@@nickmorehead4364 Do japão não chega nem perto de algo tão rápido assim.. apesar de nuclear, mas se houvesse ogivas nucleares n esses misseis atuais, fariam algo dez vez pior.
@@nickmorehead4364 He probably meant by sophistication, not by destruction. A missile carrying 6 warheads that travel mach 10 and can be independently navigated. And each of 6 warheads can split into 3 lesser warheads that can also be independently navigated. You saw the video, all these explosions came from only 1 missile. And the speed at which they hit the target is mind blowing.
The design has a 6 warhead MIRV capability. One wonders if, in view of Russia's high commonality of design, providing high degrees of interchangeability, the warheads may be similar to those used in the RSM-56 (Bulava) SLBM, which also has a 6 - warhead MIRVed capacity? In which case, it will be carrying warheads with 100 - 160kt individual yields. It is now in "serial production", which is bad news for the collective west.
We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@ support for Ukrainian people always. My heart is bleeding for the displaced civilians and for the forcefully recruited men from the streets. From me, no support for Zelensky and Azov.
negotiate with russia??? putin thinks his "special operation" is a succes... losing about 2000 men a day on russian side.... i think the russian people needs to stand up to him.
1 quả tên lửa ICBM mang 6 đầu đạn, mỗi đầu đạn chứa 6 đầu đạn con, sức công phá của đầu đạn con còn mạnh hơn cả quả bom FAB 3000, nói gì đến đầu đạn của tên lửa Iskander, có lẽ đây là loại thuốc nổ mới mà thế giới chưa tìm ra. Quá đẳng cấp, xin chúc mừng nước Nga 👍
America is evil and the Democrats are the head of that evil Why did they allow the Ukrainians to use Western weapons to attack Russian territory? What if Russia supplied Iraq with missiles in 2003 and they were used to strike deep into American territory or American bases in the Middle East from which American planes were launched? What do we expect the Americans to do guys?
it is NOT "ukraines" use of western weapons missiles, it's US/UK technicians managing these systems, they program the flightpaths and gather intelligence data /allocate targets !!!
This is a blind spot in Western propaganda. They do not say that Russia's pretensions are not that the West is transferring these weapons to Ukraine, but because it launches them at Russia ITSELF. This is a game on the verge of a foul
@@Dharmarenee becouse you need people with many years of programming education/skills/experiance of sofisticated technology(that is also classified to US "allies" like Saudis, ukis, swedes etc) and complex information managing skills are also needed , also many years of US-military technology education/background is needed, you cant just take an nazi-monkey from ukro-reich, you imbecil, and let it program flightpaths, get target data from military sattelite infrastructure that ukro-nazi-reich dont have etc etc. so yes very impossible and improbable for the US-proxy-vassal-ukro-reich-soldiers to do ,
Six warheads, each with six sub-munitions. So thats 36 impacts in the video. Which means it could if needed hold 36 nuclear war heads. Thats some missile. Add to that it cannot be shot down by any anti air defence cause it travels at Mac10.
Da i svih 36 imaju svoj cilj,znaci 36 atomskih bombi odjednom udaraju.Ali nedaj Boze ako budu ovo ispaljivali,nece jednu vec 10 komada,znaci 360 raketa i 360 ciljeva koji se be mogu odbraniti.Tu nema cremena ni odgovoriti.Samart jos vece zlo,brze i razornije.Pariz od trenutka ispaljivanja 200 sekundi,London nesto malo duze.Strasno.
