Psychedelic Bardos and the Technological Society (dialogue with Roman Campolo)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 16

  • @michaelabramowitz5264
    @michaelabramowitz5264 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for a really interesting conversation.

  • @marvellous.mind.podcast
    @marvellous.mind.podcast 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    really enjoyed this, thank you!

  • @CoreyAnton
    @CoreyAnton 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thanks. I thought the part about inflation at about 27:30 was particularly revealing. It well conveys, indirectly, the kind of smug feelings lurking within some "dogmatic" religious folks.

  • @tinfoilhatscholar
    @tinfoilhatscholar 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    You guys ever read Alice Bailey? ..."the Christ is the phenomena of the awakening of the human heart"
    Religion is top down, spirituality is bottom up. Subsequent constraints/ freedoms are inherent.
    Kelly-Marie Kerr. James Tunney

  • @thenutballnews
    @thenutballnews 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Perhaps your subsequent experiences with psylo didn't lead to an encounter with the christ because it stayed with you.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    at the hour mark, the driving force to create PFAS and the return as helpless ingestion thru complicity, or grain/corn/rice culture where the ramping up of efficiency of production (like for sugar) is key, along with a make it "easier" motivation for products, and a scapegoat as recorded knowledge at the collective level. Keeping the collective at a juvenile state seems like skimming the profit off the top, where the enhanced ability of humans is misdirected back into the human instead of into care of the intelligence machine of Nature.

  • @pot-8-o564
    @pot-8-o564 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I spy with my little eye Jung on Campolos shelf. The structure and dynamics of the psyche.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    the feeling at 12 min seems like the feeling of going to a foreign country and feeling a bit intimidated by the culture (people) but the landscape feels like home. In this case at home in oneself and feeling a bit intimidated by the new culture of relations? edit: new landscape. Both elements present as best of both worlds if it's two epistemologies of allowing and asserting actions, on different levels juxtaposed. Long lasting effects.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A pump implies a valve system and a power source that can drive the fluid and control the valves as needed. In the case of the heart, micro-controlled by the low voltage brain signals and (according to Arnold Ehret) driven by breathing as the power source. The breathing is efficient and uses the atmospheric pressure of around 14 lb/sq inch and the elasticity of the diaphragm as a sort of free energy mechanism that evolved. It's a bit different that looking at oxygen itself as meaningful, that applies in the brain interface but is sort of taken for granted and loose (as long as the brain gets enough 02 it's okay) while small amounts of pollutants like drugs have a significant effect.
    edit: I think this gives a different picture than metabolism being the sole energy source, I don't deny that it's there (atp/adp, mitochondria) but think it's a coping mechanism for excess food as well. it (metabolism) looks solely at energy like a person fills their gas tank, while saying nothing about physical nature of things like having water or sugar in the gas, or the equivalent for a person.

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Juvenile state positions as peristaltic moments in a circular life span for the collective human. The evolving properly is not a linear reaching another state like a caterpillar, it's a return after gaining a prize, the prefrontal from engaging in an improper symbiosis. The trick is to move away mostly from the improper symbiosis no matter how attractive it appears. Free will on the collective level, from free choice on the individual level. Thanks.
    edit: the difference is that humans fold everything into the human like cats and dogs, where the intelligence is in allowing prides and packs in their symbiosis in order to have the intelligence machine.

  • @TheMeditatingPhilosopher
    @TheMeditatingPhilosopher 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I ❤Jesus!

  • @thenutballnews
    @thenutballnews 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There's an ever-extending-snake-of-progress in the room.

    • @anthonydeyoe1966
      @anthonydeyoe1966 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you mean with psilocybin?

  • @projectmalus
    @projectmalus 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very good, thanks. I wonder if the idea of a spring is helpful as buffer. If humanity is a disc or pie that is sectioned into slices and pulling up on one of the slices inspires a spiral staircase like a spring. This works for the world as a whole where a pie slice is a facet that can merge back and forth into other facets, sometimes eclipsing them. Or getting lost in them, like moving into the mammal object as a full stair, and to get into that bound vertical relation of herd and pack has repercussions. Incidentally, one of these is adopting the hierarchy of the pack, where the original takes up what grass power that the herd couldn't handle...while handling almost all of that. The hierarchy is that spring because the pack is the last in the chain in terms of free collective will, the grass has the most but self suffocates and needs the herd. The grass is like the capitalist who needs disruption and control to thrive. If you leave them alone they self suffocate. In this case with people and capitalists, entering into the triangle of grass, herd and pack (by eating that) we adopt the characteristics of each, the Machievellian grass etc where the food is not right in some ways and there's too much, and so where the triangle of grass etc is healthy, humans go dark triad. The vitality of grass etc moves triangle to pyramid and heads for spinning that as a cone because of the primal powerful nature of that triangle is aligned with a deeper structure of two cones meeting at their base like a spinning top, from Sun heart and Earth heart. The facets on a horizontal belt in between the cones, a large facet as the symbiosis of grass etc, more large facets as nitrogen cycle etc that people have a part of too. Since there's different parts of the human, there's a number of effects (and slow motion accumulative) from the same cause, I can see a half dozen, which all makes it very hard to see. I'm stubborn.

  • @peterbuckley9731
    @peterbuckley9731 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I also feel like my process has begun … happy to follow in both your wakes, to risk the pun.

  • @dltooley
    @dltooley 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Did Christ, and his persecuted followers, find enlightenment in their crucifixions?