She needs to flat out tell him how she feels. The way he acts when eating. Tell him that she’s tired of his selfishness and if he doesn’t do better that he will have to do for himself until he learns to do better. Tell him that if he don’t change then he won’t eat. It’s straight up wrong how he acts. Even though we come here to see what happens everyday, a lot of us are triggered. It’s not funny at all. TBT I come here everyday to see if the day will come when she finally gets fed up and knocks the hell out of him.
Ya que ganan dinero a costa de los que vemos sus videos,podían tenernos un poco de respeto,no reírse de nosotros,todo esto es un paripe,si el patán los deja sin comida y ellos está claro que se lo permiten,nosotros no tenemos porque indignar os,es más no deberíamos mirar ni un vídeo más de ellos,son una tomadura de pelo
Don't worry about the Dad he doesn't worry about you when he sits there and takes your food or hides food from you for himself. Eat and just give him the bowl of noodles when you are both through and he can eat by himself and that way he hog all the food and you two can eat in peace.
The son laughed when his Dad told him to stop eating and took the food from his bowl? Open your eyes Kid. Your Dad does not care for you and you should be backing up Mom because she is doing what she is doing so you can eat your fill of your dinner in peace. There have been a couple of these videos now and I expect the next one will be Dad getting all of the food again some how.
The sad, but funny part about this is, still after the son is willing to go against his mom. His greedy dad is still unappreciative of his thoughtfulness, by tell him "you've already eaten a lot, stop eating. Give all to me. Any more?(as he searches his bowl) there is none left" all while his son looks forward to feeding him.😂😂
Once again she did the right thing the sun's got to remember all the times that he took the food from him so it's time that he learns there's other people that's got to eat besides him and he did the same thing after the wife left he took the food right out of his son's dish the pig is at it again she should make him and stay in another room so the son doesn't feel bad the pig is at it again
Никак не пойму за что жена наказала гоблина, что к столу не подпускает его,ну а сын поступает по моему неправильно подкармливает его ,оставляет ему пишу,идёт против матери,жалко ему отца,молодой ещё.А то как отец поступает с ними за столом,съедает всю еду и ещё старается закаркулить,спрятать,от сына он видать забыл.Бедная женщина тянет и гоблина и сына.
Son needs to be punished for his bad behavior. He is enabling his greedy dad's behavior. Shame on you Son SHAME!!!!!! You miss lead us thinking you cared about your Mom feeling but here you are Disrespecting her.
I really don't know if by script son is so stupid and against his mom or he adores his daddy always by script no matter how bad he acts to him... the other by their foolish script is that when daddy does it hard, there's always mom,'s hug for some brief solution, to eat some meat, they mess up so badly, they still believe we all subscribers are stupid and really like these craps... my God...we are in the beginning of 2024 ,I don't know if I would like to see how this will continue 😮😮😮???!!!!
The wife is correct!! If the disgusting father comes to the table he will eat all the food. Do you think for 1 minute that he cares about his family ??? He only cares about himself. He should get his food in a dog dish and eat off the floor.
I’m glad she is making him wait but watching the son keep turning around concerned his dad is not eating is annoying. The son knows how selfish his dad is so why does he show compassion for him. In my he end he once again grabs food out of his son’s bowl!!! Disgusting display of a so called dad.
Сынок нельзя быть таким жалествиным к отцу, ты что ещо непонил его ему надо только мясо, а совести нет у него, правильно мать делает пусть охраняет пока вы кушаете, ешь спокойно.
How it's possible to act many times for his mom side, and the same time set himself against her for support his pig-daddy... and this pig-daddy never ever stand by son 's side, always steel, hide never offered him anything and always speaks about mom and HER son and they both are NOT good people and the worst???!!!! How this unbelievable foolish script and blog has so many likes... lately I read the comments of subscribers, sometimes I answer in some of them but I stopped to respond or watch the videos as before, I move fastward bottom and almost always I understand it how the script was... OK there days I really don't watch it, but I read the comments and I can understand what was that made them furious but it's something all this repeats every day , how the green goblin stands behind the table...son is probably with his daddy 's side... and someone said that mom has to face both of them, daddy and son... how 😮😮😮??? they have to put son out of the table, all disasters are from green goblin 's behaviour and they put son with the wrong side???
