(Outdated) Making My Gods - The Divines

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 101

  • @Marinanor
    @Marinanor 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +185

    "It's the NINE Divines, you milk drinker!"

  • @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606
    @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +72

    I divide my gods into 3 categories; Deities, Gods, and Demigods.
    Deities are the primordial forces inherent to the universe, malevolence and benevolence, order and chaos, Land, Sky, Nature (Which encompasses life and death, as both are a part of nature) as well as Dragons and Giants, the most recently chosen domains of the Deities, and the least powerful. Gaia is the eldest, and the only one with any children, her daughter Yggdrasil, the tree of nature. Deities are utterly and completely infinite; their power, perception, and true forms reach beyond the mortal concept of limitations. There is also a hidden Deity of time, who keeps timelines separate and prevents time magic.
    Gods are beings that have claimed smaller domains, such as trees, kelp, sandwiches, or blacksmithing. If you want to claim a domain that falls under an existing domain, you must convince that god, but if you invent something entirely new, (sandwiches, for instance) you become that god. As long as that God's domain exists, they exist, and have infinite power over their domain. A god of sandwiches could make ANY amount of ANY sandwiches, instantly, but they try to make a sword and they have to do it the mortal way. They can make a sword-like sandwich, but it'll still be a sandwich, not a sword, unless they collaborate with the god of swords. As such, each God _technically_ has infinite power, but are still limited to their domains. They are also affected by worship, how they manifest changing with the beliefs of the people, from Zeus to Jupiter, for instance.
    Demigods is the classification for not only the half-breed children of gods, but also beings with divine power that have yet to claim a domain. Their power is entirely limited in scope, but does not exhaust. One might be able to zap you with bits of lightning, which they can do all day, but only to a certain size. They don't have the endless control of the god of lightning, only partial control. Their power either comes from a divine gift, their divine heritage, or the worship of mortals. While Gods can grow stronger or change form because of worship, a god of fire will exist as long as fire does, a god of swords as long as any sword does, regardless of if they are worshipped or not. A Demigod, however, will cease to have power if people cease to believe in them, and if that power was extending their life beyond what it otherwise would be, they die. They can become Gods, however, by claiming a Domain, and Gods who love their children have been known to grant them domains that fall under their own, like the god of sandwiches giving his kid domain over all Sub sandwiches, or all roasted sandwiches, or all PB&J's.
    And so my delineation of gods is clear.

    • @MountainManBooks
      @MountainManBooks 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I absolutely love your examples.
      I also like how simple but effective your delineation is.

    • @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606
      @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@MountainManBooks Yep, I'm proud of it. It has room for edge cases, of course, but it doesn't let anything in the setting mess with how the setting fundamentally works.

    • @TechBearSeattle
      @TechBearSeattle 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I did something similar in one world I built. There were eight primary gods in the state pantheon, a host of smaller gods, and countless local "almost gods." The primary ones are the ones with large temples and powerful schools of clergy, while the smaller gods have smaller temples and a more itinerant priesthood, or who fill a niche need like overseeing funerals and acting as healer or midwife. The almost-gods (the title makes sense in the conlang) oversee streams, hills, hearths, and the like, and typically do not have a priesthood.

    • @elvisnzau5493
      @elvisnzau5493 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The hidden time titan that prevents time magic has potential for a great story arch.

    • @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606
      @justsomejerseydevilwithint4606 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@elvisnzau5493 Believe me, I'm on it.

  • @LauraMurr-fy8ni
    @LauraMurr-fy8ni 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Very creative. Fascinating concept. I've thought about making my own God pantheon myself. You also stuck by the Rule of 7 which is a plus. Instead of creating a brand new pantheon I recycled my favorite deities for their own pantheon. Algol, St.Cristopher, Pabil-sag, etc.

