🎉 Lilly N do you want to come over to my house but you have to come when I get in the house and when we’re not adults I miss you so much I cannot wait when we go back to school and I see you again and meet you Kayden has a Lotta love
I love you Lexi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you are my favourite TH-camr Alexa I like watching your videos every time I see you put a smile on my face I will subscribe to your videos I love you so much
@Lilo is the baddest everybody does it and stoke twins are the best friends but I agree she should make or own content it annoying watching the same busts over again so ya she is getting annoying
Love u Lexi I just met Ben and Hannah at the pacific city mall he was so shy lol and his gf Hannah was so sweet but anyways ty for always being a good influence ilysm bye❤️!
Thank you so much lexi, entertaining us, making fun videos for us to watch!you are the most amazing girl!keep up your amazing and well done videos!😇🙂🙃😌😊
Fun Fact: Actually Brent you can start a fire with wood, you just don’t have the right kind of wood, you need like thick,big. And the texture needs to be hard.
The coin actually has 50% chance of bearing a crown on every toss. But the coin has memorylessness, so every time you throw it, you have 50% chance for heads. The coin doesn't "remember" what was the results before.
I was dying when Brent was trying break the glass with his voice because he sounded like a little girl screaming like she just fell over (I wasn’t actually dying just saying 😊
Reason you can Lift weights easier underwater is because underwater there’s no gravity so if you don’t get any more what muscle for your arms but you still can’t lift them better
Hi Lexi! I want you to know that your videos never fail to entertain us. You always make my day brighter when I'm feeling down. Love you all! ❤❤❤ from the Philippines🇵🇭
Acctually you CAN break an apple with your bare hands! My chemistry professor does it like that every day. It probably depends on the way you twist and your strength.
I love that lexi was shocked when the frog did not turn into a prince and the way she said call me!! The frog probably thought she was insane and wanted to run away
Whoever’s reading this, I pray that whatever your struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day
Amen ❤️❤️❤️
@Вrеnt Rivеrа Shorts 🅥 hiiiii
I love watching Lexi so much she brings a smile to my face every time I watch her she’s one of my fav youTubers love u girl
@Two2 who asked!
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
Lexi. You. Ar. So. Funny❤
Lexi: *I’m in desperate need of a boyfriend, so I’ll do just about anything*
Andrew: *What about me?*
That's exactly what I was thinking, lol 😂😜
Andrew: Am I Single now 😢
loll XD😆
I love Landrew 😏❤
Lexi Rivera never fails to put a smile on our face I LOVE YOU GIRL
But for real she never fails
Your right
yea i agree
Myth bursted
Lexi: *flirts with the frog*
Me: *dying of laughter*😂😂😂
Me to
🎉 Lilly N do you want to come over to my house but you have to come when I get in the house and when we’re not adults I miss you so much I cannot wait when we go back to school and I see you again and meet you Kayden has a Lotta love
I did it😮I’m not lying and promising from from Sunbur😅
i love how she just posts a vid at 1am lexi u the best
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
😆 😂
Lexi: I’m desperate
Andrew: AM I A JOKE TO YOU?!
Jeremy too xD
I love you Lexi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ you are my favourite TH-camr Alexa I like watching your videos every time I see you put a smile on my face I will subscribe to your videos I love you so much
I like how Brent struggled to crack the egg and Lexi didn’t even have to try ! I love watching u guys! Keep entertaining
And Jeremy
Is cut to and Brent is funny
Cos she has sharp nails
@Lilo is the baddest everybody does it and stoke twins are the best friends but I agree she should make or own content it annoying watching the same busts over again so ya she is getting annoying
@Lilo is the baddest girl do you not know how yt works, if no one used others ideas no one would have videos
Lexi is so funny 😂😂
Happy birthday Lexi! Love from Greece❤ Stay positive and I’m sure that you’ll hit 10 million soon🥰💞
th-cam.com/video/5wZtXNwxwU8/w-d-xo.html vlog :)
The glass has gotta be world's strongest material in the world if Brent's singing didn't break it
Lexi: I’m in desperate need of a boyfriend
Andrew: Am I a joke to you?
Yes,yes he is.
lexi never fails for anything! she’s stunning and very very kind love you sm x
brent screaming trying to break the glass was so funny 😂😂😂
Funny.? Really, which part other than thinking if he really think he can break it he should thrown back in middle school
Yeah he sound like a girl
@@phebssa_ lol
no it was not it was only like 5 seconds and he did it wrong stop tryin to get hearted you wont
Lexi you are so cool❤
Love it
You haven't even seen it
@@sarahhobbs4447 lmao
@@sarahhobbs4447 I am from the future
Love u Lexi I just met Ben and Hannah at the pacific city mall he was so shy lol and his gf Hannah was so sweet but anyways ty for always being a good influence ilysm bye❤️!