Let him dtand there until she has finished her fiod .its not up to the son to tell come and have dinner. How many times has he eaten your food son ????
Сын предает мать. Зовет папашку,рукой машет...иди есть мать ушла😮..вот это сынок сам живет на мамины деньги с отцом.иди с отцом работать,вот тогда и корми обжору...😮😮
Oh yeah, Nasty grandpa punishment standing exactly three days in this videos they must be horrible reason , because nasty Grandpa's don't have responsible in this families, no jobs no money, lazy, Never respectful wife and son,his mind's knows to eat nice delicious I know sisters yian is s good women I hopefully tomorrow have Surprise acting eating show videos 🙋👩🦳💃👩🌾👩💼
He still hasn't learned his lesson he's just told his son to stop eating he's ate enough lets hope his mother finds out and makes the punishments a lot harder on her husband
That's right 👍 lady yian punish him stand there looks like naughty and bad student, sister you're must continues keep it up, when he's sit on the table and got foods , he's will never change his styles greedy and disgusting really. Sisters to day you're performance acting passed 😁
Sisters yian ,if you're let's nasty green monkey sit on the table with nice delicious, surely guarantee eating finishing all the no remains, he's will said, I ',m eating not enough sisters yian please consider and take back care yours jobs. Presenting perfectly excellent this channels videos Happy News year 2024 Have a bright successful woman 💃😻😘
I'm sorry I can't rate this.. The mother is doing the right thing keeping the pig away from the table.. I just hate that the son has to go through this. The mother needs to sit down with her son and tell him the truth.. stop babying her son, tell him about the time the pig got upset and took his fist to his wife's head like he was going to hit her.. just because he didn't get his way, acting like a child.. Keep up the great job mom , stay strong 💪 you are a great mother 👍😊♥️
Son its nice that you care about your Dad. But listen to your Mom. She is right. Your Dad will not are about you when it comes to his meal. He will not save any for you. Maybe even take yours.
Esse filho bonzinho, morre de dó desse pai esganado que além de chamar ele para comer ainda rouba a comida do filho. Tem que deixar ele sem nada mesmo, porque esse cara não pode ser chamado de pai, porque além de sem vergonha, esganado não tem um pingo de escrúpulo fazer isso com o próprio filho. Não dá mais para assistir os vídeos com esse cara, tira ele já
Good job sis 👍 make sure your son follows her directions in not giving his dad any meat! Now kick the green shirt grabbing food goblin out to get a job. Tell him no food until he gets a job!
Зачем зовёшь кушать его?ты должен за маму заступаться,получается ты за обжору???Вот и получил ...папашка отобрал колбаску...доигрался сынок!!!будет урок вам ...
Soft heart for his dad not mom oh pleaae but son will be sorry too I guess (wrong or right) son and dad should be punished too let mom eat alone without dad and son (wrong or right) let me know and let find out next video
Сыночек, ну как папашка ,все вытащил из чашки сына и сожрал. А мама тебе последнее отдаст. Папа такой ,,хороший,, Мерзкий. Нельзя ему оставлять столько мяса. И сыночка -бестолкового с ним нельзя оставлять.Сыночек как блаженный
Time for the son to go didn't dirty green just hide a whole chicken from the son and now he's worried about dirty eating come on now that son has to go!!!!
