主日講道 | 新銳611靈糧堂|講題:讓醫治湧流 Loretta C Mo 2024 05 12

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 พ.ค. 2024
  • 講題 Sermon title: 讓醫治湧流
    Let the healing flow through
    講員 Sermon preacher: Loretta C-Mo
    讓醫治湧流 Let the healing flow through
    一、健康是福 病是咒詛
    Health is a blessing, sickness is a curse
    1. 孝敬父母 在世長壽 弗Eph6:2-3
    Honor your parents and live a long life
    2. 遵行誡命 神必賜福 申命記Due28:1-2
    God bless those who obey the commandments.
    3. 不聽從神 咒詛追上 申命記Due28:15
    Disobey God and curses will catch up
    二、對症下藥 醫治湧流
    Walk on the right way let the healing flows through
    1. 支取應許 領受醫治 賽Isa53:5 、出Exo15:26
    Claim the Promise and Receive Healing
    2. 認罪悔改 脫離病根 王下2King 20:5、詩篇Plm34:18
    Confess, repent, and get rid of the root of the disease
    3. 饒恕釋放 醫治傷痛 太Met 6:14、詩篇Plm 103:3
    Forgive, release, heal the pain
    4. 彼此認罪 信心代求 雅Song 5:15-16
    Confess each other’s sins and intercede with faith
    5. 代表家族 棄絕咒詛 出Exo 23:24-25、太Met 18:18
    On behalf of the family, renounce the curse
    三、持守醫治 四大秘訣
    Four Actions for Persevering the Healing
    1. 喜樂的心是良藥 箴言 Prv 17:22
    A joyful heart is the prefect medicine
    2. 常思想神的話語 箴言Prv 4:20-22
    Always meditate on God’s word
    3. 用良言祝福身心 箴Prv 16:24
    Bless your body and mind with kind words
    4. 敬畏神遠離惡事 約Jhn 5:8-9、約Jhn 5:14、箴言3:7-8
    Fear God and keep clear of evil
    總結 conclusion:
    蒙神憐憫 醫治有時 出Exo 23:25、傳Els 3:1,3
    By God's mercy, there is a time for healing

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