  • @andresf.salazar6935
    @andresf.salazar6935 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Would you be able to share the “well over 20” archetypes for Gods that you mentioned you found? I have been doing the same research but I haven’t been able to make a concise list and I would love to have it ☺️

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @andresf.salazar6935 Sorry, didn't mean that I found over 20 archetypes. I mean that past iterations of my world had well over 20 main gods

  • @7dreams169
    @7dreams169 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    bruh, ive had a world for years and the gods were called the Seven Divines as well. I recently changed it though but still crazy

  • @StefanKoran
    @StefanKoran 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Some questions:
    Are the gods entities, that a localised (more like the greek gods) which human like personality and interaction.
    Or more principles that humans have anthropomorphed into figures, but they do not relay are that?
    To me your gods are more Fantasy like then real world mythical (what, if i got that right, was your intend). In "real" gods, domains are often redundant (norse have at least 4 gods of war).
    This would mean for me, that the gods are more active figures, acting in the world.
    So, what is the relationship between the gods and the world, not form the world seen (for that are just their domains) but form the gods view. What do they want, what do they do, what do they know about themselves?

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @StefanKoran The gods are indeed their own active beings and personalities, not just ideas. They were created to fulfill cosmic functions by the Elder and Outer gods. As for what they want, typically something related to what they govern. Anbezzar seeks to end all conflict, and to prepare for disaster, and gathers knowledge to do so. Nadaine wishes to preserve and further the forces of nature, the growth of the natural world. Their goals and domains align, typically. The ultimate goal of (nearly) all deities, however, is to find a way to triump over the Void. To dispel the threat of eternal non existence and decay. The gods seek worship and other means to accomplish this, but its more of a large long term goal.

  • @almitrahopkins1873
    @almitrahopkins1873 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The only problem I can see in your pantheon is that you’ve limited yourself right at the start by the number 7.
    It isn’t a fatal flaw in it though. Take the Olympian pantheon as an example. There are only 12 in the Olympian pantheon, but there are dozens that serve those twelve and a few others who simply stopped being Olympians as other gods replaced them.
    Once you begin fleshing out the lesser deities who serve the Divine Seven, you’ll end up with a much larger pantheon.

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@almitrahopkins1873 Yeah, you can see in my other videos that I have more gods beyond these seven. These are just one pantheon is all

  • @Chess_Squares
    @Chess_Squares 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I like them. I do think having two "mothers" is a bit odd though, feels wrong somehow. Have you thought about making Solun into daughter of light, having come about at the creation of the Sun, it is said if she were to perish the sun would go out type of flavor, thing??? Or maybe make her a 'father', I think a lot of mythos has a mother and father figure in them, as a sort of balance type, thing. I like to think the flat disc kingdom of formula have natural resources like iron deposits that cylindrically shift round the disc encouraging the constant state of warfare.

    • @Chess_Squares
      @Chess_Squares 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just to clarify, I meant having two divines referred to as mothers in the same single pantheon seemed wrong from a story telling sense. Like having two characters with similar sounding names in a novel is often a bad idea, as they get mixed up in the readers mind.

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Chess_Squares Making multiple feminine gods is intentional and having them be mothers is also because they are literally mothers, having produced children. Often together. Your shifting resources idea is interesting, I'll think on that

  • @emantai8468
    @emantai8468 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    FOR THE ALGORITHM🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🔥🗣️🔥

