Corie, you're blessed that this great biblical wisdom has become clear to you in your young years. It took me much longer to get it. I used to worry and be anxious for everything when I was your age. I was worried about being a better mom, daughter, wife, my job, my home and just about anything else you can think of. I never was good enough, but I was the one I wasn't good enough for. God knows what we need and if we rely on Him, we can't fail! You are a blessing to all of us and you're one smart cookie!
Your wisdom is far beyond your years. You are an inspiration even to us older folks. I have failed God many times but He remains faithful. His love, grace and mercy abounds! I am touched by your devotion and pray God’s best for your life always.
Another quote I use in my daily life is “Let go…. Let god” He’ll guide me and keep me safe. I made two resolutions … 1. No more potato chips … they’re my kryptonite… 2. No more snacking in the evening So far so good.
Whether you are 20's, 40's, 60's or more we have to remember to quiet that voice that tells us we are not enough and that is why Armouring up in the word we can see the truth & know the doubts come not from the Father. Good perspective for the new year. 🙂😇
It is very encouraging to see someone of your age sharing your faith and and understanding the importance of having a personal relationship with God thru Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Psalm 111:10 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
Thank you for sharing what God has laid on your heart. It's beautiful to witness your testimony. Along the lines of seeking God first in your life - God has led me to Psalm 32:8-9 many times recently as I'm going through a season of change. The scripture reads "The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control." That last verse makes me laugh every time because I can certainly act like a senseless horse or mule sometimes. LOL. You and your whole family are such a blessing and I enjoy all your videos.
For any and every good deed I do I tell folks I'm gathering bricks with each one for my house in Heaven, Good Lord willing. They say do a good deed every day and I say why stop at one.I wonder if I'm doing enough for the Lord every day and so that's good advice to remember your past devotions and not to overthink your faith and make things too tense for yourself, but I'm sure I'll still do it somewhat but with your words as a piece of good advice. Thanks and praise the Lord!
How wonderful that you have beeb given that little devotional book. I received that same book as a gift a few years ago and it has been such a blessing. It is so important to read the scriptures that are listed as they are the foundation for what is written there. It has been just what I needed so many times. We are so often driven to stay busy and be productive that we feel guilty if we are not. That is not what Gods word says. It clearly tells us to make time for Him. Time for rest. Time for people. Life demands are often beyond our control. I am at that time in life as I care for my elderly father and work full time in our family business, I am a grandmother and a wife of 51 years. No extra time left anywhere in my life so I trim away unnecessary things lean more heavily upon the Lord. I gain my approval from Him. Keep seeking. You will find. It is His promise. It will also help you as you begin your new life with Austin to be a good and happy wife. Much love to you precious young woman. You are on the right path!
Thank you, I agree with you in the importance of thanking God for prayers He has already answered for me and blessings He has already brought instead of just talking to Him when I have a new request. May He continue to bless you and all your family.
God carries me everyday and never lets me forget that He is my Strength.....When I wake up I say okay God guide me to do what needs done and then whatever happens in my day I know it was what I was supposed to do.....I was raising my Granddaughter from birth, she was my best friend, my life, and march 19, 2017 she was killed in a car wreck at 9 years old, my husbands neck was broken but he survived and when I was told this at 7:00 that morning, I walked outside and looked up and walked up and down my driveway screaming as loud as i could over and over GOD GOD GOD every breath and after about 15 minutes of that I was able to get in car to go to see my husband, but everyday I had to get in a hot shower and stand there saying Gods name over and over to stop the crying and be able to breathe and i had to do that 5 or more times a day.....It was indeed God that gave me Strength, He saved me from losing my mind, I know He is still carrying me and always will.....It was in my lowest time, my desperation, my fear of the pain i felt that scared me, that lost empty feeling was terrifying and that was when I realized, God brought me through that, God heard me, he guided me, the showers that calmed me down was Gods idea and it my weakest, He let me know that He is there, He is the reason I am waking up every morning and He is my first stop, my go to for everything all day long, if i drop something i say Thank you God it never landed on my toe, if i find something I say Thank You God so to speak, I acknowledge Him all day because I am soooo grateful and thankful that feeling of fear left me, that terrible sick feeling subsided so to speak and He hears me and I Trust in Him now for every small thing.....I will never be Me again but He is helping Me to get acquainted with the new person I have become, it is Mind over Matter (grief).....You feel His presence and Trust in Him and He knows that and He paves the path we walk on our Journey through life on earth, He is the reason.....for instance, If I find a beautiful rock it is His Will, for I would never have found it without Him, that is my mind frame, He is the reason behind everything.....Thank you Corie for reminding us, He is to be our first stop.....Indeed!
Great devotion Corie, I love that saying “LET GOD BE YOUR FIRST STOP NOT YOUR LAST RESORT” thanks for sharing these very wise and encouraging words and scripture!! We’ve all been guilty of trying everything else in the book concerning the issues in our lives, before we ever give JESUS a chance to take care of it. GOD BLESS YALL 🙏🏻😇🙌🏻☀️👍🏻😊❤️😇🙏🏻
You are such a good soul, the world needs a lot more people like you, 2021 was not a good year for me, but 2021 has brought me closer to God, and that has helped me through some dark days, Jesus is truly the light, the way,
We're in agreement, Corie. When we put our Lord first, everything else falls into place. Even when we don't realize it, because God sees the Whole picture and all that can go wrong, where we can only see what's in our little space. Our God is an amazing Father. Thank you for sharing Faith.
