Good to see you both Nigel and Yuen Ying. All the best for you two in the new year. Peace, Hope and Joy to you and your loved ones! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! All the best!
Going to the church can be a way to open up your network, whether you select to believe or not is another story. At least you will meet with a lot of local Chinese/HongKongers they are eager to help you. Once again, going to church does not make you a Christian, just a social area to meet with people. Then you will have a better chance to love this city.
Surprisingly, Chinese, including those from HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and China, plus Chinese- spoken Vietnamese, amounts to the largest ethnic group in the city, according to the census since the late 1990s, averaging 12 to 14% each and eery year. For those who take on the hotel jobs, room and board are usually provided, or at a discount, it should be considered when you total the income.
Here is some basic guide to survive in America: If you have a college degree from HK/China, go get a master degree. In America, only a diploma would get you somewhere when you first start a career. If you don’t like to study, learn a trade and work for construction. In America, construction pays very well.
I have been living in Calgary for 40 years and it is not what you are describing.Calgary is gaining population from out of provinces.Can you afford to live in Vancouver and Toronto with the high living cost?There are a large number of new immigrants from China and Hongkong moved here.A large number of Hk students are taking cooking course at SAIT.
For a better pay, you have to upgrade your education. $20/hr is not good for the long term, as it leaves you with no saving, which you need when you get old.
Hello, thank you for introducing about the live in Calgary. I also considering to move and Calgary is one of the choices. May I ask about the weather there? How many months / days are snow there?
To be honest, what do you expect for the typical weather of Canada? She's famous for her crispy & snowing beauty. We have 12 months per year, Calgary has 13 months of snowing 〜〜〜 well, I am joking. --- quoted --- Calgary is a city will have had all four seasons in just one day. Temperatures can soar to the high 30 degrees Celsius in the summer, while the average temperature sits at -4.6 degrees Celsius in the winter. Sometimes it will reach to minus -20s or -30s in winter if added up with the strong windchills or snowstorms. --- unquoted --- If you've decided to move to Canada, you gotta prepare facing the cold weather mostly. Calgary in summer is not bad, even sometimes in winter is still tolerable. No need to be afraid of cold temperature. Everywhere is central heated including public transports, dwelling properties, private vehicles...etc As long as you have put on suitable clothing for the season and get used to the weather after a period of time, you will survive. Hope it helps.
@@siuboli8988 Well, don't ignore the "cost of living crisis" which is an ongoing issue in Canada. Go around the city and ask yourself..are people depressed? Of course, I am assuming you are really living in Canada 😊
我們一家四個大人三餐都喜歡在家食,我兒子自己pack lunch番工 ,因為自己煮健康得多,但從來都不超過$1200 一個月,我通常一見大減價便stock up ,我常在Costco 和唐人超市買餸,在西人超市也盡量只買特價物品,我是很少買ready made food,我自問食得很豐富,其實可以多吃雞蛋,豆付和豆類, 來代替肉類,既健康又可節省金錢
加拿大社會及工作文化是公平的. 新到的年輕人要賺得行業中合理的收入有三樣最重要的條件. 1. 語言能力. 2. 本地生活及communication skill 3. 工作知識, 專業要求及經驗. 要達到以上條件, 工作不難找, 收入亦有市場保証 . 亞省平均收入比加拿大平均高, 而生活成本則中等.
多謝Yuen ying 分享❤
一直有追開nigel d片 呢個系列既原意係唔錯 令大家可以涉獵到一百人一百種移民生活 但有時覺得主持人訪問技巧有待改善 我發現Nigel問既問題大多係 Yes / No / 有定冇 或者係d好factual既資訊 幾耐/幾多錢/% /做咩 雖然係有好多有用既資訊 但亦令到個訪問有時變得好引導性 試下下次問多d開放式既問題 開頭可以問得闊d 根據每個受訪者佢經歷既脈絡 搵翻佢地生活既課題 之後再縮窄 問d針對性既問題 或者追問 比多d空間受訪者自己演繹自己既想法同感受 因為我諗大家睇訪問 唔係淨係想知數據或者有用既資訊 係真係有興趣 想聽各人既故事 搵到份共鳴❤ 加油!
喜歡呢啲有質素嘅回覆 會努力改善
我第一份工都係Calgary, 當時窮到燶。其中一個娛樂就係用月票坐c train 去唔同地方影相。😅 放心,加拿大做耐咗你人工點都會加到夠。積極做,會有人睇到。
離開 Comfort zone好睇能力同決心
我做藍領工作,基本上 搵工搵一星期左右就會搵到❤
等了很久Yuen Ying終於出新片,
I remember she took vlog on TH-cam when she arrived and worked in Canmore walking on snow ground. Time flies a yr and and a half already
Indeed, since she purchased her own car.
Happy for you Y Y! Best wishes for the new year!