And nor does the Russian people! If your from the USA, and your sleepy joe who didn’t have the guts to take on Trump yet got Kamala to run?? Then gives authority to use the long range missiles is beyond a fucking joke! He can make a decision like that?? Isn’t that the most insane BS ever?? This is treason at its finest! May God protect Russia against this evil force 🇷🇺
Pourquoi chercher a parler a des citoyens occidentaux qui ne sont jamais consultes et que leur representants les trahissent a chaque instant car le fric, la corruption, achetent meme le patriotisme.? Comprenez que Jules Cesar avait parfaitement cerne les dirigeants avides d'argent pour conquerir l Europe. sans devoir sacrifier ses sodats Les Russes qui ont sauve l Europe du Nazisme ont ete declare ennemi par nos elites pour fabriquer des armes qui sont totallement depassees , car pas question de laisser des idees nouvelles. L'histoire de l Humanite montre au combien beaucoup de genies en Occident ont ete mal traites car leur travaux changeaien les regles de domination . Combien d arrogants ont interdit les idees qui pouvaient changer le sort des peuples? La Russie a reussi a se debarrasser du regime monarchique car il avait fait du peuple des esclaves. Cet immense pays profitte de ses richesses naturelles mais aussi mis en esclavage des centaines de millions d humains. La Russie doit aussi se proteger des raclures occidentales qui depuis des siecles ont exploite les gens pour s enrichir. Il a fallu des guerres terribles ou les riches perdent tout pour avoir des lois sociales. Sans les guerres nous serions des esclaves. Meme la France aura comis un genocide durant sa revolution. Mais surtout ne pas le faire savoir. C est l argent qui aura fait les revolutions en Occident. Toujours la corruption . L Europe est libre par le sacrifice de millions de Russes qui devaient perir par les Nazis pour le bonheurs des multinationales qui financaient Hitler qui leur avait promis d expoliter les rchesses naturelles en Russie en echande d un soutient au nazisme. Voler les terres sovietiques qui appartenait aux cousins de la monarchie britannique. Londres n a pas oublie les Romanov qui avaient sacrifie des milions de Russes pour une guerre qui devait empecher en 1914 que les Allemands dominent les britanniques et les francais avec leur colonies. Mais quel interets pour les Russes de mourir en Allemagne , car les Allemands ne voulaient prendre les terres ruses a l eopque ? Non , c etait les alliances entre les Empires . Et depuis cette epoque les Americains ont compris combien le Europpeens etaient diriges par des idiots . Ils ont saisi cette opportunite pour devenir des puissants.. Les Russes ont du apprendre que le communism n est pas naturel, qu il faut laisser les gens choisir leur vie du moment qu ils ne cherchent pas a faire le mal. Poutine l Homme de la providence a eu le temps d etudier les Europpeens. Il est le Cesar des temps modernes. Il ne veut meme pas chercher a occuper des terres qui ne sont pas russes, car il faudrait changer la mentalite de la population. Il veut la paix le droit des gens a choisir leur gouvernance, le droit de s exprimer dans leur langue, le droit de se deplacer sans crainte . Du moment que les Russes sont en securite, il n y a aucun probleme. Mais voila des siecles de dominations de l Ouest se terminent. Les Russes avaient prevu la possibilite que cela arriverait car l Occident ne vit que par domination et que leur democratie cache un regime feodaliste ou les princes ne sont pas les elus des peuples maisce sont les multinationales qui les ont choisi. Poutine tolere les riches en Russie du moment qu ils ne font pas de politique. C est le privilege des peuples non des riches a qui revient le droit de decider....
@@DaliBorovec D'abord, la Russie n'a jamais évoqué la durée de l'opération spéciale en Ukraine. Et comme ce sont des faussetés, d'où on entend l'opération spéciale devait durée 3 jours, tantôt c'est une semaine, tantôt c'est deux jours, tantôt, c'est deux semaines et tantôt c'est trois semaines. Et personne ne peut démontrer que la Russie a évoqué la durée de l'opération spéciale militaire en Ukraine. Je vous recommande sur TH-cam de réécouter le discours de Poutine sur le lancement de l'opération spéciale en Ukraine. Biden a dit que les USA ont réussi à mobiliser plus de 50 pays contre la Russie en Ukraine. L'Ukraine, 18ᵉ puissance militaire mondiale, épaulée par une coalition de plus de 50 pays contre la Russie qui a subi plus de 18 000 sanctions. Un défi que les USA, réputés comme la première armée du monde, n'ont jamais affronté ou relevé dans leur histoire. Je suis presque sûr que les USA à la place de la Russie seraient déjà vaincus. La dernière fois que les USA ont affronté une puissance moyenne, ils étaient obligés de faire recours à l'arme nucléaire. Les USA, épaulés par ses alliés, ont fait 20 ans en Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc, face à des adversaires qui n'avaient pas la taille de l'Ukraine et n'avaient reçu la moitié du soutien qu'a reçu Kiev contre la Russie. Pourquoi ne mettez-vous pas en cause le statut militaire des USA ?? L'honnêteté recommande de savoir que si cela ne tenait qu'à l'Ukraine, c'est déjà plié en 2022, au point où Kiev accepta de négocier la paix à Istanbul avant le sabotage de l'accord par les atlantistes pour s'impliquer dans le conflit et le faire durer. Pourquoi troller alors la Russie qui fait face à une coalition de plus de 50 pays dans une guerre hybride (économique, informationnelle, diplomatique et militaire) ??
@@tracelerNuclear warheads are used for defensive/counterattack measures, also Russia has “the dead man hand” system, so even if Russia got bombarded their systems would automatically launch all of its nuclear arsenal at once at pre-determined targets, god forbids.
i couldn't remember where i saw something similar to these strikes...then i remembered -War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise, where the aliens are striking Earth with lighting
This is what is outdated)) God forbid you all see the newest (as V.V. Putin once said - on new physical principles)... Maybe it’s time to believe Putin’s words?