As I watched this video, I couldn't help but think of the old Gospel Hymn "Give Up and Let Jesus Take Over". Here are the lyrics. I've been there myself. I was a lot older and it took me longer to just give up and let Jesus take over. (Very nice video.) Give up, let Jesus take over Oh, give up, let Jesus take over, oh yeah And He'll make a way for you Well, if you've got mountains that you can't climb Oh, and if you've got rivers that you can't cross And if you've got valleys that you can't span Let Jesus, let Jesus take a hold of your hand Now if you got burdens too hard to bear Oh, and if you load is more than your share Kneel, kneel down, talk to Jesus because I, I know and I know He cares And He'll, He'll make a way, make a way for us somehow Sing it together, sing it, let Jesus take over Oh, give up and let Jesus take over Oh, give it up and let Jesus take over And He'll make a way, say He'll make a way He'll make a way for you
What a blessing! It warms my heart to see a young adult wanting to be led by God, and not ashamed to mention the name of Jesus! May God continue to bless you. Putting God first is a great way to begin your upcoming marriage!
it's humbling to realize that God knew I was going to make this comment long before I was aware you had uploaded this video, Corie! Your devotionals always radiate your strong convictions.
Thank you so much for sharing this, Corey. What you had to say really hit home with me, especially about using gratitude to keep the right mindset, bringing our cares to God but also building trust and faith by believing that once we bring these things to Him, He sets good things into motion for us with a timetable that is precisely right for us. The phrase, "using Jesus as a first stop instead of a last resort"...just hearing you say that, made me realize just how often I've been guilty of that, and also makes me eager to change it! Anyway, thank you again, I'm so glad to have heard what you had to say today. :)
Corie, I so enjoy when you do these types of videos. My theme for this year is "Let go and Let God". I've even got it written in my notebook I use for my Scripture Writing. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we are obeying Him & loving Him. I'm like you with anxiety & I also suffer with terrible depression due to being disabled with chronic severe pain from head to toe. But I am thankful every day that I'm able to get out of bed, even if it's just to make it to the living room to the recliner. When I first became disabled, I would literally pray for God to just let me die...I feel like such a burden. But what always came to my mind was Psalm 46:10...Be Still and know that I am God... I adore that verse & have a few items I've found, including a Devotional with that scripture on it. It reminds me of all that God can do & is doing for us. God bless you always sweetie! Hugs from chilly VA! 🙏✝️
I’m glad you liked the video. I’m sorry to hear about your illness and will say a prayer of healing for you. God bless you and thank you for watching and sharing! ❤️☺️
This is the year we all need to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, more now than ever. He is the way, the truth, and the life, non shall come to the Father but by him. We are in a spiritual battle Ephesians 6:10 and we are in the end times of Revelation. Jesus will return like a thief in the night to claim is flock and reap his harvest. He is the slain lamb found worthy to break the seal of Judgment. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess he is Lord. Rejoice at his near return but prepare for the tribulation that is ahead. We must be reborn, baptized in the spirit and water, and repent. And last but not least endure till the end. This world will bring forth a false Messiah, Anti Christ and a One World Order Beast System will come. There is no avoiding it but there is also nothing to fear. Put on the full armour of God, obey his commandments, and put all your heart and faith in Jesus Christ. Yahshua Hamachiac (Jesus Christ in Hebrew). If you have Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit you are Israel. Shalom y'all.
Yes trust in GOD and The Holy Spirit, I like what the first comment was , so glad to see young people trusting GOD and talking about him and Jesus, Your Parents did a fine job raising you and your sister. Come Quickly Lord Jesus
You help me. I'm a seventy three year old man and I care very much about your opinion of things. You are wise beyond your years. All of you. Corie, Katie, Tipper, Matt, Granny, Uncle Paul, And Jesus fits in there somewhere.
This type of video should be more prevalent than it is. Thank you for making the effort, for finding such a good text, and for delivering so well. God Bless you.
I will gladly echo "thank you" here. You asked me to comment what helps me. There came a point last November when I had committed myself to a personal goal, a personal deadline, the completion of which would affect no one but myself in any significant way. I was going to write one poem a day. I suffer with chronic depression, PTSD, and some physical issues, all of which together have me classified as being "disabled." Of course, some days are worse than others. I had been trying to make sure I could finish crocheting the upcoming Christmas gifts, and adding this deadline into my November "to-do" schedule seemed do-able on the good days. Until the bad days. Then, I would struggle, and get angry with myself, and frustrated that my mind and body could not keep up. Then, I realized that all of the stress, and the worry, weren't doing me any good. I needed to accept my own limitations, and forgive myself... I just had to allow myself that slack. I started to be realistic about what I COULD control, and what I could control was to not beat myself up or shame myself. I was being my own worst enemy and harshest critic. When I loved myself enough to say, "No, I'm not going to get that thing done, and it's ok!" the world felt a little lighter, and I was able to go back to focusing on making sure others needs were taken care of. I still don't have one gift (my daughter's blanket) done, as time and money haven't allowed it be, but she will get it soon, and she cherishes what I've done so far. And that's good enough for now. I hope this helps someone. Hugs, Corie. -Valeri 🙏
That is a real Christian witness, Corie. You make a good point about not using Jesus as a final resort. It's great that, whether a first, final, or in-between resort, Jesus always comes through. But what distress and misery we would spare ourselves if we always made Him the first resort! Yes, a very good point. I should know, my 77-year-old self has gone that "last resort" route a few times. Thank you for making this video, and thank you, Lord, for leading me to this blessing today.
Thank you so much for that...I've been struggling with anxiety myself. It started before Christmas, and I couldn't enjoy Christmas at all. I'm still dealing with the anger that comes with anxiety. Please pray for me...ty
I'm praying for you because God said He counts the hairs on your head. I always thought that sounded weird, until someone explained to me that it means God looks upon you in His arms, loving you like a parent loves the child. A mama holds her baby in her arms in a way that looks like she's counting the hairs on its head. So that's where the saying came from. God looks at you that way, every moment of every day. Suppose a toddler in the terrible twos has a tantrum, and ends up crying himself to exhaustion. Daddy holds that child lovingly and safe in his arms. That's how God holds you in the midst of your anxiety and in your anger. It doesn't make sense to human understanding, but God works it all out to your good. Maybe it's so you'll learn to be completely trusting in His Mercy.
god for you guys and allah for us is one he guide he provide he gives he takes he set the pace,he only ask one thing from us .that we dont worship anything else but him.bless you ladies and may god protect you .
