《Call Of Silence - Clear Sky Remix版 》「Attack On Titan OST」【動態歌詞】【高音质】循环播放 !

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2024
  • 让 INZ 乐走入生活,INZ 乐无国界,快乐无极限。
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    《Call Of Silence》 Clear Sky Remix版
    Don't you think about me enough
    I've been burning my heart out
    Got to face need to tell you
    I won't run because I'm reticent
    You will know you're reborn tonight
    Must be ragged but I stay by your side
    Even if my body's bleached to the bones
    I don't want to go through that ever again
    You will know you're reborn tonight
    Must be ragged but I stay by your side
    Even if my body's bleached to the bones
    I don't want to go through that ever again
    Don't you think about me enough
    I've been burning my heart out
    Got to face need to tell you
    I won't run because I'm reticent
    You will know you're reborn tonight
    Must be ragged but I stay by your side
    Even if my body's bleached to the bones
    I don't want to go through that ever again
    You will know you're reborn tonight
    Must be ragged but I stay by your side
    Even if my body's bleached to the bones
    I don't want to go through that ever again
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