Count Kálnoky and Prince Charles about Transylvania

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 พ.ย. 2011
  • Wild Carpathia documentary featuring Count Kálnoky and The Prince of Wales

ความคิดเห็น • 120

  • @margaritflorentin
    @margaritflorentin 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Felicitari Domnule Kalnoky. Va doresc succes in tot ce intreprindeti. Sunt impresionat de cat de bine vorbiti Romaneste si de realizarile dvs. de pana acum.

  • @goodboybuddy1
    @goodboybuddy1 11 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Good Old Prince Charles, you are so right about the need for a sustainable culture on this poor planet. Thanks for all your efforts. Many of us appreciate you.

  • @pelegrino791
    @pelegrino791 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Prince Charles makes a lot of good to the planet like his father. I know is not popular in England because of the Diana's story but I like him anyway.

  • @whundt
    @whundt 11 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Looking forward to visiting here in a few weeks!

  • @tirpitz19
    @tirpitz19 11 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Transilvania e a noastra ,a tuturor ce o locuiesc ,indiferent de ce limba vorbim.Transilvania e fruntea tarii ,pentru ca 3 natii au pus umarul si mintea la ridicarea ei :romanii,maghiarii si sasii.
    Pastrati Transilvania multiculturala!

  • @TatyanaValdaBelindaHill
    @TatyanaValdaBelindaHill 11 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Pfft. Very sad so few are commending or appreciating his sentiments & work for humanity - interests the rich & powerful, are too often completely blind & numb to... This is SO not the place to be addressing issues of weather Transylvania is Romania. Listen to the man's message!! Extraordinarily important & transcends nations & boarders (& anger & fighting). Work to protect these regions - no matter what nation/nationality - or there will be no heritage, or culture left for you to worry about.

    • @mariannehuston3814
      @mariannehuston3814 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Transilvania means "crossing of forests" in latin given by the Romans after they conquered the Nordic people of Dacia (Getae)were the ancestors of today Romanians in antiquity. Also the CELTS and the PELASGIANS
      Mongols, tartars, slavs, goth, Visigoths, ostrogoths, bulgarians, avars, alani, magyars....crossed. Yes, Romanians were treated as 3rd class in their own land by the Austro-Hungarians that colonised Transylvania. I guess when you are kept as slave you cannot build COUNT houses. I don't know most Hungarians I've met are all COUNTS

    • @ferencszathmary9689
      @ferencszathmary9689 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@mariannehuston3814 Wrong. Hungary built Transylvania, Romania colonizes and balcanizes it. The only things attract tourists is the nature created by God and the buildings created by the Hungarians and in a smaller part by the Saxons (invited by the Hungarian kings in the 13th Century). Too bad, Romanians are not able to build at least the motorways there since 100 years of colonization. Luckily railways were build by the Hungarian governments before 1920.

  • @SK-su3pt
    @SK-su3pt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    HRH Prince Charles is a legend on the environment and much much more 👏🏻👏🏻 wonderful 🌎 💚 people are now, very much listening and taking action.

  • @wolfgangweber2516
    @wolfgangweber2516 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    great prince, fighting the new world disorder

  • @tomanovac1257
    @tomanovac1257 10 ปีที่แล้ว +9


  • @michellemooney4225
    @michellemooney4225 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Luv this video

  • @zsorized
    @zsorized 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Magyar felirattal elérhető valahol?

  • @ladyvalhalla7154
    @ladyvalhalla7154 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I really liked what ole Prince had to say about saving the ecosytem. Didn't know he had it in him.

  • @alexandradane3672
    @alexandradane3672 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    And this is exactly what I mean when I say , Prince Charles, now King , is an excellent man , always showing interest , understanding , vision and a great deal of appreciation and flair. He will bring all these qualities to his Reign, which I hope will be long enough to make an impact and that William , whilst fairly solid and stable, learns from his father . I hope William can develop some such flair and appreciation for the less obvious to the fore , the less “ trendy” of the moment people , like here , of the old skills , ways of life , values and aestheticism .