Серьезно? Третья мировая тогда будет, ядерная. Ракеты не Зеленский выпустит, а НАТО. Вот Россия и обрушит все ракеты, но уже ядерные. Погибать, так всем миром! США этого так хочет: уничтожить человеческий род
@@DaliBorovecWe respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@DaliBorovec We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@DaliBorovecWe respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@DaliBorovec We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
Мы, индонезийский народ, на 100% поддерживаем Россию против Запада и НАТО. Насколько я знаю, РУССКИЙ народ достаточно смел, чтобы умереть за свою страну. лучше умереть, чем разрушить свою страну.
Bemerkenswert, im Hintergrund die Einschläge, und im Vordergrund die losgehenden Arlarmanlagen der Fahrzeuge. Da kann man sich ungefähr vorstellen, welche Druckwelle dahinter steht.
Medvedev is the real deal, not as moderate as Putin. Maybe he would choose London for the demonstration instead of Dnipro just to troll Keir Starmer, Rishi, and that slob BoJo.
I've been saying for over a year Russia wasn't using all their weapons and when they start the real war starts. Remember they tell us the US military is 50 years ahead of what we think so you think Russia is using stuff from 50 years ago.
"Wenn der Westen vergessen hat, wie der Weg zur Hölle aussieht, wir können es ihm zeigen". - Sergei Alexandrowitsch Karaganow (u.a. Gründer des Valdai - Clubs u. ehemaliger „Kreml Berater“)
This is the warning for ego and arrogant US, UK ,German. This weapon, Oreshnik missiles is not that great. Russia have weapon greater than this Oreshnik missiles
Since 2014, Ukraine has been using the Tochka U tactical missile system, according to NATO classification, “SS-21 Scarab A” against civilians, but for some reason the entire so-called “civilized” West is silent as if nothing is happening
We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia. Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@dennniskabow543 Hubou můžete blábolit co chcete. Jste jen hloupý, nafoukaný, zaostalý národ, co nic neumí!! Čemu vy světu prospíváte, co nabízíte? Nic. Už vás předhání i v kosmonautice, jste žebrota co jen válčí, zbrojí.
They have put the shavels and washing machines down.Opened up the toolbox now imagine what else they are hiding and saving for the last,just starting to warming up.
No one ever in Earth's history has ever seen anything like that.
lol... ask japan
Me ,I have just seen it now.
@@nickmorehead4364 Do japão não chega nem perto de algo tão rápido assim.. apesar de nuclear, mas se houvesse ogivas nucleares n esses misseis atuais, fariam algo dez vez pior.
@@nickmorehead4364 He probably meant by sophistication, not by destruction. A missile carrying 6 warheads that travel mach 10 and can be independently navigated. And each of 6 warheads can split into 3 lesser warheads that can also be independently navigated. You saw the video, all these explosions came from only 1 missile. And the speed at which they hit the target is mind blowing.
@@nickmorehead4364you didn't get it, you don't know how Speed that missile is, you name fits you😂
that missle is like a hammer shock imagine if it had nuclear war heads
ракета разные "начинки" может нести. Эта была презентацией.
Putin will be dead by now and Soviet Union pulverized with him. He can not win a full nuclear exchange.
The design has a 6 warhead MIRV capability. One wonders if, in view of Russia's high commonality of design, providing high degrees of interchangeability, the warheads may be similar to those used in the RSM-56 (Bulava) SLBM, which also has a 6 - warhead MIRVed capacity? In which case, it will be carrying warheads with 100 - 160kt individual yields.
It is now in "serial production", which is bad news for the collective west.
Vladimir Putinin kädet liikkuu. Pikkumies siellä huuruissaan tulkitsee..
Ядерных много не надо в одно место. Они равномерно должны падать на головы неонацистов по всей стране 404
Now that's a wonder weapon. They look like lightning bolts.
We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@ausreir look like hazzel nut flowers
Well what did Zelensky expect from Putin? Flowers maybe a gift basket?
He expected the missiles to speak by themselves, as he said. They've spoken.
Zelensky got a flower. Oreshnik is the Russian name for the hazel flower.
I thought i saw a sunflower on the last one! 🤣😂🤣
A jakým právem napadlo Rusko Ukrajinu. Zelenský se pouze brání fašounovi Putinovi!!
US and the Collective West should take this message very seriously. It’s time to stop with their BS and try to negotiate with Russia.
What about support for ukraine?
@ support for Ukrainian people always. My heart is bleeding for the displaced civilians and for the forcefully recruited men from the streets. From me, no support for Zelensky and Azov.
NATO and Zelensky started it. F with the bull and you get the horns.
negotiate with russia??? putin thinks his "special operation" is a succes... losing about 2000 men a day on russian side.... i think the russian people needs to stand up to him.
Bruv what did they expect?
Robbed putin for 5 billion then told him to do something....
Well here we are.
