht alles gut voran mit den Reparaturen? Ganz liebe Grüße aus Deutschland 😊
Hallo Carina, 🥰 danke, dass du nach mir geschaut hast! Du bist so süß! Die Dinge bewegen sich ziemlich langsam! 🐌 Die Arbeiter sind super beschäftigt mit Engpässen und Versicherungsunternehmen brauchen ewig.... Ich habe mit Physiotherapie angefangen, also werden die Dinge hoffentlich bis zum neuen Jahr besser organisiert sein! Ich habe einige zuvor aufgenommene Aufnahmen, die ich bearbeitet habe. Trotzdem bin ich dankbar, dass sich die Dinge irgendwann regeln. Carina, wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! ❤
Nossa comida maravilhosa amei o videio ❤❤❤❤😍😍
Querida Regina, 🤗 Muito obrigado! Fico feliz demais que você gostou! ❤🥰
Hola Fátima, realmente estoy adicta a tus videos, son muy buenos, saludos.
Hola Liana, 🤗 muchas gracias! ¡Estoy tan feliz de que lo estés disfrutando! ¡Te deseo un gran fin de semana!❤
Olá fiquei feliz em rever você e a sua família novamente ❤❤❤❤ quanto manjericão e salsinha são os meus temperos favoritos, um grande abraço pra vocês 😘🇧🇷
É mesmo muito tempero! 🌿Fico tentando salvar o que posso, porque se está na geladeira ou no freezer com certeza vai ser utilizado não é mesmo verdade? Muito obrigado pelo carinho e um abraço grande pra você Aparecida!💖
I adore your home garden. It looks like a great harvest for you. I love your living room. The sofa and the colour atmosphere is so inviting and soothing ❤
Also, boys with Minecraft - so relatable😂
Hello Amy, 🤗 thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Sometimes I can't believe how much comes out of our small garden, we have been able to share it with friends and freeze a lot of it. For sure minecraft is a hit! They made their Halloween costumes.😅 I hope you having a wonderful holiday season!❤
beautiful vlog.....i really enjoyed to watch your garden harvest and storages........ homemade soaps are good.......Happy weekend😊
Hello, 🥰 I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful weekend as well!❤
Another great video! I love seeing your garden and how you process everything. I also like how you showed breaking it down when the season was over and what you do with that. You seem like you have a fantastic green thumb with all your plants! I need to now go clean out my dryer because oh man it’s probably so bad!! You had a great process showing how you did it. Another beautiful video with amazing things! Looking forward to the next one.
Hello,🤗 thank you so much for watching! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! It's always bitter sweet taking the garden down, but it gives the soil and myself a brake! 😅🌿 I wish you a beautiful week ahead! 💕
Hola Fátima que gusto verte Increíble tu jardín 😍 Tus comidas y la preparación de ellas una maravilla Gracias por éste vídeo Un abrazo fuerte para ti y tú familia que tengas un excelente fin de semana ♥️🏵️🌸🌺🌹
Querida Zoe, awww ¡muchas gracias! 🤗 ¡Estoy tan feliz de que lo hayas disfrutado y encontrado útil! ¡Espero que tú también tengas un hermoso fin de semana! 💖
So simple, calma and concious live . I Love how You are intregrated All cultural background . Delicious and Beautiful videos 🙏🏻
Emma, 🤗 thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Have a wonderful weekend! ❤
Que alegría tener una.famlia tan bonita como tienes tu.tan especial te amiro mucho corazón sige así con esa fuerza y valentía para todo lo que nos enseñas que dios te vendida
Querida Gracia, 🤗 ¡muchas gracias! ❤ ¡Tus amables palabras hicieron mi corazón tan feliz! ¡Mi más profunda gratitud! 🙏 ¡Te deseo lo mejor! ¡Ten una semana encantadora!
The number of video views and subscribers has increased a lot🤩 It is a natural result and your video deserves much love.