  • @GeorgeHawirkoStyroHome
    @GeorgeHawirkoStyroHome ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Interesting to listen to authentic Lizards actually conversing, very reveling, it puts a lifetime of experience to recognize their obvious traits of habit...

    @CLAUDIARIVAS-nf2nx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @anidraghici4718
    @anidraghici4718 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Romania 🇷🇴 ❤️

  • @expo1706
    @expo1706 9 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    well thank goodness for Prince Charles saving our Romanian land and preserving its beauty. If a Romanian man doesn't have so much of a brain as to preserve the beauty of his country, then by golly!! a British man had to come to the rescue and see how dear our land really is. Romanians, really should be ashamed of themselves for what they are allowing in there country and what is happening to its soil!

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      BS "romanian land"....never! romanians are occupying peasants from the balkans.
      You're swindlers who have no history here.

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Ahaha you have to be an ethnic gyp (aka roma nian), only in your delusional minds are you winners. If you still live there most likely you don't have the means to escape. I almost pity people like you, all you have is you skewed version of history and misplaced nationalistic pride. You'll die a poor, indoctrinated peasant. If you're not an ethnic gyp, forgive're just a plain old dunce who knows absolutely nothing.

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Ah I was right you are an ethnic gyp.... delusions of ancient grandeur and glory, the A typical roma nian whose only virtue is that of deceit, cowardice and treachery. Its all good though, you have your reality of poverty an corruption in your pathetic country and I have my reality living in the U.S. I should probably thank you swarthy cioban for your chauvinism...prompting my parents to escape enabled me to have a career and life you can only dream of. True story.
      Have a nice life, little daco/roman dolt

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The life of the rom anian....reading comic books and dreaming of fantasy, living in your little dac/roman world. You poor gyp wallowing in that poverty stricken country. Its funny you mention toilet cleaners...all the roma nians I encounter here in the states are uneducated day laborers that can barely speak ENGLISH, like the Mexicans.
      Its also funny you mention "one hundred years" that about how long your country has existed.

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Don't post here again rom anian gyp

  • @Ruby-K
    @Ruby-K 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Funny that the Turkish carpets lend 'a warmth' to the rooms...(4:47).Charlie Ottley providing a subtle dig their at historical treatment of the turkish perhaps?

  • @vivianqasim8844
    @vivianqasim8844 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    The work if their hands bear witness .vivia

  • @adyfocsa2285
    @adyfocsa2285 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @violetta47
      @violetta47 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ady Focsa i am from the Rhedey Family ..we are hungarians...

    • @garethlock50
      @garethlock50 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @cambs0181
      @cambs0181 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, he is not from Wales that was just his title. His ancestors are actually the rulers of this area back in the 15th century.

