Sometimes we drive and sometimes we just take train. If we drive, usually we will stay and park in the hotel in zone 4 or 5. As the city center is sooooo jam! Avoid driving within zone 1. If we don’t visit friends and just go London for food and walk around, we prefer to take train, be honest.
@@mkawoo 我知呀,美國好多洲都係,有次去Washington seafood market買咗啲即食海鮮想配酒,但發現唔可以喺街飲,所以最後入咗附近一間酒店喺lobby lounge叫咗一支酒配啲海鮮喺lobby d open area食,因為lounge入面又唔可以自攜食物🤣 咁啱早幾日先同老公講開呢單嘢
倫敦天氣開始凍了 小心保重身體 好好享受當下 加油
HMS Belfast 一定要上去,曾駐防過香港架!
記得去 Canteen Cafe 歎杯 Espresso ,好好飲架。
thanks a lot
都係,小鎮就會有多啲特式,各有各好,不過定居我就一定prefer大城市,但呢啲真係好個人~ 自己開心同舒服就得喇😊
Food items in borough market more expensive than in waitross and M and S?
I think so. The cooked food price is similar as dine in price in restaurant
Did you drive to London? Where to park the car? I am planning to drive to London and park in a place then take tube to different places.
Sometimes we drive and sometimes we just take train. If we drive, usually we will stay and park in the hotel in zone 4 or 5. As the city center is sooooo jam! Avoid driving within zone 1. If we don’t visit friends and just go London for food and walk around, we prefer to take train, be honest.
大家有小朋友升中學的話 考慮下Gloucester 告羅士打 有六間文法中學 因為埠仔 人口少 入讀機會大 又有全英國最大嘅間諜中心 治安好
@@marineenge ic,我住係多倫多,加拿大係吾可以係街飲酒。
@@mkawoo 我知呀,美國好多洲都係,有次去Washington seafood market買咗啲即食海鮮想配酒,但發現唔可以喺街飲,所以最後入咗附近一間酒店喺lobby lounge叫咗一支酒配啲海鮮喺lobby d open area食,因為lounge入面又唔可以自攜食物🤣
@@marineenge 👍
我睇左你DIY牆紙的片 是租還是買呢?如是買的話是因為Apartment 比house安全方便嗎?先謝謝你指教
Hi~ 多謝支持!我同老公都prefer住有管理員高樓大廈式嘅apartment, 因為比較有安全感同可以有開掦景觀,加上比較怕打理花園同唔太受得住house一至兩星期先清一次垃圾,不過呢啲係100%個人取向,我哋都好多朋友住house住得好開心~
@@marineenge 謝謝解答😊