I will always support you! Please make a lot of good videos
Dear Yuri, 🤗 Thank you so much for your loving words! I feel honored and humbled by your kind compliments! I am glad you find my videos helpful! Have a wonderful weekend!💖
Oi Fátima! Parabéns. Mais um vídeo super caprichado. Você é muito diligente e vai superar as adversidades sempre, sejam elas na saúde ou nas intercorrências da cozinha! Um prazer assistir seus vídeos. Obrigada
Nossa Silvana, 🥰 obrigado mesmo! Fico super feliz que você esteja gostando! Eu e o meu esposo começamos a dar risada do problema na cozinha. 😅 Você já pensou assim que eu fiz a cirurgia não tem mais maquina de lavar louças! Tudo planejado aqui pro canal mais....agora vou ter que ser muito criativa! Mas estou muito agradecida que nós estamos todos béns e vai dar tudo certo! ❤ Um grande abraço e um feliz final de semana!
어쩌다 들어오게 된 블로그 인데 너무 맘에 듭니다… 구독 꽉 누르고 갑니다. 😁👏
폴라, 정말 감사합니다! ❤🤗 함께해주셔서 감사합니다! 멋진 주말 보내세요!
Pozdrav, 💖 hvala vam puno! Imajte prekrasan dan!🤗
Hello Fatima😊 Happy to see you recovering from your surgery 🙏Sorry about your water damage, hopefully your kitchen will be fixed soon. Another lovely homemaking video, your produce from your garden to your delicious meal to your soap making 😊 Thankyou. Have a happy and safe week. 🌿🥰
Thank you so much! ❤ I am so happy that you have been enjoying and finding it helpful! At one point we just started laughing at the kitchen situation... 😅 we normally have and love a boring life! But like they said when it rains.... 🌧 Have a wonderful weekend!❤
Thankyou so much 😊and for sharing 🥰luv your content as its real life.
@@sweetcinnamoncottage7942 I love the name sweet cinnamon cottage! It makes me smile every time I read it!😊
I reeally love your videos Fatima ❤👍
Tina, 🤗 thank you so much! I am happy that you are enjoying it! Have a great week!❤
Mashallah everything is perfect like dream
Thank you so much for watching! 🤗 House work is hard but it can be fun if we do it together! Have a wonderful weekend!❤
Hello from NC! I'm glad I found your channel, love the content 🥰, I'll definitely watch your other videos. I'd love to know how to make your soap ☺. Would you be interested in sharing your recipe? I'm originally from Uruguay 😊
Taza,🤗 thank you so much! I really appreciate your kindness!❤ I have been getting a lot of requests for the homemade soap! I will work on a smaller batch, so it's easier to manage. I really love my soap It smells really good and it cleans amazingly well, but it does not dry the hands. So I hope I will be able to share it as soon as I get it worked out! Happy weekend!🥰
Wow big like God bless you
Thanks for watching! Have a great day!
Hello Fatima! Thank you for you videos! I love them! You inspire me a lot. Could you please share the dish soap’s recipe?
Hello Shari, 🤗 thank you so much and I feel so happy that you enjoyed the videos! I will hopefully be able to share new videos soon my house repairs from the leaking dishwasher is currently being repaired but has been a slow process and it has been impossible sharing vídeos since my house has been turn up 😅.... I will be very happy to share my recipe with you guys in the future for sure! I wish you a warm and cozy winter and a happy new year!💞
@@homefreshalicious Thank you so much for your respond! I hope you will be able to fix he dishwasher and come back to the channel. Cannot wait for the new videos and the recipe! Thanks! Have a nice day!
@@shari-my1en 🤗🥰
Oh, I love dish soaps! 🥰 In my country (Poland), they are also expensive... Is there a chance that you could share your dish soap recipes? Or the second one, for body wash? I would be very grateful! Unless you show it in later videos... I have a habit of watching channels on YT that I like, from the first videos to the last 🙃😉Your channel is very addictive 💯❤🔥And also useful, inspiring and just puts you in a good mood 🥰I really, really enjoy watching it 💖🙂
@dogmatyczna Hello Eli,🤗 thank you so much for your sweet compliments! Your kind words have warmed my ❤️ heart! I have been planning to share my soap recipe. However, I feel a bit nervous since soap can be a little tricky to make because of the use of lye and its safety issues when handling it. It has never been a big deal for me since I am extremely careful. So, let me think about how I can actually come up with some safety pointers during the process. I do love making soap and the incredible cozy scent. That stays in your house for weeks while the soap is curing. Thank you so much again for spending your valuable time with me. I am forever grateful! Have a wonderful week!🍂💖❤️
Great video loved it
Hello Carol, 🤗 thank you so much! I am happy that you enjoyed it! ❤ Have a great week!