  • @noidakyvlaky9767
    @noidakyvlaky9767 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    21. Andre Armad: „Într-adevăr acesta este unul din cele mai vechi popoare din Europa… fie că este vorba de traci, de geţi sau de daci. Locuitorii au rămas aceiaşi din epoca neolitică - era pietrei şlefuite - până în zilele noastre, susţinând astfel printr-un exemplu, poate unic în istoria lumii continuitatea unui neam”.
    22. D’Hauterive (Memoriu asupra vechii şi actualei stări a Moldovei, 1902): „Limba latinească în adevăr se trage din acest grai (primodial), iar celelalte limbi, mai ales rumuna sunt acest grai. LATINEASCA este departe de a fi trunchiul limbilor care se vorbesc astăzi (aşa zisele limbi latine), aş zice că ea latina, este cea mai nouă dintre toate”.
    23. Huszti Andras: „Urmaşii geto-dacilor trăiesc şi astăzi şi locuiesc acolo unde au locuit părinţii lor, vorbesc în limba în care glăsuiau mai demult părinţii lor”.
    24. Bocignolli (1524): „Rumunii despre care am spus că sunt daci”.
    25. L.A. Gebhardi: „Geţii vorbeau aceeaşi limbă ca dacii şi aveau aceleaşi obiceiuri. Grecii dădeau atât geţilor din Bulgaria, cât şi dacilor din Moldova, Valahia, Transilvania şi Ungaria acelaşi nume şi credeau că şi geţii şi dacii provin de la traci”.
    26. Martin Hochmeister (Siebenburgische Provinziaal Blatter, 1808): „În cele mai vechi timpuri cunoscute, în Transilvania şi în ţările învecinate locuiau dacii, care mai erau numiţi şi geţi şi de la ei a primit actuala Transilvanie împreună cu Moldova, Muntenia şi regiunile învecinate din Ungaria numele de Dacia”.
    27. Abdolonyme Ubicini (Les origines de l’histoire roumaine, Paris, 1866): „Dacii sunt primii strămoşi ai rumunilor de azi. Din punct de vedere etnografic dacii par să se confunde cu geţii, aceeaşi origine, aceeaşi limbă. Asupra acestui punct de vedere toate mărturiile din vechime concordă”.
    28. Universitatea din Cambridge (1922, The Cambridge History of India): „Faza primară a Culturii Vedice s-a desfăşurat în Carpaţi, cel mai probabil, iniţial în Haar-Deal”.
    29. Jakob Grimm (Istoria limbii germane, 1785-1863): „Denumirile dacice de plante, păstrate la Dioscoride (medic grec din perioada împăraţilor Claudius şi Nero) pot fi găsite şi în fondul limbii germane”.
    30. Cronicile spaniolilor 25 (pag.179): „Daco-Geţii sunt consideraţi fondatorii spaniolilor”.
    31. Carol Lundius (Cronica ducilor de Normandia): „Daco-Geţii sunt consideraţi fondatorii popoarelor nordice”.
    32. Leibnitz (Collectanea Etymologica): „Daco-Geţii sunt consideraţi fondatorii teutonilor prin saxoni şi frizieni, ai olandezilor (daci) şi ai anglilor”.33. Miceal Ledwith (Consilier al Papei Ioan Paul al II-lea): „Chiar dacă se ştie că latinaesca e limba oficială a Bisericii Catolice, precum şi limba Imperiului Roman, iar limba rumună este o limbă latină, mai puţină lume cunoaşte că limba rumună sau precursoarea sa, vine din locul din care se trage limba latină, şi nu invers!
    Cu alte cuvinte, nu limba rumună este o limbă latină, ci mai degrabă limba latină este o limbă rumună. Aşadar, vreau sa-i salut pe oamenii din Munţii Bucegi, din Braşov, din Bucureşti. Voi sunteţi cei care aţi oferit un vehicul minunat lumii occidentale”.
    34. Daniel Ruzo (1968): „Am cercetat munţi din cinci continente, dar în Carpaţi am găsit monumente unice dovedind că în aceste locuri a existat o civilizaţie măreaţă, constituind centrul celei mai vechi civilizaţii cunoscute astăzi”.
    35. Carlo Troya (1784-1858, istoric italian): „Nici un popor din cele pe care grecii le numeau barbare nu au o istorie mai veche şi mai certă ca a geţilor sau goţilor. Scopul lucrării mele, Istorie Getică sau Gotică se împarte în două părţi şi una din ele arată că geţii lui Zamolxe şi ai lui Decebal au fost strămoşii goţilor lui Teodoric din neamul Amalilor.”