Son needs to grow a pair. Why does he keep giving into his father. Respect is one thing but father doesn't respect anyone. He just wants to eat everything
У Маруси наступило просветление в мозгу, а у Ванюши стокгольмский синдром. Просит у мамы разрешить отцу сесть за стол. На что получил резонный ответ. Ты, что хочешь чтобы он, сев за стол, опять все съел? Мы едим первыми, давай поедим спокойно. Гоблину крикнула, что если он не будет стоять, там, то за стол не сядет. А этот орк кричит, мне садится нельзя, стоять нельзя... Ванюшка, жалея непутёвого папашку решил схитрить, мол я наелся. А маму не проведёшь. Не ври мне, сиди ешь и ему достанется и подкладывает сыну кусочки. Рано ушла, Маруся! Папаша сиграл на жалость. Прибежал, уселся, выгреб всю ветчину из тарелки сына. Да ещё приговаривае, ты уже поел, тебе хватит, там ничего не припрятал? А этот смеётся. Ваня, Ваня- дурачек, купил гармошку с кулачек. Вся семья шибленая.
Sad how mothers in general are never respected as much as fathers. Not all situations but alot. He’s taken food from his son, lied and gotten his son in trouble making it seem like he ate it all when his mother comes back to the table. I know this is all a skit. Still aggravating though. And yes I know I don’t have to watch but it’s like a train wreck, you can’t look away.
It’s 2024, I have been watching your videos for over 3 yrs, and he has not come out of that ugly green shirt but once…somebody please peel that thing off of him please!!!!!!!
Warum kriegt der Goblin immer noch was zu essen das ist der Hammer frisst Frau und Sohn immer alles weg und der Sohn hat immer noch Mitleid mit dem Gierschlund
Подумала,що зубатий набереться розуму стоячі по стрункий,помилилась горбатого могла виправить.Тільки вона пішла,зробить своє,а синок слідуючій раз нехай подумає чі його жаліти,він невиправний.
Querido,seu pai não está precisando de sua ajuda! Ele vai roubar a sua comida sem olhar se você comeu ou não!!!!! Ele é uma pessoa que não pensa no outro emuito menos Em vc e sua mãe!!! Um ser desprezível!!¡! A Morte pra ele engasgado é pouco!!??
Вот так надо наказывать мужчину.пока мама с сыном не покушают мужчине не садиться за стол.то правильное решение.ипаче он съест все подряд что вы им ему дадите а это неуважение к себе.пора заставить его вот так делать.👍
I guess.that it's getting there. She is fed up with his wrong doings when it comes to food.the dad hates to share.she needs to fix his food by himself.still no manners he takes his son's food from him.sad.
Ya ves hijo?. Por caritativo y él no se toca el corazón!..😡 Me hubiera gustado que se quedara asi hasta el final..eso es lo que sienten ustedes cuando les quita todo y se quedan con el estómago vacío!. Pobre hijo tan ingenuo..😢
He doesn't listen when she tell him to eat because she knows greedy goblin will eat it all and leave nothing for them. It is also so annoying when he keeps looking at his father and having that smile on his face when greedy goblin took the leftover meat
She needs to flat out tell him how she feels. The way he acts when eating. Tell him that she’s tired of his selfishness and if he doesn’t do better that he will have to do for himself until he learns to do better. Tell him that if he don’t change then he won’t eat. It’s straight up wrong how he acts. Even though we come here to see what happens everyday, a lot of us are triggered. It’s not funny at all. TBT I come here everyday to see if the day will come when she finally gets fed up and knocks the hell out of him.
Es una vergüenza tener un padre así,se queda mirando,cómo pidiendo limosna de comida y el hijo actúa mal y en contra de su madre,me decepciona
Ya que ganan dinero a costa de los que vemos sus videos,podían tenernos un poco de respeto,no reírse de nosotros,todo esto es un paripe,si el patán los deja sin comida y ellos está claro que se lo permiten,nosotros no tenemos porque indignar os,es más no deberíamos mirar ni un vídeo más de ellos,son una tomadura de pelo
Don't worry about the Dad he doesn't worry about you when he sits there and takes your food or hides food from you for himself. Eat and just give him the bowl of noodles when you are both through and he can eat by himself and that way he hog all the food and you two can eat in peace.