Hi Corie , I'm 58 and your talk really resonates with me as i see myself in what you described . Sometimes , i feel that i'm the only one who has issues and i see other's situations /lives being perfect as compared to mine.
Such wisdom from someone your age is inspiring and truly shows God’s hand on you! My prayer is to always remember to put Him first in my life and that He may someday shine from me as He already does from you!
I love the Jesus Calling Devotionals! Being reminded to be thankful for the answer to prayers that he has all ready set in motion really gave me so much peace and comfort also! Thanks for sharing Corie!
thank you Corie ...i am struggling with my spirituality...raised catholic pretty hardcore for my i see God in everything every day...looking to join a church or fellowship ...its a struggle but i feel like im on a path 💛
Corie, you are so amazing! I love that you are keeping your life focused on Jesus and sharing these thoughts and meditations with us. I have the same desire to follow Him and to do His will for me each day. He has blessed our family so much, it is so beyond what we could ever earn or desire and it’s all because of His great love for us...I can never thank Him or praise Him enough for that. Thank you for your boldness in speaking for Him. ❤️🙏🏻 Jane (Making Him my first stop instead of my last resort...I love this!) God bless you!
Korie…I am guilty of letting anxiety take over some times. I have found, the more I read and really study His Word, the less anxiety I have in my life. I was gifted that same devotional and I have really enjoyed it. I like your saying, let Jesus be your first stop….. I try to remember that there are blessings in our trials. 🙏🏻👆🏻
It’s nice that you thought through the many processes you are undertaking this year. Follow your heart and things will fall into place for you and your entourage!😊🇨🇦❤️
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? People commit adultery, steal, and do a host of foolish things because of their heart....some in the name of love. Best to always give it to God. Learn to listen, and follow HIS lead.
If I had sons I swear I would pray they find to marry young women like you and your sister. Spoken totally like a mom, lolol. 🤣💓 You all have your priorities straight IMHO. Well-raised, that's what you are, and fine stuff to begin with. Keep praying and listening. Thank you for this and all your work.
Wise words, Corie. Thank you so much! Yes indeed, taking my eyes off of Jesus only brings me anxiety. I need to make Him my first priority; He's watching over me. I'm like you in that I wonder if I'm doing enough, but my worth is in Him. I'm a child of a King! God bless you!
It does my heart good to see a young person in this crazy world professing the truth and their love for God. My heart is blessed to see you use your channel for spreading God's love and word, instead of promoting just yourself. I used to go to God only when I was at my ropes' end and then, only with my hand out; always asking for something. I've learned now (more since I've become old.. 72), that without God there is nothing- nothing that I want. As King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes: *_"All is vanity!"_* and he goes on to say: *_"All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled."_* ... (You mentioned disliking the term "enough".)
Corie, you are on the right track - far ahead of many folks. Placing God first and foremost in your life (and Austin’s) will make all the difference that so many folks in the world simply don’t have or understand. And yes - our worth, our everything comes from God. Give all your cares to the Lord for He is more than capable! Bless you for being willing to share your faith and belief in our Lord and Savior!!!
Corie, your choice of scripture spoke to me. I used to worry and fret. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he told me: "My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." So I will brag even more about my weaknesses in order that Christ's power will live in me. Jesus Christ's strength is all you need.
Love this! I agree jesus needs to be our first stop and not just a last resort him first and all the other things will be added unto us...I understand about anxiety and stress...years ago , use to be pretty much a perfectionist , that put so much stress on me , trying to be perfect in everything I did and when I failed, it would upset me alot ....then one day I just turned it over to God, because he said his yoke is easy and his burden light ....I always pray about it , do my best and let the lord take care of the rest ....thank you and God bless y'all....❤🙏
These videos are my favorite. So often we try to do things the way we want and when that fails we desperately seek Jesus. Its such a good reminder to go to God first as he knows exactly what we need. Have a blessed weekend.🕊
Thank You Corie for sharing your heart. I love the encouragement, inspiration and sharing of your wisdom for struggles that we all encounter in this life. God Bless you and keep you Corie..
As I've said before Corie, you are a Gem! With Jesus as your First stop, you will be heading into marriage in the very best way. If you and Austin follow that simple concept, as you both grow closer to Jesus you will truly become one with each other. Thanks for your willingness to share your wisdom! Austin, you take good care of my Li'l sister now, ya hear? 😊
Right on time. This message came tonight at the perfect moment for me. My 2022 goal is PEACE Finding its easier said than done. Praise Jesus and your obedience in sharing this 🙌 🙏 I've spent a lot of time in conversation with Him about His pace for our lives. All in God's timing is best
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Spending time with your channel has been so helpful for me to strengthen my faith in the Lord. Please keep on blessing us all with your beautiful words❤️
Happy New Year! How beautiful you explained about the simple things. All of what you have said is powerful to those who are suffering with what you are sharing. You I remember watching one of your vlogs where you and your sister talked about things that happened and your lives were spared. I have always looked at it as God is the one to command a hedge of angels to protect us in different situations in our lives. I look forward to the vlogs you and Katie share. and your upcoming wedding! I am now beginning to watch your Mom’s vlogs. 🙏🤗💞😇🕊
You said something that hit me, feeling that you are never enough and that you don't do enough. I feel that every minute of every day that I am not good enough, that I don't do enough, that what I make isn't good enough and that nothing I do, say or feel is ever enough and it is the most stressful and it causes me great depression and makes me physically ill because I am always worried about this. I don't want to feel like this, but it's always in the back of my mind that something I've made isn't perfect and that I'm not "perfect" enough...and I know that nobody is perfect and nothing is perfect, but society and growing up in the way I's always that you have to be the best or you aren't right and you aren't accepted, and this has caused me major anxiety and I think so many people out there may feel the same way. How can we stop feeling this way? Personally... I love this video today and I wish I had your devotional to read. I used to wake up every morning and always listening to my surroundings before I would get up and get out of bed and I always listened for the birds, song birds always lift me. I used to find something positive when I first woke up and that was my positive, song birds and children's laughter, hearing dogs barking...and all the sounds from outside which to mean meant life and some where I lost that..searching for the positive every day and you've brought me back to that I need to start doing that again, when my eyes first open every day, just listen... listen and hear everything. I needed this post today. Thank you so very much. *HUGS*
Please email me if you will: I totally understand how you feel. I feel like that a lot myself. What’s helped me most is remembering that God is enough so we don’t have to be enough and that means in every task and everything we do. Also that we need to just focus on him and not worry what others think. And we have to also retrain our brains from that habit and tell it no. God bless you and thank you for watching!