    36. Harald Haarman (specialist în istoria culturii): „Cea mai veche scriere din lume este cea de la Tărtăria (cu mult înainte de scrierea sumeriană;), iar civilizaţia danubiană este prima mare civilizaţie din istorie.”
    37. Paul Mac Kendrick: „Burebista şi Decebal au creat în Dacia o cultură pe care numai cei cu vederi înguste ar putea-o califica drept barbară”. „Rumunii sunt membri ai unuia din cele mai remarcabile state creatoare ale antichităţii.” „Sus în Maramureş există un loc marcat drept centrul bătrânului continent” (Europa de la Atlantic la Urali).
    38. William Ryan şi Walter Pitman (geologi, 1995): „Locul descris de Vechiul Testament ca fiind inundat de potop este cel al Mării Negre”.
    39. Robert Ballard (explorator, 1999), confirmă cele spuse de Ryan şi Pitman.
    40. Cavasius (De la Administratione Regni Transilvaniae): „În Italia, Spania şi Galia, poporul se slujea de un idiom de formaţie mai veche sub numele de lingua rumunească, ca pe timpul lui Cicero”.
    41. G. Devoto, G. Wilkie, W. Schiller: „Barbarii n-au fost numai descoperitorii filosofiei, ci şi descoperitorii tehnicii, ştiinţei şi artei… Trebuie să merg mai departe şi să arăt lămurit că filozofia greacă a furat din filozofia barbară. Cei mai mulţi şi-au făcut ucenicia printre barbari. Pe Platon îl găsim că laudă pe barbari şi aminteşte că atât el cât şi Pitagora au învăţat cele mai multe şi mai frumoase învăţături trăind printre barbari”.
    42. Clement Alexandrinul (Stromatele): „În sfârşit o altă greutate de interpretare cu această metodă a unor învăţături din Scriptură constă în aceea că nu le avem şi în limba în care au fost scrise întâia oară… Apoi limba e păstrată şi de popor, nu numai de învăţaţi, pe când înţelesul şi textele le păstrează numai învăţaţii şi tocmai de aceea putem să concepem uşor că aceştia au putut să falsifice înţelesul textelor vreunei cărţi foarte rare pe care o aveau în stăpânire”.
    43. Emmanuel de Martone (profesor la Sorbona, 1928, în interviul dat lui Virgil Oghină): „Nu pot să înţeleg la rumuni mania lor de a se lăuda că sunt urmaşi ai coloniştilor romani ştiind foarte bine că în Dacia nu au venit romani, nici măcar italici, ci legiuni de mercenari recrutaţi din toate provinciile estice ale imperiului, chiar şi administraţia introdusă de cuceritori avea aceeaşi obârşie. Voi rumunii sunteţi daci şi pe aceştia ar trebui să-i cunoască rumunii mai bine şi să se laude cu ei, pentru că acest popor a avut o cultură spirituală şi morală înaltă”.
    44. Marc Pagel (profesor, şef al laboratorului de bio informatică la Universitatea Reading, Anglia): „Acum 10.000 de ani în spaţiul carpatic a existat o cultură, un popor care vorbea o limbă unică şi precursoare a sanscritei şi latinei”.
    45. Clemance Royer (în Buletin de la Societe d’Antropologie, Paris, 1879): „… celţii, germanii şi latinii vin din estul Europei… iar tradiţiile arienilor istorici din Asia îi arată venind din Occident… noi trebuie să le căutam leagănul comun la Dunarea de Jos, în această Tracie pelasgică a cărei limbă o ignorăm”.
    46. Jean Laumonier (în cartea „La nationalite francaise”, Paris, 1892): „Românul sau dacul modern este adevăratul celt al Europei Răsăritene”.
    47. Andre le Fevre (în lucrarea „Les races et les langues”, Paris 1893): „Celţii bruni cărora etnografia le relevă urma din Dacia pâna în Armric (Bretania) şi Irlanda, galii blonzi… populaţii care vorbeau dialecte indo-europene”.
    48. Împăratul Iosif al II-lea: „Aceşti bieţi supuşi rumuni, care sunt fără îndoială cei mai vechi şi mai numeroşi în Transilvania, sunt atât de de chinuiţi şi încercaţi de nedreptăţi de oricine, fie ei unguri sau saşi, că soarta lor, dacă o cercetezi este într-adevar de plâns…”
    Destinul ni-l facem noi, până la urmă… Cu hotărâre ?i curaj, vom izbândi! Un an 2016 fericit în care să ne regăsim în marea familie a urmasilor geto-dacilor.