Your Videos never fail to entertain us ❤️
I love how you guys never fail to make me smile 😊
The way how Lexi was being all romantic with the frog I couldn’t stop laughing 😂
And I couldn't start laughing
And she didn't even kiss it🤣
Hej that is right
It's irl Tiana
Ben choking on the apple had me dead 💀😂
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
I like how Ben is just doing food myths so he can eat 😂
the way brent screamed🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you so much lexi, entertaining us, making fun videos for us to watch!you are the most amazing girl!keep up your amazing and well done videos!😇🙂🙃😌😊
I love your TH-cam videos😄😄😄😜
Ben and lexi you guys
Should. Get back Together
@@ashlynnmarascio4816 no because Lexi is older and Ben is younger
There needs to be more videos of Jeremy and lexi
I love how Brent struggled to crack to the egg and Lexi didn't even have to try!! I love watching u guys !!! keep entertaining😂
think its her nails lol
no lexi did it wrong
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
@ITSMALAY fyi a lot of TH-camrs use the same thumbnails its rly not a big deal
@@boogieman541 did what wrong
The starting of the video was pretty impressive & good! Especially "OUR TIME STARTS NOW" 🤧🤩🙌🏻
This video is so funny congrats Brent for winning🎉🎉🎉
Fun Fact: Actually Brent you can start a fire with wood, you just don’t have the right kind of wood, you need like thick,big. And the texture needs to be hard.
@@elliemyette9377 that’s what she said
For eg pumice
Not so much a fun fact than it is common knowledge 💀
Lets all appreciate the effort and hard work Lexi puts into her videos to make us laugh
What effort?
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
Same here
Literally every second of this video was entertaining. Lexi's best video this year by far and she saved it for her bday
th-cam.com/video/5wZtXNwxwU8/w-d-xo.html vlog !
Keep up the good work! 😁 its makes us all smile😊and makes every body happy.❤️Thank you for ur awesome content. 😃
Lexi's scream at the beginning with the flamethrower just kills me 😂
Lexi’s views are going CRAZY!!! Love your content Lexi! I love how you always keep us entertained!
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
Yeah true. Guess what?! Her birthday was June 7th! Yesterday! Wish her a happy birthday in the comments
The one where Brent looks at the tv and then talks to the wall had me cracking😂😂😂😂😂
All I’m going to say is Lexie is hilarious and she is so pretty Ben is lucky to have her as a friend and brent is lucky to have such an amazing sister
Brent it's so funny he makes my day he always makes me laugh and makes me smile 😊 keep doing what you doing do not give up ❤️
@Sumyko 😊😊
If Brent is funny go to his channel
When lexi kissed the frog I was waiting for Andrew to pop out
Lexi is so smile and I Love her so much xoxo mosima❤❤❤❤❤❤
The way lexi just always keeps putting the cup in her ear even when she talking with brent🤣🤣🤣
Omg Brent?
eeek!!! This is the earliest I've been! Thanks Lexi for posting the most amazing videos every single week. Thanks so much for brightening my day♥♥♥
Love your videos Lexi! Thanks for always making us laugh! Keep doing what your doing.
I love you Lexi
@@danielleholtzman7994 sus
I love Lexi’s romantic conversation with the frog😂
i like lexi hen she talks to the f r o g
She puts in so much effort and never bored me:)
The 3rd Myth is actually true it’s just really hard to hit a high enough note.
Hi friend I am so happy for you and I hope you have a great day
Ye it is
Your videos are so cool❤
The coin actually has 50% chance of bearing a crown on every toss. But the coin has memorylessness, so every time you throw it, you have 50% chance for heads. The coin doesn't "remember" what was the results before.
@@user-nn2du3jj4w yae dude
bro fix your grammar and wording, I literally didn't understand any of that
@@gloryadigun101 bro, I'm not from US or England, so idgaf
Coryxkenshin funny moments: th-cam.com/video/kuAIHr6-TAQ/w-d-xo.html
Wow i did zo not know that🙃
The way Brent was covering his ears while trying to pop the balloon! Dying inside 🤣🤣🤣
He was doing it wrong it had to be a lemon
@@iseekrophe6443 ohhhhh you mean it wasn’t supposed to be an orange, it was supposed to be a lemon?