The son laughed when his Dad told him to stop eating and took the food from his bowl? Open your eyes Kid. Your Dad does not care for you and you should be backing up Mom because she is doing what she is doing so you can eat your fill of your dinner in peace. There have been a couple of these videos now and I expect the next one will be Dad getting all of the food again some how.
The son is pissing me off now 😂😂😂
The sad, but funny part about this is, still after the son is willing to go against his mom. His greedy dad is still unappreciative of his thoughtfulness, by tell him "you've already eaten a lot, stop eating. Give all to me. Any more?(as he searches his bowl) there is none left" all while his son looks forward to feeding him.😂😂
Son keeps not listening to his mom he will be standing over across the room with Dad
Once again she did the right thing the sun's got to remember all the times that he took the food from him so it's time that he learns there's other people that's got to eat besides him and he did the same thing after the wife left he took the food right out of his son's dish the pig is at it again she should make him and stay in another room so the son doesn't feel bad the pig is at it again
Что он стоит как надзиратель??В другую комнату выгоните его😮..,спокойно хоть поедите😊...
Никак не пойму за что жена наказала гоблина, что к столу не подпускает его,ну а сын поступает по моему неправильно подкармливает его ,оставляет ему пишу,идёт против матери,жалко ему отца,молодой ещё.А то как отец поступает с ними за столом,съедает всю еду и ещё старается закаркулить,спрятать,от сына он видать забыл.Бедная женщина тянет и гоблина и сына.
Son needs to be punished for his bad behavior. He is enabling his greedy dad's behavior. Shame on you Son SHAME!!!!!! You miss lead us thinking you cared about your Mom feeling but here you are Disrespecting her.
The son is an ass the father has taken food from him hid food from him the son needs to smarten up and not have pity for him
I really don't know if by script son is so stupid and against his mom or he adores his daddy always by script no matter how bad he acts to him... the other by their foolish script is that when daddy does it hard, there's always mom,'s hug for some brief solution, to eat some meat, they mess up so badly, they still believe we all subscribers are stupid and really like these craps... my God...we are in the beginning of 2024 ,I don't know if I would like to see how this will continue 😮😮😮???!!!!
Sorry but son's behavior makes me angry
Like this way, let him eat whatever is left over 👍🤣🤣🤣
The wife is correct!! If the disgusting father comes to the table he will eat all the food. Do you think for 1 minute that he cares about his family ??? He only cares about himself. He should get his food in a dog dish and eat off the floor.
Jaki ten syn jest głupi nie mogę na niego patrzeć. Mało że ojciec go źle traktuje to ten jeszcze po kryjomu przed matką karmi co za żenada 😒
When they added the son to the show it was like adding another they need to take the son off.. he served no purpose..I can't stand him.
I’m glad she is making him wait but watching the son keep turning around concerned his dad is not eating is annoying. The son knows how selfish his dad is so why does he show compassion for him. In my he end he once again grabs food out of his son’s bowl!!! Disgusting display of a so called dad.
Сынок нельзя быть таким жалествиным к отцу, ты что ещо непонил его ему надо только мясо, а совести нет у него, правильно мать делает пусть охраняет пока вы кушаете, ешь спокойно.
How it's possible to act many times for his mom side, and the same time set himself against her for support his pig-daddy... and this pig-daddy never ever stand by son 's side, always steel, hide never offered him anything and always speaks about mom and HER son and they both are NOT good people and the worst???!!!! How this unbelievable foolish script and blog has so many likes... lately I read the comments of subscribers, sometimes I answer in some of them but I stopped to respond or watch the videos as before, I move fastward bottom and almost always I understand it how the script was... OK there days I really don't watch it, but I read the comments and I can understand what was that made them furious but it's something all this repeats every day , how the green goblin stands behind the table...son is probably with his daddy 's side... and someone said that mom has to face both of them, daddy and son... how 😮😮😮??? they have to put son out of the table, all disasters are from green goblin 's behaviour and they put son with the wrong side???
Let him dtand there until she has finished her fiod .its not up to the son to tell come and have dinner.
How many times has he eaten your food son ????