    • @mariannehuston3814
      @mariannehuston3814 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Niciodatā n-explicat cineva asa de bine. Multumrsc

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @jozette-pierce
      @jozette-pierce 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wasn't Romania part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire before WW1? I heard the Emperor Franz Joseph was going to build wonderful roads and schools there , before WW1 destroyed him. Very sad.
      And the wretched unfair "Treaty of Versailles created the environment for WW2, with its total abuse. UNBELIEVABLE, the Versailles Treaty WAR CRIMINALS.

  • @ArtVandelay99
    @ArtVandelay99 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So inspiring... I can't wait to go back to Romania and see this magical multicultural land which is the Szeklerland from a new perspective, and stay in these beautifully restored houses. Koszonom szepen, Vikomt Kalnoky, si pe curand!

  • @9ludverc
    @9ludverc 10 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Why don't you explain to your English speaking viewers who the Seclers are, Dear Tibor? Aren't they Hungarians by any chance? Perhaps for those villagers a better outcome wold be if their farms could provide them with a living instead of having to clear up the shit after your ’beningnant’ super rich costumers…

    @CLAUDIARIVAS-nf2nx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @greenbasterd9425
    @greenbasterd9425 ปีที่แล้ว

    "You people" that should tell you all that you need to know.
    He talks about sustainability, like you mean raising human cattle to feed the other vampires?

  • @izabellaszendi6131
    @izabellaszendi6131 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    He's right tho!

  • @vivianqasim8844
    @vivianqasim8844 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Mist of them an the snyers too from the hoosier state muncie ind.they family an the wheelers

  • @Andrew00183
    @Andrew00183 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    all Romania is heavenly... :)

  • @gabor247
    @gabor247 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nah, I'm on a video about the Hungarian Count Tibor Kálnoky talking about his land and Transylvanian roots going back some 750 years at least.

  • @expo1706
    @expo1706 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ah ce dor mie de capita, sa stau sub capita si sa ma minunezi la natura!!!

  • @aditya947kkr
    @aditya947kkr 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    The argument between Viorel Florea and Ka Gabor shows that inter-nation conflicts are universal - be it south - north korea, israel - arab states , india - pakistan , england - ireland , serbia - other yugoslavian states , romania - hungary etc - fascinating really....

  • @fabiennemenrempon5927
    @fabiennemenrempon5927 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quelle splendide village au nom particulier.On qu'il est resté figé dans le temps en répétant depuis des siècles les mêmes gestes avec cet art de vivre en harmonie avec cette nature incroyable 😊 et ces maisons traditionnelles qui nous transportent dans une autre époque 💚💛🧡

  • @Mario-fc2yz
    @Mario-fc2yz ปีที่แล้ว


  • @hirajem
    @hirajem 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a little transylvanina manor house near to Miklósvár. It was built in 1764 and modified in 1868. I would like to sell it. I don't live in Romania. If somebody is seriously intrested please send me a message for more information and get in contact.

  • @enchization
    @enchization 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    there is no transvalian speaking high !

  • @vivianqasim8844
    @vivianqasim8844 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Charles what i cant understand lawarence wiljerson sitting right there in the white house that ought to tell you something the name see how obama over look things just cause we dont get togeather like we use to dont mean we aunt family it takes money to do some thi gs back in the days t goods As much more cheeper than they is now charles you got a cousin i see some time he a good guy i watch him he has seuries an has a pace maker like to be round him but you cant treat a person like a dog

  • @tirpitz19
    @tirpitz19 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice try. :)

  • @MrPilu52
    @MrPilu52 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @vivianqasim8844
    @vivianqasim8844 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I much rather keep my conversation withith realitives whom i no obama went over the budget now raising the economy an trying to less your fugures up to make it appear you cant budget your acct. An mang. He need ti leave things alone michelle she was on foodbstamps atnone time she ought no how things is besude my uncle had all the budget straight until we got poor people in the office that got greedy

  • @vivianqasim8844
    @vivianqasim8844 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Obama cant conpare his life with steve my cousin an charles thats a different thing they white people an so was the wrights bro an smuths bris an wiljersin bros an washington bros an wades bros an butkers bros this were white an had the upper hand in the united states wales too the origenaters vivia.

  • @tirpitz19
    @tirpitz19 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Radule,cateva mici corectari.
    Intradevar,familia Basarab ,din care se trage si Vlad,se presupune ca a fost de origine cumana,dar,el fiind la a treia sau patra generatie,il putem considera roman(valah).Si Vlad de fapt s-a nascut la Sighisoara,deci in Transilvania.
    Iar cat despre Transilvania,da,de cand au cucerit-o triburile maghiare,a fost sub stapanirea lor pana la unirea cu Romania.