1 quả tên lửa ICBM mang 6 đầu đạn, mỗi đầu đạn chứa 6 đầu đạn con, sức công phá của đầu đạn con còn mạnh hơn cả quả bom FAB 3000, nói gì đến đầu đạn của tên lửa Iskander, có lẽ đây là loại thuốc nổ mới mà thế giới chưa tìm ra. Quá đẳng cấp, xin chúc mừng nước Nga 👍
Classy? Since when is killing classy? Think you're watching a video game? Human beings getting killed for what? Putin's ego?
USA: Fire ATACMS Missiles!
RUSSIA: You call that missile. No my friend. This is missile. 🚀
😂 that is funny.
America is evil and the Democrats are the head of that evil Why did they allow the Ukrainians to use Western weapons to attack Russian territory?
What if Russia supplied Iraq with missiles in 2003 and they were used to strike deep into American territory or American bases in the Middle East from which American planes were launched? What do we expect the Americans to do guys?
Помните момент из фильма не грози южному централу ? 😂
Is that a knife? This is a knife! (Crocodile Dundee)
it is NOT "ukraines" use of western weapons missiles, it's US/UK technicians managing these systems, they program the flightpaths and gather intelligence data /allocate targets !!!
US sateUS satellites are used for reconnaissance and targeting of these missiles.llites are used for reconnaissance and targeting of these missiles.
This is a blind spot in Western propaganda. They do not say that Russia's pretensions are not that the West is transferring these weapons to Ukraine, but because it launches them at Russia ITSELF. This is a game on the verge of a foul
@@alfredgema How do you know?
Вы только родились! 😊@@Dharmarenee
@@Dharmarenee becouse you need people with many years of programming education/skills/experiance of sofisticated technology(that is also classified to US "allies" like Saudis, ukis, swedes etc) and complex information managing skills are also needed , also many years of US-military technology education/background is needed, you cant just take an nazi-monkey from ukro-reich, you imbecil, and let it program flightpaths, get target data from military sattelite infrastructure that ukro-nazi-reich dont have etc etc. so yes very impossible and improbable for the US-proxy-vassal-ukro-reich-soldiers to do ,
Well zele was right when he said the missiles will do the talking
Six warheads, each with six sub-munitions. So thats 36 impacts in the video. Which means it could if needed hold 36 nuclear war heads. Thats some missile. Add to that it cannot be shot down by any anti air defence cause it travels at Mac10.
Чего ты так переживаешь, есть и другая ракета, летит 28 махов, спец посылка для США
Da i svih 36 imaju svoj cilj,znaci 36 atomskih bombi odjednom udaraju.Ali nedaj Boze ako budu ovo ispaljivali,nece jednu vec 10 komada,znaci 360 raketa i 360 ciljeva koji se be mogu odbraniti.Tu nema cremena ni odgovoriti.Samart jos vece zlo,brze i razornije.Pariz od trenutka ispaljivanja 200 sekundi,London nesto malo duze.Strasno.
@@vukvukovic5531 я знаю дружище, я знаю. Только не Самарт, а Сармат)
US has better than this.
@@crs1474 haha Make America Cry Again
Looks like zeus lightning strike
Молнии Путина 😂
It’s a devil not weapon!
Не вмешивайтесь в конфликт России и Украины иначе на следующий день вы можете не проснуться. Наш президент не шутит.
Niemand von der normalen Zivilbevölkerung würde einen Krieg mit Russland wollen.Wir haben Angst. Wir wollen Frieden
Так они и создали этот конфликт. США и нато
You speak as if the people of the country are directly responsible, and not the ones in power. We don’t want war
And nor does the Russian people! If your from the USA, and your sleepy joe who didn’t have the guts to take on Trump yet got Kamala to run?? Then gives authority to use the long range missiles is beyond a fucking joke! He can make a decision like that?? Isn’t that the most insane BS ever?? This is treason at its finest!
May God protect Russia against this evil force 🇷🇺
*@KilianLoyn4089* какой конфликт идиот? Идёт война НАТО с использованием населения Украины с Россией.
Вон нато и америка не приближайте к Россию.вам мало не покажется. Мы народ России до последней капли крови с Путиным ❤
We have no problem with the Russian people Putin is destroying your country.
Simply put stop poking the bear.
