ขนาดวิดีโอ: 1280 X 720853 X 480640 X 360
Btw, I saw a neat technique for smooth prints, put the print in some acetone (vapor) and it dissolves it and makes it smooth
I agree that the method of smoothing is good but you cannot guarantee the surface consistency and potential causes balance issues.
It works best with ABS, would be nice to use here but might mess with dimensional accuracy.
Ouch, it didn’t even get a chance to fire up properly. Looks really awesome though.
Minor imbalance, I'm building the new one now. Funny though.
Can i have the files for the failure point. I have PHAT-CF and fancy seeing how it stands up. What design software are you using. The prints look amazing.
I'm using Fusion 360, you can email me at dronepowerconcepts@gmail.com I'll send you the file.
When test are done, will it be available as 3D print file?
Yes, I also planned on commissioning molds for a built ready to install engine.
@@warmachined3472 will it be possible to scale up to 120-130mm? about how much thrust are we speaking here? thanks for the fast answering
Projected thrust of 16 to 20 lbs. the fan is 170mm.
ohh yeah she will get fixed up and be like a stage 3 screaming eagle kit😂
Building now.
Btw, I saw a neat technique for smooth prints, put the print in some acetone (vapor) and it dissolves it and makes it smooth
I agree that the method of smoothing is good but you cannot guarantee the surface consistency and potential causes balance issues.
It works best with ABS, would be nice to use here but might mess with dimensional accuracy.
Ouch, it didn’t even get a chance to fire up properly. Looks really awesome though.
Minor imbalance, I'm building the new one now. Funny though.
Can i have the files for the failure point. I have PHAT-CF and fancy seeing how it stands up. What design software are you using. The prints look amazing.
I'm using Fusion 360, you can email me at dronepowerconcepts@gmail.com I'll send you the file.
When test are done, will it be available as 3D print file?
Yes, I also planned on commissioning molds for a built ready to install engine.
@@warmachined3472 will it be possible to scale up to 120-130mm? about how much thrust are we speaking here? thanks for the fast answering
Projected thrust of 16 to 20 lbs. the fan is 170mm.
ohh yeah she will get fixed up and be like a stage 3 screaming eagle kit😂
Building now.