Amazing lady i feel very relaxing.
So nice of you love from Pakistan.
Seda,🥰 thank you so much! I'm happy to know that you find it helpful! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello, dear Fatima, how are you? It was a beautiful video. Is it possible to teach you how to make soap?
Moji, 🥰 thank you so much! I make a quadruple recipe of soap, that way I only make it once in a while. But I know that a large quantity could be overwhelming for someone who has never made soap before. So I think I will practice making a smaller batch to show here in the channel. Thank you again for being here! Have a wonderful weekend!❤
@@homefreshalicious Thank you very much for posting soap tutorial videos. I have never seen soap making. But your soaps in this video were really great and amazing. It looks great
Your soaps reminded me of movies from French novels. They were beautiful
@@mojikm2586 You are darling!❤🥰 Thank you!
@@homefreshalicious 🥰🤗
Good job ❤❤
Naura,🤗 thank you so much! ❤ I really appreciate it! Have a happy week!🌿
Watching from Philippines
Thanks for watching! I wish you a great weekend!❤
Very nice video and very informative. Which app do u use for editing ? Ur videos are like full screen movie
Hello Maru,🥰 thanks for your kind compliment! I am a total newbie and still learning!😅 I use a Sony camera, and for editing I use premiere pro. Happy weekend to you! ❤
I love watching your video. Please film on making soaps someday. 😊
Thank you so much!🤗 Okay I will eventually work on that! Have a wonderful weekend!❤
@@homefreshalicious thank you so much! I saw you use a soup for washing dishes if I am not wrong. You, too, have a great weekend :)
@@NS329 Yes I use a homemade soap to wash dishes 😊
Ֆատիմա բարև! Ինչպես ես,արդեն լավ է ձեռքդ? Մի ծանրաբեռնի շատ: Շատ հետաքրքիր էր վիդեոն!!! Շատ եմ հավանում քո ալիքը, շատ լավ այգի ունեք, լավ տուն, լավ ընտանիք!!! Շարունակիր, մեծ սիրով եմ հետևում քեզ!!!❤️❤️👍
Բարև Ձեզ, 🥰 շատ շնորհակալ եմ, շատ ուրախ եմ, որ ձեզ դուր եկավ: Իմ ձեռքը լավ է բուժում, բայց դա երկար ժամանակ է պահանջում... Ես իսկապես սիրում եմ իմ այգին, քանի որ այն մեզ օրգանական բանջարեղեն է ապահովում՝ առանց մթերային խանութում այդքան գումար ծախսելու: Երեխաներիս համար նաև հանգստացնող և ուսանելի է սեփական սնունդ աճեցնելը: Կրկին շնորհակալություն բարեմաղթանքների համար և մաղթում եմ հաճելի շաբաթավերջ։❤🤗
@@homefreshalicious շնորհակալ եմ❤️
Sousou,🥰 thank you so much for watching! Happy Sunday!
Nice 🥀🥀🥀💙💙👌👌😘
Thanks for watching! Happy weekend!❤
السلام عليكم فاطمة اسمك جميل مثل قناتك وانا سعيدة لان انا من مشتركين في قناتك 🌹🌹🌹🌹👍
يا ماجى شكرا جزيلا لكلماتك الرقيقة! أنا سعيد جدًا لأنك تستمتع بالفيديوهات! أعمق امتناني! ❤🤗
Thanks for watching! 🥰Happy weekend!
شكرا جزيلا للمشاهدة! ❤ عطلة نهاية أسبوع سعيدة!
Thanks again! 💗
How are you?
Hello, 🤗 I am well! Thank you so much for watching! I hope you are having a lovely day!❤
이런 집에 살고 싶어요
시청 해주셔서 감사합니다! 멋진 한 주 보내시기 바랍니다! ❤
Hi Fatima❤️ Your videos are amazing and very enjoyable. What is your of instagram account name?
Hello Ebru,🤗 thank you so much! It makes me so happy that you enjoyed it! I will have an Instagram account hopefully soon! 😊 Have a lovely weekend!❤