I have no respect for the son.. rewarding his father's bad eating habits... the mother needs to ban the both from the table.
Сын предает мать. Зовет папашку,рукой машет...иди есть мать ушла😮..вот это сынок сам живет на мамины деньги с отцом.иди с отцом работать,вот тогда и корми обжору...😮😮
Позор и срам этому мужчине!!!Стыдобище!
Oh yeah, Nasty grandpa punishment standing exactly three days in this videos they must be horrible reason , because nasty Grandpa's don't have responsible in this families, no jobs no money, lazy, Never respectful wife and son,his mind's knows to eat nice delicious I know sisters yian is s good women I hopefully tomorrow have Surprise acting eating show videos 🙋👩🦳💃👩🌾👩💼
За еду такое терпеть мужчине не пристало капли достоинства нет.пошел бы работат заработать хотя бы на свой хлеб.
I like that the mom and son eating first otherwise the father takes all the food
мне так нравится ,как он стоит, но этого мало,еще наказания нужны
He still hasn't learned his lesson he's just told his son to stop eating he's ate enough lets hope his mother finds out and makes the punishments a lot harder on her husband
I guess you think this is real. Instead of ridiculous skit writing
@@words.Of.Truth. Duh everyone that watches knows its a skit
That's right 👍 lady yian punish him stand there looks like naughty and bad student, sister you're must continues keep it up, when he's sit on the table and got foods , he's will never change his styles greedy and disgusting really. Sisters to day you're performance acting passed 😁
OMG are you serious? I had no idea it was not real! @@words.Of.Truth. 🙄 I guess you think this is a real reply and not sarcasm.
Sisters yian ,if you're let's nasty green monkey sit on the table with nice delicious, surely guarantee eating finishing all the no remains, he's will said, I ',m eating not enough sisters yian please consider and take back care yours jobs. Presenting perfectly excellent this channels videos Happy News year 2024 Have a bright successful woman 💃😻😘
It's better like you eat first with your son and the rest give it to him. 😂😂😂
Like a grown man is going to dutifully stand back and watch everybody else Come on now
I'm sorry I can't rate this.. The mother is doing the right thing keeping the pig away from the table.. I just hate that the son has to go through this. The mother needs to sit down with her son and tell him the truth.. stop babying her son, tell him about the time the pig got upset and took his fist to his wife's head like he was going to hit her.. just because he didn't get his way, acting like a child.. Keep up the great job mom , stay strong 💪 you are a great mother 👍😊♥️
Please the son knows what a selfish greedy arrogant disrespectful pig and yet feels pity which he shouldn’t he knows exactly how the father is
It is a repetitive, boring, unrealistic skit done over and over and over again there's nothing real about it except the food they swallow
Wake up boy. Stop it
Son its nice that you care about your Dad. But listen to your Mom. She is right. Your Dad will not are about you when it comes to his meal. He will not save any for you. Maybe even take yours.
He told him he had eaten enough stop eating 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Опять папочка наказан😢стоит как пионер возле классной доски 😂❤
Сынуля начал раздражать. Неужели до сих пор не дошло на что способен гоблин?
Esse filho bonzinho, morre de dó desse pai esganado que além de chamar ele para comer ainda rouba a comida do filho. Tem que deixar ele sem nada mesmo, porque esse cara não pode ser chamado de pai, porque além de sem vergonha, esganado não tem um pingo de escrúpulo fazer isso com o próprio filho. Não dá mais para assistir os vídeos com esse cara, tira ele já
Tem jeito não a esposa castiga e o filho tira do gastigo deveria ser castigado os dois pai e filho 😮
Правильно так ему и надо пусть стоит и смотрит
Да сынок меня раздражает. Зачем он идёт против мамы.
The wife should have stayed as soon as he sit down he took the food right out of his son's dish that's what a pig would do don't care about his family
Good job sis 👍 make sure your son follows her directions in not giving his dad any meat! Now kick the green shirt grabbing food goblin out to get a job.