Corie, these videos are so special. Such wisdom from someone so young. Am so glad you have Jesus Calling. I have had it for several years. It is so amazing that almost always, the devotion for the day speaks straight from God the exact thing needed. Looking forward to more of these videos. God bless! ❤️❤️
Its rather unique I suppose/ but what helps me is Im made to go by deed before word , (Quote-Its not what you say but what you do that teaches your children), all my life Ive been finding out by deed on the inside / and the outside through creation in deed, so while many use word /others go by deed, not that you couldn't do both, its just that I feel going by deed before word is under rated but a vital way to live in faith, even the word talks about going by deed - - - speak to the earth and it will teach you n/ask the animals they well tell you, for gentle people deed can be enough to get it fully /deeply, a rare personality type is going to have a rarer rough grass foot path journey and be a gentle reminder that going by deed is also a beautiful way to the heart of hearts! Deed speaks to some/like words speak to another!
You have a great ability to deliver this message. I'm really glad that you make these videos! I also find myself getting worked up and worrying about all kinds of things in life, and just like the last time that you posted a video about this subject I once again needed to hear this today. Thank you so much for sharing, I agreed so much with the things that you brought up, and I will also be seeking God throughout every day :) I always try to start out my prayers with thanking God for all of the blessings that He has given me throughout my whole life, whether it's for my family or good situations, I like to start out by just saying thank you, and being grateful for all of the ways that I have already been blessed, then moving on to asking help with something. It really does help to look at all of the good things, and seeing all of the ways that He has always been there. Again, thank you for a great video, and God bless you and all of your family! :D
This was wonderful Corie. I never make New Year's resolutions, but after watching and listening, I accept your challenge. It was a blessing for you to share what the good Lord has laid on your heart.
It took me 55 years to get the Wisdom that You have young lady. Thank You for reminding an old senseless man to use his Faith in God and everything else will be alright. Please thank your Man for me and my Puppy Hans for giving You that Good book. You are a Good Person and You have a Good Family. My Dog and I will pray for Y'all. Walking in the woods makes my nerves better and I feel close to God there. I feel close to God when I walk with my Dog. This Beautiful world that God has Blessed us with is backwards. Dog backwards is God and the closest thing that I have seen God in is In my Dogs. Stay warm and safe, snows coming. God Bless You and Y'alls Family and Y'alls Dogs if You got em.♥️🙏♥️♥️
It blesses my heart to see more Godly young people stepping out to glorify their relationship with Jesus!
Corie, you're blessed that this great biblical wisdom has become clear to you in your young years. It took me much longer to get it. I used to worry and be anxious for everything when I was your age. I was worried about being a better mom, daughter, wife, my job, my home and just about anything else you can think of. I never was good enough, but I was the one I wasn't good enough for. God knows what we need and if we rely on Him, we can't fail! You are a blessing to all of us and you're one smart cookie!
Thank you friend, God bless you! ☺️
Thank you, Corie, for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ and setting this one, most important goal for your year.
It is great to see young people are so passionate about Jesus. Putting him first is what everyone should do.
Thank you!
Your wisdom is far beyond your years. You are an inspiration even to us older folks. I have failed God many times but He remains faithful. His love, grace and mercy abounds! I am touched by your devotion and pray God’s best for your life always.
Your words are inspiring to me. Thank You and God Bless You ♥️🙏♥️
Thank you, God bless you! 🙏☺️
Another quote I use in my daily life is “Let go…. Let god”
He’ll guide me and keep me safe.
I made two resolutions …
1. No more potato chips … they’re my kryptonite…
2. No more snacking in the evening
So far so good.
Corie, in my 82nd year, my goal is to " finish well." Thanks for your commitment to to the Bible and the message there in.
@Harold Robertson...And after the finish, a beautiful life for eternity.
Thank you Harold, God bless you!
Whether you are 20's, 40's, 60's or more we have to remember to quiet that voice that tells us we are not enough and that is why Armouring up in the word we can see the truth & know the doubts come not from the Father. Good perspective for the new year. 🙂😇
It is very encouraging to see someone of your age sharing your faith and and understanding the importance of having a personal relationship with God thru Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 111:10 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
When I catch myself worrying or my thoughts are in a loop I say the Lords Prayer. 'Saying and Feeling' the words of this prayer quiets my mind.
Thank you for sharing what God has laid on your heart. It's beautiful to witness your testimony. Along the lines of seeking God first in your life - God has led me to Psalm 32:8-9 many times recently as I'm going through a season of change. The scripture reads "The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control." That last verse makes me laugh every time because I can certainly act like a senseless horse or mule sometimes. LOL. You and your whole family are such a blessing and I enjoy all your videos.
Thank you for sharing, I like that passage. God bless you and yours!
For any and every good deed I do I tell folks I'm gathering bricks with each one for my house in Heaven, Good Lord willing. They say do a good deed every day and I say why stop at one.I wonder if I'm doing enough for the Lord every day and so that's good advice to remember your past devotions and not to overthink your faith and make things too tense for yourself, but I'm sure I'll still do it somewhat but with your words as a piece of good advice. Thanks and praise the Lord!