  • @ladymecha8718
    @ladymecha8718 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    From your other videos so far to your world, you have some conflicts brewing between the gods. Six gods actively exclude the seventh god, for whatever reason. This is from your calendar and world choices. This gives some questions you need to answer to yourself to add to your world on how they interact with each other. It adds to your deities background.
    Your god of protection, highly suggests connection to your magic system of colours. So this suggests that your seven gods correspond to a colour. A further development and interconnection with tying your world together.
    The seventh god, the god of war, (who plays no role in your calendar so far,) has reason to hate the other gods, and will motivate that god to hurt the other six gods back. Why are they so hated? It started somewhere and before your mortals recorded time. Is this deity obsessed or insane? Your logic is making this god, the lord of chaos, against six gods of order. Quite the imbalance, unless this god is as powerful as all six combined, which is another form of imbalance. It can also be seen that your other six are not so good gods as they like to have mortals believe if they choose to shun rather than constantly try to incorporate the seventh god.
    As a world creator and writer, you’re required to look at all angles and perspectives to your characters. They have motivations, agendas, and to them it is justified. Unless you want one-dimensional characters, and most readers don’t like such.
    An easy fix is, there are two perceptions that are occurring with these gods, the one that mortals see, and the real story. The seven gods may actually be chummy with each other, equal to each other, and realized mortals needed an archetype for the persona of the bad guy, and whatever reason, you god of war is taking that role. The mortals are therefore getting the view much akin to world wide wrestling, a soapbox story to have someone to hate so they love the others. As such you can ask, do these gods ever get tired of the roles they portray. It can add to your world’s history and enrich it.

    • @ДюсековИльяс
      @ДюсековИльяс 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I mean...you don't need motives or complex personalities... To concepts such as gods. They can be very simple. The good god and the bad god. Although yeah the fact that there is only 1 bad god is not the wisest choice

  • @davidmoss9943
    @davidmoss9943 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quiet audio. I think it's time for a mic upgrade.

  • @frontgamet.v1892
    @frontgamet.v1892 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love your creativity but have to warn you.. There is only one God and he is all powerful and eternal. Repent and get saved.. For he will wipe every tear from your face. But let me say to you: If you choose to abandon the lord you must face the consequences.. We all sinned but Jesus didn't came down to this earth for the great ones who are already good.. He came for the broken.
    Give your heart to him and fight the evil inside of you.
    He truly loves you.

    • @Bardigrade
      @Bardigrade 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      If "God is good," then they wouldn't care if you believed in them. They would only care about if you put in the effort to be a good person.
      There are tons of people who don't believe in God who are good people. Christians like to say that athiests have no moral compass, saying, "If God isn't real, then what's stopping you from committing murder?"
      Which I am just astonished at every time I hear it. When I hear Christians say that, it's like they're saying that the only reason they don't do bad things is because God said not to, which is WILD. You Christians would rape and murder if God said it was fine?
      Your moral compass shouldn't be solely dependent on the words of God, especially since it's impossible to know the true word of God since your only way of communication with God is through a book that has been edited thousands of times over the years as it has transferred from one language to another and from one kingdom to another. King James especially made some terrible edits to the bible, some of which are still in modern bibles.
      Many Christians even admit that you shouldn't treat every word of the bible as true and say that you have to extrapolate meaning from certain parts only and ignore other parts, and that only priests know which parts of the bible should be listened to, but even priests disagree on what parts of the bible are good, so Christians from different churches can end up with wildly different moral compasses based on arbitrary selections of passages from the bible and the words of whatever priest they happened to live near.
      You don't need God's instructions to be a morally good person.
      Judging by the fact that you immediately assumed the person who made this video is a sinner who needs to repent, when the only thing you know about them is that they are trans, it makes it look like you think being trans is a sin. So you come into the comments to shame them for that and tell them they deserve to burn in hell if they dont change what you dont like about them?
      What you are doing is hateful, and not morally good. You need to repent and love thy neighbor. You've clearly been led astray from what is good, and you've let your status as a Christian warp your view of yourself to be seen in your own eyes as holier than thou and therefore you think that if you're good then everything you do is good, but you're not good, and what you're doing is not good, you are being hateful and need to self reflect.

    • @sable9994
      @sable9994 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ew gross flag

  • @reffa2858
    @reffa2858 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +183

    I understand what you mean when it comes to first iterations. Its been about 13 years and Im still tweaking my Pantheon.