Tell him no food until he gets a job!
Зачем зовёшь кушать его?ты должен за маму заступаться,получается ты за обжору???Вот и получил ...папашка отобрал колбаску...доигрался сынок!!!будет урок вам ...
Нужно сына иотца садить кушать вместе пока сын сам поймет что такое его отец
Silly boy 😡
這種父親 兒子就不要理會他沒吃,他把兒子的肉都吃了
Черного кабеля неотмыть до бела все напрасно
Стол что-то подрос😮...
Soft heart for his dad not mom oh pleaae but son will be sorry too I guess (wrong or right) son and dad should be punished too let mom eat alone without dad and son (wrong or right) let me know and let find out next video
Сыночек, ну как папашка ,все вытащил из чашки сына и сожрал. А мама тебе последнее отдаст. Папа такой ,,хороший,, Мерзкий. Нельзя ему оставлять столько мяса. И сыночка -бестолкового с ним нельзя оставлять.Сыночек как блаженный
Time for the son to go didn't dirty green just hide a whole chicken from the son and now he's worried about dirty eating come on now that son has to go!!!!
Son needs to grow a pair. Why does he keep giving into his father. Respect is one thing but father doesn't respect anyone. He just wants to eat everything
У Маруси наступило просветление в мозгу, а у Ванюши стокгольмский синдром. Просит у мамы разрешить отцу сесть за стол. На что получил резонный ответ. Ты, что хочешь чтобы он, сев за стол, опять все съел? Мы едим первыми, давай поедим спокойно. Гоблину крикнула, что если он не будет стоять, там, то за стол не сядет. А этот орк кричит, мне садится нельзя, стоять нельзя... Ванюшка, жалея непутёвого папашку решил схитрить, мол я наелся. А маму не проведёшь. Не ври мне, сиди ешь и ему достанется и подкладывает сыну кусочки. Рано ушла, Маруся! Папаша сиграл на жалость. Прибежал, уселся, выгреб всю ветчину из тарелки сына. Да ещё приговаривае, ты уже поел, тебе хватит, там ничего не припрятал? А этот смеётся. Ваня, Ваня- дурачек, купил гармошку с кулачек. Вся семья шибленая.
Спасибо за перевод
yes they are can't stand them just read comments to look at them make you want to vomit
父親、旦那の威厳なし 良いですね旦那を退けての食事風景
Sad how mothers in general are never respected as much as fathers. Not all situations but alot. He’s taken food from his son, lied and gotten his son in trouble making it seem like he ate it all when his mother comes back to the table.
I know this is all a skit. Still aggravating though. And yes I know I don’t have to watch but it’s like a train wreck, you can’t look away.
Сын это в Торой папа, а жена специально ушла, знает прекрасно что это чудовище всё сожрёт, надоели вы со своим спектаклем, ничего не меняется.
It’s 2024, I have been watching your videos for over 3 yrs, and he has not come out of that ugly green shirt but once…somebody please peel that thing off of him please!!!!!!!
Смысл снимать такие видео, если он все равно сожрет мясо. Сын не любит свою мать, со временем станет как отец.
Nice eating,,and super punishment
А у сына,какая причёска,такой и ум в голове.
I knew this would happen 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Il n'a que c qu'il mérite...🤔il ne faut ps le plaindre.. cars a table il n'a pitié de personne...
Вот и стой, как оловянный солдатик
Всеровно он отнимает у сына еду уроки прошли даром
2:31 не надо ребенка осуждать, все правильно он делает, это еще раз говориь о хорошем воспитании, молодец.
Папа занял пост, отрабатывает обед, смииирна, к охране стола и родственников приступить.
После нового года,гоблин в доме теперь работает "Памятником"а что работа не пыльная стой себе и стой😂
Good Marusya and Son ❤❤❤❤❤
Warum kriegt der Goblin immer noch was zu essen das ist der Hammer frisst Frau und Sohn immer alles weg und der Sohn hat immer noch Mitleid mit dem Gierschlund
Подумала,що зубатий набереться розуму стоячі по стрункий,помилилась горбатого могла виправить.Тільки вона пішла,зробить своє,а синок слідуючій раз нехай подумає чі його жаліти,він невиправний.