卡加利而家如果係Office嘅工作呢基本上呢一擺上去5分鐘有幾百個人申請,而家其實係競爭好大嘅卡加利搵工作。如果香港人想過嚟搵工作或者係想租平啲嘅屋,我勸你哋搵到工作先過嚟。卡加利呢租金係冇rent control. 屋主可以隨時加租10% 20%甚至30%。溫哥華多倫多租金比較高,但係主入去之後每年最多加租都係一至兩個percent政府有規定。 所以呢你反而可以預算到你嘅生活費。
@@jerrywong0624請倉務員無$25 一個鐘係唔會請到人。如果請搬運工,送貨司機起碼要30+。現實係而家新一代的學歷普遍高咗,啲辛苦工無咩人肯做。
@@jerrywong0624我初時都以為係,但後來你就會發現其實係老細唔打算增加人手! (老細成日話請唔到人,其實沒有(不會)回覆求職者!😂
适当时其,记得温到方向upgrade 自己。
👏👍💯🙏Nigel 加油
In Calgary u need to find work in the oil and gas industry
Good to see you both Nigel and Yuen Ying.
All the best for you two in the new year.
Peace, Hope and Joy to you and your loved ones! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
All the best!
Going to the church can be a way to open up your network, whether you select to believe or not is another story. At least you will meet with a lot of local Chinese/HongKongers they are eager to help you. Once again, going to church does not make you a Christian, just a social area to meet with people. Then you will have a better chance to love this city.
Surprisingly, Chinese, including those from HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and China, plus Chinese- spoken Vietnamese, amounts to the largest ethnic group in the city, according to the census since the late 1990s, averaging 12 to 14% each and eery year.
For those who take on the hotel jobs, room and board are usually provided, or at a discount, it should be considered when you total the income.
Here is some basic guide to survive in America: If you have a college degree from HK/China, go get a master degree. In America, only a diploma would get you somewhere when you first start a career. If you don’t like to study, learn a trade and work for construction. In America, construction pays very well.
I have been living in Calgary for 40 years and it is not what you are describing.Calgary is gaining population from out of provinces.Can you afford to live in Vancouver and Toronto with the high living cost?There are a large number of new immigrants from China and Hongkong moved here.A large number of Hk students are taking cooking course at SAIT.
For a better pay, you have to upgrade your education. $20/hr is not good for the long term, as it leaves you with no saving, which you need when you get old.
Not a good life in Canada.
A lot of people are leaving.
佢後生,仲有時間本錢可以留係加拿大消耗,否則,都係可能去澳洲or back hk😅
Or 嫁鬼佬
Are you Yuen ting the girl who loves Monaco cookie?
yuenying 有冇拍新片update .
support yuenying!!!
Go to school and get a degree, it will be more helpful in long run.
Nigel 😂係點樣搵到咁多加國香港人來做訪問既?
her youtube page is not available
haha... me tooooo
The subtitle was very off
@@MrCanada-g7e 你有冇睇到好多香港人過黎加拿大攞咗公民身份證就返香港再搏過咩?香港有幾十萬人係有加拿大籍的,我身邊都有十個八個
@@ericlai7095 你唔坐夠移民監係入唔到籍,想信大部分救生艇都捱唔到攞護照
@@MrCanada-g7e 甘都叫做有個目標去做,甘唔係過黎做乜,呼吸新鮮空氣,過黎體驗自己一個人生活。
@@ralphng815 算係嘅比較過先知原本的生活也不差
未做夠一年都可以EI ka咩?
英文唔OK都可以做reception? 好犀利喎
Reception 也就是最低工资水平
Why those people come from hk recently, very often talk about 回流, then they should not come in the beginning, if come already, don't think back.
個人意見,Australia 比Canada 更悶😂😂
感覺好多人都找不到本行,讀urban studies degree ,結果做 cafe and reception.
@@CanleungCan 其實香港物價都唔平😅😅😅
@@smilechan5899 但香港食野食碗普通米線唔會成120元一碗、香港去食茶餐廳唔洗俾稅tips,你來過就知有幾貴
@@CanleungCan 但係香港最低工資係加拿大一半喎。香港出去食一個平平哋嘅飯,其實都係冇咗一個鐘最低工資。同加拿大一樣啫。
@@smilechan5899 你試下係加拿大做完野再討論,而家多倫多係幾咁難搵野做,我同你講係十級難,就算想做抵下層都有幾佰人同你爭!
Hello, thank you for introducing about the live in Calgary. I also considering to move and Calgary is one of the choices. May I ask about the weather there? How many months / days are snow there?
To be honest, what do you expect for the typical weather of Canada? She's famous for her crispy & snowing beauty.
We have 12 months per year, Calgary has 13 months of snowing 〜〜〜 well, I am joking.