    • @cheekguardian1378
      @cheekguardian1378 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      You bro tell me about your gods

    • @reffa2858
      @reffa2858 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@cheekguardian1378 They went from 5 gods all named after the elements with names VERY similar to their element. For example, Wateria was the goddess of (you guessed it) water. I then took those 5 and eventually compiled them into one God called the "Allfather" but he's just more like the Father God that all other Gods spawned from through many unconventional ways.
      Im sure after Im done, if I every get done, Ill have over 20 or 30 gods that will be worshipped amongst all the people of my world.

    • @almitrahopkins1873
      @almitrahopkins1873 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      13 years? That’s a nice start. I’ve been working on mine since 1987. They constantly require a bit of tweaking.

    • @reffa2858
      @reffa2858 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@almitrahopkins1873 without a doubt. Ive started my world building when I was 17 now Im 30. So of course some things are going to change over the years because Ive changed over the years. And I pretty sure more will change as I get older.

    • @danielawesome36
      @danielawesome36 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@almitrahopkins1873 I hope _you_ weren't the one tweaking😳

  • @ladymecha8718
    @ladymecha8718 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    Great work fellow world builder. I liked some of your choices. So in this pantheon of seven, it sounds like your deity of war is the antagonist for the other six deities.

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Pretty much yeah, they're the malicious deity that balances out the other god's neutrality/benevolence

  • @maxiguidetti7228
    @maxiguidetti7228 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Great pantheon, and great designs! Just the right point between otherwordly and anthropomorph, and I appreciate that you took the quality over quantuty aproach. Glad I came by your channel!

  • @disgruntledbob2812
    @disgruntledbob2812 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Love ya pantheon, and the idea that different cultures remix em’.
    Question, with the mention of classical fantasy races, would this be a D&D setting per chance?
    Or ya own thing your writing within?
    Also I kinda wanna know more about these demigods next

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      So the setting originally began as a d&d thing, but over the years had evolved into its own thing for writing. Kept classic fantasy races because elves and dwarves are cool. And yeah, I'll make a video on demigods at some point

  • @stethespaniard2
    @stethespaniard2 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    The divines? Having their own plains? This is very elder scrolls

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@stethespaniard2 A bit inspired by Elder Scrolls for sure, but also other fantasy works and mythology

    • @stethespaniard2
      @stethespaniard2 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @TolgaBudak-jc4jy is that what i said? Did I say that was only elder scrolls? No. I said it’s very elder scrolls

  • @michaelgibson3479
    @michaelgibson3479 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I finally decided how I want my "Gods" to be but I hit another road block when I realized I can't name things what ever I want because worlds don't work that way or at least ours doesnt. 13 years of work for world building and realised I'm not even half way through.

    • @Morfe02
      @Morfe02 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      put a common name, translate it into a foreign word jibish, now you are Tolkien lmao (well him just copy norse words like Gandalf but invented new ones)

    • @highlorddarkstar
      @highlorddarkstar 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Give them epithets, “the forger”, “the striker”, “the bright father”. This is literally how gods got named originally. Run it through a couple of linguistic changes and “bright father” ie Deyus Pater, becomes Zeus and Jupiter.

  • @jackalkhan5676
    @jackalkhan5676 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Storms, war, ocean, wisdom, death, sun, earth, trickery, fertility, hunting, love, healing, fire, moon, art.
    I was doing research for a similar reason, and those were the most common I found.

  • @Vampster19CockedD20
    @Vampster19CockedD20 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I love the explanation for wizard towers.

  • @tristanreejakobsen6157
    @tristanreejakobsen6157 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i have also created a world. there i jsut called it the gods or the pantheon when speaking of them all but mostly i just speak of them single wise like the god king kinda the celestial god or apollo or apollo godruler

  • @xsaratoninx
    @xsaratoninx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This is amazing. As a fellow world builder, it’s inspirational to see such in depth thought and clearly love put into your work. I can’t wait to learn more 💜

  • @farricktheglitch
    @farricktheglitch หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    love you, I’m a world builder too

  • @Idkhomiesu
    @Idkhomiesu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I myself have recently started writing a book, unfortunately i lost everything recently. Fortunately though i was at the early stages. I'm currently attempting to work on my writing by making a mythology and a few species for fun. I currently have a fair bit of gods, 27. I may use them in my book whenever i feel ready to pick my pen back up. (Sorry for any typos it's currently 5:23 am at the time of writing)

    • @Idkhomiesu
      @Idkhomiesu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I found it a bit hard when creating stories for them, very time consuming, but this is what I signed up for when I picked up the pen.