Jesus is first stop not last resort 🙏 🙌 perfect. Thank you for being so inspiring 💗. You have a blessed weekend and be careful of the weather.
Thank you! 🙏❤️
How wonderful that you have beeb given that little devotional book. I received that same book as a gift a few years ago and it has been such a blessing. It is so important to read the scriptures that are listed as they are the foundation for what is written there. It has been just what I needed so many times. We are so often driven to stay busy and be productive that we feel guilty if we are not. That is not what Gods word says. It clearly tells us to make time for Him. Time for rest. Time for people. Life demands are often beyond our control. I am at that time in life as I care for my elderly father and work full time in our family business, I am a grandmother and a wife of 51 years. No extra time left anywhere in my life so I trim away unnecessary things lean more heavily upon the Lord. I gain my approval from Him. Keep seeking. You will find. It is His promise. It will also help you as you begin your new life with Austin to be a good and happy wife. Much love to you precious young woman. You are on the right path!
I am Almost 70 yrs old and your words is a inspiration to me. I hope they are for others that needs to hear from you. God bless you!!
Thank you, God bless you! ❤️
Y’all are precious. With JESUS first in your heart you can never go wrong
No matter how many trials come your way
Thank you, I agree with you in the importance of thanking God for prayers He has already answered for me and blessings He has already brought instead of just talking to Him when I have a new request. May He continue to bless you and all your family.
God carries me everyday and never lets me forget that He is my Strength.....When I wake up I say okay God guide me to do what needs done and then whatever happens in my day I know it was what I was supposed to do.....I was raising my Granddaughter from birth, she was my best friend, my life, and march 19, 2017 she was killed in a car wreck at 9 years old, my husbands neck was broken but he survived and when I was told this at 7:00 that morning, I walked outside and looked up and walked up and down my driveway screaming as loud as i could over and over GOD GOD GOD every breath and after about 15 minutes of that I was able to get in car to go to see my husband, but everyday I had to get in a hot shower and stand there saying Gods name over and over to stop the crying and be able to breathe and i had to do that 5 or more times a day.....It was indeed God that gave me Strength, He saved me from losing my mind, I know He is still carrying me and always will.....It was in my lowest time, my desperation, my fear of the pain i felt that scared me, that lost empty feeling was terrifying and that was when I realized, God brought me through that, God heard me, he guided me, the showers that calmed me down was Gods idea and it my weakest, He let me know that He is there, He is the reason I am waking up every morning and He is my first stop, my go to for everything all day long, if i drop something i say Thank you God it never landed on my toe, if i find something I say Thank You God so to speak, I acknowledge Him all day because I am soooo grateful and thankful that feeling of fear left me, that terrible sick feeling subsided so to speak and He hears me and I Trust in Him now for every small thing.....I will never be Me again but He is helping Me to get acquainted with the new person I have become, it is Mind over Matter (grief).....You feel His presence and Trust in Him and He knows that and He paves the path we walk on our Journey through life on earth, He is the reason.....for instance, If I find a beautiful rock it is His Will, for I would never have found it without Him, that is my mind frame, He is the reason behind everything.....Thank you Corie for reminding us, He is to be our first stop.....Indeed!
Thank you for sharing, God bless you! ❤️
Great devotion Corie, I love that saying “LET GOD BE YOUR FIRST STOP NOT YOUR LAST RESORT” thanks for sharing these very wise and encouraging words and scripture!! We’ve all been guilty of trying everything else in the book concerning the issues in our lives, before we ever give JESUS a chance to take care of it. GOD BLESS YALL 🙏🏻😇🙌🏻☀️👍🏻😊❤️😇🙏🏻
Thank you friend! ❤️🙏☺️
You are such a good soul, the world needs a lot more people like you, 2021 was not a good year for me, but 2021 has brought me closer to God, and that has helped me through some dark days, Jesus is truly the light, the way,
My goal for 2023 is to be intentional for God. “ To set my mind on things above” Colossians 3
There ain't no jimmie jams with the Lord ❤
When that moment comes, say "Hello" for me and ask that He doesn't forget about me.
That is a wonderful notion and such a good guide for one's life: "Jesus as a first stop, instead of as a last resort". God bless!
We're in agreement, Corie. When we put our Lord first, everything else falls into place. Even when we don't realize it, because God sees the Whole picture and all that can go wrong, where we can only see what's in our little space. Our God is an amazing Father. Thank you for sharing Faith.
Amen, thanks for watching and God bless you! ❤️
As I watched this video, I couldn't help but think of the old Gospel Hymn "Give Up and Let Jesus Take Over". Here are the lyrics. I've been there myself. I was a lot older and it took me longer to just give up and let Jesus take over. (Very nice video.)
Give up, let Jesus take over
Oh, give up, let Jesus take over, oh yeah
And He'll make a way for you
Well, if you've got mountains that you can't climb
Oh, and if you've got rivers that you can't cross
And if you've got valleys that you can't span
Let Jesus, let Jesus take a hold of your hand
Now if you got burdens too hard to bear
Oh, and if you load is more than your share
Kneel, kneel down, talk to Jesus because I, I know and I know He cares
And He'll, He'll make a way, make a way for us somehow
Sing it together, sing it, let Jesus take over
Oh, give up and let Jesus take over
Oh, give it up and let Jesus take over
And He'll make a way, say He'll make a way
He'll make a way for you
Thank you for sharing ❤️
Wonderful devotional. Your love for our Savior and openness should be an inspiration to all who hear your words. God bless and keep you.
Thank you!
What a blessing! It warms my heart to see a young adult wanting to be led by God, and not ashamed to mention the name of Jesus! May God continue to bless you. Putting God first is a great way to begin your upcoming marriage!
Bravo !!!!!!! Pleasing Jesus is our ONLY goal in life!
What a precious young lady. So happy to know we share the same faith in Jesus! I know Jesus is smiling down on you.
Beautiful thoughts Corie! You are such a beautiful spirit in this world that God made!