--- quoted ---
Calgary is a city will have had all four seasons in just one day. Temperatures can soar to the high 30 degrees Celsius in the summer, while the average temperature sits at -4.6 degrees Celsius in the winter. Sometimes it will reach to minus -20s or -30s in winter if added up with the strong windchills or snowstorms.
--- unquoted ---
If you've decided to move to Canada, you gotta prepare facing the cold weather mostly. Calgary in summer is not bad, even sometimes in winter is still tolerable. No need to be afraid of cold temperature. Everywhere is central heated including public transports, dwelling properties, private vehicles...etc
As long as you have put on suitable clothing for the season and get used to the weather after a period of time, you will survive.
Hope it helps.
We don't want troubles maker here
做House keeping最低工資嘅工作有咩需要識講英文?美國全部執房嘅都係南美人,連基本嘅英文都唔識。
説到係因為感到壓抑,可能你還不是本地人,又唔明加拿大的政情。我可以説你今天都不明白離開的真正原因。本來年青人想出来打工,找新経驗,係好的。只是想起香港政府花了這麽多錢培育一個人,讀到大學的urban planing,去做house keeping,話自己好快乐,真的是荒謬 !
你講咁多廢話做乜 人哋鍾意黎咪黎囉😂資本主義社會不嬲都係多勞多得 有能者居之 佢今日可能做工作麻麻地 你唔俾佢第2日可能創業成功做老闆?仲有咩叫智慧型既工?你講嘢可唔可以specific 少少?😂人地都講左幾個因素唔想留香港做嘢 你都仲話“以你學歷如果肯做香港份工X XXXx"😂 你係聽野有問題定係閱讀有問題😂😂
我同你講 就算樓註今日係香港搵10皮一個月 佢搵唔到岩佢既價值觀都係無撚用,都係要走,如果你咁撚鍾意control人哋思想,講埋呢啲唔經大腦既說話,真係好可憐😂
年紀輕,當然的。如果再無打算,慢慢年紀大,又無錢,身邊的有quality 的朋友會慢慢離開。
🎗️ 🪳
Cherry 去澳洲肯定會開心好多
Lady, you need to go to school !
@@siuboli8988 Well, don't ignore the "cost of living crisis" which is an ongoing issue in Canada. Go around the city and ask yourself..are people depressed? Of course, I am assuming you are really living in Canada 😊
有冇攪錯,一家四口二千幾一個月食用?我都係一家四口,需要$1200 一個月,我住在Toronto ,我也很少出街食
我們一家四個大人三餐都喜歡在家食,我兒子自己pack lunch番工 ,因為自己煮健康得多,但從來都不超過$1200 一個月,我通常一見大減價便stock up ,我常在Costco 和唐人超市買餸,在西人超市也盡量只買特價物品,我是很少買ready made food,我自問食得很豐富,其實可以多吃雞蛋,豆付和豆類, 來代替肉類,既健康又可節省金錢
咁其實唔止香港人, 就連南亞人都係好多人黎左之後, 到最後都係決定離開加拿大. 唔止移民人士, 就連本地人都係好多人都想離開加拿大😂, 去其他地方發展.
By the way, 就黎聖誕啦, Merry Christmas 🎄
YuenYing講咗咁耐佢都係打散工,佢基本上係無目標,我在想我系哩個TH-cam channel 所睇到嘅訪問,絕大部份搵到工嘅收入都屬「低下階層」,即系以前香港人成日講「無明日嘅窮人」,「無法向上流」的一群!
咁都真係要d 時間先有機會搵返本行。 後生,大把時間。
我都覺,好多受訪者講到香港原來有份正常有境的工,quit 左來加打入基層工,但講到好滿足,例如放工真係放工沒野跟
其實在港搵份基層工放工都沒野跟的,啊駛飛半個地球咁遠來加 😅
@@wallaceleung2654 根本係為走而走,大棚話走咪走囉,走左先算,型同瀟灑嗎,大鑼大鼓甘走,隔幾個月或者幾年都無運行,咪到時靜悄悄甘返去囉,沉過咸水係香啲嘅。
我cousin 鬼仔…. 在Calgary 大學畢業…. 都要過嚟美國揾食己8 年…. 香港班又聾又啞( 唔识听又唔识讲英文)人士卻跑到Calgary ? 搞乜呀?
寄人屋詹下, 那有不低頭 !😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
毋庸置疑…. 人離鄉賤…. 但為了面子…. 個個卻都話好適應異地生活…. 明顯是死撐!2019 年後的香港移民大多是又窮又無料…. 能夠在香港生活的才是真正的(人上人)我己移民30 多年…. 有着一般人认為很不錯的一切…. 但我還是沒有歸屬感….. 人不是只有金錢、物業、学位、社會地位才快樂、你們這班new comers 是不會明白的!
You are right …… 我正在办理中…. 想回香港看可否执到平货…. If not …. maybe consider China’s Great Bay Area
🎗️ 🪳早走早着,走咗唔好番嚟