Pourquoi chercher a parler a des citoyens occidentaux qui ne sont jamais consultes et que leur representants les trahissent a chaque instant car le fric, la corruption, achetent meme le patriotisme.? Comprenez que Jules Cesar avait parfaitement cerne les dirigeants avides d'argent pour conquerir l Europe. sans devoir sacrifier ses sodats Les Russes qui ont sauve l Europe du Nazisme ont ete declare ennemi par nos elites pour fabriquer des armes qui sont totallement depassees , car pas question de laisser des idees nouvelles. L'histoire de l Humanite montre au combien beaucoup de genies en Occident ont ete mal traites car leur travaux changeaien les regles de domination . Combien d arrogants ont interdit les idees qui pouvaient changer le sort des peuples? La Russie a reussi a se debarrasser du regime monarchique car il avait fait du peuple des esclaves. Cet immense pays profitte de ses richesses naturelles mais aussi mis en esclavage des centaines de millions d humains. La Russie doit aussi se proteger des raclures occidentales qui depuis des siecles ont exploite les gens pour s enrichir. Il a fallu des guerres terribles ou les riches perdent tout pour avoir des lois sociales. Sans les guerres nous serions des esclaves. Meme la France aura comis un genocide durant sa revolution. Mais surtout ne pas le faire savoir. C est l argent qui aura fait les revolutions en Occident. Toujours la corruption . L Europe est libre par le sacrifice de millions de Russes qui devaient perir par les Nazis pour le bonheurs des multinationales qui financaient Hitler qui leur avait promis d expoliter les rchesses naturelles en Russie en echande d un soutient au nazisme. Voler les terres sovietiques qui appartenait aux cousins de la monarchie britannique. Londres n a pas oublie les Romanov qui avaient sacrifie des milions de Russes pour une guerre qui devait empecher en 1914 que les Allemands dominent les britanniques et les francais avec leur colonies. Mais quel interets pour les Russes de mourir en Allemagne , car les Allemands ne voulaient prendre les terres ruses a l eopque ? Non , c etait les alliances entre les Empires . Et depuis cette epoque les Americains ont compris combien le Europpeens etaient diriges par des idiots . Ils ont saisi cette opportunite pour devenir des puissants.. Les Russes ont du apprendre que le communism n est pas naturel, qu il faut laisser les gens choisir leur vie du moment qu ils ne cherchent pas a faire le mal. Poutine l Homme de la providence a eu le temps d etudier les Europpeens. Il est le Cesar des temps modernes. Il ne veut meme pas chercher a occuper des terres qui ne sont pas russes, car il faudrait changer la mentalite de la population. Il veut la paix le droit des gens a choisir leur gouvernance, le droit de s exprimer dans leur langue, le droit de se deplacer sans crainte . Du moment que les Russes sont en securite, il n y a aucun probleme. Mais voila des siecles de dominations de l Ouest se terminent. Les Russes avaient prevu la possibilite que cela arriverait car l Occident ne vit que par domination et que leur democratie cache un regime feodaliste ou les princes ne sont pas les elus des peuples maisce sont les multinationales qui les ont choisi. Poutine tolere les riches en Russie du moment qu ils ne font pas de politique. C est le privilege des peuples non des riches a qui revient le droit de decider....
Владимир повелитель метеоритов 🇷🇺👍
That was lightning fast.
Asi jako 3 roky trvající válka, co komiku!!
@@DaliBorovec D'abord, la Russie n'a jamais évoqué la durée de l'opération spéciale en Ukraine. Et comme ce sont des faussetés, d'où on entend l'opération spéciale devait durée 3 jours, tantôt c'est une semaine, tantôt c'est deux jours, tantôt, c'est deux semaines et tantôt c'est trois semaines. Et personne ne peut démontrer que la Russie a évoqué la durée de l'opération spéciale militaire en Ukraine. Je vous recommande sur TH-cam de réécouter le discours de Poutine sur le lancement de l'opération spéciale en Ukraine. Biden a dit que les USA ont réussi à mobiliser plus de 50 pays contre la Russie en Ukraine. L'Ukraine, 18ᵉ puissance militaire mondiale, épaulée par une coalition de plus de 50 pays contre la Russie qui a subi plus de 18 000 sanctions. Un défi que les USA, réputés comme la première armée du monde, n'ont jamais affronté ou relevé dans leur histoire. Je suis presque sûr que les USA à la place de la Russie seraient déjà vaincus. La dernière fois que les USA ont affronté une puissance moyenne, ils étaient obligés de faire recours à l'arme nucléaire. Les USA, épaulés par ses alliés, ont fait 20 ans en Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc, face à des adversaires qui n'avaient pas la taille de l'Ukraine et n'avaient reçu la moitié du soutien qu'a reçu Kiev contre la Russie. Pourquoi ne mettez-vous pas en cause le statut militaire des USA ?? L'honnêteté recommande de savoir que si cela ne tenait qu'à l'Ukraine, c'est déjà plié en 2022, au point où Kiev accepta de négocier la paix à Istanbul avant le sabotage de l'accord par les atlantistes pour s'impliquer dans le conflit et le faire durer. Pourquoi troller alors la Russie qui fait face à une coalition de plus de 50 pays dans une guerre hybride (économique, informationnelle, diplomatique et militaire) ??