Thank you, love you! ❤️
Great is Thy Faithfulness
it's humbling to realize that God knew I was going to make this comment long before I was aware you had uploaded this video, Corie! Your devotionals always radiate your strong convictions.
I love that! Jesus is a first stop...not a last resort! That should be a tee-shirt! Blessings! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this! God bless!
Thank you, God bless you and yours! ☺️
Thank you so much for sharing this, Corey. What you had to say really hit home with me, especially about using gratitude to keep the right mindset, bringing our cares to God but also building trust and faith by believing that once we bring these things to Him, He sets good things into motion for us with a timetable that is precisely right for us.
The phrase, "using Jesus as a first stop instead of a last resort"...just hearing you say that, made me realize just how often I've been guilty of that, and also makes me eager to change it!
Anyway, thank you again, I'm so glad to have heard what you had to say today. :)
I’m so glad you liked the video, God bless you!
My go to when I need strength is, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. God bless you.
Amen, God bless you!
Corie, I so enjoy when you do these types of videos. My theme for this year is "Let go and Let God". I've even got it written in my notebook I use for my Scripture Writing. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we are obeying Him & loving Him. I'm like you with anxiety & I also suffer with terrible depression due to being disabled with chronic severe pain from head to toe. But I am thankful every day that I'm able to get out of bed, even if it's just to make it to the living room to the recliner. When I first became disabled, I would literally pray for God to just let me die...I feel like such a burden. But what always came to my mind was Psalm 46:10...Be Still and know that I am God... I adore that verse & have a few items I've found, including a Devotional with that scripture on it. It reminds me of all that God can do & is doing for us. God bless you always sweetie! Hugs from chilly VA! 🙏✝️
I’m glad you liked the video. I’m sorry to hear about your illness and will say a prayer of healing for you. God bless you and thank you for watching and sharing! ❤️☺️
This is the year we all need to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, more now than ever. He is the way, the truth, and the life, non shall come to the Father but by him. We are in a spiritual battle Ephesians 6:10 and we are in the end times of Revelation. Jesus will return like a thief in the night to claim is flock and reap his harvest. He is the slain lamb found worthy to break the seal of Judgment. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess he is Lord. Rejoice at his near return but prepare for the tribulation that is ahead. We must be reborn, baptized in the spirit and water, and repent. And last but not least endure till the end. This world will bring forth a false Messiah, Anti Christ and a One World Order Beast System will come. There is no avoiding it but there is also nothing to fear. Put on the full armour of God, obey his commandments, and put all your heart and faith in Jesus Christ. Yahshua Hamachiac (Jesus Christ in Hebrew). If you have Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit you are Israel. Shalom y'all.
Yes trust in GOD and The Holy Spirit, I like what the first comment was , so glad to see young people trusting GOD and talking about him and Jesus, Your Parents did a fine job raising you and your sister.
Come Quickly Lord Jesus
You help me. I'm a seventy three year old man and I care very much about your opinion of things. You are wise beyond your years. All of you. Corie, Katie, Tipper, Matt, Granny, Uncle Paul, And Jesus fits in there somewhere.
Thank you friend!
This type of video should be more prevalent than it is. Thank you for making the effort, for finding such a good text, and for delivering so well. God Bless you.
AMEN !!! IT WORKS TOO !! your devotional reading..
I will gladly echo "thank you" here. You asked me to comment what helps me. There came a point last November when I had committed myself to a personal goal, a personal deadline, the completion of which would affect no one but myself in any significant way. I was going to write one poem a day. I suffer with chronic depression, PTSD, and some physical issues, all of which together have me classified as being "disabled." Of course, some days are worse than others. I had been trying to make sure I could finish crocheting the upcoming Christmas gifts, and adding this deadline into my November "to-do" schedule seemed do-able on the good days. Until the bad days. Then, I would struggle, and get angry with myself, and frustrated that my mind and body could not keep up. Then, I realized that all of the stress, and the worry, weren't doing me any good. I needed to accept my own limitations, and forgive myself... I just had to allow myself that slack. I started to be realistic about what I COULD control, and what I could control was to not beat myself up or shame myself. I was being my own worst enemy and harshest critic. When I loved myself enough to say, "No, I'm not going to get that thing done, and it's ok!" the world felt a little lighter, and I was able to go back to focusing on making sure others needs were taken care of. I still don't have one gift (my daughter's blanket) done, as time and money haven't allowed it be, but she will get it soon, and she cherishes what I've done so far. And that's good enough for now. I hope this helps someone. Hugs, Corie. -Valeri 🙏
Thank you friend, it did help me, God bless you! ❤️
It’s such a blessing to hear you talk about God and your journey learning his word. Always, GOD FIRST! 🙏🏻❤️
That is a real Christian witness, Corie. You make a good point about not using Jesus as a final resort. It's great that, whether a first, final, or in-between resort, Jesus always comes through. But what distress and misery we would spare ourselves if we always made Him the first resort! Yes, a very good point. I should know, my 77-year-old self has gone that "last resort" route a few times. Thank you for making this video, and thank you, Lord, for leading me to this blessing today.
Thank you so much for that...I've been struggling with anxiety myself. It started before Christmas, and I couldn't enjoy Christmas at all. I'm still dealing with the anger that comes with anxiety. Please pray for me...ty
I'm praying for you because God said He counts the hairs on your head. I always thought that sounded weird, until someone explained to me that it means God looks upon you in His arms, loving you like a parent loves the child. A mama holds her baby in her arms in a way that looks like she's counting the hairs on its head. So that's where the saying came from. God looks at you that way, every moment of every day. Suppose a toddler in the terrible twos has a tantrum, and ends up crying himself to exhaustion. Daddy holds that child lovingly and safe in his arms. That's how God holds you in the midst of your anxiety and in your anger. It doesn't make sense to human understanding, but God works it all out to your good. Maybe it's so you'll learn to be completely trusting in His Mercy.
@@kimfleury ty..for that...