@@iseekrophe6443 p.s. I had to go back to watch the video to understand what you were talking about lol
Now I understand though
Lexi never fails to intertain us
nice spelling
@@SajidMCLIVE Ikr 😂🤩
@@SajidMCLIVE ikr 😂
Jaweria, can you find "tan dejie"
My name is also Lexi to
I. Love. You're. Videos. Ben. and Lexi 😊😊😊😊😊
Lexi: “ you can’t use my pool ben! “
lexis mom: isn’t my house ?
I love how Lexi did the hair spray and a lighter then screamed I loved that part💗
I like how lexi kissed the rock instead of the frog 🤣and how brent closed his ears while squeezing the lemon on the balloon is hilarious😂
Me too and it was a orange not a lemon
I was dying when Brent was trying break the glass with his voice because he sounded like a little girl screaming like she just fell over (I wasn’t actually dying just saying 😊
5:47-6:02 I laughed so much with Lexi. Lucky frog 🐸😂
Happy birthday lexi!!hope you enjoy it!All of your fans love you😍!Hope we see Landrew in the future!!WE LOVE YOU 😍😍🥰😘😊
I love ur videos! They’re so entertaining and funny!! Also u have to be a professional so u can actually break the glass
You are the best that you make me ever happy so so so much I love when I watch your videos love you girl
Lexi all ways make me happy
Your content never disappoints us it’s so funny too it’s just amazing
I never imagined Brent screaming like that 😂
11:38 Here we go 🤠😃
5:54 did u really kiss the frog or the rock? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
She kissed a real frog
Brent: we’ll myth busted I feel fine
Camera man: uh Brent I’m over here
Brent again: where?
Had me dying😂🤣
The way Brent screamed like a girl made my day and lexis scream of the flame thrower thing😂🤌😭
I love frogs 🐸
Can we all agree that when Lexi posts it makes everyone’s day! ❤️
Let’s just say Lexi never fails to entertain us!!!❤❤❤❤
yes! i dont really comment though
0:21 😂😂😂
When Brent ate that sugar and ran around it made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I know😊
No one:
"If you have hairspray and a lighter it will make an at home flame thrower"
Reason you can Lift weights easier underwater is because underwater there’s no gravity so if you don’t get any more what muscle for your arms but you still can’t lift them better
Hi Lexi! I want you to know that your videos never fail to entertain us. You always make my day brighter when I'm feeling down. Love you all! ❤❤❤ from the Philippines🇵🇭
Luh taga Philippines rin ako
Im a huge fan of u guyss
Acctually you CAN break an apple with your bare hands! My chemistry professor does it like that every day. It probably depends on the way you twist and your strength.
i solved the math problem Ben had in like five minutes surprisingly I didn’t forget what I was taught in math yet haha
th-cam.com/video/5wZtXNwxwU8/w-d-xo.html vlog !!
3:33 Brent the nutella spoon is seal. You need to open the white seal
BRUH you people are hilarious I have liked and subscribed to you peace 🤣🤣🙃🙃🙂
Lexi and her freaky, flirting finger walk is so funny 🤣
At 0:31 😂😂 brent…………..😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😅
Whenever Brent and Lexi did the cup and the sting Lexi wasn’t talking in the cup she had the cup at her ear 7:44 lol 😂
Please I love this vid make more!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I Love How Ben Basically Did All The Myths With Food 😆
Most of Ben’s challenges have food in them🤣
Your videos are so entertaining lexi thankyou!
i think you mite do it if you have a mouse that controls both of the computers
😃😃😃😃😃😃 by the way love you vlogs
The breaking apple into half myth is for a K-pop idol called Jongho. He can pretty much break any fruit in half with his bare hands
I love that lexi was shocked when the frog did not turn into a prince and the way she said call me!! The frog probably thought she was insane and wanted to run away
Omg Lexie’s scream was sending me full on laughing mode, and a bit crazy because I drank Diet Coke 2mins ago
Lexi you’re really really cool
Her mom: Is everything ok?
Lexi: *Talking to a union*.
Lexi 5:47
Her mom: Ok lexi I'm taking you in to the hospital NOW
I love you Alex
Brent eating sugar didn't make him any more hyper than he already was lol.
The way that Brent was covering his ears when rubbing that orange juice on the balloon trying to make it pop was so funny😂😂😂😂
my only question is who is the girl that touched it too see if it will work is that brents girlfriend or ...
You are so so amazing and I love your video’s
Ben's eyes when he is looking at the microwave is hilarious!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Love your videos Lexi! You’re laugh makes me smile everyday ❤️❤️ thank you 😊 love the squad, best squad everrrr 💞
I enjoyed it
Thank you guys for always making me laugh and smile 😁