@@DaliBorovecsmettila di vaneggiare
If the Westerners are not afraid of why they withdrew their embassies from Kiev, they are afraid of how the day will come when they will pray
they shit in their pants
А какой смысл отзывать из Киева. Росси не будет бить туда, Россия будет бить по центрам принятия решения.
Рука Архангела Михаила
нет,в данном случае рука Владимира Владимировича))его работа
@@АльфонсКапоне работа русских инженеров, металлургов и учёных...
Putin is no joke
He will die if he use a nuke. He is scare.
@@traceler If he scared, the war hadn't be begin man
@@tracelerNuclear warheads are used for defensive/counterattack measures, also Russia has “the dead man hand” system, so even if Russia got bombarded their systems would automatically launch all of its nuclear arsenal at once at pre-determined targets, god forbids.
Putin, vrah, terorista !!
Wrath of God ! Impressive
That's the wrath of Russia, not God. Bible records that two cities were burnt, fire raining. We can't stand the wrath of God.
Agresor, terorista okupant, rusko , žádný boží hněv!
Архангел Михаил спустился с небес⚡
Pokud by sestoupil, Rusko dnes neexistuje!
Don’t eff around with Mother Russia. Those missives CANNOT be stopped by anything.
Piss on Putter, he's a terrorist!
Bravo Russia from Z Republic of Cebu 😉
Ayaw paka ulaw Diha bai😅
From Republic of bohol😅😅
i couldn't remember where i saw something similar to these strikes...then i remembered -War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise, where the aliens are striking Earth with lighting
Egypt and Sodom and Gomorrah.
The same will happen to Russia and its coalition when they invade the Middle East
Ezekiel 38 and 39
US thinks they are the best in everything 😂 I’m sure US can stop it. Sent them to US and for testing please
Putin is not that stupid, or bad enough to attack the us.
@Rianrales-hs9cx US will not be always ahead. Their stupidity will bring them down. Overtime.
LMFAO @ "US thinks they are the best in everything" - the US only has the science of marketing as its best.
@@Rianrales-hs9cx the wheel turns
lightning strike . . . .
Jedině do Putlerovy hlavy!!
Wow better than the movies ,just incredible!
К сожалению это не кино. Это реальность.
украинцы любят фильмы смотреть.. на реальных событиях 🖕
Avante Russia, congratulações aqui do Brasil!
this is funny read from Brasil, cuz you are safiest from nuclear war
I'm from Russa and living in the industrial city, btw
I'm not scared, but...
Привет из России 🤝❤✌
This reminds me of those lightnings in "War of the Worlds" movie with Tom Cruise.
lol True .. that strange light that came before or after the storms in the movie
На самом деле мы высадили своих бойцов в этих молниях прямо в закрытые под землёй триноги. Скоро они вылезут😅😅😅😅
Mně to připadá, jak ruská propaganda!
@@DaliBorovecАга. Киностудия «Мосфильм». Мультик «Маша и Медьведь»😂
But but didn't the western media said that Russia only has outdated weapons...?
This is what is outdated)) God forbid you all see the newest (as V.V. Putin once said - on new physical principles)... Maybe it’s time to believe Putin’s words?
why is Ukraine now silent, because Russia has answered, how many missiles will Zelensky shoot again, I'm curious
Серьезно? Третья мировая тогда будет, ядерная. Ракеты не Зеленский выпустит, а НАТО. Вот Россия и обрушит все ракеты, но уже ядерные. Погибать, так всем миром! США этого так хочет: уничтожить человеческий род
Dost na to, aby rusko brečelo!
Зеленский лишь обдолбанный клоун, запускают Америка и Британия, они чешут репу.
Lighting strikes,,,its called the wood that beats it's enemy into submission....and that's just a drop of what they really have
yes, wood to beat it's enemy to submission is an old Russian expression that they used against their labor in feudal era 16th 17th century
@draganpaunovic5596 hazel nut wood..
Slava 🇷🇺
Sláva fašistům?? Okupantům, teroristům!!
Sláva světovému terorismu??
Sláva vrahům??
and then zelensky will say his famous line "i was just joking, remember im a clown😂"
Zelensky is a stupid comedian
Putin is a coward.
Shut up 😂😅😂
Unimaginable power Russia can never lose.
Rusko nikdy neporazí Ukrainu, natož NATO!!
@@DaliBorovecРоссия не собирается воевать с НАТО, но если это случится то и миру тогда конец придёт, зачем мир нужен если в нем не будет России
@@DaliBorovecсмешной вы😅
@@DaliBorovecWe respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@DaliBorovec Continua a sognare. Buonanotte!
Wow, very beautiful.. Russia is indeed an expert in its field..
Co jiného umí, co jiného nabízí světu? NIC. Není tady to trochu málo??
@@DaliBorovec We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
@@DaliBorovecмного чего хорошего. От вас просто это скрывают
Zkuste se rozepsat. Mám obavy, že z vaší strany nebude co psát!