God bless you friend I’ll be praying for you, try to take it day by day and know God will see you through ❤️
god for you guys and allah for us is one he guide he provide he gives he takes he set the pace,he only ask one thing from us .that we dont worship anything else but him.bless you ladies and may god protect you .
such a great thought to help us put Christ Jesus first!
Hi Corie , I'm 58 and your talk really resonates with me as i see myself in what you described . Sometimes , i feel that i'm the only one who has issues and i see other's situations /lives being perfect as compared to mine.
Such wisdom from someone your age is inspiring and truly shows God’s hand on you! My prayer is to always remember to put Him first in my life and that He may someday shine from me as He already does from you!
Thank you friend, God bless you! ☺️
I love the Jesus Calling Devotionals! Being reminded to be thankful for the answer to prayers that he has all ready set in motion really gave me so much peace and comfort also! Thanks for sharing Corie!
Amen and Amen !!
thank you Corie ...i am struggling with my spirituality...raised catholic pretty hardcore for my i see God in everything every day...looking to join a church or fellowship ...its a struggle but i feel like im on a path 💛
Corie, you are so amazing! I love that you are keeping your life focused on Jesus and sharing these thoughts and meditations with us. I have the same desire to follow Him and to do His will for me each day. He has blessed our family so much, it is so beyond what we could ever earn or desire and it’s all because of His great love for us...I can never thank Him or praise Him enough for that. Thank you for your boldness in speaking for Him. ❤️🙏🏻 Jane (Making Him my first stop instead of my last resort...I love this!) God bless you!
Thank you, God bless you! 🙏☺️
Korie…I am guilty of letting anxiety take over some times. I have found, the more I read and really study His Word, the less anxiety I have in my life. I was gifted that same devotional and I have really enjoyed it. I like your saying, let Jesus be your first stop….. I try to remember that there are blessings in our trials. 🙏🏻👆🏻
It’s nice that you thought through the many processes you are undertaking this year. Follow your heart and things will fall into place for you and your entourage!😊🇨🇦❤️
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? People commit adultery, steal, and do a host of foolish things because of their heart....some in the name of love. Best to always give it to God. Learn to listen, and follow HIS lead.
You are not alone I have anxiety too. Full blown panic attacks that many times keep me from leaving my house. Prayer helps me alot.
I’ll say a prayer for you, thanks for watching and God bless you!
Thank you and all glory to God who is so faithful!
If I had sons I swear I would pray they find to marry young women like you and your sister. Spoken totally like a mom, lolol. 🤣💓 You all have your priorities straight IMHO. Well-raised, that's what you are, and fine stuff to begin with. Keep praying and listening. Thank you for this and all your work.
Thank you friend! 🙏☺️
Corie, thank you for the transparency. I agree with what you said about goals and putting Jesus first (first stop instead of a last resort).
Wise words, Corie. Thank you so much! Yes indeed, taking my eyes off of Jesus only brings me anxiety. I need to make Him my first priority; He's watching over me. I'm like you in that I wonder if I'm doing enough, but my worth is in Him. I'm a child of a King! God bless you!
Amen, our worth truly is in him, God bless you friend!
Amen my sister!! Jesus never fails!!!
Amen young sister. If more people would put Jesus first over material stuff, there would be love and peace in this world.
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for watching!
It does my heart good to see a young person in this crazy world professing the truth and their love for God. My heart is blessed to see you use your channel for spreading God's love and word, instead of promoting just yourself.
I used to go to God only when I was at my ropes' end and then, only with my hand out; always asking for something. I've learned now (more since I've become old.. 72), that without God there is nothing- nothing that I want.
As King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes: *_"All is vanity!"_* and he goes on to say: *_"All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled."_* ... (You mentioned disliking the term "enough".)
Corie, you are on the right track - far ahead of many folks. Placing God first and foremost in your life (and Austin’s) will make all the difference that so many folks in the world simply don’t have or understand. And yes - our worth, our everything comes from God. Give all your cares to the Lord for He is more than capable! Bless you for being willing to share your faith and belief in our Lord and Savior!!!
Thank you, God bless you! ☺️
Corie, your choice of scripture spoke to me. I used to worry and fret. 2 Corinthians 12:9
But he told me: "My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." So I will brag even more about my weaknesses in order that Christ's power will live in me.
Jesus Christ's strength is all you need.
Amen, thanks for watching and God bless you! 🙏☺️
Love this! I agree jesus needs to be our first stop and not just a last resort him first and all the other things will be added unto us...I understand about anxiety and stress...years ago , use to be pretty much a perfectionist , that put so much stress on me , trying to be perfect in everything I did and when I failed, it would upset me alot ....then one day I just turned it over to God, because he said his yoke is easy and his burden light ....I always pray about it , do my best and let the lord take care of the rest ....thank you and God bless y'all....❤🙏
These videos are my favorite. So often we try to do things the way we want and when that fails we desperately seek Jesus. Its such a good reminder to go to God first as he knows exactly what we need. Have a blessed weekend.🕊
It's true isn't it? If we put Jesus first the rest sort of falls right into place. He lets us know what our priorities should be. Bless you all.
In all things pray.
Awesome word! You are so wise for your years! Gratitude and being content are the keys! We are so lucky to be alive!
Thank You Corie for sharing your heart. I love the encouragement, inspiration and sharing of your wisdom for struggles that we all encounter in this life. God Bless you and keep you Corie..
Amen. Thank you
Stay focused on God's word and what our savior Jesus has done and going to do for his children and you will not stray from what you need to do.
As I've said before Corie, you are a Gem! With Jesus as your First stop, you will be heading into marriage in the very best way. If you and Austin follow that simple concept, as you both grow closer to Jesus you will truly become one with each other. Thanks for your willingness to share your wisdom!
Austin, you take good care of my Li'l sister now, ya hear? 😊
I, too, love the Jesus Calling devotionals. Sarah Young is precious to be used in His body this way.