Querido,seu pai não está precisando de sua ajuda! Ele vai roubar a sua comida sem olhar se você comeu ou não!!!!! Ele é uma pessoa que não pensa no outro emuito menos Em vc e sua mãe!!! Um ser desprezível!!¡! A Morte pra ele engasgado é pouco!!??
Manger en paix est agréable.
Ça évite de critiquer ce bon à rien.
Сын бессовестный совсем не уважает свою маму. Ставлю дизлайк из за не уважения .
He will nevr change
Your son 😢😢😢😢😢
Stop feeling sorry for your dad he dersver it
Вот так надо наказывать мужчину.пока мама с сыном не покушают мужчине не садиться за стол.то правильное решение.ипаче он съест все подряд что вы им ему дадите а это неуважение к себе.пора заставить его вот так делать.👍
Мужской гордости нет у этого человека,стоит и смотрит
Он бы тогда все поел и семья осталось голодной
Because he's not a man. Until he acts like one, let him stand there and look stupid.
Because he's not a man. Until he acts like one, let him stand there and look stupid.
Видимо горбатого магила только и исправит, только о себе и думает, собственного сына обедает
Er hat immer noch nichts begriffen und nimmt seinem Sohn das Fleisch weg.
Ну кто ж его посадит, он же памятник.😂😂😂
Терпеливый, дождался! 😂
good job mother 😍😁😁
Ну что доволен он всю колбаску переложил себе.
Ale ten jej syn jest nienormalny matka kupuje mu jedzenie a ojciec nigdzie nie robi i tak wszystko mu daje do jedzenia
А этот в зелёной футболке,я думала на диете 😂
He looks like he is putting weight on.😅
🎉🎄🎄🎄❄☃️с новым годом вас всех
Семейка 😢жена мужа воспитывает,а сыночек папашку никчемного жалеет..так жалеют больного
Вы бы хоть договорились
Сына надо поставить к отцу может начнет понимать что мама для него старается
Why should his son feel guilty or sorry for he did this to hi self
I guess.that it's getting there. She is fed up with his wrong doings when it comes to food.the dad hates to share.she needs to fix his food by himself.still no manners he takes his son's food from him.sad.
Ya ves hijo?.
Por caritativo y él no se toca el corazón!..😡
Me hubiera gustado que se quedara asi hasta el final..eso es lo que sienten ustedes cuando les quita todo y se quedan con el estómago vacío!.
Pobre hijo tan ingenuo..😢
Este jovem não respeita a mãe
No he does not, not at all
He doesn't listen when she tell him to eat because she knows greedy goblin will eat it all and leave nothing for them. It is also so annoying when he keeps looking at his father and having that smile on his face when greedy goblin took the leftover meat
А сынок то изменник. Папаша у его крадёт а он последнее ему отдал. Тебе не надо было уходить раньше. Пускай бы сын хорошо поел.
Маруся молодец а сынуля поощряет лентяя роботать не хочет а только жрать на дурыку 😅
Как все унизительно, хозяин не работает- есть не дают, когда он добирается до еды- старается все украсть, отнять, сожрать. Так мужчины не ведут себя
Хорошо что сын не как отец эгойст 🤦♂️
Почему они всё оглядываются? Мама с сыном покушают, ато что останется будет он доедать. Ему не надо былосебя вести за столом как свинья 😂😂😂😂
Переживает парень с одной стороны он человек хороший другойнадо быть пожосче к такому. Отцу. Парень
Сына тоже надо отправить зарабатывать на еду. Сидят на шее у матери. Какой добренький, а работать тоже не пробовал?
Сынок папа не оценит твою защиту перед матерью. Сиди кушай приятного аппетита.
That kid needs to quit.
This boy is so annoying stop worrying about your Greedy FATHER