江雪 柳宗元 River Snow by Liu Zong yuan [English lyrics]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 พ.ค. 2024
  • 这首基于柳宗元《江雪》的歌词第一段完全采用了原诗的内容,描绘了一个雪覆盖的寒冷景象,其中所有的鸟儿都已飞走,人迹已经消失,只剩下一位老翁穿着蓑衣戴着斗笠,在寒冷的江上独自钓鱼。这构建了一幅孤独和宁静的画面,也设定了歌词中的情绪基调。
    The first stanza of this song, based on Liu Zongyuan's "River Snow," fully adopts the content of the original poem, painting a cold landscape blanketed with snow where all the birds have flown away, human traces have vanished, leaving only an elderly man in a straw raincoat and a hat, fishing alone on the cold river. This creates a picture of solitude and tranquillity, setting the emotional tone in the lyrics.
    In the second stanza, the lyrics mention the bright moonlight hanging on the cold cliffs, bringing about an expanded world of silence, with the moon's reflection on the water's surface, yet the author's heart cannot find peace, continuing to fluctuate like the billowing waves.
    The third stanza describes "solitary living misunderstood by youth, years flow serenely as a still pond," stating that the author's life of isolation from the world is a misconception, with time deep and calm like the surface of still water. He reflects deeply, smiling as he copes with life's pain and warmth.
    The pre-chorus part conveys that no matter how silent the world may be, the author's thoughts and sorrows remain as vast as the distant horizon, quietly listening to the sound of falling snowflakes, and pondering when he can find the path to true peace.
    The chorus uses the imagery of the "Yangtze River" to express the passage of time and the wandering of life. The phrase "I travel alone" not only literally means rowing alone on the river to fish, but it also symbolizes independence and introspection on the journey of life. Lastly, it poetically describes the fleeting satisfaction and hope that comes from fishing, and even in solitude, the simple beauty that nature and time bring to the journey of life is enjoyed.
    The entire song maintains the lonely and cold tone of the poem "River Snow," with this as its core, revolving around the quiet environment, self-reflection, and deep thoughts about attitudes towards life, invoking deeper emotions and philosophical thoughts.

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