Zkuste se rozepsat, mám obavy, že nebude o čem!!
Next cause of Russia actions for these missiles will include mushrooms.... lots and lots of mushrooms. Be careful what you wish for...
Yes Bro they musf be careful.of wot they r asking for😅😅
Люди, что спонсируют Окраину и так грибы кушают. Иначе я их тупость объяснить не могу
Не трогайте Россию, Господа! Русские люди очень терпеливы, но...!!!
Давайте жить Дружно!!! 😉
Trpěliví?? Viz. Ukrajina??
@@DaliBorovecWe respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
Они доброту за слабость принимают
@@DaliBorovec я с Украины, что хочешь?
Já nic. A ty podporuješ koho, russké nacisty??
While these bolts are hitting the ground, the Patriot system is still searching for something in the sky!
В этом случае камни качественнее "патриотов", зуб даю!
Great Russia! A guardian of freedom.
Ty máš v hlavě velký průvan, co.
Strážce svobody, co ve svém okolí vede jednu válku za druhou!
@@DaliBorovec We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
Ask Navalny's supporters about that
Navalného se už nikdo nezeptá. Další oběť rusského, zločinného režimu!!
А орешки не простые...
Всё скорлупки боевые...
Ядра чистый гиперзвук...
Экологический продукт...
Орешником на Руси изгоняли нечисть)
Mach 10..so scary..its like watching a meteor
У России есть оружие 2 раза быстрее еще
Russia is now the first and most powerful military country in the world !
По вина на Англия и САЩ
@@sylvestrelauriotprevost for sure no dubt
To w takim razie Ukraina chyba 2 najpotężniejszym, ponieważ rosja nie może zająć Ukrainy...
God help us all.
Мы, индонезийский народ, на 100% поддерживаем Россию против Запада и НАТО. Насколько я знаю, РУССКИЙ народ достаточно смел, чтобы умереть за свою страну. лучше умереть, чем разрушить свою страну.
Спасибо. Русские любят Индонезию!
Красивые люди и красивая страна❤
Like wrath of angel coming down..
Na Rusko brzy!!
Anděl nemá rád vrahy, teroristy, jakým rusko dnes je.
21 ноября православные отмечают День Архангела Михаила (воина против сил зла)
Pokud by nějaký Bůh existoval, neexistuje rusko!
To není dobrá zpráva pro Rusko!
Zelensky asked for long-range missiles. Russia gave them to him. But are nuances.
Amazing sense of humor and commentary!❤❤❤😁😁😁
Зеленскому нужно быть аккуратнее в своих желаниях😂🎉
У себя демократию стройте!! Россия Россияне сами знают какая им свобода нужна
Bemerkenswert, im Hintergrund die Einschläge, und im Vordergrund die losgehenden Arlarmanlagen der Fahrzeuge. Da kann man sich ungefähr vorstellen, welche Druckwelle dahinter steht.
Там было землятересение 5 баллов, боеголовки взорвались на глубине 50 метров под землёй, завод полностью ушёл под землю.
Благодаря огромной кинетической силе, эти пустые балванки создали локально, одновременно 6 землетрясений, там вся подземная инфраструктура сложилась.
Medvedev is the real deal, not as moderate as Putin. Maybe he would choose London for the demonstration instead of Dnipro just to troll Keir Starmer, Rishi, and that slob BoJo.
Мы ни куда не опаздываем😂
В Лондоне учатся и живут все дети российских богачей. Пожалуй, если ебануть, то по Парижу или Берлину.
Putin is mass & boss.. I love Putin ❤️❤️❤️
You idolize and love a murderer.
@@DharmareneeHe said Putin, not Biden or Netanyahu.
To ví každý rozumný člověk, mimo tebe!
Obdivovat vraha, teroristu, by mělo být ve všech státech trestné!!
Путин любит тебя!
ZELENSKY: " Long range missiles will speak for themselves".
PUTIN : " Sure, I am sending you few of them for free:" 😂😂😂
От увиденного офигели даже россияне. Страшная штука.
I've been saying for over a year Russia wasn't using all their weapons and when they start the real war starts. Remember they tell us the US military is 50 years ahead of what we think so you think Russia is using stuff from 50 years ago.
Hail Russia!
Rusko čeká brzký konec!
Браво России Путин красавчик и великий президент России! Орешки накажут наглый и заносчивый запад😅
Some people still have cards up their sleeves while others pretends to have.
Американцы ,вы не с той страной связались
The most dangerous weapon yet to be seen. Still hidden. Won't tell you.
I didn't know Thor was Russian in origin ⚡
Wow, speed more than 💡💡
God help Us this is crazy, Russia is so strong, Usa must stop this.... This is go to far.....