    • @Idkhomiesu
      @Idkhomiesu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am taking many inspirations, from Norse and Egyptian mythologies especially, and funnily enough I have 7 main gods(technically 4, this is due to the three gods of fate/time fused into one being). If you do read this lmk if you'd like to read mine ^_^

  • @elhajjmatthews4060
    @elhajjmatthews4060 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You may have just been trying to express difficult concepts butni think a quality of interesting gods are their sort of neutrality or the genuine disconnect from themselves and the people of the world. For example your world gods could still be worshipped differently by different subtypes in of people in your world, but should be GOOD abd BAD part of world (there is no good part 😂) but rather the "good one" could rule over luck, or strategy, or something or ceribral about war. Whereas your "bad one" could rule over like technique or strength or something. This way anyone could pray to either for planning and prep and also for actually physical aid in battle. And you can make you can have worshippers of the "bad one" be more bloodlusted because they feel invincible in battle do to their religion or relationship with said god but i think making them neutral makes it even more compelling

    • @elhajjmatthews4060
      @elhajjmatthews4060 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Think of this as well the people you have interacting with the "bad one" irl don't have a religion and religion should be the base of all gods as regardless of what you believe most religion and almost all religious acts or rituals are completely human and clash with whomever's holy texts. Saying that to say religion exists to make sense of something unexplainable or to aid a person in their existence. How would a "bad" god have a following or a religion

    • @highlorddarkstar
      @highlorddarkstar 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@elhajjmatthews4060you make sacrifices to “bad gods” to leave you alone and bother the other guy. You have a god of disease, you make offerings to it to spare you it’s gifts.

    • @ДюсековИльяс
      @ДюсековИльяс 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@elhajjmatthews4060 i also mean he that god was created for the exact reason of creating conflict and change by the outer gods. The divines aren't created through faith and aren't powered by it. They just are. And people worship them fpr blessings. So having just the good and bad gods isn't a problem in here as it isn't a faith based gods

    • @elhajjmatthews4060
      @elhajjmatthews4060 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @user-uv6qu3wb5d I see if the gods in your story are character, then them being flawed makes sense, but even bad guys have good qualities. No one is all anything.

    • @ДюсековИльяс
      @ДюсековИльяс 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@elhajjmatthews4060 they're literally characters who represent the ugly side of war and destruction. His motives are i want to destroy, cause im made to be the counterpart to defending, Attacking, pillaging and the like

  • @JohnPasay
    @JohnPasay 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mine is Color, Constant, and Change, the three Cosmics.

  • @billantono9311
    @billantono9311 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    As someone that is trying to make my own world
    With it's own old gods, new gods, and etc
    I feel that i found a TH-cam channel
    With similar interests
    I look forward to your content
    Sorry for the long comment

    • @shafiurrahaman3396
      @shafiurrahaman3396 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hey, that’s awesome that you are finding inspiration to world build.
      I felt I had to comment to say don’t apologise for sharing your ideas.
      If you have stories that are meaningful to you, then those are the very stories that are worth sharing!

