"Floats that one in, it's taken early, and then into Seganov, back court attack off the net. Three balls, Seganov, ATANASOV, unbelievable *(This is where the dig happens)* that-- *(I think the announcer stopped short to keep commenting because it was a live ball)* -- and it's into Tuaniga, what can Russell do, can't find the floor, Bulgaria needs a scramble, Tuaniga with the first touch, Smith with the set, Ensing, off the block. Oh ho, that dig from DeFalco, I can't believe he got that up, he was almost in row one, I thought he was gonna take our cam-- (next clip)
Epic digs!
Successful save digs
JPN never gets you down
What did he say on the first one???
"Floats that one in, it's taken early, and then into Seganov, back court attack off the net. Three balls, Seganov, ATANASOV, unbelievable *(This is where the dig happens)* that-- *(I think the announcer stopped short to keep commenting because it was a live ball)* -- and it's into Tuaniga, what can Russell do, can't find the floor, Bulgaria needs a scramble, Tuaniga with the first touch, Smith with the set, Ensing, off the block. Oh ho, that dig from DeFalco, I can't believe he got that up, he was almost in row one, I thought he was gonna take our cam-- (next clip)