США должны заткнуться , убраться из Европы и других регионов мира и сидеть на своём острове стараясь не дышать
Пошли вы со своими решениями куда по дальше. В своем огороде разберитесь!
Россия должна остановить сша. весь мир будет только рад.
Oni vám ještě ukáží, kdo je ve světě pán. Vy to nejste ani omylem!!
Nástupem Trumpa dopadne Rusko jak v 90 letech, KRACHEM!!
Chúc mừng Nước Nga vĩ đại
Umm so the chips frm the washing machines work just fine after all 😂😂
Hammer of Judgement
And Gen.Ben Hodges repeating that russia runing out of arms
Он прав, старинное уже заканчивается. Теперь со склада выдадут современное.
Tak jedině z papundeklu, nebo dřevěné makety, chudáku!
To jako jedna prskavka, v podstatě prototip a vy z toho usuzujete na obrovské množství zbraní?
Бен Ходжест тот ещё идиот😂
"Wenn der Westen vergessen hat, wie der Weg zur Hölle aussieht, wir können es ihm zeigen".
- Sergei Alexandrowitsch Karaganow (u.a. Gründer des Valdai - Clubs u. ehemaliger „Kreml Berater“)
Россия великолепна, браво Путин ❤❤❤
Myslíš národ zdegenerovaných mužiků??
Wrath of the Emperor
Sangat cepat sulit untuk dicegat rudal penangkis manapun.. URRAAAA
To říká russká propaganda, nikdo jiný!
@@DaliBorovec все говорят спецы недалекий
@@DaliBorovec, а ты попробуй, додик
This is the warning for ego and arrogant US, UK ,German.
This weapon, Oreshnik missiles is not that great.
Russia have weapon greater than this Oreshnik missiles
Putin ❤🎉
Světový terorista Č.1!
Разве это ракеты- ВОТ ЭТО РАКЕТА!!!
Saudações do Brasil ! BRICS support !
. very strength uraaaa
Это только цветочки
ПУТИН поднял Россию с колен!!
Cannot be intercepted
ну почему невозможно.... можно камни кидать. да и бетман нормальный парень. вообщем справятся
Russia 😎😎😇😇
Since 2014, Ukraine has been using the Tochka U tactical missile system, according to NATO classification, “SS-21 Scarab A” against civilians, but for some reason the entire so-called “civilized” West is silent as if nothing is happening
И комментаторы тут с запада и не знают,обвиняя Россию
Looks just like War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise
Мы с нашим лидером и батей Владимиром Путиным во Славу Божью❤
Putin the peacemaker ❤
Oreshnik the peacemaker !!!
We respect the world, we protect the world: we will stick a nuclear diск to everyone who asks. Russia.
Мы мир уважаем, мы мир бережём: и ядерный xyu' всем кто просит, воткнём. Россия.
Rods of God.
USA does not have this
Daleko lepší! Russká propaganda!§
@@DaliBorovec так Россия еще не всю пропаганду показала😂😂😂
Hubou můžete blábolit co chcete. Jste jen hloupý, nafoukaný, zaostalý národ, co nic neumí!!
Čemu vy světu prospíváte, co nabízíte? Nic. Už vás předhání i v kosmonautice, jste žebrota co jen válčí, zbrojí.
Rusko nemá dále co ukazovat. Pouze propaganda!!
Taky nemá co!!
Stop moaning Ukraine.
❤️❤️💪💪🇮🇩🇷🇺 rusia salah satu negara yg mampu mengunguli semua negara di dinia dalam bidang rudal tercangih di dunia.
Perché sei così spaventato? Non capisci un'altra lingua!👍👍👍👍👍👍🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Rusija Sila ❤
They have put the shavels and washing machines down.Opened up the toolbox now imagine what else they are hiding and saving for the last,just starting to warming up.
Нато отойди от границ России подальше!!!!
Good evening 🙏 ✨️ ☺️ We trust you 🙏 ❤️ 🙌 All together for freedom and peace ⚖️ ✌️ Thank God bless 🎊 👏 💐
Please stop this before theres no point of return😢😢😢😢😢
To řekni Putinovi!!
@@DaliBorovecскажи в Брюсселе в штаб-квартире НАТО. Или боишься?
NATO, Brusel napadli Ukrajinu?
Rusko jako stát, válečný zločinec půjde brzy k soudu v HAAGU!!
@@DaliBorovec В каком году Россия напала на Украину в 2014 или в 2022?
E zelinski jel vidis kako projektili sami govore to su tvoje rjeci ako jos zelis govora projektila samo nastavi dalje
Great Russia!!!
Россия вперёд 🇷🇺
Tak do velkého zadku!
Vpřed? Kam?
Я смотрю,всем понравилось ❤
What did NATO… USA and EU honestly expect! They don’t seem to understand that they are not playing WAR GAMES on XBOX!!