Right on time. This message came tonight at the perfect moment for me. My 2022 goal is PEACE
Finding its easier said than done. Praise Jesus and your obedience in sharing this 🙌 🙏
I've spent a lot of time in conversation with Him about His pace for our lives. All in God's timing is best
Thanks for watching Donna, God bless you and keep you in his perfect peace! 🙏☺️
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Spending time with your channel has been so helpful for me to strengthen my faith in the Lord. Please keep on blessing us all with your beautiful words❤️
I’m so glad to hear that, God bless you!
Happy New Year! How beautiful you explained about the simple things. All of what you have said is powerful to those who are suffering with what you are sharing.
You I remember watching one of your vlogs where you and your sister talked about things that happened and your lives were spared. I have always looked at it as God is the one to command a hedge of angels to protect us in different situations in our lives. I look forward to the vlogs you and Katie share. and your upcoming wedding! I am now beginning to watch your Mom’s vlogs. 🙏🤗💞😇🕊
God Bless you got bringing this to a needy world
Beautifully spoken! Uplifting!
Beautiful devotional, thanks for sharing.
You said something that hit me, feeling that you are never enough and that you don't do enough. I feel that every minute of every day that I am not good enough, that I don't do enough, that what I make isn't good enough and that nothing I do, say or feel is ever enough and it is the most stressful and it causes me great depression and makes me physically ill because I am always worried about this. I don't want to feel like this, but it's always in the back of my mind that something I've made isn't perfect and that I'm not "perfect" enough...and I know that nobody is perfect and nothing is perfect, but society and growing up in the way I's always that you have to be the best or you aren't right and you aren't accepted, and this has caused me major anxiety and I think so many people out there may feel the same way. How can we stop feeling this way? Personally... I love this video today and I wish I had your devotional to read. I used to wake up every morning and always listening to my surroundings before I would get up and get out of bed and I always listened for the birds, song birds always lift me. I used to find something positive when I first woke up and that was my positive, song birds and children's laughter, hearing dogs barking...and all the sounds from outside which to mean meant life and some where I lost that..searching for the positive every day and you've brought me back to that I need to start doing that again, when my eyes first open every day, just listen... listen and hear everything. I needed this post today. Thank you so very much. *HUGS*
Please email me if you will:
I totally understand how you feel. I feel like that a lot myself. What’s helped me most is remembering that God is enough so we don’t have to be enough and that means in every task and everything we do. Also that we need to just focus on him and not worry what others think. And we have to also retrain our brains from that habit and tell it no. God bless you and thank you for watching!
Church! Love it awsome word and hoping this seed will take root in my life through this new year!thank you!!
Corie, these videos are so special. Such wisdom from someone so young. Am so glad you have Jesus Calling. I have had it for several years. It is so amazing that almost always, the devotion for the day speaks straight from God the exact thing needed. Looking forward to more of these videos. God bless! ❤️❤️
Thank you, God bless you! ❤️
Its rather unique I suppose/ but what helps me is Im made to go by deed before word , (Quote-Its not what you say but what you do that teaches your children), all my life Ive been finding out by deed on the inside / and the outside through creation in deed, so while many use word /others go by deed, not that you couldn't do both, its just that I feel going by deed before word is under rated but a vital way to live in faith, even the word talks about going by deed - - - speak to the earth and it will teach you n/ask the animals they well tell you, for gentle people deed can be enough to get it fully /deeply, a rare personality type is going to have a rarer rough grass foot path journey and be a gentle reminder that going by deed is also a beautiful way to the heart of hearts! Deed speaks to some/like words speak to another!
Sowing seeds of God’s Word and the wisdom He has given you. Much needed in this world today. Thank you for sharing what God laid on your heart.
That was a good message. God has been dealing with me in the same area.
Blessing to you and your family 😇❤
It blessed me to hear you say how our anxiety is not a bad thing, how it keeps us close to God! You’re right! 😀💗✝️
You have a great ability to deliver this message. I'm really glad that you make these videos! I also find myself getting worked up and worrying about all kinds of things in life, and just like the last time that you posted a video about this subject I once again needed to hear this today. Thank you so much for sharing, I agreed so much with the things that you brought up, and I will also be seeking God throughout every day :)
I always try to start out my prayers with thanking God for all of the blessings that He has given me throughout my whole life, whether it's for my family or good situations, I like to start out by just saying thank you, and being grateful for all of the ways that I have already been blessed, then moving on to asking help with something. It really does help to look at all of the good things, and seeing all of the ways that He has always been there. Again, thank you for a great video, and God bless you and all of your family! :D
Thank you for watching and sharing, God bless you and yours! ☺️
This was wonderful Corie. I never make New Year's resolutions, but after watching and listening, I accept your challenge. It was a blessing for you to share what the good Lord has laid on your heart.
Thank you! 🙏☺️
Thank you Corie for sharing your faith in Jesus you have Bless me thank. god Bless you all.
Excellent! Thank you. ❤
It took me 55 years to get the Wisdom that You have young lady. Thank You for reminding an old senseless man to use his Faith in God and everything else will be alright. Please thank your Man for me and my Puppy Hans for giving You that Good book. You are a Good Person and You have a Good Family. My Dog and I will pray for Y'all. Walking in the woods makes my nerves better and I feel close to God there. I feel close to God when I walk with my Dog. This Beautiful world that God has Blessed us with is backwards. Dog backwards is God and the closest thing that I have seen God in is In my Dogs. Stay warm and safe, snows coming. God Bless You and Y'alls Family and Y'alls Dogs if You got em.♥️🙏♥️♥️
Thank you friend! Dogs truly are a man’s best friend. God bless you! ❤️🐶
This was beautiful and so encouraging, thanks for sharing 🙏💕😊
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Made me sit back and think!
Wonderful message Corey. You can see God at work in a mighty way in your life.
Thank you! ☺️
You are an inspiration
Never change
Thank you so much for sharing this I really needed this reminder today 🙏💯❤️🥰