  • @cheerstopoland
    @cheerstopoland 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    what Prince Charles also means is that simpletons will do everything for him by hand with no machinery, while he will sit back and enjoy his intimate connection to the nature...this is the true sustainability these people are striving for...

  • @debbyloveslobby
    @debbyloveslobby 10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Romania is the best!

    • @popcult
      @popcult 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes that’s why millions of people left the country as soon as they could. Remember during communism your dictator was selling Germans to Germany by the pound while bulldozing ancient Magyar churches and cemeteries.
      Romania will disintegrate in the very near future because it’s not a historically organic nation country.

  • @petronelastelawhite-anca7964
    @petronelastelawhite-anca7964 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Prince of Welsh adoptează copiii de brass mixture în Anglia; cu Banii de pe adoptions el cumpă "pămînt" in Romãnia...Foarte urît

  • @konstantine02
    @konstantine02 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    longtalker: there is no such thing as Szeklerland. Transilvania e ROMANIA

    • @vasilemuresan885
      @vasilemuresan885 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      costel strachinaru Transylvania is not Romania !

    • @konstantine02
      @konstantine02 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Vasile Muresan pe bune? Ce fel de roman esti dumneata? Schimba ti cetatenia de simti altfel. Tradatorule, sa ti fie rusine

    • @mariannehuston3814
      @mariannehuston3814 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@konstantine02 se vede cā a plātit tasu sā-l treacā clasa ....

    • @mariannehuston3814
      @mariannehuston3814 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@vasilemuresan885 sā te arzā scaunul lu Gheorghe Doja

    • @tudorcoman1466
      @tudorcoman1466 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mariannehuston3814 Gheorghe Doja era secui...

  • @VaTEszMag
    @VaTEszMag 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hungarian Carpatia is wonderful, it's a treasure. It's a shame none know that Hungarians live in it, because they're too preoccupied with burying their noses into the pot of gold they get as a reward from all 3 billion of indo-europeans for saying that it's indo-european, Romanian, so that they may continue their genocide against the 15 million Hungarians, 1-1,5 million of which are native to Transylvania, especially this region of it, and especially since Trianon from when on the land's richness and Hungarian population started to violently decline!

    • @elastred7990
      @elastred7990 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      You talk about misleading and false realities; where is the genocide of hungarians? Transilvania is a beautiful romanian land and even I am romanian with my romanian ancestry and I was borned in Transilvania nad I have a lot of friends hungarians ( romanian native ) You make a lot of false statements and you shoud know that I have not any extra rights like my hungarian friends and my obligations are the same like the hungarians. Your comments are defamatory and false.

    • @elastred7990
      @elastred7990 9 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Ela Stredie And to be clear: Transylvania is in Romania and it was in ancient times,
      even over time other people attack this beautiful and rich land.

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Ela Stredie There was No romania in ancient times....Transylvania never belonged to any romanian state until the 20th century.
      You people are Dacians my're VLACH from the balkans...NOMADS that wandered here into Hungarian Transylvania in the 1200s.
      You and your French masters swindled Hungarians of this beautiful land in people have no history here...we (Magyar) do.
      No written or architectural evidence bears witness to the presence of "proto-Romanians" the lands north of the Danube during the millennium after Rome's withdrawal from Dacia.
      Romania : Country Studies - Federal Research Division, Library of ...
      You romanians are fake, ugly wonder you're all called TIGANI.CIGANY!