  • @tux_duh
    @tux_duh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    As a Pagan myself here's some godlore/worldbuilding tips from my own research
    If you have a set number of divinities that are very specific the people who worship them probably hold that number as holy or super special.
    Christians hold 7 as lucky because the creation myth of 7 days and 666 is an unlucky number because they represent emperor Nero who was famous for torturing their kind
    13 is Freya's holy number to Germanic pagans because there are roughly 13 moons in a year, now in modern day we still admire her because of this number but it's been vilified. Friday the 13th was a holy day of Freya because Friday is Freya's day (in English it was Friggas day {pronounced free-ya})

  • @bautiscreativessoneuwwuwu8602
    @bautiscreativessoneuwwuwu8602 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Heavily fear hunger codded, but less.....you'know......"fear and hungery"

  • @vladdracul2942
    @vladdracul2942 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    A man of righteous taste... I want to know more about this epic lore. It is indeed worthy of being fully explored

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@vladdracul2942 Woman, but thank you. I do intend to make more videos :)

  • @Samsara.Official23
    @Samsara.Official23 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is so cool I want to make a world like this someday

  • @corsairking7088
    @corsairking7088 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    We’re making it out of Marutaa with this one.

  • @silentline7698
    @silentline7698 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ah a fellow reality builder. Very cool video.

  • @lucasolesen8194
    @lucasolesen8194 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Redem10
    @Redem10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Red-Dragon96
    @Red-Dragon96 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    We have quite a few similar ideas - although differently executed. Nice to see. Subscribed and keep up the good work!

  • @kharijordan6426
    @kharijordan6426 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Your world have asteroids and other planet what not?

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@kharijordan6426 Currently contemplating that and how it would work in my cosmology :)

    • @kharijordan6426
      @kharijordan6426 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ArchivesofArinoth When creating worlds nowadays I can't seem to not bring in outer space and space travel.... even if the world runs on magic.

  • @Berry_Lord
    @Berry_Lord 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A hh im a shadow slave fiend, I cant see the number 7 or divine without think shadow slave ahhhhhhhh.

  • @alananimus9145
    @alananimus9145 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I love that you are trying to make a pantheon. As a practicing polytheist if I may let me offer some input. You are free to take my feedback or not no obligation on your part.
    One thing I wish people would move away from when talking about the gods is "domains". Conceptualizing a domain as "an interest" is fine. More often than not however it's "this god is in charge of this, that god is in charge of that.", historically that's not really how it works. Like people the gods are complex and while they may have a primary interest they are interested in more than one thing. For example Athena is "the god of wisdom" but she is also a war god. Fun side fact the Bearded Athena is a statue form Elis.
    What you may want to consider doing is giving each god a primary domain and two sub domains. Of the two one domain should be something obvious while the other is something unexpected. I don't know if you are making each of them in charge of a school of magic, but if you are you don't actually have to change anything. They can simply use their particular magic in unexpected ways.
    As far as organization goes I would recommend either a 3 1 3 or a 3 4. Two triads and a joint (deity belongs not entirely to one or the other triad), or a triad which usually acts in conjunction, and a quartet which acts in conjunction. Each member works towards a certain joint goal.

  • @pablocaceres7378
    @pablocaceres7378 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very nice vidéo, you should invest in a microphone

  • @AmozMedia
    @AmozMedia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What video editor do you use for your video?

  • @MaxKouto
    @MaxKouto 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I don't know if grabbing concepts from other series and putting them together somehow is called worldbuilding, but thank you YT for showing me this video

  • @biffstrong1079
    @biffstrong1079 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice. Thanks

  • @ChristianDall-p2j
    @ChristianDall-p2j 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What is YOUR gender? Are you trans? YOUR character looks like female, but YOUR voice sounds male to me! A light male VOICE, that is! But maybe im wrong?

    • @ArchivesofArinoth
      @ArchivesofArinoth  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@ChristianDall-p2j I am a trans woman.

    • @evieyak
      @evieyak 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      weirdchamp comment

    • @logancutler6267
      @logancutler6267 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Wtf is a light male bro

    • @corsairking7088
      @corsairking7088 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Bro what the fuck lol

  • @ethansubminals
    @ethansubminals 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is amazing!! 🤩 Would you like to be friends