    • @szatmari1
      @szatmari1 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Denisa Demian How are we fake and ugly people?
      and Romanians are not Gypsies (TIGANI) like you mentioned! Tiganii migrated to Romania,just like Hungarians did.
      Romania has only existed as a state since 1878....The Kingdom of Hungary (along with Transylvania) was formed in 896 did we (Magyar) migrate to Romania? LOL you Romanians (aka vlachs ) were shepherds (balkan nomads).
      Stop falsifying your history!!! might not be actual gypsies, but you people sure do look and act like them.
      As your historian Lucian Boia has stated....minciuna este mitul fondator al România.......lying is the founding myth of Romania

    • @elastred7990
      @elastred7990 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      szatmari1: Muriti de ciuda ca ati ajuns vai de capul vostru ! Transilvania=Romania, ( inclusiv Tara Secuiasca = Romania ), Moldova=Romania, Tara Romaneasca = Romania. Mustesti de frustrare si complexe si tot hotul striga " hotii!!!", eu nu am frustrari pentruca Romania este intreaga cu ceea ce-i apartine de drept! Daca nu esti frustrat , las si complexat, pune-ti o poza la profil sa te vedem cat de frumos esti!!!!!"

  • @falxus9962
    @falxus9962 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Fratilor!! S-ai spuna cineva ,uritaniei asta de Charles ca nu exista un teritoriu in partea asta de lume care sa se numeasca Transilvania(oficial).Ciudatenia, tot declara peste tot ca el vine in Transilvania (ca si cum ar veni intr-o tara separat de Romania).Si ce e mai grav ca o tot da inainte cu asa numiti conti si alte aberatii de genu".Conti boszgoresti mai ales :kalnoky cica!what?!Aici exista doar Romania si atit!!R-o-m-a-n-i-a!!!!!

    • @textorisb
      @textorisb 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      alte probleme te mai framanta ?!

    • @hadikdavid3304
      @hadikdavid3304 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Go back to Albania or to your indoeuropean homeland in Asia. Vitéz Mihály is a joke, he killed everyone in Transylvania romanians too. And Decebal... a self-killer. And Traian who enslaved all the dacians. He hated them. Your history is a lie and you know this. Thats why are you so angry.

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@hadikdavid3304 oh shush, who is speaking. The ones that have a great king who was actually Romanian, Matei Corvin.

    • @hadikdavid3304
      @hadikdavid3304 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sterianburghelea6567 Where did he live? In Buda. Which language did he speak? Hungarian. Spoke he vlach(romani) language? No.

  • @scirocko
    @scirocko 12 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    888crap, your knowledge is as your name. crap. Romania and Dacia has nothing to do with each other, but even if so, Seklerlna are hungarians, have been for 1500 years.

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Romania has everything to do with Dacia like it or not.

  • @megedesebberdely565
    @megedesebberdely565 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Transsylvania is NOT Romania!

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Really? On what Earth do you live?

    • @omi685
      @omi685 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@sterianburghelea6567 He doesn't know geography, he's just butthurt and ignorant.

  • @popcult
    @popcult 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Transylvania and the Seclers-the Hungarian speaking minority- deserve autonomy. It's time that these ancient Magyar lands get their freedom and identity back!

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      What ancient Magyar land? It's ancient Romanian land.

    • @popcult
      @popcult 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sterianburghelea6567 "Modern Romania" was formed in the end of the 19th century-in 1859 to be correct and Erdely-Transylvania-became part of that country even later- after the 1st WW,-in 1918- when the Kingdom of Hungary lost 75 % of her ancient territories and 50 % of her population.
      Out of this, almost uniquely unjust "Peace Treaty" many countries formed ( Slovakia-although later, but Romania, Serbia, Ukraine and other countries got very large chunks of lands that belonged to the Holy Apostolic Crown of Hungary for a Millennia.
      So yes, Erdely always was and spiritually always will be a a Magyar Principality.
      I do believe one day it will gain autonomy.
      I mean, how many millions of people left Romania since they joined the EU?
      The disintegration of the artificially patched up Romania will happen-it's only a question of time.

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@popcult the fact that Romania became a country later has little importance. England and Germany for example were formed later , because they were mostly tribes or little countries before unification. Pretty much every country went trough this faze . So what? We united since 1600 into one big country under Michael the Brave. So we have a long history behind us too of wanting to unite. And Transylvania didn't always belong to Hungary, it was under ottoman rule for 2 centuries, then Hapsburg rule for to centuries. So you lost it long ago.

    • @sterianburghelea6567
      @sterianburghelea6567 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@popcult yeah, dream on until Romania will disintegrate. Haha